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- <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- /***********************************************
- * Floating image script- By Virtual_Max (
- * Modified by Dynamic Drive for various improvements
- * Visit Dynamic Drive at for full source code
- * Using CSB or Trellix: use an INSERT HTML box to hold your script and put your js and images into web components (webgem in Trellix). Then you MUST change each gEMDIR to GEMDIR before using code!
- ***********************************************/
- //Step 1: Define unique variable names depending on number of flying images (ie:3):
- var flyimage1, flyimage2, flyimage3, flyimage4, flyimage5
- function pagestart(){
- //Step 2: Using the same variable names as 1), add or delete more of the below lines (47=width, height=68 of image):
- flyimage1=new Chip("flyimage1",40,62);
- flyimage2=new Chip("flyimage2",40,62);
- flyimage3=new Chip("flyimage3",40,62);
- flyimage4=new Chip("flyimage4",40,62);
- flyimage5=new Chip("flyimage5",40,62);
- //Step 3: Using the same variable names as 1), add or delete more of the below lines:
- movechip("flyimage1");
- movechip("flyimage2");
- movechip("flyimage3");
- movechip("flyimage4");
- movechip("flyimage5");
- }
- if (window.addEventListener)
- window.addEventListener("load", pagestart, false)
- else if (window.attachEvent)
- window.attachEvent("onload", pagestart)
- else if (document.getElementById)
- window.onload=pagestart
- </script>
- <!-- Step 4: Define your flying images. For each image's ID tag, use the same variable names as 1) above -->
- <div id="flyimage1" style="position:absolute; left: -500px; width:40; height:62; font-size:10px;">
- <img src="{image:floatie 1}">
- </div>
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- {block:Answer}
- <div id="question">
- <img style="opacity:0.8; padding-right:2px;" src="">
- <span id="asker">asked by {Asker}:</span> {Question}</div>
- {Answer}
- {/block:Answer}
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- <img src="{AlbumArtURL}"/></div></div>{/block:AlbumArt}
- <div class="audioinfo">{block:TrackName}<b>Title:</b> {TrackName}<p>
- {/block:TrackName}
- {block:Artist}<b>Artist:</b> {Artist}<p>{/block:Artist}
- {/block:ExternalAudio}<b>Played:</b>
- {PlayCount} times</div><br>
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- {block:IndexPage}
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- <br>
- <b>Date:</b> {ShortMonth} {DayOfMonthWithZero}, {Year}<br>
- {block:NoteCount}
- <b>Notes:</b> {NoteCount}<br>
- {/block:NoteCount}
- {block:RebloggedFrom}
- <b>Via:</b> <a href="{ReblogParentURL}">{ReblogParentName}</a><br>
- {/block:RebloggedFrom}
- {block:ContentSource}
- <b>Source:</b> <a href="{SourceURL}">{SourceTitle}</a><br>
- {/block:ContentSource}
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