
Separate Projects 7/29/22 1:30 pm

Jun 23rd, 2022 (edited)
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  146. <div class="titles">Separate Projects</div>  
  149. <div class="text" style="margin:0 0 0 0;">1. About Parts Needed</div>
  150. <div class="text" style="margin:-21.2px 0 0 300px;">2. CLX Upgrade</div>
  151. <div class="text" style="margin:-22.2px 0 0 566px;">3. First Build</div>
  152. <div class="text" style="margin:-22px 0 0 798px;">4. Second Build</div>
  153. <div class="text" style="margin:-22px 0 0 1077px;">5. Third Build</div>
  157.  <img src="" style="width:11%;margin:11px 0 0 33px;" alt="intel" class="center">
  158.  <img src="" style="width:15%;margin:-138px 0 0 280px;" alt="define7" class="center">
  159.  <img src="" style="width:11%;margin:-144px 0 0 565px;" alt="gamdiapollo" class="center">
  160.  <img src="" style="width:14%;margin:-145px 0 0 788px;" alt="threadrip" class="center">
  161.  <img src=""
  162.  style="width:14%;margin:-100px 0 0 1055px;" alt="kingstons" class="center">
  165. <div class="box1"><div class="subtitles">Selecting Parts</div>       <table class="table"><tr>  
  166.                   <td class="td">Case:                          </td><td>
  167. <p><br>Must physically fit the Motherboard as matched by form factor compatibility. Each model will have these form factors stated on its packaging and marketing, as EATX, LATX, ATX, mATX, ITX, or DTX, or some rare size.  
  168. <p>Should have front panel with USB ports type, in my opinion;
  169. <br>2.0 A
  170. <br>3.2 Gen. 1 A, and
  171. <br>3.2 Gen. 2 C, and or
  172. <br>3.2 Gen. 2 + 2
  173. <p>Fractal design's Define 7 models seem to be the only ones with these 3 different true modern USB formats. If proper USB ports are not on the case, internal adaptors between the motherboard and the case must be used. Adapted USB ports may not work optimally, but they will work. So don't fret much if the case you want doesn't have a perfect set of USB ports to match what your motherboard has. They'll be just fine unless you require the highest speed specialty connection.
  174. <p>Most modern cases have at least one RGB or fan controller often a PWM (pulse width modulation) button in the i/o panel. These change your light show programming.
  175. <p>Full tower cases are considered easier to build in, and fit the most sizes of motherboard, depending on model. Big cases can often fit small motherboards.
  176. <p>Mid tower size cases are most common, and fit many sizes of motherboard, depending on model.
  177. <p>Mini tower is not much smaller than mid tower, but usually do not fit the larger sizes of motherboard. Mostly for mATX or ITX.
  178. <p>Mini ITX Desktops are smallest, usually fit only the smallest motherboards, are often more stylish and colorful, (IMO), but are limiting for performance because these have less space for both memory and storage. These are for less intensive, general purpose use, homework, etcetera, and they look good. Some of these fit the mATX motherboards.<br><br></td></tr><tr>
  179.             <td class="td" style="background:#300;">Motherboard:            </td><td>
  180. <p><br>Must fit the Case form factor size options.
  181. <p>You'll be matching several factors for motherboard selection before you look for the features you desire your motherboard to have. These will look like, for example; LGA ATX 1700 Z690, or LGA mATX 1200 Z590. Ryzen CPU's will have sockets called AMD A320, AMD A520, AMD B450, AMD B550, and AMD X570.
  182. <p>These Znumerics and AMDnumerics all refer to a most important component part of a motherboard called its CHIPSET. The Z's for intel CPU's, and the AMD's for AMD's CPU's. Of course they could be made compatible, at least somewhat, but that'd take the fun out of business competition.
  183. <p>They are also designated for which DDR memory types they work with, using the Znumeric such as Z590, Z690, or latest development, Z790. This differs by make and model, so is not precisely set in stone. Generally, Z590 works with DDR4, Z690 works with DDR5, some with DDR4, and the new Z790 will have models that work with both DDR4 and DDR5.
  184. <p>How, I'm not sure. It's in the "rumors" phase right now. Maybe the memory slots themselves are quick/removable/replaceable?
  185. <p>These factors have new models nearly every year designed to keep up with intel's and AMD's newest generation of CPU, and also G. Skill's latest memory speed advancements, and Corsair is always on their tail refining things. Don't underestimate the smaller chip makers like Oly. Asus is a leading designer of motherboards, and MSI is too. Asrock also designs well, Gigabyte and some others too.
  186. <p>Each of these chipsets has a CPU socket that works best with certain CPU generations. For instance, an LGA ATX 1200 Z590 works best with Comet Lake or 10th generation intel, and others, and some others that create minor thread blockages.
  187. <p>Form Factor sizes EATX, and LATX are biggest.
  188. <br>ATX is most common, and usually has the most options. An exception is an EATX model called "Godlike" with more options than any other present model.
  189. <br>mATX are smaller, usually with less memory supported.
  190. <br>Some various ITX sizes are smallest, and are usually more limiting for both memory and storage, such as having no M.2 M, and only 2 memory slots.  
  191. <p>Features in a motherboard include how its circuit board is "sandwiched" with copper in the middle. Thicker or thinner copper.
  192. <p>The quality and kind of chipset that makes the Z or AMDnumeric.
  193. <p>What the i/o at the rear has for USB and other ports. Also, what ports are available for the front i/o of the case.
  194. <br>Does it have built in sound card and WIFI? Many have built in sound, about 1/3 have built in WIFI/bluetooth, and most, not all modern motherboards support a built in video card if the CPU has it. (These are pretty good these days and may support a decent 1080p 22" monitor at normal Hz rates if expectations are not critical. This can make the system cost much less, be easier to build, easier to cool, use less electricity,
  195. <p>What kind of, and how many fan and RGB slots are available.
  196. <p>How many M.2 M slots are available, and are there any for special sizes, (Key E) or some for several length sizes?
  197. <p>How many sata 6 Gbps slots there are, and is there a sata 12 Gbps slot which might be used for an extra fast large HDD?
  198. <p>How many pcie x16 slots there are, and how many other pcie x slots are there?
  199. <p>Importantly, is the motherboard generation 4 and or generation 5 ready? Some these days have 1 pcie x 16 slot at gen 5, and or 1 of the M.2 M slots at gen 5.
  200. <br>A gen 5 ready device such as a video card performs twice as well on a gen 5 slot. Thus, a gen 5 3080ti video card performs about like a 3090 on a gen 4 slot. Theoretically.
  201. <p>Generation 5 ready motherboards is the "next big thing".
  202. <br>Once all the M.2 M's are gen5, the SSD systems are all twice as fast, and filing systems may dramatically improve. Once the video cards are on gen5 slots, every present video card doubles its ability. Your 3060 on a gen5 slot is about like a 3080ti on a gen4 slot. Lord knows if a DDR slot can go gen5. If so, DDR5 becomes like a theoretical DDR6.
  203. <p>Thus it can be seen that upgrading motherboards is a most awesome thing to do. By making a better motherboard, it becomes possible to create PC's an entire generation ahead of your present PC.
  204. <p>Visualize motherboards coming to market just before 2023; Entirely gen 5, for all the Sata 6, for all the Sata 12, for all the the M.2 M NVME, for all the memory slots, and for the Pcie slots, all of them. Importantly, as applicable for the CPU connection itself.
  205. <br>This will require a well planned chipset. But it will also BEG for a CPU with twice as many threads as the present day's i9 12900 series. The Xeon Cores barely qualify. The Threadripper series of AMD have enough threads for it. But I suspect a pure gen 5 motherboard will arrive close to simultaneously with a theorized future  Intel i11 14900 series with 32 cores, 16 (2X) hyperthreaded, and 16 (4X) double hyperthreaded equaling 32 threads + 64 threads = 96 threads. That would be enough core threads to support a full gen 5 motherboard, double and quadruple feeding every slot.
