

Mar 4th, 2017
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  1. This a guide to using chat effects on my bhop and surf games.
  3. All effects use less than greater than symbols around them <like this>
  5. If you didn't buy all the effects, scroll down until you find the one(s) you bought.
  7. The word default can be replaced with df (you won't need to know this unless you make complicated compound effects)
  9. Effects can be nested, for example <roll:<roll:AAAAAAAA><roll:BBBBBBBB>>
  13. <> Clear all formatting to default
  15. <b>
  16. <b:Text>
  17. <bold>
  18. <bold:Text>
  19. <i>
  20. <i:Text>
  21. <italic>
  22. <italic:Text>
  24. <name:player> Shows the current name of the player
  25. <pb> Shows your personal best
  26. <pb:player> Shows player's personal best
  27. <time> Shows local time on each computer it appears on
  28. <time:player> Shows player's local time
  30. <plain:Text> will display Text plain without parsing (useful for explaining how to use the chat)
  31. Example: <plain:<roll:Text>> displays as <roll:Text> instead of Text rolling
  36. Named colors:
  37. <black> 0,0,0
  38. <maroon> 128,0,0
  39. <red> 255,0,0
  40. <green> 0,128,0
  41. <olive> 128,128,0
  42. <orange> 255,128,0
  43. <lime> 0,255,0
  44. <chartreuse> 128,255,0
  45. <yellow> 255,255,0
  46. <navy> 0,0,128
  47. <royal> 128,0,128
  48. <pink> 255,20,147
  49. <teal> 0,128,128
  50. <grey> 128,128,128
  51. <gray> 128,128,128
  52. <salmon> 255,128,128
  53. <springgreen> 0,255,128
  54. <lightgreen> 128,255,128
  55. <khaki> 255,255,128
  56. <blue> 0,0,255
  57. <purple> 148,0,211
  58. <magenta> 255,0,255
  59. <dodger> 0,128,255
  60. <malibu> 128,128,255
  61. <violet> 255,128,255
  62. <cyan> 0,255,255
  63. <aqua> 0,255,255
  64. <electric> 128,255,255
  65. <white> 255,255,255>
  66. <silver> 192,192,192
  67. <admin> 255,215,0
  68. <brown> 139,69,19
  69. <red100> 253,29,36 Note: This is the original colour of the <100> emoji
  70. Colors can also be entered with 3 or 4 numbers seperated by commas (or any non number character), or 6 or 8 digits of hex. RGBA
  72. See Roblox wiki for available fonts
  73. <FontName> such as <Legacy>
  74. <FontName:Text>
  75. <font:FontName>
  76. <font:FontName:Text>
  77. <font:default>
  79. Font sizes range from 8 - 48 (60 and 96 are locked upon popular request)
  80. <FontSize> such as <48>
  81. <FontSize:Text>
  82. <fontsize:FontSize>
  83. <fontsize:FontSize:Text>
  84. <fontsize:default>
  86. Foreground color
  87. <Color> such as <blue>
  88. <Color:Text>
  89. <fg:Color>
  90. <fg:Color:Text>
  91. <fg:default>
  93. Font stroke
  94. <stroke:Color>
  95. <stroke:Color:Text>
  96. <stroke:default>
  97. Background Color
  98. <bg:Color>
  99. <bg:Color:Text>
  100. <bg:default>
  102. Delay effects
  103. Notice how almost all the effects are in sync? This will delay the effect and make it play at a different time. Most effects are on a half second or one second cycle, so use small delays like 0.2 to see the delay.
