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- This a guide to using chat effects on my bhop and surf games.
- All effects use less than greater than symbols around them <like this>
- If you didn't buy all the effects, scroll down until you find the one(s) you bought.
- The word default can be replaced with df (you won't need to know this unless you make complicated compound effects)
- Effects can be nested, for example <roll:<roll:AAAAAAAA><roll:BBBBBBBB>>
- <> Clear all formatting to default
- <b>
- <b:Text>
- <bold>
- <bold:Text>
- <i>
- <i:Text>
- <italic>
- <italic:Text>
- <name:player> Shows the current name of the player
- <pb> Shows your personal best
- <pb:player> Shows player's personal best
- <time> Shows local time on each computer it appears on
- <time:player> Shows player's local time
- <plain:Text> will display Text plain without parsing (useful for explaining how to use the chat)
- Example: <plain:<roll:Text>> displays as <roll:Text> instead of Text rolling
- Named colors:
- <black> 0,0,0
- <maroon> 128,0,0
- <red> 255,0,0
- <green> 0,128,0
- <olive> 128,128,0
- <orange> 255,128,0
- <lime> 0,255,0
- <chartreuse> 128,255,0
- <yellow> 255,255,0
- <navy> 0,0,128
- <royal> 128,0,128
- <pink> 255,20,147
- <teal> 0,128,128
- <grey> 128,128,128
- <gray> 128,128,128
- <salmon> 255,128,128
- <springgreen> 0,255,128
- <lightgreen> 128,255,128
- <khaki> 255,255,128
- <blue> 0,0,255
- <purple> 148,0,211
- <magenta> 255,0,255
- <dodger> 0,128,255
- <malibu> 128,128,255
- <violet> 255,128,255
- <cyan> 0,255,255
- <aqua> 0,255,255
- <electric> 128,255,255
- <white> 255,255,255>
- <silver> 192,192,192
- <admin> 255,215,0
- <brown> 139,69,19
- <red100> 253,29,36 Note: This is the original colour of the <100> emoji
- Colors can also be entered with 3 or 4 numbers seperated by commas (or any non number character), or 6 or 8 digits of hex. RGBA
- See Roblox wiki for available fonts
- <FontName> such as <Legacy>
- <FontName:Text>
- <font:FontName>
- <font:FontName:Text>
- <font:default>
- Font sizes range from 8 - 48 (60 and 96 are locked upon popular request)
- <FontSize> such as <48>
- <FontSize:Text>
- <fontsize:FontSize>
- <fontsize:FontSize:Text>
- <fontsize:default>
- Foreground color
- <Color> such as <blue>
- <Color:Text>
- <fg:Color>
- <fg:Color:Text>
- <fg:default>
- Font stroke
- <stroke:Color>
- <stroke:Color:Text>
- <stroke:default>
- Background Color
- <bg:Color>
- <bg:Color:Text>
- <bg:default>
- Delay effects
- Notice how almost all the effects are in sync? This will delay the effect and make it play at a different time. Most effects are on a half second or one second cycle, so use small delays like 0.2 to see the delay.
- <d:Seconds>
- <d:Seconds:Text>
- <delay:Seconds>
- <delay:Seconds:Text>
- Extra things you will certainly never use
- tf stands for think function, used for time varying effects
- <fonttf:default>
- <fonttf:default:Text>
- <fontsizetf:default>
- <fontsize:default:Text>
- <stroketf:default>
- <stroketf:default:Text>
- <fgtf:default> foreground think function
- <fgtf:default:Text>
- <bgtf:default>
- <bgtf:default:Text>
- <tf:df>
- <img:AssetId> default square image (144x144)
- <img:AspectRatio:AssetId> resizes to current font size while keeping aspect ratio
- <img:x:y:AssetId> custom size image
- Named images:
- <100>
- <angry>
- <angryflip>
- <bear>
- <box>
- <chbx>
- <chill>
- <cry>
- <cute>
- <dong>
- <dunno>
- <euler>
- <flip>
- <garry>
- <gauss>
- <heart>
- <kappa>
- <lenny>
- <praise>
- <salt>
- <scissors>
- <sniper>
- <spider>
- <srs>
- <strong>
- <unnamed>
- <wand>
- <rainbow:Text> Applies a fully saturated rainbow effect to the foreground color over all of Text
- <rainbowbg:Text> Background.
- <rainbowstroke:Text> Text stroke.
- <grad:Color0:Color1:Text> Creates a color gradient over all the items in Text from Color0 to Color1.
- <gradbg:Color0:Color1:Text> Background.
- <gradstroke:Color0:Color1:Text> Text stroke.
- <nc:ExactName> Sets current foreground color to the name color of a player with the name ExactName
- <ncbg:ExactName> Background.
- <ncstroke:ExactName> Text stroke.
- <flash:Color0:Color1:Text> Flashes the foreground color of Text to Color0 and Color1 once per second
- <flash:Frequency:Color0:Color1:Text> Flashes the foreground color of Text to Color0 and Color1 Frequency times per second
- flashbg and flashstroke also available.
- fade works the same as flash, but it gradually fades between Color0 and Color1 instand of instantly switching.
- <glow:Text> Cycles the foreground color of Text through the whole rainbow once per second.
- <glow:Frequency:Text> Cycles the foreground color of Text through the whole rainbow Frequency times per second.
- glowbg and glowstroke also available.
- <rainbowglow:Text> Default Frequency is 1, Wavelength is 160
- <rainbowglow:Wavelength:Frequency:Text>
- rainbowglowbg and rainbowglowstroke also available.
- <roll:Text> Text rolls continuously once every two seconds
- <roll:Frequency:Text> Text rolls continuously Frequency times per second
- <spin:Text> Text spins and stops repeatedly once every two seconds
- <spin:Frequency:Text> Text spins and stops Frequency times per second
- <flip:Text> Displays Text upside down
- <rotate:Degrees:Text> Displays Text rotated by Degrees
- <intensify:Text> Displays Text teleporting each frame according to a normal distribution with variance 1 pixel
- <intensify:Variance:Text> Displays Text teleporting each frame according to a normal distribution with variance Varience pixels
- <overunder:TextA:TextB> Displays TextA directly above TextB
- <mlg:Text> Displays Text randomly targeting points and angles according to a normal distribution with variance 10 pixels and 10/32 radians 6 times per second
- <mlg:Frequency:Variance:Text> Displays Text randomly targeting points and angles according to a normal distribution with variance Variance pixels and Variance/32 radians Frequency times per second
- <bounce:Text> Displays Text bouncing once per second 10 pixels high
- <bounce:Amplitude:Frequency:Text> Displays Text bouncing Frequency times per second at a height of Amplitude
- <wiggle:Text> Displays Text rotating sinusoidally with a frequency of 1 and amplitude of 0.5 radians
- <wiggle:Amplitude:Frequency:Text> Displays Text rotating sinusoidally with a frequency of Frequency and amplitude of Amplitude radians
- <wave> Waves items following along a sinusoid with an amplitude of 10 pixels, a frequency of 1 hz, and a wavelength of 160 pixels
- <wave:Text> Does the above only to Text
- <wave:Amplitude:Wavelength:Frequency> Waves items following along a sinusoid with an amplitude of Amplitude pixels, a frequency of Frequency hz, and a wavelength of Wavelength pixels
- <wave:Amplitude:Wavelength:Frequency:Text> Does the above only to Text
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