  206. <p>That will make a very powerful home PC! Of course it will require a market of many people ready to advance their computer skills. Not just turning on and using programs and apps, but purposely organizing and managing files on their specific drives. Yes, the full gen 5 PC will be great to use as one of today's PC is used, and would be much faster, if drives are organized for it in speed/depth priority...1 or 2 TB with large cache NVME on gen 5, 4 TB SSD with good cache, on gen 5 Sata 12 Gbps in the 2.5" bay, and 4 or 8 TB also on Sata 12 Gbps gen 5 in the HDD bay. Allowed to load naturally, with the large files in the HDD, this will allow a gamer or miner to high speed anything. The miner would likely prefer a set of 20 GB HDD's external.
  207. <br>Similar for the artist creating full CGI lifelike cartoons, who may wish to have multiple setups like that... A (NVME > 2.5" SSD > 3.5" HDD) + B(NVME > 2.5" SSD > 3.5" HDD)...One set per major character and one per background.  
  208. <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  209.            <td class="td">CPU:                           </td><td>
  210. <p><br>Must fit the Motherboard's socket's form factor, for intel, designated as some Lake. Some socket form factors fit several lake types but with limits such as several Sata slots are then disabled if the ideal lake form is not used.
  211. <p>The CPU is highly variable by model and generation as far as its powers are referenced, in addition to having several power references. The CPU's cores generate threads that communicate with the other parts of the pc via the motherboard. The more threads to communicate with, the more powerful the other parts that may be used. These threads may be compared to nerves in a brain.
  212. <br>The motherboard must be equipped to handle the number and type of threads the CPU generates. That is the Chipset's job.
  213. <p>Therefore the Motherboard and the CPU must be well matched. Imperfect matches may work but some part may be reduced such as some Sata slots being disabled, or an M.2 M slot getting disabled, often not critical. This is even if the imperfectly matched CPU generates more or better threads. The motherboard's CPU socket will not physically fit a mismatched CPU that would cause a fatal error on the motherboard.
  214. <p>Gamers want the fastest possible CPU boosted performance speed. Numbers such as 5.3 Ghz to 5.9 Ghz are top line these days. To get this speed they need high wattage late generation CPU's, and with that they need lots of cooling, which often means a large case, and strong fans, large radiator coolers, wide metal tubes, coolant reservoirs, extra large motherboards, DDR5 memory at 6000 plus Hz, strong NVME storage and file management, in addition to needing to have the most impressive looking build.
  215. <br>At that stage of their gaming, they may be designing their own motherboard with memory and storage heat sinks, and cases that look like they are from an alien civilisation. Even their keyboard will be unfamiliar, in shorthand, possibly Japanese.
  216. <p>Seriously though, 6.1 Ghz is starting to happen for competitive gamers or AI intense activity, using undervolt/overclocking/extreme cooling. <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  217.            <td class="td">Thermal Paste;         </td><td>
  218. <p><br>Strongly recommended. A good paste between the CPU and the CPU cooler can make the CPU run several degrees cooler and more efficient.
  219. <p>Tuniq TX-3 and TX-4 are considered the 2 best. 3 has the best cooling, 4 is next best but easier to use.  
  220. <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  221.            <td class="td">CPU Cooler:               </td><td>
  222. <p><br>These come in 2 basic types. Both attach to the CPU.
  223. <p>Fan/heat sink types have a fan that blows air over a heat sink that removes heat from the CPU. A heat sink is like a dry radiator.
  224. <br>Liquid Radiator types have a remote radiator attached to the case with 1 to 4 fans blowing air through a liquid filled radiator, and the cooled liquid is then pumped around the CPU, very much like a car motor's radiator.
  225. <p>Must be sufficient or more than sufficient. The more CFM the better usually. A CPU of 65 watts or less may use a fan/heat sink CPU cooler if plenty extra case fans with good 110 or more CFM are also used. Btw, CFM is short for cubic feet per minute of AIR as blown by the fan.  
  226. <p>It is usually easiest to match the same brand name of CPU Cooler and Motherboard. Easiest, because if not the same brand, they may well need an adaptor or retaining clip to be added between them. For example, if you have an Asus Motherboard, you should consider getting an Asus CPU Cooler. The other brands will probably work so long as they are otherwise compatible, ie, both designed for LGA 1700 form factor, but the extra small cost of a $20 adaptor, and the extra time and effort may become needed. Also, the adaptor may add an extra 1/4" height. But if needed, perhaps to purchase a good or better cooler for $40 less, it would well influence your decision. Or maybe you want a certain cooler because it has the lighting or tubing you want, or is simply a much better cooler. Noctua or Alpenfohne come to mind.
  227. <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  228.            <td class="td">Case Fans:               </td><td>
  229. <p><br>Most cases come with at least a minimal number of moderately RGB fans, 3 to maybe 6. In addition to the other fans that will be added, such as the fan built into the PSU, the 1 to 3 fans of the CPU Cooling solution, and the 1 to 3 fans built into the GPU, the built in case fans may be enough.
  230. <p>However, when building a stronger system, more cooling may be called for. There is often enough room in the case, ususlly at the top, to add 1 to 3 more fans.
  231. <p>Fans come in sizes of 80 mm to 420 mm. The most common sizes are 120 and 140 mm, just under 4 3/4" and 5 1/2". Fans come built into standardized flanges to mount to the mesh areas of computer case walls.
  232. <p>Fans can be classed as being designed more for decorative purpose, or more for industrial cooling purpose. (Controversial?) There is indeed some overlap. Some of the serious air movers are at least in nice shades of off whites, beige, brown, and blacks, or in multishades of the above, while some of the decorative RGB units can move almost as much air as the industrial ones.
  233. <p>More CFM air movers make more noise, so noise management may be an issue. Better cases often have sound insulation of some kind. Fans can be on manual or programmable thermostats so they only go on as needed.
  234. <p>Naturally, for an expense, one may purchase colorful water reservoirs with radiators that mount with colorful programmable RGB light shows, and with black hills gold tubing with fluorescent lighting making them glow. My spaceship has those...
  235. <p>But for the rest of us, adding some fannage is the thing. 1 to 3 appropriate sized fans with appropriate CFM usually do the trick.
  236. <p>Airflow is then to be designed.
  237. <p>The Noctua 140 mm industrial air mover that hits 158 CFM is a nice 2 tone light and medium beige color that looks ok lit up by the other RGB units. This is the one that could blow directly onto your memory chips and video cards, straight down. It's 5 1/2" wide. Now, it makes some sound, so it should be on some thermostat or manual control so as to only be on when saving the Earth from the succubus demons of Makai. (Or when you've opened your 20th tab.) These are hooked up electrically using the simpler PWM controller system.
  238. <p>A couple colorful little 80 mm, 3 1/8" for extra exhaust then help the airflow. These could be in the back near the bottom. Or let that area have only one 80 mm exhaust, and add an 80 mm inlet at the top toward the back to keep air flow turbulence to a minimum.
  239. <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  240.              <td class="td" style="background:#300;">Memory:                    </td><td>
  241. <p><br>Must match the Motherboard's DDR type. 8 GB Memory is bare Minimum.
  242. <p>Creators want more GB such as 128 GB.
  243. <br>Gamers feel that 16 or 32 GB is fine.
  244. <br>Basic users are good with 8 to 16 GB.
  245. <p>There is often an urge to have more GB if performance slips, as increasing memory GB alone often does improve performance. The same is true for storage, which is more often going to be the culprit, as storage can cause slow downs if it gets close to capacity. Both are relatively simple fixes.
  246. <p>The slowest DDR5 is faster than the fastest DDR4.
