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- --
- -- Hologram Editor v0.70
- -- by NEO, Totoro (aka MoonlightOwl)
- -- 10/14/2014, all right reserved =)
- local unicode = require('unicode')
- local event = require('event')
- local term = require('term')
- local fs = require('filesystem')
- local com = require('component')
- local gpu = com.gpu
- -- Цвета --
- local color = {
- back = 0x000000,
- fore = 0xFFFFFF,
- info = 0x335555,
- error = 0xFF3333,
- help = 0x336600,
- gold = 0xFFCC33,
- gray = 0x080808,
- lightgray = 0x333333
- }
- -- Локализация --
- local loc = {
- FILE_REQUEST = 'Введите сюда имя файла',
- ERROR_CAPTION = 'Ошибка',
- WARNING_CAPTION = 'Внимание',
- DONE_CAPTION = 'Завершено',
- PROJECTOR_UNAVAILABLE_MESSAGE = 'Проектор не подключен!',
- SAVING_MESSAGE = 'Файл сохраняется...',
- SAVED_MESSAGE = 'Файл сохранен!',
- LOADING_MESSAGE = 'Файл загружается...',
- LOADED_MESSAGE = 'Файл загружен!',
- TOO_LOW_RESOLUTION_ERROR = '[ОШИБКА] Ваш монитор/видеокарта не поддерживает разрешение 80×25 или больше.',
- TOO_LOW_SCREEN_TIER_ERROR = '[ОШИБКА] Для использования уменьшенного интерфейса, необходим алмазный монитор.',
- FORMAT_READING_ERROR = 'Ошибка чтения формата!',
- FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR = 'Файл не найден!',
- CANNOT_OPEN_ERROR = 'Невозможно открыть файл!',
- CANNOT_SAVE_ERROR = 'Невозможно записать файл!',
- PALETTE_FRAME = 'Палитра',
- VIEWPORT_FRAME = 'Проекция',
- UTILS_FRAME = 'Управление',
- LAYER_LABEL = 'Уровень голограммы:',
- GHOST_LAYER_LABEL = 'Направляющий уровень:',
- PROGRAMMERS_LABEL = 'Программисты:',
- CONTACT_LABEL = 'Контакт:',
- EXIT_LABEL = "Выход: 'Q' или ",
- EXIT_BUTTON = 'Выход',
- REFRESH_BUTTON = 'Обновить',
- TOP_BUTTON = 'Сверху',
- FRONT_BUTTON = 'Спереди',
- SIDE_BUTTON = 'Сбоку',
- BELOW_BUTTON = 'Ниже',
- ABOVE_BUTTON = 'Выше',
- CLEAR_BUTTON = 'Очистить',
- FILL_BUTTON = 'Залить',
- TO_PROJECTOR = 'На проектор',
- SAVE_BUTTON = 'Сохранить',
- LOAD_BUTTON = 'Загрузить',
- NEW_FILE_BUTTON = 'Новый файл'
- }
- -- *** --
- -- Загружаем доп. оборудование
- local function trytofind(name)
- if com.isAvailable(name) then
- return com.getPrimary(name)
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- -- Программные константы --
- local OLDWIDTH, OLDHEIGHT = gpu.getResolution()
- local WIDTH, HEIGHT = gpu.maxResolution()
- local FULLSIZE = true
- local HOLOW, HOLOH = 48, 32 -- размеры голограммы
- local TOP, FRONT, SIDE = 0, 1, 2 -- проекции
- local MENUX = HOLOW*2+5 -- начало правой панели
- local BUTTONW = 12 -- ширина кнопок
- local GRIDX, GRIDY = 3, 2
- -- Переменные интерфейса --
- local buttons = {}
- local textboxes = {}
- local repaint = false
- -- Состояние программы --
- local colortable = {}
- local hexcolortable = {}
- local darkhexcolors = {}
- local brush = {color = 1, x = 8, cx = 8, moving = false}
- local ghost_layer = 1
- local ghost_layer_below = true
- local layer = 1
- local view = TOP
- local running = true
- -- Вспомогательные функции --
- local function rgb2hex(r,g,b)
- return r*65536+g*256+b
- end
- local function setHexColor(n, r, g, b)
- local hexcolor = rgb2hex(r,g,b)
- hexcolortable[n] = hexcolor
- darkhexcolors[n] = bit32.rshift(, 0xfefefe), 1)
- end
- -- ========================================= H O L O G R A P H I C S ========================================= --
- local holo = {}
- local function set(x, y, z, value)
- if holo[x] == nil then holo[x] = {} end
- if holo[x][y] == nil then holo[x][y] = {} end
- holo[x][y][z] = value
- end
- local function get(x, y, z)
- if holo[x] ~= nil and holo[x][y] ~= nil and holo[x][y][z] ~= nil then
- return holo[x][y][z]
- else
- return 0
- end
- end
- local writer = {}
- function writer:init(file)
- self.buffer = {}
- self.file = file
- end
- function writer:write(sym)
- table.insert(self.buffer, sym)
- if #self.buffer >= 4 then self:finalize() end
- end
- function writer:finalize()
- if #self.buffer > 0 then
- local byte = 0
- for i=4, 1, -1 do
- local x = self.buffer[i] or 0
- byte = byte * 4 + x
- end
- self.file:write(string.char(byte))
- self.buffer = {}
- end
- end
- local function toBinary(x)
- local data = {}
- while x > 0 do
