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- --Turtle Relative Location Library
- --- Turtle object which tracks its movements.
- -- This module extends the capabilities of a normal turtle by allowing it to
- -- locate itself, determine its facing, and track its movements from its initial
- -- location.
- -- @module TrackingTurtle
- --by fatboychummy
- -- CC module includes
- local expect = require "cc.expect".expect
- local tTurtle = {}
- --- Create a new TrackingTurtle object.
- -- @tparam boolean? blockTurtleAccess If true, will rewrite all base turtle functions (which are contained in this object) in the global to throw an error when ran.
- -- @treturn table The TrackingTurtle object.
- function tTurtle.create(blockTurtleAccess)
- local obj = {}
- local position = {0,0,0}
- local facing = 0
- local movementFunction
- local tForward = turtle.forward
- function obj.forward()
- local ok, res = tForward()
- if ok then
- position = {tTurtle.getNextPosition(position[1], position[2], position[3], facing)}
- if movementFunction then
- movementFunction()
- end
- end
- return ok, res
- end
- local tBack = turtle.back
- function obj.back()
- local ok, res = tBack()
- if ok then
- position = {tTurtle.getNextPosition(position[1], position[2], position[3], (facing + 2) % 4)}
- if movementFunction then
- movementFunction()
- end
- end
- return ok, res
- end
- local tUp = turtle.up
- function obj.up()
- local ok, res = tUp()
- if ok then
- position = {tTurtle.getNextPosition(position[1], position[2], position[3], 4)}
- if movementFunction then
- movementFunction()
- end
- end
- return ok, res
- end
- local tDown = turtle.down
- function obj.down()
- local ok, res = tDown()
- if ok then
- position = {tTurtle.getNextPosition(position[1], position[2], position[3], 5)}
- if movementFunction then
- movementFunction()
- end
- end
- return ok, res
- end
- local tTurnLeft = turtle.turnLeft
- function obj.turnLeft()
- local ok, res = tTurnLeft()
- if ok then
- facing = (facing - 1) % 4
- end
- return ok, res
- end
- local tTurnRight = turtle.turnRight
- function obj.turnRight()
- local ok, res = tTurnRight()
- if ok then
- facing = (facing + 1) % 4
- end
- return ok, res
- end
- --- Locate and determine facing of this turtle.
- -- @treturn boolean Whether or not the turtle could determine its location and facing.
- function obj.locate()
- end
- --- Set the movement function
- -- @tparam function|nil f The function to set (or nil to clear it).
- function obj.setMovementFunction(f)
- expect(1, f, "function", "nil")
- movementFunction = f
- end
- --- Get the movement function
- -- @treturn function|nil The movement function, or nil if unset.
- function obj.getMovementFunction()
- return movementFunction
- end
- --- Turn the turtle to face in a specific direction.
- -- @tparam number direction The direction to face
- function obj.face(direction)
- expect(1, direction, "number")
- if direction < 0 or direction > 3 or direction % 1 ~= 0 then
- error("Expected integer from 0-3.", 2)
- end
- local turnDir = obj.turnLeft
- if (facing + 1) % 4 == direction then
- turnDir = obj.turnRight
- end
- while facing ~= direction do
- turnDir()
- end
- end
- --- Get the direction the turtle is facing.
- -- @treturn number The direction the turtle is facing. 0=north(-Z), 1=east(+X), 2=south(+Z), 3=west(-X).
- function obj.getFacing()
- return facing
- end
- --- Get the position of this turtle.
- -- @treturn number,number,number The position of this turtle.
- function obj.getPosition()
- return table.unpack(position, 1, 3)
- end
- if blockTurtleAccess then
- for k, v in pairs(obj) do
- if turtle[k] then
- turtle[k] = function() error("Base turtle movement blocked.", 2) end
- end
- end
- end
- return setmetatable(obj, {__index = tTurtle})
- end
- --- Return the position the turtle would move to if moving in facing direction.
- -- use 4 for up, and 5 for down.
- -- @tparam number x The starting x position.
- -- @tparam number y The starting y position.
- -- @tparam number z The starting z position.
- -- @tparam number facing The facing of the turtle.
- function tTurtle.getNextPosition(x, y, z, facing)
- expect(1, x, "number")
- expect(2, y, "number")
- expect(3, z, "number")
- expect(4, facing, "number")
- if facing == 0 then -- facing -z (north)
- return x, y, z - 1
- elseif facing == 1 then -- facing +x (east)
- return x + 1, y, z
- elseif facing == 2 then -- facing +z (south)
- return x, y, z + 1
- elseif facing == 3 then -- facing -x (west)
- return x - 1, y, z
- elseif facing == 4 then -- going up
- return x, y + 1, z
- elseif facing == 5 then -- going down
- return x, y - 1, z
- end
- error(string.format("Unknown facing: %d", facing), 2)
- end
- --- Determine which direction the turtle needs to move.
- -- NOTE: This function expects that the inputted blocks will be directly beside
- -- eachother, so there may be unexpected results if they are not side-by-side.
- -- @tparam x1 The starting x position.
- -- @tparam y1 The starting y position.
- -- @tparam z1 The starting z position.
- -- @tparam x2 The desired x position.
- -- @tparam y2 The desired y position.
- -- @tparam z2 The desired z position.
- -- @treturn number The facing to get to the block. Returns 4 for "up", and 5 for "down". Returns -1 if the desired block is the same as the starting block.
- function tTurtle.getFacingToBlock(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
- expect(1, x1, "number")
- expect(2, y1, "number")
- expect(3, z1, "number")
- expect(4, x2, "number")
- expect(5, y2, "number")
- expect(6, z2, "number")
- if z2 < z1 then -- +Z (north)
- return 0
- elseif x2 > x1 then -- +X (east)
- return 1
- elseif z2 < z1 then -- -Z (south)
- return 2
- elseif x2 < x1 then -- -X (west)
- return 3
- elseif y2 > y1 then -- +Y (up)
- return 4
- elseif y2 < y1 then -- -Y (down)
- return 5
- end
- return -1
- end
- return setmetatable(tTurtle, {__index = turtle})
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