  247. <p>Always ensure memory voltage is appropriate to your CPU. Lower voltage also runs cooler. 1.35 V is good. 1.5 V is good too but will be hotter. Gamers might want the higher 1.5 Voltage ...then change their mind and go for the cooler 1.35 V since it may be faster because the 1.5 V slowed down when it got hot... Creators don't at all mind 1.35 V, because with all that 128 GB of Memory, 1.5 V can add up to a lot of heat to need fanning. For the Creator, speed is good, but not critical. More voltage here is not necessarily faster.
  248. <p>Note; Often the fastest chips only come in 1.4 V at the present time.
  249. <br>Another note; You may use chips that are set to operate at a voltage higher than your CPU or motherboard allows. It will simply use them at the lower voltage and run a bit slower. A thing to consider if a future upgrade is planned. Depends on your personal "risk assessment" tolerance level.
  250. <p>Mixing types of memory chips of the same DDR factor works, but will run at the poorest level factors of all the chips. The lowest voltage and the lowest Hz rate. Also, DDR factors can't possibly be mixed. Their slot connectors are like different puzzle pieces, a round peg in a square hole thing. Forcing anything building your computer WILL only damage things, EXPENSIVELY.
  251. <p>Gamers insist on the fastest DDR5 factor, at the highest hz such as 6000, 6400, or 6600, at the highest coolable voltage, but at less total GB, and want to use all slots to utilize that last number which is fastest.
  252. <br>So they may want DDR5 16 GB (4 X 4 GB) 6600 Hz 1.4 V, or 1.5 V if available, with 1 strong top case fan directed at the memory chips, and another at the (top) Video Card.
  253. <p>Creators prefer a good n fast DDR5 factor, at a good n fast hz such as 6000, but not necessarily the highest voltage, with a lot of GB.
  254. <br>So a Creator would want DDR5 128 GB (4 X 32 GB) 6000 Hz 1.35 V, with that strong top case fan directed at the memory chips and the Video Card.
  255. <p>Simple business or home pc users prefer an inexpensive DDR3 or DDR4 factor at 1600 to 3000 hz at a cooler voltage.
  256. <br>For such, DDR4 16 GB (2 X 8 GB) 2300 Hz 1.35 V is fine, or upgrading to (4 X 8 GB) by adding 2 more chips.
  257. <p>The DDR factor is mainly determined by the motherboard choice, and the motherboard establishes limits for the hz factor.
  258. <p>The DDR factor can be compared to what gear a car is in. The hz factor can be compared to how many RPM's the car's motor is running at, and the voltage can be compared to how much horsepower the car's engine has. Something like that.
  259. <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  260.              <td class="td">Operating System:   </td><td>
  261. <p><br>Software required for the System to work.
  262. <p>This will usually be Windows 10 or Windows 11, either of which will be in a home or a pro version, and most are in 64 bit versions.
  263. <p>These are usually packaged as OEM, and cost between 100 and 160 dollars.
  264. <p>Also available are productivity packages with word, adobe, and outlook etc. Usually for another several hundreds of dollars. Smaller packages can be had for less, such as partial adobe illustrated. Productivity packages can be leased for time periods also.
  265. <p>With the right storage system organized just so, it becomes possible to have multiple operating systems in one computer.
  266. <br>Such as, Windows 11, Mac OS, Chrome OS, and even Android OS. <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  267.            <td class="td">M.2 M Storage:         </td><td>
  268. <p><br>At least 1 of these, 960 GB is bare minimum. (960 GB = 0.96 TB)
  269. <p>These powerful Solid State Digital Storage devices are about the size and shape of an old fashioned stick of gum. Thicker. Most store between 1 TB and 4 TB of Data.
  270. <p>Usually the first data to go into storage is the Operating System, followed by any add-ons to it. Important functioning data such as Bios or Overclocking go in early too. After these critical software parts, files such as documents or photos go in. Other apps or games are also entered into storage.
  271. <p>Due partly to the expense of these fastest storage devices, (directly attached to motherboard using multiple threads, I think equivalent to 4 sata threads), many smart  users prefer to organize their storage so that important files that need to move quickly, and are less large than their smallest NVME unit, are in these M.2 M cards.
  272. <br>It is possible to find an M.2 M NVME SSD with 8 TB, but it'll cost $1,500 very pretty pennies. Probably Lucasfilm and Disney Pixar, or the CIA or the US Navy would use banks of these on specially designed motherboards. High end gamers might have one or two on their motherboard with discrete heat sink systems added.
  273. <p>But for the rest of us, smaller 1 or 2 TB units of high quality to hold essential files is what we can afford. (I once saw George Lucas driving his Maseratti in Marin County, but I still think my 2011 Subaru Outback is a better car.) <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  274.               <td class="td">M.2 M Storage:         </td><td>
  275. <p><br>(Recommended) The more total TB of these the better, and the greater number of these direct connect NVME cards the better.
  276. <p>Properly used, your operating system will automatically sort your files acceptably, giving you good speeds of retrieval and load.
  277. <br>For small systems, storage may be allowed to be entered as needed, and the filing system allowed to be entered as the system sees fit. Certain kinds of organization may be done by the user using the file popups or dropdowns the operating system provides.
  278. <p>If the system grows some, adding another storage device, either an M.2 M, and/or a 2.5" SSD, and allowing files to organize themselves functions well enough for many users.
  279. <p>However there are a growing number of software programs and apps designed to help organize files much better than the standard, and good, file systems of windows or chrome, and other operating systems.
  280. <br>These are used by the more serious pc users as "Productivity" software. Productivity software also includes things such as adobe, or word, or outlook.  
  281. <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  282.              <td class="td">2.5" SSD Storage:    </td><td>
  283. <p><br>(Recommended) 2.5" SSD can make up for not enough M.2 M devices. These use similar technology as the M.2 M devices, but these connect to the motherboard indirectly, effectively with fewer threads, so they are not quite as fast. Still quite fast though, and hardly noticed at all if used in conjunction with the M.2 M devices. These also come in data sizes from 1 TB to 4 TB, sometimes expensively more.
  284. <p>Once a user is needing to use 4 TB of data, user is using a lot of data, and it should be organised well for reasons of smooth and easy speed, and because the user likely has types of files that may need to be readily moved around.
  285. <p>For example, a medical clinic may have hundreds of patient files, and also hundreds of X-Ray files. A properly organized system can hold the X-Ray files to be brought up for a specific person's other files.
  286. <p>A gamer might have sets of games in separate files, each game being a huge and growing file.
  287. <p>Grampa who uses email and facebook, and reads the local news, maybe playing solitaire or yahoo chess, should never need to worry about file organizing beyond making sure his family photos are safely stored. 1 TB or 2 TB total storage is fine then.   <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  288.           <td class="td">3.5" HDD Storage:    </td><td>
  289. <p><br>It is often recommended to have one. These units have a part that spins at 7,200 RPM. Some slower. Having at least one HDD at 4 TB helps file management for the serious user.
  290. <p>HDD units have relatively slower process times per unit of memory, but good ones not too noticeably so. On the other hand, the cost per unit of memory storage is much less than SSD units. Most can afford to have an 8 TB HDD mounted inside their case, attached to the motherboard via a wire set to their motherboard's 6 gbs Sata slot system.
  291. <p>For file management, data that does not need to be speed critical is loaded into the HDD.
  292. <br>Most PDF files easily go into 7200 rpm Hard Drives, as do 32 KB small html webpages. They "poof" right up to your monitor from here. Just give it a few seconds while you take a sip of your coffee. Some of us well remember 1994 when a small photo took 35 minutes to load, so quitcherbellyachin about 7 seconds to load a 50 page PDF with 12 large photos in it.  <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  293.           <td class="td">3.5" HDD Storage:    </td><td>
  294. <p><br>(Recommended) Having more than 1 HDD lets file management be more dynamic.