- table.insert(data, x % 2)
- x = math.floor(x / 2)
- end
- return data
- end
- local function save(filename, compressed)
- -- сохраняем палитру
- local file =, 'wb')
- if file ~= nil then
- for i=1, 3 do
- for c=1, 3 do
- file:write(string.char(colortable[i][c]))
- end
- end
- writer:init(file)
- if compressed then
- local function put(symbol, length)
- if length > 0 then
- writer:write(symbol)
- local l = toBinary(length + 1)
- l[#l] = nil
- l[1] = l[1] + 2
- for i=#l, 1, -1 do writer:write(l[i]) end
- end
- end
- local len = 0
- local sym = -1
- -- сохраняем массив со сжатием данных
- for x=1, HOLOW do
- for y=1, HOLOH do
- for z=1, HOLOW do
- local a = get(x, y, z)
- if sym == a then -- очередной символ последовательности
- len = len + 1
- else -- первый символ новой последовательности
- put(sym, len)
- len = 1
- sym = a
- end
- end
- end
- end
- put(sym, len) -- последняя последовательность
- else
- -- сохраняем массив без сжатия
- for x=1, HOLOW do
- for y=1, HOLOH do
- for z=1, HOLOW do
- writer:write(get(x, y, z))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- writer:finalize()
- file:close()
- return true
- else
- return false, filename..": "..loc.CANNOT_SAVE_ERROR
- end
- end
- local reader = {}
- function reader:init(file)
- self.buffer = {}
- self.file = file
- end
- function reader:read()
- if #self.buffer == 0 then
- if not self:fetch() then return nil end
- end
- -- вынимаем последний символ из буфера
- local sym = self.buffer[#self.buffer]
- self.buffer[#self.buffer] = nil
- return sym
- end
- function reader:fetch()
- self.buffer = {}
- local char = file:read(1)
- if char == nil then return false
- else
- local byte = string.byte(char)
- for i=0, 3 do
- local a = byte % 4
- byte = math.floor(byte / 4)
- self.buffer[4-i] = a -- записываем байты в обратном порядке
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- local function load(filename, compressed)
- if fs.exists(filename) then
- file =, 'rb')
- if file ~= nil then
- -- загружаем палитру
- for i=1, 3 do
- for c=1, 3 do
- colortable[i][c] = string.byte(file:read(1))
- end
- setHexColor(i,colortable[i][1],
- colortable[i][2],
- colortable[i][3])
- end
- -- загружаем массив
- holo = {}
- reader:init(file)
- if compressed then -- читаем сжатые данные
- local x, y, z = 1, 1, 1
- while true do
- local a = reader:read() -- читаем значение символа
- if a == nil then file:close(); return true end
- local len = 1
- while true do -- читаем двоичное значение длины
- local b = reader:read()
- if b == nil then
- file:close()
- if a == 0 then return true
- else return false, filename..": "..loc.FORMAT_READING_ERROR end
- end
- local fin = (b > 1)
- if fin then b = b-2 end
- len = bit32.lshift(len, 1)
- len = len + b
- if fin then break end
- end
- len = len - 1
- -- записываем последовательность
- for i=1, len do
- -- пишем воксель
- if a ~= 0 then set(x,y,z, a) end
- -- сдвигаем координаты
- z = z+1
- if z > HOLOW then
- y = y+1
- if y > HOLOH then
- x = x+1
- if x > HOLOW then file:close(); return true end
- y = 1
- end
- z = 1
- end
- end
- end
- else -- читаем несжатые данные
- for x=1, HOLOW do
- for y=1, HOLOH do
- for z=1, HOLOW do
- local a = reader:read()
- if a ~= 0 and a ~= nil then
- set(x,y,z, a)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- file:close()
- return true
- else
- return false, filename..": "..loc.CANNOT_OPEN_ERROR
- end
- else
- return false, filename..": "..loc.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR
- end
- end
- -- ============================================== B U T T O N S ============================================== --
- local Button = {}
- Button.__index = Button
- function, x, y, text, fore, back, width, nu)
- self = setmetatable({}, Button)
- self.form = '[ '
- if width == nil then width = 0
- else width = (width - unicode.len(text))-4 end
- for i=1, math.floor(width/2) do
- self.form = self.form.. ' '
- end
- self.form = self.form..text
- for i=1, math.ceil(width/2) do
- self.form = self.form.. ' '
- end
- self.form = self.form..' ]'
- self.func = func
- self.x = math.floor(x); self.y = math.floor(y)
- self.fore = fore
- self.back = back
- self.visible = true
