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- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- ##
- ## Written by MD Harrington For Debian (Bookworm) 64 bit achitecture
- ## Tested on Debian 12 and works like a charm
- ## To Run do af follows
- ## 1) Change to directory you dowloaded this to type the following
- ## 2) chmod +x <name of>
- ## 3) ./<name of>
- ## All the rest is automatically done for you
- # Colors for output
- RED="\e[31m"
- GREEN="\e[32m"
- YELLOW="\e[33m"
- BLUE="\e[34m"
- RESET="\e[0m"
- # Function to display colored messages
- function print_message() {
- local color=$1
- local message=$2
- echo -e "${color}${message}${RESET}"
- }
- # Function to display the header
- function display_header() {
- clear
- print_message "$YELLOW" "========================================"
- print_message "$YELLOW" " Script Written By MD Harrington"
- print_message "$YELLOW" " London Kent DA6 8NP"
- print_message "$YELLOW" " Please wait 2 seconds ..."
- print_message "$YELLOW" "========================================"
- sleep 2
- }
- # Call the header function
- display_header
- # 1) Check OS and version
- print_message "$BLUE" "Checking system compatibility..."
- OS_NAME=$(lsb_release -is 2>/dev/null || echo "Unknown")
- OS_VERSION=$(lsb_release -cs 2>/dev/null || echo "Unknown")
- ARCH=$(uname -m)
- if [[ "$OS_NAME" != "Debian" || "$OS_VERSION" != "bookworm" || "$ARCH" != "x86_64" ]]; then
- print_message "$RED" "Script is written for Debian 12 (bookworm) 64-bit architecture."
- print_message "$YELLOW" "Proceed at your own risk!"
- exit 1
- fi
- print_message "$GREEN" "System check passed: Debian 12 (bookworm) 64-bit."
- # 2) Update system and check for updates
- print_message "$BLUE" "Updating package lists and checking for upgrades..."
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
- print_message "$GREEN" "System update completed successfully."
- # 3) Install wget if not already installed
- print_message "$BLUE" "Checking for wget..."
- if ! command -v wget &> /dev/null; then
- print_message "$YELLOW" "wget not found. Installing wget..."
- sudo apt-get install -y wget
- print_message "$GREEN" "wget installed successfully."
- else
- print_message "$GREEN" "wget is already installed."
- fi
- # 4) Download the PowerShell .deb file
- DEB_URL=""
- DEB_FILE="powershell_7.4.6-1.deb_amd64.deb"
- print_message "$BLUE" "Downloading PowerShell .deb file..."
- wget "$DEB_URL" -O "$DEB_FILE"
- if [[ ! -f "$DEB_FILE" ]]; then
- print_message "$RED" "Download failed. Exiting script."
- exit 1
- fi
- print_message "$GREEN" "PowerShell .deb file downloaded successfully."
- # 5) Create 'installs' directory
- INSTALL_DIR="installs"
- print_message "$BLUE" "Creating '$INSTALL_DIR' directory..."
- mkdir -p "$INSTALL_DIR"
- if [[ ! -d "$INSTALL_DIR" ]]; then
- print_message "$RED" "Failed to create directory '$INSTALL_DIR'. Exiting script."
- exit 1
- fi
- print_message "$GREEN" "'$INSTALL_DIR' directory created successfully."
- # Move the downloaded file into the installs directory
- print_message "$BLUE" "Moving PowerShell .deb file to '$INSTALL_DIR'..."
- if [[ ! -f "$INSTALL_DIR/$DEB_FILE" ]]; then
- print_message "$RED" "Failed to move the .deb file. Exiting script."
- exit 1
- fi
- print_message "$GREEN" "File moved successfully."
- # 6) Install PowerShell package
- print_message "$BLUE" "Installing PowerShell package..."
- cd "$INSTALL_DIR" || exit
- sudo dpkg -i "$DEB_FILE"
- # 7) Resolve missing dependencies
- print_message "$BLUE" "Resolving missing dependencies..."
- sudo apt-get install -f -y
- print_message "$GREEN" "PowerShell installation completed successfully."
- # 8) Delete the .deb file
- print_message "$BLUE" "Cleaning up: Deleting PowerShell .deb file..."
- rm "$DEB_FILE"
- if [[ -f "$DEB_FILE" ]]; then
- print_message "$RED" "Failed to delete the .deb file. Please delete it manually."
- else
- print_message "$GREEN" "Cleanup successful."
- fi
- # 9) Test PowerShell installation
- print_message "$BLUE" "Testing PowerShell installation..."
- pwsh --version
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- print_message "$GREEN" "PowerShell installed successfully!"
- print_message "$YELLOW" "You can now run PowerShell by typing 'pwsh'."
- else
- print_message "$RED" "PowerShell installation failed."
- fi
- ## Links as follows
- ##
- ##
- ##
- ##
- ##
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