  295. <p>Both the 2.5" and the 3.5" Storage units are fit into Case Bays inside most standard cases, often in the area near the Power Supply Unit, or the area where cable management is done, or tucked into a corner near the motherboard.
  296. <p>For large specialized file management, there are cases designed to hold nothing but 2.5" and or 3.5" bays, connected by wire to the main pc case. These are often for big business offices with IT specialists, or app producers, or sometimes major website developers or owners.
  297. <p>But recently there is the advent of AI which processes a lot of data. These will be using 8 TB to 16 TB chunks of data, most affordably in HDD form.
  298. <p>Again, with well allocated Drives in the SSD NVME, well organized, a person can load a different operating system into each of several SSD NVME cards, each of 1 or 2 TB storage capacity, and thereby effectively have multiple very different computers in a single computer, which can even share the other Hard Drives.
  299. <p>This might not be much interesting to the gamer, but for the challenge of doing it, would not much interest gramma doing her facebook, but for some who might want their pc to have its own mobile phone account, they might want the option of one SSD NVME loaded with Android.
  300. <br>And then watch Disney movies without blowing out their monthly hotspot internet gigabytes in 4 days!  <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  301.           <td class="td">Video Card:                </td><td>
  302. <p><br>The quality and power of these mainly derives from their GB of memory, which is labeled similar to standard memory chips; GDDR6 and GDDR6X are the two "gears" common these days. Older models may use GDDR5 or such. The standard of quality is the RTX NVIDIA design these days.
  303. <p>GDDR6 is the standard, and is quite good. Typically a good modern one will have 8 GB to 12 GB GDDR6 memory.
  304. <p>RTX 3050 with 8 GB GDDR6 is minimal for good movies using a good monitor. I am using one this very minute, with a fine Art XP22 display with excellent contrast and state of the art color system. Quite beautiful!
  305. <p>RTX 3060 with 12 GB GDDR6 is great for most purposes, and can produce a beautiful movie on most any monitor.
  306. <p>However, competitive gamers are very choosy about things called ray tracing and FPS, and they prefer to have their multiple monitors set at high hz rates. RTX 3090 with 24 GB GDDR6X allows for nearly unlimited monitor work.  <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  307.          <td class="td">Video Card:                </td><td>
  308. <p><br>(Optional) Multiple cards can be additive if they are SLI or Crossfrire capable.
  309. <br>However, there are usually problems with doing this that make it not worth the expense or effort.
  310. <p>Crossfire is a brand name competitive method, and is not very perfect yet. There is the problem of video stutter that happens, and can make for an fps effect worse than any actual improvement in fps attained. On benchmark tests, only some multiple GPU systems show dramatic improvement.
  311. <p>There is also SLI for some of the RTX 30 series cards which is showing promise. The question becomes one of purchasing a single 32 or 48 GB card with GDDR6 memory, or going through the trouble of getting 2 or more 3090 cards with 24 GB GDDR6X memory tied together additionally.
  312. <p>Maybe, if you wish to use multiple 65" 4K HDMI displays at 200+ Hz with 0.2 rates so you can monitor the New Horizons probe as it whizzes past a Kuiper belt object at 21 miles per second 10 light hours away. Some gamers live at mission control.  <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  313.           <td class="td" style="background:#300;">PSU:                           </td><td>
  314. <p><br>The PSU takes your house current and sorts it out into voltages and currents each component part will use. Key parts then plug into the PSU, which is usually kept inside your pc case, wherein it usually has its own shrouded section.
  315. <p>It should be rated a minimum 100 Watts more, or ideally 15% more than the added total TDP wattage. For example, if the total added TDP wattage of the system parts is large at 1,000 TDP watts, then the PSU should be rated at 1,000 X 0.15 = 150; 150 + 1,000 = 1,150 Watts.  
  316. <p>Many systems will add to more like 600 watts TDP. 600 X 0.15 = 90; 90 + 600 = 690 watts. If calculated right using simple addition and multiplication, and 6th grade percentage math, almost any system can be had in most homes which will not throw a circuit breaker. Read on for why and how;
  317. <br>PSU's usually come in increments of 50 watts. Round it up. The idea is temperature control. You don't want to overwork a PSU unnecessarily and make it heat up. On the other hand, you don't want the expense of an unnecessarily powerful PSU wasting energy. Just considering temperature control of the PSU will help you get good control of your electricity. Knowing a little about PSU ratings will also help.
  318. <p>PSU devices are given standard quality ratings based on how efficient they are, in addition to standard safety requirements. Never buy a cheap pirate made PSU that is not certified! The major brands are price competitive, and are certified safe and at least 80% efficient. A common 750 watt bronze certified PSU made by EVGA, Gamdias, Corsair, Thermaltake, Seasonic, Cooler Master, Asus, be quiet, NZXT, MSI, Gigabyte, or other recognizable computer part brand name will cost $75 to $385, most under $100. Some Corsairs seem extra spendy to me, some not so. Evga seems to be the major brand. Gamdias is a good budget brand. If you buy a used one, ensure it is from a good renowned dealer who gives some kind of guarantee. A PSU is not a good place to skimp.
  319. <br>They are all required to be at least 80% efficient. But there are better grades than that minimum.
  320. <p>Bronze is pretty good, then silver, gold, platinum, then titanium is best. Initial cost is expressed here.
  321. <br>More reason for getting it at 15% more than greatest capacity needed, is that these things work best at around 50% load.
  322. <br>By adding 15%, you ensure that if for some reason you use your pc at full capacity, you won't overwork your PSU. Pc's rarely use more than 50% of their TDP watts, usually less, so the formula given keeps you there for most pc uses. If you plan on working for NASA or Google, or competing at some international gamer convention, then get the titanium certified PSU, and maybe 25% over total TDP. If you're doing that, you'll be able to write these instructions better than me, and decorate your office with a Phd in Computer Technology from MIT.
  323. <p>Ok, so this is where TDP watts comes in. TDP in short means the Maximum watts the device can possibly use.
  324. <br>You'll almost never use that amount of watts, unless you are a pro gamer at a world championship.
  325. <br>So the idea with your PSU selection is to get one that will be loading close to 50% of your actual watts.
  326. <p>That 15% over the TDP will keep most user's PSU running somewhere just under 50% load most of the time, keeping things nice and cool. It means that a simple 80+ rated PSU at 50% load will be 80% efficient, but a titanium rated PSU in the same conditions, will be 92% efficient.
  327. <p>That 50% load profile is generally the best for any PSU rating, bronze, silver, gold, or platinum.
  328. <br>The Titanium rating is better at 100% load than the others, especially if it's for a high watt system.
  329. <p>That just means titanium rated PSU's are designed for the truly heavy users, and are priced accordingly. University or scientific, or big business, or competitive etcetera uses.
  330. <p>Looking at a chart, platinum at 50% load is best. 50% is the best load all around, and only titanium can best it at 100% load. Get a platinum rated unit if you can afford to, but not to worry if you can only afford a Bronze certified, especially if you don't plan on overusing your system. It can still run nice and cool. Mine does.
  331. <p>More about your electricity use. Your PSU changes the house current from ac 117.2 volts into 3 sizes of dc volts; 3.3 vdc (volts direct current), 5 vdc, and 12 vdc. This dc current is much more efficient than ac current. It is expressed mathematically with those sin/cosin curves that made me go cross eyed in trigonometry.
  332. <p>But what it all means is that your 600 watts TDP, of which the most you'll only ever use, for brief moments, is 300 watts, usually less, is reduced even more because those less than 300 watts are very efficiently used, so you're actually burning more like 120 to 150 watts.
  333. <p>That's why I have not blown any circuit breakers.
  334. <p>All in all, put your hand around your pc. If it is not all that warm, you're doing good with your electricity management. My system is barely warm at all. Actually, it's room temperature. I've yet to see my Video Card fans, which are on a built in thermostat, ever turn on. I designed it to be that way. It's why she is called "The Cooler".  