- self.notupdate = nu or false
- return self
- end
- function Button:draw(fore, back)
- if self.visible then
- local fore = fore or self.fore
- local back = back or self.back
- gpu.setForeground(fore)
- gpu.setBackground(back)
- gpu.set(self.x, self.y, self.form)
- end
- end
- function Button:click(x, y)
- if self.visible then
- if y == self.y then
- if x >= self.x and x < self.x+unicode.len(self.form) then
- self:draw(self.back, self.fore)
- local data = self.func()
- if not self.notupdate then self:draw() end
- return true, data
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function buttonNew(buttons, func, x, y, text, fore, back, width, notupdate)
- local button =, x, y, text, fore, back, width, notupdate)
- table.insert(buttons, button)
- return button
- end
- local function buttonsDraw(buttons)
- for i=1, #buttons do
- buttons[i]:draw()
- end
- end
- local function buttonsClick(buttons, x, y)
- for i=1, #buttons do
- local ok, data = buttons[i]:click(x, y)
- if ok then return data end
- end
- return nil
- end
- -- ============================================ T E X T B O X E S ============================================ --
- local Textbox = {}
- Textbox.__index = Textbox
- function, func, x, y, value, width)
- self = setmetatable({}, Textbox)
- self.form = '>'
- if width == nil then width = 10 end
- for i=1, width-1 do
- self.form = self.form..' '
- end
- self.check = check
- self.func = func
- self.value = tostring(value)
- self.x = math.floor(x); self.y = math.floor(y)
- self.width = width
- self.visible = true
- return self
- end
- function Textbox:draw(content)
- if self.visible then
- gpu.setBackground(color.lightgray)
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.set(self.x, self.y, self.form)
- if content then gpu.set(self.x+2, self.y, self.value) end
- end
- end
- function Textbox:click(x, y)
- if self.visible then
- if y == self.y then
- if x >= self.x and x < self.x+self.width then
- self:draw(false)
- term.setCursor(self.x+2, self.y)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- local value = self.value
- term.write(value)
- -- читаем данные
- while true do
- name, a, char, code = event.pull()
- if name == 'key_down' then
- if char > 30 then
- if unicode.len(value) < (self.width-3) then
- local letter = unicode.char(char)
- value = value .. letter
- term.write(letter)
- end
- else
- -- enter
- if code == 28 then
- -- проверяем корректность
- if self.check(value) then
- -- вызываем функцию
- self.value = value
- self.func(value)
- end
- break
- -- backspace
- elseif code == 14 then
- if unicode.len(value) > 0 then
- local x, y = term.getCursor()
- gpu.set(x-1, y, ' ')
- term.setCursor(x-1, y)
- value = unicode.sub(value, 1, -2)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif name == 'touch' then
- break
- end
- end
- --
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- self:draw(true)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function Textbox:setValue(value)
- self.value = tostring(value)
- end
- function Textbox:getValue()
- return self.value
- end
- function Textbox:setVisible(flag)
- self.visible = flag
- end
- function Textbox:isVisible()
- return self.visible
- end
- local function textboxNew(textboxes, check, func, x, y, value, width)
- textbox =, func, x, y, value, width)
- table.insert(textboxes, textbox)
- return textbox
- end
- local function textboxesDraw(textboxes)
- for i=1, #textboxes do
- textboxes[i]:draw(true)
- end
- end
- local function textboxesClick(textboxes, x, y)
- for i=1, #textboxes do
- textboxes[i]:click(x, y)
- end
- end
- -- ============================================= G R A P H I C S ============================================= --
- local gridLine1, gridLine2, gridLine1s, gridLine2s = nil, nil, nil, nil
- local strLine = "+"
- local colorCursorY, colorCursorWidth = 8, 8
- local function initGraphics()
- -- заготовки для сетки
- if FULLSIZE then gridLine1 = string.rep("██ ", HOLOW/2)
- else
- gridLine1 = string.rep("▀", HOLOW/2)
- gridLine2 = string.rep("▄", HOLOW/2)
- gridLine1s = string.rep("▀", HOLOH/2)
- gridLine2s = string.rep("▄", HOLOH/2)
- end
- -- заготовки для линий
- for i=1, WIDTH do