  104. <d:Seconds>
  105. <d:Seconds:Text>
  106. <delay:Seconds>
  107. <delay:Seconds:Text>
  109. Extra things you will certainly never use
  110. tf stands for think function, used for time varying effects
  111. <fonttf:default>
  112. <fonttf:default:Text>
  113. <fontsizetf:default>
  114. <fontsize:default:Text>
  115. <stroketf:default>
  116. <stroketf:default:Text>
  117. <fgtf:default> foreground think function
  118. <fgtf:default:Text>
  119. <bgtf:default>
  120. <bgtf:default:Text>
  121. <tf:df>
  124. IMAGES
  126. <img:AssetId> default square image (144x144)
  127. <img:AspectRatio:AssetId> resizes to current font size while keeping aspect ratio
  128. <img:x:y:AssetId> custom size image
  130. Named images:
  131. <100>
  132. <angry>
  133. <angryflip>
  134. <bear>
  135. <box>
  136. <chbx>
  137. <chill>
  138. <cry>
  139. <cute>
  140. <dong>
  141. <dunno>
  142. <euler>
  143. <flip>
  144. <garry>
  145. <gauss>
  146. <heart>
  147. <kappa>
  148. <lenny>
  149. <praise>
  150. <salt>
  151. <scissors>
  152. <sniper>
  153. <spider>
  154. <srs>
  155. <strong>
  156. <unnamed>
  157. <wand>
  162. <rainbow:Text> Applies a fully saturated rainbow effect to the foreground color over all of Text
  163. <rainbowbg:Text> Background.
  164. <rainbowstroke:Text> Text stroke.
  165. <grad:Color0:Color1:Text> Creates a color gradient over all the items in Text from Color0 to Color1.
  166. <gradbg:Color0:Color1:Text> Background.
  167. <gradstroke:Color0:Color1:Text> Text stroke.
  168. <nc:ExactName> Sets current foreground color to the name color of a player with the name ExactName
  169. <ncbg:ExactName> Background.
  170. <ncstroke:ExactName> Text stroke.
  171. <flash:Color0:Color1:Text> Flashes the foreground color of Text to Color0 and Color1 once per second
  172. <flash:Frequency:Color0:Color1:Text> Flashes the foreground color of Text to Color0 and Color1 Frequency times per second
  173. flashbg and flashstroke also available.
  174. fade works the same as flash, but it gradually fades between Color0 and Color1 instand of instantly switching.
  175. <glow:Text> Cycles the foreground color of Text through the whole rainbow once per second.
  176. <glow:Frequency:Text> Cycles the foreground color of Text through the whole rainbow Frequency times per second.
  177. glowbg and glowstroke also available.
  178. <rainbowglow:Text> Default Frequency is 1, Wavelength is 160
  179. <rainbowglow:Wavelength:Frequency:Text>
  180. rainbowglowbg and rainbowglowstroke also available.
  185. <roll:Text> Text rolls continuously once every two seconds
  186. <roll:Frequency:Text> Text rolls continuously Frequency times per second
  187. <spin:Text> Text spins and stops repeatedly once every two seconds
  188. <spin:Frequency:Text> Text spins and stops Frequency times per second
  189. <flip:Text> Displays Text upside down
  190. <rotate:Degrees:Text> Displays Text rotated by Degrees
  191. <intensify:Text> Displays Text teleporting each frame according to a normal distribution with variance 1 pixel
  192. <intensify:Variance:Text> Displays Text teleporting each frame according to a normal distribution with variance Varience pixels
  193. <overunder:TextA:TextB> Displays TextA directly above TextB
  194. <mlg:Text> Displays Text randomly targeting points and angles according to a normal distribution with variance 10 pixels and 10/32 radians 6 times per second
  195. <mlg:Frequency:Variance:Text> Displays Text randomly targeting points and angles according to a normal distribution with variance Variance pixels and Variance/32 radians Frequency times per second
  196. <bounce:Text> Displays Text bouncing once per second 10 pixels high
  197. <bounce:Amplitude:Frequency:Text> Displays Text bouncing Frequency times per second at a height of Amplitude
  198. <wiggle:Text> Displays Text rotating sinusoidally with a frequency of 1 and amplitude of 0.5 radians
  199. <wiggle:Amplitude:Frequency:Text> Displays Text rotating sinusoidally with a frequency of Frequency and amplitude of Amplitude radians
  200. <wave> Waves items following along a sinusoid with an amplitude of 10 pixels, a frequency of 1 hz, and a wavelength of 160 pixels
  201. <wave:Text> Does the above only to Text
  202. <wave:Amplitude:Wavelength:Frequency> Waves items following along a sinusoid with an amplitude of Amplitude pixels, a frequency of Frequency hz, and a wavelength of Wavelength pixels
  203. <wave:Amplitude:Wavelength:Frequency:Text> Does the above only to Text
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