  335. <p>There is a bit more about selecting the right PSU. They do come in form factor types. These types differ by physical size, but more importantly, by what connectors they have to attach to the motherboard and the video card.
  336. <p>The most common are the ATX types.
  337. <br>There is also the smaller SFX, a combo ATX/BTX, a pure 12 vdc ATX, a kind with 12 vdc to the motherboard via ATX connectors along with 12 vdc to the video card via EPS connectors. There is a yet smaller mini ITX, and several other rare special application PSU types.
  338. <br>Most PC's will use the standard ATX PSU, but ensure it is compatible before purchase. Some smaller PC's will use the SFX. Those are next most common.
  339. <p>PSU's also come designed to fit as a modular unit inside a shroud or to fit in without a shroud or either, and their cables are part of that fit. This can be worked around, but it is best to get the right design to do your cable management right.
  340. <p>It's pretty cool how the PSU lives in its own "garage" shared with some Drive Bays and some excess cable neatly tied. But not always. Some cases have no shroud.<br><br></td></tr><tr>
  341.            <td class="td">Optical Disc Drive:    </td><td>
  342. <p><br>The Disc Player/Writer goes best in an external 5.25" slot, and is needed for movies or "burning" to disc.
  343. <br>These units are why it is good to get a case with at least one external 5.25" bay. They cost between 25 and 125 dollars.
  344. <br>A good one is well made, not flimsy. Reads and Writes movies and music with DVD and CD, and Blu-Ray, and hopefully is simple to use, not needing complex software to work.
  345. <p>If your case has no external 5.25" bay, all is not lost. These also come in standalone form to set on your desk near your pc, wired to it with USB, HDMI, and speaker i/o wiring.
  346. <br>Yet another very good option is to use small "flash" memory in a USB to read or write music, movies, or other similar sized files.
  347. <p>In fact, some say the optical drive is becoming an old inefficient technology like the VCR. But most say, not just yet.
  348. <br>Here's why; Ever get a USB flash card with a printed book? Me neither, but I have gotten CD's and DVD's with books. But I agree, soon a USB flash card will be paper thin, flexible, sturdy, and cheap too.   <br><br></td></tr><tr>
  349.           <td class="td">Monitor:                     </td><td>
  350. <p><br>Should be appropriate to the video card, and of the kind you want to use. Since I use at least 8 simultaneous tabs, and slow-multitask, I use an inexpensive $100 18" Dell on the right, and a $500 22" XP Pen Stylus Touch Art monitor on the left, powered by my RTX 3050 GPU with beautiful result. Even the cheap Dell makes a clear and smooth picture with this video card running it.  
  351. <p>The little Dell has my pastebin, extension control page, CSS Validator site, and HTML Validator site on it.
  352. <p>Right now my XP Pen Display has 2 pcpartpicker pages, and 2 real-time html editor pages on it. (This is on one of them).
  353. <br>It is also the one I use to read the press democrat and CNN news on, and the one I use to study things on.
  354. <br>I often set my dark reader extension on to save my eyes. I turn that extension off to get colors right.  
  355. <br><br>  </td></tr><tr>
  356.          <td class="td" style="background:#003;">Some Glossary;         </td><td>
  357. <p><br>Some of these parts and software things go by several names, truly so, and it can even cause an ole guy like me to stammer. No glossary would be needed if it were not so. PC parts simply have too many names. "My Nvidia er Video un..."
  358. <p>Case, Box, Tower, Desktop
  359. <br>To add to confusion, sometimes the synonyms also refer to related things. Desktop and Tower are kinds of cases.
  360. <p>A desktop case is a case designed to set right there on your desk, to your left or right, or pushed back behind your monitor. These will often be a bit smaller, sometimes more cube shaped, or flat and wide like those antique IBM PC's of the early '80's. These days a desktop might be the stylish 12"x12"x12" cube shaped glossy red ITX mini you got for your 12 or 13 year old to do her homework on, but which she probably mostly uses for discord or other social media where she is called DoomStar or somesuch.
  361. <p>A tower is a kind of case that stands upright. It'll be found on the floor next to or under your desk. It'll be 1.5 to 2 feet tall, 6 to 9 inches wide, and 14 to 21 inches front to back, give or take all around. Often these days at least one side will be transparent to showcase the innards, sometimes front, top, and rear too.
  362. <p>Box is simply a friendly term for Case. Some use less friendly terms like DemonDragon or monster, or Beast. In the office it might get names such as the ball-and-chain.
  363. <p>But actually, the case is usually a box shaped enclosure, (It can be shaped like a race car or an alien egg, but not often), which holds inside it a motherboard, and just about everything else is attached to that motherboard.
  364. <br>I have seen photos of PC's without cases at all. The motherboard is mounted to an office wall, and everything built around it, large or small.
  365. <br>Reminded me of when in grade school we learned to define a check. Everybody's definition began with "A piece of paper that...". The teacher told us a check could be carved on a watermelon.
  366. <p>Brings new meaning to the phrase "think outside the box".
  367. <p><br>Then there is my favorite of multi-named parts, the Video Card with SO many AKA's.
  368. <p>First off, it's called a card. I've never seen a Jack of diamonds over an inch thick, made of plastic, aluminum, and silicon, a foot or so side to side, and 5" front to back. It's more the size and shape of a book. Well, ok, card it is.
  369. <p>The old name I learned while learning Basica and Cobol, was GPU, graphic processing unit. That was when the only monitor color was sickly green, the monitor weighed 60 pounds, and could keep you warm on a cold day. Never did actually see the IBM-PC's GPU, but it could nowadays likely be put on something resembling a card. Video Cards these days are hardly ever called what they are, a Graphic Processing Unit, even though with more people making computer generated images with artificial intelligence programs than ever, graphics processing is becoming more of what they do than ever. <br><br></td></tr>   </table></div>
  373. <div class="box2"> <div class="subtitles">CLX Upgrade</div> <table class="table"><tr>    
  374.                 <td class="td">CPU<p>Purchase<br>and Replace:   </td><td>    
  375. <br>i9 10900KF 10 Core 125w   <h1> $359.99</h1>
  376. <p>This i9 replaces the i5 10600kf 125w 6 Core. This is probably the best CPU that can fit on a Z590 LGA1200 motherboard. (There are other versions of the i9 10900 that use fewer watts.) This one uses the full 125 watts, has 2/3rds more cores than the i5, has hyper threading while the i5 does not, (meaning the i5 has 6 threads, one per core, while the i9 has 20 threads, 2 threads per core. This adds up to more than 3 times as many threads.) It also has 3 levels of Cache, and is unlocked to overclock easily at 5 Ghz, (so overclock this one). Overclocking this i9 takes it from 3.7 Ghz, to 5.0 Ghz, which is both faster, and smarter than the i5. (There is also a complex method to overclock it to 5.3 Ghz, but that requires a newer BIOS, and is not needed at this point.) My conservative estimate shows this upgrade alone is a <br><b>3X better</b> improvement.
  377. <p></td></tr><tr>
  379.                <td class="td">Thermal Paste<p>Purchase<br>and Use:   </td><td>  
  380. <br>TUNIQ TX-4 Extreme Performance 1 g Thermal Paste
  381. <h1>$26.79</h1>
  382. <p>Reviewers report this does lower core temps significantly.