- strLine = strLine..'-'
- end
- -- параметры курсора палитры
- if not FULLSIZE then
- colorCursorY, colorCursorWidth = 1, 7
- end
- end
- -- рисуем линию
- local function line(x1, x2, y)
- gpu.set(x1,y,string.sub(strLine, 1, x2-x1))
- gpu.set(x2,y,'+')
- end
- -- рисуем фрейм
- local function frame(x1, y1, x2, y2, caption, nobottom)
- line(x1, x2, y1)
- if not nobottom then line(x1, x2, y2) end
- if caption ~= nil then
- gpu.set(x1 + math.ceil((x2-x1)/2) - math.ceil(unicode.len(caption)/2), y1, caption)
- end
- end
- -- рисуем сетку
- local function drawGrid(x, y)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- gpu.setForeground(color.gray)
- gpu.fill(0, y, MENUX, HOLOW, ' ')
- if FULLSIZE then
- for i=0, HOLOW-1 do
- if view ~= TOP and i == HOLOH then
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- line(1, MENUX-1, y+HOLOH)
- break
- end
- gpu.set(x + (i%2)*2, y + i, gridLine1)
- end
- else
- for i=0, HOLOW-1 do
- if view == TOP then
- if i%2==0 then gpu.set(x+i, y, gridLine1, true)
- else gpu.set(x+i, y, gridLine2, true) end
- else
- if i%2==0 then gpu.set(x+i, y, gridLine1s, true)
- else gpu.set(x+i, y, gridLine2s, true) end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- рисуем цветной прямоугольник
- local function drawRect(x, y, fill)
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.setBackground(color.gray)
- gpu.set(x, y, "╓──────╖")
- gpu.set(x, y+1, "║ ║")
- gpu.set(x, y+2, "╙──────╜")
- gpu.setForeground(fill)
- gpu.set(x+2, y+1, "████")
- end
- local function drawSmallRect(x, y, fill)
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.set(x, y, "╓─────╖")
- gpu.set(x, y+1, "║ ║")
- gpu.set(x, y+2, "╙─────╜")
- gpu.setForeground(fill)
- gpu.set(x+2, y+1, "███")
- end
- -- рисуем меню выбора "кисти"
- local function drawPaletteFrame()
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- if FULLSIZE then
- frame(MENUX, 3, WIDTH-2, 16, "[ "..loc.PALETTE_FRAME.." ]", true)
- for i=0, 3 do
- drawRect(MENUX+1+i*colorCursorWidth, 5, hexcolortable[i])
- end
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000); gpu.set(MENUX+1, 10, "R:")
- gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00); gpu.set(MENUX+1, 11, "G:")
- gpu.setForeground(0x0000FF); gpu.set(MENUX+1, 12, "B:")
- else
- for i=0, 3 do
- drawSmallRect(MENUX+1+i*colorCursorWidth, 2, hexcolortable[i])
- end
- gpu.setForeground(0xFF0000); gpu.set(MENUX+1, 5, "R:")
- gpu.setForeground(0x00FF00); gpu.set(MENUX+11, 5, "G:")
- gpu.setForeground(0x0000FF); gpu.set(MENUX+21, 5, "B:")
- end
- end
- -- рисуем и двигаем указатель кисти
- local function drawColorCursor(force)
- if force or brush.moving then
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- if FULLSIZE then gpu.set(, colorCursorY, " ")
- else gpu.set(, colorCursorY, "-----") end
- if brush.moving then
- if brush.x ~= brush.color * colorCursorWidth then brush.x = brush.color*colorCursorWidth end
- if < brush.x then = + 1
- elseif > brush.x then = - 1
- else brush.moving = false end
- end
- if FULLSIZE then
- gpu.setBackground(color.lightgray)
- gpu.set(, colorCursorY, ":^^^^:")
- else gpu.set(, colorCursorY, ":vvv:") end
- end
- end
- local function drawLayerFrame()
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- if FULLSIZE then
- frame(MENUX, 16, WIDTH-2, 28, "[ "..loc.VIEWPORT_FRAME.." ]", true)
- gpu.set(MENUX+13, 18, loc.LAYER_LABEL)
- gpu.set(MENUX+1, 23, loc.GHOST_LAYER_LABEL)
- else
- gpu.set(MENUX+1, 8, loc.LAYER_LABEL)
- end
- end
- local function drawUtilsFrame()
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- frame(MENUX, 28, WIDTH-2, 36, "[ "..loc.UTILS_FRAME.." ]")
- end
- local function mainScreen()
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- term.clear()
- frame(1,1, WIDTH, HEIGHT, "{ Hologram Editor }", not FULLSIZE)
- -- "холст"
- drawGrid(GRIDX, GRIDY)
- drawPaletteFrame()
- drawLayerFrame()
- drawUtilsFrame()
- drawColorCursor(true)
- buttonsDraw(buttons)
- textboxesDraw(textboxes)
- -- "about" - коротко о создателях
- if FULLSIZE then
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.setBackground(color.gray)
- gpu.set(MENUX+3, HEIGHT-11, " Hologram Editor v0.70 Beta ")
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.set(MENUX+3, HEIGHT-10, " * * * ")
- gpu.set(MENUX+3, HEIGHT-9, " "..loc.PROGRAMMERS_LABEL..string.rep(' ', 28-unicode.len(loc.PROGRAMMERS_LABEL)))
- gpu.set(MENUX+3, HEIGHT-8, " NEO, Totoro ")
- gpu.set(MENUX+3, HEIGHT-7, " * * * ")
- gpu.set(MENUX+3, HEIGHT-6, " "..loc.CONTACT_LABEL..string.rep(' ', 28-unicode.len(loc.CONTACT_LABEL)))
- gpu.set(MENUX+3, HEIGHT-5, " ")
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- gpu.set(MENUX+1, HEIGHT-2, loc.EXIT_LABEL)
- else
- gpu.setForeground(
- gpu.setBackground(color.gray)
- gpu.set(MENUX+1, HEIGHT-2, "by Totoro ©")
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- gpu.set(MENUX+1, HEIGHT, loc.EXIT_LABEL)
- end
- end
- -- ============================================= M E S S A G E S ============================================= --
- local function showMessage(text, caption, textcolor)
- local caption = '[ '..caption..' ]'
- local x = MENUX/2 - unicode.len(text)/2 - 4
- local y = HEIGHT/2 - 2
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.fill(x, y, unicode.len(text)+9, 5, ' ')
- frame(x, y, x+unicode.len(text)+8, y+4, caption)
- gpu.setForeground(textcolor)
- gpu.set(x+4,y+2, text)
- -- "холст" надо будет перерисовать
- repaint = true
- end
- -- =============================================== L A Y E R S =============================================== --
- local function project(x, y, layer, view)
- if view == TOP then
- return x, layer, y
- elseif view == FRONT then
- return x, HOLOH-y+1, layer
- else
- return layer, HOLOH-y+1, x
- end
- end
- local function getVoxelColor(x, y, z, grid)
- local voxel = get(x, y, z)
- if voxel ~= 0 then return hexcolortable[voxel]
- elseif grid then return color.gray
- else return color.back end
- end
- local function drawVoxel(sx, sy, nogrid)
- if FULLSIZE then
- local voxel = get(project(sx, sy, layer, view))
- local dx = (GRIDX-2) + sx*2
- local dy = (GRIDY-1) + sy
- if voxel ~= 0 then
- gpu.setForeground(hexcolortable[voxel])
- gpu.set(dx, dy, "██")
- else
- local ghost = get(gx, gy, gz)
- if ghost ~= 0 then
- gpu.setForeground(darkhexcolors[ghost])
- gpu.set(dx, dy, "░░")
- elseif not nogrid then
- if (sx+sy)%2 == 0 then gpu.setForeground(color.gray)
- else gpu.setForeground(color.back) end
- gpu.set(dx, dy, "██")
- end
- end
- else
- local sxUp, syUp = sx, sy
- if syUp%2 == 0 then syUp = syUp-1 end
- local sxDown, syDown = sxUp, syUp + 1
- local dx, dy = (GRIDX-1) + sxUp, (GRIDY-1) + math.ceil(syUp/2)
- local a, b, c = project(sxUp, syUp, layer, view)
- gpu.setForeground(getVoxelColor(a, b, c, ((sxUp+syUp)%2 == 0)))
- a, b, c = project(sxDown, syDown, layer, view)
- gpu.setBackground(getVoxelColor(a, b, c, ((sxDown+syDown)%2 == 0)))
- gpu.set(dx, dy, "▀")
- end
- end
- function drawLayer()
- drawGrid(GRIDX, GRIDY)
- local step, limit
- if FULLSIZE then step = 1 else step = 2 end
- if view == TOP then limit = HOLOW else limit = HOLOH end
- for x=1, HOLOW do
- for y=1, limit, step do drawVoxel(x, y, true) end
- end
- -- обновление экрана уже не требуется
- repaint = false
- end
- local function fillLayer()
- for x=1, HOLOW do
- for z=1, HOLOW do
- set(x, layer, z, brush.color)
- end
- end
- drawLayer()
- end
- local function clearLayer()
- for x=1, HOLOW do
- if holo[x] ~= nil then holo[x][layer] = nil end
- end
- drawLayer()
- end
- -- ==================================== G U I F U N C T I O N A L I T Y ==================================== --
- local function exit() running = false end
- local function nextGhost()
- local limit = HOLOH
- if view ~= TOP then limit = HOLOW end
- if ghost_layer_below then
- ghost_layer_below = false
- if ghost_layer < limit then
- ghost_layer = layer + 1
- else ghost_layer = limit end
- drawLayer()
- else
- if ghost_layer < limit then
- ghost_layer = ghost_layer + 1
- drawLayer()
- end
- end
- tb_ghostlayer:setValue(''); tb_ghostlayer:draw()
- end
- local function prevGhost()
- if not ghost_layer_below then
- ghost_layer_below = true
- if layer > 1 then
- ghost_layer = layer - 1
- else ghost_layer = 1 end
- drawLayer()
- else
- if ghost_layer > 1 then
- ghost_layer = ghost_layer - 1
- drawLayer()
- end