  383. <br>Does not easily drip, and is non-conductive. <p></td></tr><tr>
  385.               <td class="td">Memory<p>Purchase<br>and Replace:   </td><td>
  386.   <br>Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-2933 CL16 Memory
  387. <br>2 packs = 4 chips at 16 GB/chip = <b>64 GB (4 X 16 GB) total</b>
  388. <br>2933 is the recommended speed for the i9 10900kf
  389. <br>$144.99 X 2 =<h1>$289.98</h1>
  390. <p></td></tr><tr>
  392.          <td class="td" style="background:#300;padding:277px 0 277px 0;">Storage<p>Purchase<br>and Add:    </td><td>  
  393. <br>Enmotus FuzeDrive 1.55 TB M.2 2280 NVME Solid State Drive  
  394. <p><h1>FIRST</h1><h1>$249.99</h1>
  395. <br>This M.2 M SSD is added to the Motherboard, at the M.2 presently open position behind the 3050. It sure looks like there is room. It has 131,072 MB Cache, so all memories work better while running more complex operations. (Check to see how to transfer Operating System if necessary.) My conservative estimate tells me that by itself, this is a <b>2 1/2X better</b> improvement.
  396. <h1>To do this, replace the GPU simultaneously</h1>
  397. <br>Remove the 3050
  398. <br>Place the Enmotus into the M.2 M slot north of the WD Green 960
  399. <br>Place the 3060 where the 3050 was.
  400. <br>Consider overclocking the 3060.
  401. <br>Consider new file arrangements.
  402. <br>Consider using both video cards.
  403.     <p></td></tr><tr>
  405.           <td class="td">Case Fan<p>Purchase<br>and Add:   </td><td>    
  406. <br>Corsair ML120 Pro 75 CFM 120 mm Fan<h1>$31.99</h1>   <p></td></tr><tr>
  408.            <td class="td">Tool Kit<p>Purchase<br>and Keep:     </td><td>    
  409. <br><b> $22.99</b><br> Phanteks 16 Piece Computer Tool Kit -PH-TKT_01 (NewEgg)
  410. <br>This one is from evil company Amazon. The tool kit I end up purchasing is not necessarily this one, but will be something like this.
  411. <p> <a href="">This one is a precision torque screwdriver</a>
  412. <p> <a href="">This one seems to be a good tool kit</a>  <p></td></tr><tr>
  413.          <td class="td">Total Cost:     </td><td>    
  414. <br><b> $1,071.74</b> For these upgrade parts only, not counting monitor.<br>Added to the <b>$2,079</b> original CLX cost, actual total cost of this upgraded computer will be <b>$3,708.96</b> This means the new total cost for this upgraded system will be <b>Twice</b> as much for a computer almost 3 times as good as the original which I am right now using. This is somewhere between a very good deal and a very excellent deal.<br>When averaging the improvements;
  415. 3x + 4x + 2.5x + 2x = 11.5x / 4 = Almost a<b> 3x improvement overall.</b>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  417.           <td class="td" style="padding:533px 0 533px 0;">Concerns:      </td><td>    
  418. <br>I've never done any of this before, but I think I can. There are however, some details I should know.
  419. <p>1. Where the CPU cooler is attached to the CPU, often there is a layer of thermal paste. I don't think my CLX was put together using thermal paste. Is thermal paste sticky like glue? How would I separate the cooler from the CPU if there is paste between them?
  420. <p>2. Will there be any liquid from my 360 cooler's radiator hoses to worry about?
  421. <p>3. After removing the i5 CPU, and boxing it, I set the i9 CPU in place, and it should lightly settle in place, with ZERO force needed. All those little pins. Sounds like some coordination and subtlety is needed, requiring a good feel for it. Then the motherboard's clip is set back down in place as it was with the i5. So far so good.
  422. <p>4. But is there anything else I should know?
  423. <p>5. Next is putting the cooler back onto the new CPU. I'll be getting some Tuniq thermal paste, supposedly the very best there is. I do not want to mess this step up. One thing I read said too little is better than too much. Another expert said to use plenty to keep the CPU good and cool. So this seems to be a touchy thing. Another site says whatever you do, don't spill a single drop onto the motherboard or else the motherboard is ruined because it'll short circuit, and ruin other parts.
  424. <p>6. One thing about this Tuniq paste is it is completely non conductive, but still, I wish to avoid any mess on my other parts.
  425. <p>7. Is there anything else I need to know about changing CPU's? Any software, startup routines? How do I overclock this???
  426. <p> OK 8. Swapping out the 2x16 3600 memory chips for the 4 new 4x32 4000 memory chips;
  427. <p>9. Is it just take out the 2 old ones, and put in the 4 new ones?
  428. <p>10. Ok, well that was easy then. Next comes the Enmotus M.2 M and the GPU's, and removal of the WIFI and Sound Cards.
  429. <p>11. These are done in a single coordinated sequence. There needs to be no Video Card attached to the motherboard when the Enmotus is put in place. They would be physically in the way.
  430. <p>12. Having the Sound and WIFI cards removed also will make things easier. (That WIFI card will be put back on later, and the Sound Card will not. This motherboard has built in Sound, but not built in WIFI.) Box the Asus Sound Card carefully after removing it.
  431. <p>13. So... A) Remove the 3050 B) Remove the WIFI Card C) Remove and box the Asus Sound Card. The 3060's box will be handy for things like that.
  432. <p>14. Place and mount the Enmotus M.2 M SSD. I sure think it's the spot just north of where the 960 GB SSD is. STUDY THE MSI motherboard schematics. REMEMBER, ONE of the THREE M.2 M slots is DISABLED because of the ALDER LAKE system of the CPU. I am not yet certain which one of the M.2 M slots gets disabled, nor even if it is any one specific one. This is so with the i5 and also with the i9. It's a 10th generation thing. Alder Lakes do this to LGA 1200 Z590 Motherboards.
  433. <p>15. Mount the 3050 in the bottom (south) pcie-x16 slot, then mount the 3060 in the top (north) pcie-x16 slot.
  434. <p>16. Question: Are there any other special things to do when mounting 2 Video Cards? Any adaptors, or 2 in 1 things to attach...Things I can think of include, a double hdmi plug set that outlet to a single hdmi??? Or any such other monitor connectors?
  435. <p>17. Mount the WIFI card into the very bottom slot, a pcie-x1. It may just be random concerning when to mount this one, whether after or befpre the 3050.
  436. <p>18. Mount and wire the Noctua 140 mm Industrial fan at the top, toward the front. There will be PWM connectors on the motherboard to connect. Make sure it has some form of controller. Dual speed would be nice, for 800 and 3000 rpm.    
  437. <p></td></tr><tr>
  439.       <td class="td" style="background:#003">Summary:   </td><td>  
  440. <br>As originally designed by me, to be good, affordable, and upgradable, "The Cooler's" brief description presently is:
  441. <p>i5 10600KF, 32 GB DDR4 3600, .960 TB NVME SSD, Single Overclocked 3050 Video Card, Z590 LGA 1200 MB, Xonar 5.1 Sound, WIFI 6, Non-Thermally Pasted 360 Liquid Cooled, Some RGB, My First Design, Well Made by CLX.
  442. <p>After the upgrade, "The Cooler's" system will have for its brief description:
  443. <p>i9 10900KF, 128 GB DDR4 3000, 2.51 TB NVME SSD, Overclocked 3050 Video Card, Z590 LGA 1200 MB, Internal Sound, WIFI 6, Thermal Pasted 360 Liquid Cooled Plus 1 added 120 mm RGB Fan, Some RGB, My First Design, My First Upgrade.     <p></td></tr></table>   </div>
  447. <div class="box3"><div class="subtitles">First Build</div>  <table class="table"><tr>
  448.           <td class="td">   Case: </td><td><br>Fractal Design Define 7  XL Dark ATX Full Tower Case<br><b>$254.98</b>
  449. <p>or...  