- end
- tb_ghostlayer:setValue(''); tb_ghostlayer:draw()
- end
- local function setGhostLayer(value)
- local n = tonumber(value)
- local limit = HOLOH
- if view ~= TOP then limit = HOLOW end
- if n == nil or n < 1 or n > limit then return false end
- ghost_layer = n
- drawLayer()
- return true
- end
- local function moveGhost()
- if ghost_layer_below then
- if layer > 1 then ghost_layer = layer - 1
- else ghost_layer = 1 end
- else
- local limit = HOLOH
- if view ~= TOP then limit = HOLOW end
- if layer < limit then ghost_layer = layer + 1
- else ghost_layer = limit end
- end
- end
- local function nextLayer()
- -- ограничения разные для разных видов/проекций
- local limit = HOLOH
- if view ~= TOP then limit = HOLOW end
- if layer < limit then
- layer = layer + 1
- tb_layer:setValue(layer)
- tb_layer:draw(true)
- moveGhost()
- drawLayer()
- end
- end
- local function prevLayer()
- if layer > 1 then
- layer = layer - 1
- tb_layer:setValue(layer)
- tb_layer:draw(true)
- moveGhost()
- drawLayer()
- end
- end
- local function setLayer(value)
- local n = tonumber(value)
- local limit = HOLOH
- if view ~= TOP then limit = HOLOW end
- if n == nil or n < 1 or n > limit then return false end
- layer = n
- moveGhost()
- drawLayer()
- tb_layer:setValue(layer)
- tb_layer:draw(true)
- return true
- end
- local function setFilename(str)
- if str ~= nil and str ~= '' and unicode.len(str)<30 then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- local function changeColor(rgb, value)
- if value == nil then return false end
- n = tonumber(value)
- if n == nil or n < 0 or n > 255 then return false end
- -- сохраняем данные в таблицу
- colortable[brush.color][rgb] = n
- setHexColor(brush.color, colortable[brush.color][1],
- colortable[brush.color][2],
- colortable[brush.color][3])
- -- обновляем цвета на панельке
- drawPaletteFrame()
- return true
- end
- local function changeRed(value) return changeColor(1, value) end
- local function changeGreen(value) return changeColor(2, value) end
- local function changeBlue(value) return changeColor(3, value) end
- local function moveSelector(num)
- if num == 0 and brush.color ~= 0 then
- tb_red:setVisible(false)
- tb_green:setVisible(false)
- tb_blue:setVisible(false)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- if FULLSIZE then
- gpu.fill(MENUX+3, 10, 45, 3, ' ')
- else
- gpu.set(MENUX+3, 5, ' ')
- gpu.set(MENUX+13, 5, ' ')
- gpu.set(MENUX+23, 5, ' ')
- end
- elseif num ~= 0 and brush.color == 0 then
- tb_red:setVisible(true); tb_red:draw(true)
- tb_green:setVisible(true); tb_green:draw(true)
- tb_blue:setVisible(true); tb_blue:draw(true)
- end
- brush.color = num
- brush.moving = true
- tb_red:setValue(colortable[num][1]); tb_red:draw(true)
- tb_green:setValue(colortable[num][2]); tb_green:draw(true)
- tb_blue:setValue(colortable[num][3]); tb_blue:draw(true)
- end
- local function setTopView(norefresh)
- view = TOP
- -- в виде сверху меньше слоев
- if layer > HOLOH then layer = HOLOH end
- if not norefresh then drawLayer() end
- end
- local function setFrontView() view = FRONT; drawLayer() end
- local function setSideView() view = SIDE; drawLayer() end
- local function drawHologram()
- -- проверка на наличие проектора
- local projector = trytofind('hologram')
- if projector ~= nil then
- local depth = projector.maxDepth()
- -- очищаем
- projector.clear()
- -- отправляем палитру
- if depth == 2 then
- for i=1, 3 do
- projector.setPaletteColor(i, hexcolortable[i])
- end
- else
- projector.setPaletteColor(1, hexcolortable[1])
- end
- -- отправляем массив
- for x=1, HOLOW do
- for y=1, HOLOH do
- for z=1, HOLOW do
- n = get(x,y,z)
- if n ~= 0 then
- if depth == 2 then
- projector.set(x,y,z,n)
- else
- projector.set(x,y,z,1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- showMessage(loc.PROJECTOR_UNAVAILABLE_MESSAGE, loc.ERROR_CAPTION, color.error)
- end
- end
- local function newHologram()
- holo = {}
- drawLayer()
- end
- local function saveHologram()
- local filename = tb_file:getValue()
- if filename ~= loc.FILE_REQUEST then
- -- выводим предупреждение
- local compressed = true
- -- добавляем фирменное расширение =)