  450. <br>for the Focus G which is $85.00 and comes in colors
  451. <div class="image1" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  452.       <td class="td">Motherboard: </td><td><br>MSI PRO-A Z690 WIFI ATX LGA1700 Motherboard <br><b>$214.99</b>
  453. <div class="image2" style="width:99%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  454.       <td class="td">CPU: </td><td><br>Intel Core i9-12900K 3.2 GHz 16-Core Processor<br><b>$539.99</b>
  455. <div class="image3" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  456.     <td class="td">Thermal Paste: </td><td><br>TUNIQ TX-4 Extreme Performance 1 g Thermal Paste<br><b>$26.79</b>
  457.  <div class="image4" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  458.     <td class="td">CPU Cooler: </td><td><br>MSI MAG CORELIQUID C 360
  459.    <br>78.73 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler<br><b>$134.99</b>      
  460.  <div class="image5" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  461.    <td class="td">Case Fan: </td><td><br>Noctua A14 industrialPPC-3000 PWM 158.5 CFM 140 mm Fan<br><b>$29.95</b>        
  462. <div class="image6" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  463.    <td class="td">Memory: </td><td><br>Kingston FURY Beast 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-4800 CL38
  464.  <br><h2>$189.52</h2>
  465.  <div class="image7" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  466.     <td class="td">M.2 M Storage: </td><td><br>Enmotus FuzeDrive 1.55 TB M.2 2280 NVME SSD <br>$249.99/each X 2 = <b>$499.98</b>  
  467.  <div class="image8" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  468.     <td class="td">3.5" HDD Storage: </td><td><br>Seagate FireCuda 4 TB 3.5" 7200rpm Internal HDD<br><h2>$129.99</h2>  
  469. <div class="image9" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  470.     <td class="td">Video Card: </td><td><br>EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 12 GB XC GAMING Video Card<br><b>429.99</b>        
  471. <div class="image10" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  472.     <td class="td">PSU: </td><td>  <br>EVGA 210-GQ-0750-V1 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply<br><b>$69.98</b>        
  473. <div class="image11" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  474.   <td class="td">Optical Disc Drive: </td><td><br>Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer<br><b>$24.99</b>                                                    
  475. <div class="image12" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  476.  <td class="td">Card Reader: </td><td><br>Vantec UGT-CR935 Card Reader<br><b>$20.82</b>                    
  477.  <div class="image122" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  478.   <td class="td">Monitor: </td><td><br>ViewSonic ELITE XG270QC 27.0" 2560x1440 165 Hz Monitor<br><b>$328.99</b>
  479.  <div class="image13" style="width:33%;"></div>    <p></td></tr><tr>
  480.  <td class="td">Total Cost: </td><td><br><h2>$2,983.24</h2>
  481.  <div class="image14" style="width:33%;"></div>   <p></td></tr></table>
  482.     <div class="titles">The build Sequence</div>
  483.     <div class="text1">
  484.     <p><h1> Put the Case together</h1>
  485.     <p>1. The case will arrive unassembled. Assemble it. Understand it well. It is not yet fully assembled.
  486.     <p>2. Have the Noctua CaseFan unboxed and laid out. Mount it to the Case, wires free and inside.
  487.     <p>3. Install the CPU cooler. Secure the hoses and wires.
  488.     <p>4. Unbox the 5.5" Optical Drive and have it laid out. Mount this to the Case also, wires free and inside.
  489.     <p>5. Unbox the 5.5" Card Reader and lay it out also. Mount this to the Case, wires free and inside.
  490.     <p>6. Temporarily secure all these wires so they don't interfere with the next steps.
  491.      <p>7. Importantly, unbox the Motherboard and lay it out. This Motherboard must be studied.
  492.    I must know where each of the cables of part-steps 1 thru 4 will attach to the Motherboard.
  493.      <p>8. Unbox the PSU, lay it out and study its cables and its slots. See if it mounts securely or loosely in the case, so I know.
  494.      <p>9. If appropriate, mount the PSU secure in the Case and stow the cables temporarily.
  495.      <p>10. Unbox the 3.5" Seagate Firecuda 4TB HDD Storage, and mount it in one of the 3.5" bays in the case. Stow the cables.
  496.      <p>11. Lay the Case on its side. The glass door is not yet attached. According to instructions, advice, and youtube videos, and heeding all
  497.    instructions of the Case and the Motherboard, begin the process of mounting Motherboard to case.
  498.      <br>Complete mounting the Motherboard to the Case. Ensure all wires, cables, and hoses are safely stowed and out of the way.
  499.      <p><h1>The Case is only now fully assembled</h1>
  500.      <h1>Turning the Case into a computer</h1><p>
  501.      <p>MOUNTING the CPU to the MOTHERBOARD<p>
  502.      <p>A. Unbox the i9 12900k and lay out its contents, read any instructions.
  503.      <p>B. Unbox the Tuniq Thermal Paste. Set it up to be ready.
  505. </div></div>
  508.  <div class="box4"><div class="subtitles">Second Build</div>  <table class="table"><tr>
  509.      <td class="td">Case: </td><td><br>Fractal Design Define 7  XL Dark ATX Full Tower Case<br><b>$254.98</b>
  510.   <div class="image15" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>  
  511.      <td class="td">Motherboard: </td><td><br>ASRock TRX40 Taichi Motherboard <b>$600.00</b>
  512.   <div class="image16" style="width:41%"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>  
  513.      <td class="td">CPU: </td><td><br>AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X 32 Core Processor<br><b>$3,199.99</b>
  514.   <div class="image17" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  515.      <td class="td">Thermal Paste: </td><td><br>TUNIQ TX-4 Extreme Performance 1 g Thermal Paste<br><b>$26.79</b>
  516.   <div class="image18" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  517.      <td class="td">CPU Cooler: </td><td><br>EVGA CLC 360 74.82 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler<br><b>$89.99</b>      
  518.   <div class="image19" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  519.      <td class="td">Case Fan: </td><td><br>Noctua A14 industrialPPC-3000 PWM 158.5 CFM 140 mm Fan<br><b>$29.95</b>        
  520.   <div class="image20" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  521.      <td class="td">Memory: </td><td><br>Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro SL <br>64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR4-4000 CL18 Memory
  522.   <br>$439.99/pair X 4 pairs = <b>$1,759.96</b> = 256 GB
  523.    <div class="image21" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  524.      <td class="td">M.2 M Storage: </td><td><br>Enmotus FuzeDrive 1.55 TB M.2 2280 NVME SSD <br>$299.99/each X 2 = <b>$599.98</b>  
  525.   <div class="image22" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  526.     <td class="td">3.5" HDD Storage: </td><td><br>Seagate FireCuda 4 TB 3.5" 7200rpm Internal HDD<br><b>$129.99  X 2= $259.98</b>  
  527.   <div class="image23" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  528.      <td class="td">Video Card: </td><td><br>NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 12 GB Video Card<br><b>$389.99</b>        
  529.    <div class="image24" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  530.      <td class="td">PSU: </td><td><br>EVGA 850 BQ. Bronze 850W Power Supply<br><b>$79.98</b>        
  531.    <div class="image25" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  532.      <td class="td">Optical Disc Drive: </td><td><br>Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer<br><b>$24.99</b>                                                    
  533.   <div class="image26" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  534.      <td class="td">Monitor: </td><td><br>LG 34GP83A-B 34.0" 3440x1440 144 Hz Monitor<br><b>$799.99</b>
  535.  <div class="image27" style="width:33%;"></div>    <p></td></tr><tr>
  536.     <td class="td">Total Cost: </td><td><br><b>$8,116.57 </b>
  537.  <div class="image28" style="width:33%;"></div>   <p></td></tr></table>  </div>
  540. <div class="box5"><div class="subtitles">Third Build</div>  <table class="table"><tr>
  541.          <td class="td">Case: </td><td><br>Phanteks Enthoo Pro Tempered Glass ATX Full Tower Case<br><b>$149.99</b>
  542.    <div class="image29" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  543.            <td class="td">Motherboard: </td><td><br>MSI carbon Z690-A WIFI ATX LGA1700 Motherboard<br><b>$349.99</b>
  544.    <div class="image30" style="width:41%"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  545.           <td class="td">CPU: </td><td><br>Intel Celeron G6900 3.4 GHz Dual-Core Processor<br><b>$39.99</b>
  546.    <div class="image31" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  547.          <td class="td">Thermal Paste: </td><td><br>Tuniq TX-3 or TX-4 Thermal Paste 1 gram <br><b>$26.79</b>        
  548.   <div class="image32" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  549.          <td class="td">Memory: </td><td><br>Kingston FURY Beast RGB 32 GB (1 x 32 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 Memory<br><b>$191.00</b>
  550.   <div class="image33" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  551.         <td class="td">Storage: </td><td><br>Enmotus FuzeDrive 1.55 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive<br><b>$249.99</b>      
  552.   <div class="image34" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  553.           <td class="td">Power Supply: </td><td><br>Rosewill Glacier 850M 850 W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-modular ATX Power Supply
  554.     <br><b>$82.88</b>        <div class="image35" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  555.          <td class="td">Optical Drive: </td><td><br>Asus BC-12D2HT Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer<br><b>$87.36</b>
  556.   <div class="image36" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  557.          <td class="td">Operating System: </td><td><br>Microsoft Windows 11 Home OEM 64-bit<br><b>$99.98</b>  
  558.   <div class="image37" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  559.           <td class="td">Monitor: </td><td><br>MSI Optix G24C4 23.6" 1920x1080 144 Hz Monitor<br><b>$178.95</b>        
  560.    <div class="image38" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  561.           <td class="td">Initial Cost: </td><td><br>Cost before the slow upgrade<br><b>$1,391.12</b><br>These parts create a functioning PC
  562.     with much UPGRADE POTENTIAL    
  563.          <div class="image39" style="width:33%;"></div><p></td></tr></table>
  564.  <div class="text2">This initial PC cost less than $1,400.00 including a curved 23.6" monitor. It was designed to be upgradable into a powerhouse PC in affordable stages. This is mainly because it begins with a good motherboard, with DDR5, a Z690 that accepts both the very inexpensive Celeron, and one of Intel's most powerful CPU's, the i9 12900K. The little Celeron has video built in, so the initial cost went further down due to delaying the purchase of a video card until the appropriate upgrade phase.