- if string.sub(filename, -3) == '.3d' then compressed = false
- elseif string.sub(filename, -4) ~= '.3dx' then
- filename = filename..'.3dx'
- end
- -- сохраняем
- local ok, message = save(filename, compressed)
- if ok then
- showMessage(loc.SAVED_MESSAGE, loc.DONE_CAPTION,
- else
- showMessage(message, loc.ERROR_CAPTION, color.error)
- end
- end
- end
- local function loadHologram()
- local filename = tb_file:getValue()
- if filename ~= loc.FILE_REQUEST then
- -- выводим предупреждение
- local compressed = nil
- -- добавляем фирменное расширение =)
- if string.sub(filename, -3) == '.3d' then compressed = false
- elseif string.sub(filename, -4) == '.3dx' then compressed = true end
- -- загружаем
- local ok, message = nil, nil
- if compressed ~= nil then
- ok, message = load(filename, compressed)
- else
- -- если расширение файла не было указано, пробуем по очереди оба варианта
- ok, message = load(filename..'.3dx', true)
- if not ok then
- ok, message = load(filename..'.3d', false)
- end
- end
- if ok then
- -- обновляем значения в текстбоксах
- tb_red:setValue(colortable[brush.color][1]); tb_red:draw(true)
- tb_green:setValue(colortable[brush.color][2]); tb_green:draw(true)
- tb_blue:setValue(colortable[brush.color][3]); tb_blue:draw(true)
- -- обновляем цвета на панельке
- drawPaletteFrame()
- -- сброс вьюпорта
- setTopView(true)
- setLayer(1)
- else
- showMessage(message, loc.ERROR_CAPTION, color.error)
- end
- end
- end
- -- =========================================== M A I N C Y C L E =========================================== --
- -- инициализация
- -- проверка разрешения экрана; для комфортной работы необходима золотая или алмазная карта / монитор
- if HEIGHT < HOLOW/2 then
- elseif HEIGHT < HOLOW+2 then
- com.screen.setPrecise(true)
- if not com.screen.isPrecise() then error(loc.TOO_LOW_SCREEN_TIER) end
- FULLSIZE = false
- color.gray = color.lightgray
- GRIDX = 1
- GRIDY = 2
- else
- com.screen.setPrecise(false)
- WIDTH = HOLOW*2 + 40
- end
- gpu.setResolution(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
- gpu.setForeground(color.fore)
- gpu.setBackground(color.back)
- -- установка дефолтной палитры
- colortable = {{255, 0, 0}, {0, 255, 0}, {0, 102, 255}}
- colortable[0] = {0, 0, 0} -- стерка
- for i=0, 3 do setHexColor(i, colortable[i][1], colortable[i][2], colortable[i][3]) end
- initGraphics()
- -- генерация интерфейса
- if FULLSIZE then
- buttonNew(buttons, exit, WIDTH-BUTTONW-2, HEIGHT-2, loc.EXIT_BUTTON, color.back, color.error, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, drawLayer, MENUX+11, 14, loc.REFRESH_BUTTON, color.back,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, prevLayer, MENUX+1, 19, '-', color.fore,, 5)
- buttonNew(buttons, nextLayer, MENUX+7, 19, '+', color.fore,, 5)
- buttonNew(buttons, setTopView, MENUX+1, 21, loc.TOP_BUTTON, color.fore,, 10)
- buttonNew(buttons, setFrontView, MENUX+12, 21, loc.FRONT_BUTTON, color.fore,, 10)
- buttonNew(buttons, setSideView, MENUX+24, 21, loc.SIDE_BUTTON, color.fore,, 9)
- buttonNew(buttons, prevGhost, MENUX+1, 24, loc.BELOW_BUTTON, color.fore,, 6)
- buttonNew(buttons, nextGhost, MENUX+10, 24, loc.ABOVE_BUTTON, color.fore,, 6)
- buttonNew(buttons, clearLayer, MENUX+1, 26, loc.CLEAR_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, fillLayer, MENUX+2+BUTTONW, 26, loc.FILL_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, drawHologram, MENUX+9, 30, loc.TO_PROJECTOR, color.back,, 16)
- buttonNew(buttons, saveHologram, MENUX+1, 33, loc.SAVE_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, loadHologram, MENUX+8+BUTTONW, 33, loc.LOAD_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, newHologram, MENUX+1, 35, loc.NEW_FILE_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- else
- buttonNew(buttons, exit, WIDTH-BUTTONW-1, HEIGHT, loc.EXIT_BUTTON, color.back, color.error, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, drawLayer, MENUX+9, 6, loc.REFRESH_BUTTON, color.back,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, prevLayer, MENUX+1, 9, '-', color.fore,, 5)
- buttonNew(buttons, nextLayer, MENUX+7, 9, '+', color.fore,, 5)
- buttonNew(buttons, setTopView, MENUX+1, 11, loc.TOP_BUTTON, color.fore,, 8)