  565. <p>Of course, one needn't go all out to upgrade this little celeron based PC. There are at least ten good intel processors from i3 to i9 which use 65 watts or less, and come with their own fan-type cooler. I do recommend for a very first upgrade getting one of the case fans. I listed two high cubic foot per minute fans. The Noctua is a bit on the loud side, and the Thernaltake is a bit quieter, prettier, and also larger, but has less CFM.
  566. <br>Another reason for the fan upgrade first is it'll give you experience working inside your PC.
  567. <p>The memory chips are another place to upgrade more modestly. This shows an upgrade from (1 X 32 GB) to (4 X 32 GB) which makes 128 GB,
  568. but most people will not need 128 GB of high speed DDR5 memory. An upgrade to 64 GB is usually more appropriate. So just purchase a single
  569. identical model Kingston, refer to your motherboard manual, and put it into the correct slot, (Not just any memory slot.)
  570. <p>This motherboard has an amazing five M.2 M NVME slots for storage. Your operating system and newer files are in the Enmotus, one of the best SSD's around. An inexpensive upgrade, done prior to adding a video card so its not in the way, is to add any one of the suggested M.2 NVME storage cards. A second Enmotus 1.55 TB would be good for many.
  571. <br>But for those who load up lots of big games or big files, One or more of the recommended HDD is a simple, and inexpensive upgrade.
  572. <p>This case comes with two front bays designed to hold things such as a disk player/writer, and a fan control unit. Voila. Built in movies, or music play lists. So that with the player, you may wish to improve your PC's video performance.
  573. <br>It becomes a good time to upgrade to a real video card. Unless you're a serious gamer, you won't need to get the RTX 3090 suggested.
  574. A 3050 or a 3060 costs $1,000 less than the 3090. These can be "Overclocked/Undervolted" to make them run better. My present overclocked/undervolted 3050 gives me beautiful movies, on either of the two monitors I use. I have yet to make it work hard enough to turn its automatic control fans on. And with a good video card, you might want to upgrade to a 34" monitor.
  575. <p>And with that, you may want the 5.1 speaker system.
  576. <p><br></div>
  577. <table class="table"><tr>
  578.      <td class="td" style="margin-top:55px;">CPU: </td><td><br>Intel Core i9-12900K 3.2 GHz 16-Core Processor<br><b>$509.99</b>                                                    
  579.   <div class="image40" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  580.      <td class="td">Thermal Paste: </td><td><br>TUNIQ TX-4 Extreme Performance 1 g Thermal Paste<br><b>$26.79</b>
  581.   <div class="image41" style="width:33%;"></div>    <p></td></tr><tr>
  582.      <td class="td">CPU Cooler: </td><td><br>MSI MAG CORELIQUID C 78.73 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler<br><b>$159.99</b>
  583.   <div class="image42" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  584.      <td class="td">Memory: </td><td><br>Kingston FURY Beast RGB 32 GB (1 x 32 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 Memory $191.00
  585. <br>Kingston FURY Beast RGB 64 GB (2 x 32 GB) DDR5-5200 CL40 Memory <b>$382.00</b>
  586.    <div class="image43" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  587.     <td class="td">M.2 Storage1: </td><td><br>Enmotus FuzeDrive 1.55 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive
  588.       <b>$249.99 X 3 = $749.97</b>
  589.   <div class="image44" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  590.     <td class="td">M.2 M Storage2: </td><td><br>Gigabyte AORUS Gen4 7000s 2 TB M.2-2280 NVME Solid State Drive
  591.           <br><b>$246.98</b>  <div class="image45" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  592.     <td class="td">HDD Storage1: </td><td><br>Seagate FireCuda 4 TB 3.5" 7200rpm Internal HDD<br><b>$129.99</b>  
  593.  <div class="image46" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  594.    <td class="td">Video Card: </td><td><br>EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 24 GB FTW3 ULTRA GAMING Video Card<br><b>$1,283.07</b>        
  595.  <div class="image47" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  596.    <td class="td">Case Fan1: </td><td><br>Noctua A14 industrialPPC-3000 PWM 158.5 CFM 140 mm Fan<br><b>$28.95</b>                                                    
  597.  <div class="image48" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  598.     <td class="td">Case Fan2: </td><td><br>Thermaltake Riing Plus 117.96 CFM 200 mm Fan<br><b>$43.50</b>
  599.  <div class="image49" style="width:33%;"></div>    <p></td></tr><tr>
  600.     <td class="td">Fan Controller: </td><td><br>Kingwin FPX-008 Fan Controller<b>$39.99</b>
  601.  <div class="image50" style="width:33%;"></div>   <p></td></tr><tr>
  602.     <td class="td">Card Reader: </td><td><br>EZDIY-FAB 5.25 inch USB 3.0 Multi-Card Reader<br><b>$39.99</b>        
  603.  <div class="image51" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  604.     <td class="td">Speakers: </td><td><br>Logitech Z906 500 W 5.1 Channel Speakers<br><b>$351.48</b>                                                    
  605.  <div class="image52" style="width:33%;"></div>     <p></td></tr><tr>
  606.   <td class="td">Total Upgrade<br>Cost: </td><td><br>The initial creation's total cost is approximately <b>$1,400</b>
  607. <br>The total cost of all the upgrade parts is about <b>$4,235</b>
  608. <br>When added together the combined total cost is around <h1>$5,627</h1>
  609. <br>Of course one need not choose to upgrade with all the parts here.
  610. <br>Some may prefer to use two 8 GB or 2 15 GB memory chips in order to get the
  611. <br> bonus speed of dual channel. And there are many other compatible parts.
  612.  <div class="image53" style="width:33%;"></div>    <p></td></tr></table></div>
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