- buttonNew(buttons, setFrontView, MENUX+10, 12, loc.FRONT_BUTTON, color.fore,, 8)
- buttonNew(buttons, setSideView, MENUX+20, 13, loc.SIDE_BUTTON, color.fore,, 8)
- buttonNew(buttons, clearLayer, MENUX+1, 15, loc.CLEAR_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, fillLayer, MENUX+14, 15, loc.FILL_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, drawHologram, MENUX+7, 17, loc.TO_PROJECTOR, color.back,, 16)
- buttonNew(buttons, saveHologram, MENUX+1, 20, loc.SAVE_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, loadHologram, MENUX+16, 20, loc.LOAD_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- buttonNew(buttons, newHologram, MENUX+1, 21, loc.NEW_FILE_BUTTON, color.fore,, BUTTONW)
- end
- local function isNumber(value) if tonumber(value) ~= nil then return true else return false end end
- local function correctLayer(value)
- local n = tonumber(value)
- if n~= nil then
- if view == TOP then
- if n > 0 and n <= HOLOH then return true end
- else
- if n > 0 and n <= HOLOW then return true end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- tb_red, tb_green, tb_blue, tb_layer, tb_ghostlayer, tb_file = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil
- if FULLSIZE then
- tb_red = textboxNew(textboxes, isNumber, changeRed, MENUX+5, 10, '255', WIDTH-MENUX-7)
- tb_green = textboxNew(textboxes, isNumber, changeGreen, MENUX+5, 11, '0', WIDTH-MENUX-7)
- tb_blue = textboxNew(textboxes, isNumber, changeBlue, MENUX+5, 12, '0', WIDTH-MENUX-7)
- tb_layer = textboxNew(textboxes, correctLayer, setLayer, MENUX+13, 19, '1', WIDTH-MENUX-15)
- tb_ghostlayer = textboxNew(textboxes, correctLayer, setGhostLayer, MENUX+19, 24, '', WIDTH-MENUX-21)
- tb_file = textboxNew(textboxes, function() return true end, setFilename, MENUX+1, 32, loc.FILE_REQUEST, WIDTH-MENUX-3)
- else
- tb_red = textboxNew(textboxes, isNumber, changeRed, MENUX+3, 5, '255', 6)
- tb_green = textboxNew(textboxes, isNumber, changeGreen, MENUX+13, 5, '0', 6)
- tb_blue = textboxNew(textboxes, isNumber, changeBlue, MENUX+23, 5, '0', 6)
- tb_layer = textboxNew(textboxes, correctLayer, setLayer, MENUX+13, 9, '1', WIDTH-MENUX-14)
- tb_file = textboxNew(textboxes, function() return true end, setFilename, MENUX+1, 19, loc.FILE_REQUEST, WIDTH-MENUX-2)
- end
- mainScreen()
- moveSelector(1)
- local function delay(active) if active then return 0.02 else return 2.0 end end
- while running do
- local name, add, x, y, button = event.pull(delay(brush.moving))
- if name == 'key_down' then
- -- если нажата 'Q' - выходим
- if y == 16 then break
- elseif y == 41 then
- moveSelector(0)
- elseif y>=2 and y<=4 then
- moveSelector(y-1)
- elseif y == 211 then
- clearLayer()
- end
- elseif name == 'touch' or name == 'drag' then
- -- перерисуем, если на экране был мессейдж
- if repaint then drawLayer()
- else
- if name == 'touch' then
- -- проверка GUI
- buttonsClick(buttons, math.ceil(x), math.ceil(y))
- textboxesClick(textboxes, math.ceil(x), math.ceil(y))
- -- выбор цвета
- if x > MENUX+1 and x < MENUX+37 then
- if FULLSIZE then
- if y > 4 and y < 8 then
- moveSelector(math.floor((x-MENUX-1)/colorCursorWidth))
- end
- else
- if y > 1 and y < 4 and x < WIDTH-2 then
- moveSelector(math.floor((x-MENUX-1)/colorCursorWidth))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- "рисование"
- local limit
- if view == TOP then limit = HOLOW else limit = HOLOH end
- local dx, dy = nil, nil
- if FULLSIZE then
- if x >= GRIDX and x < GRIDX+HOLOW*2 then
- if y >= GRIDY and y < GRIDY+limit then
- dx, dy = math.floor((x-GRIDX)/2)+1, math.floor(y-GRIDY+1)
- end
- end
- else
- if x >= (GRIDX-1) and x <= GRIDX+HOLOW then
- if y >= (GRIDY-1) and y <= GRIDY+limit/2 then
- dx, dy = math.floor(x - GRIDX + 2), math.floor((y-GRIDY+1)*2)+1
- end
- end
- end
- if dx ~= nil then
- local a, b, c = project(dx, dy, layer, view)
- if button == 0 then set(a, b, c, brush.color)
- else set(a, b, c, 0) end
- drawVoxel(dx, dy)
- end
- end
- end
- drawColorCursor()
- end
- -- завершение
- gpu.setResolution(OLDWIDTH, OLDHEIGHT)
- gpu.setForeground(0xFFFFFF)
- gpu.setBackground(0x000000)
- term.clear()
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