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- --[[
- 0.01
- [re]Started a new thing!
- ]]
- -----------------------------------The one variable you may need to change:-----------------------------------
- local parserOverride = false -- Location of your personal parser. Uses the default parser if unspecified
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --The below are all updated automatically, and you shouldn't have to worry about them too much
- --However, if you've stored modules in different folders, you can change the data here to match that.
- local dataLocation = false -- Location of data, defaults to "/data/"
- local modulesLocation = false -- Location of modules, defaults to "/data/modules/"
- local customFileName = false -- Location of 'customization' file, defaults to "/data/custom.modu"
- local dynaName = false -- Location of DynaStore, defaults to "/data/dyna.modu"
- local parser = false -- Updated at runtime, depending on what is required.
- local manipulatorOverride = false -- [Not currently working!]If you require a specific manipulator, change this value to the name of the manipulator on the network
- local detectionMethod = false -- The event listened for. Updated when parser is updated.
- local capture = false -- The captured event for chat recorders. Updated when parser is updated.
- local player = false -- The player to capture
- local version = 001 -- Version number
- local chests = {} -- All chest names stored in a table.
- local allitems = {} -- All items stored in a table (fast cache :tm:).
- local chestCache = {} -- NOT REQUIRED, DELET DELET DELET?
- local modules = {} -- Modules, stored as a table.
- local manipFuncs = {} -- Manipulator functions returned
- local dynaStore = false -- DynaStore data
- local custom = {} -- Used for accessing teh shitz 'n gigglez
- local functionsNeeded = {
- manipulator = {
- "tell",
- "getInventory",
- "getEnder",
- "getName",
- "capture",
- "clearCaptures",
- }
- }
- local function dCopy(a,b)
- --DeepCopy
- assert(type(a) == "table","copy: first input is not a table.")
- for k,v in pairs(a) do
- if type(v) == "table" then
- b[k] = {}--If table, recursive copy
- dCopy(a[k],b[k])
- else
- b[k] = v
- end
- end
- end
- local function tell(stuff)
- local lines = {}
- if stuff:len() > 100 then
- local o = 1
- for i = 1,stuff:len(),100 do
- lines[o] = stuff:sub(i,i+99)
- o = o + 1
- end
- else
- lines[1] = stuff
- end
- --Loop through and check for newlines
- local function newLineRemover()
- for i = 1,#lines do
- for o = 1,#lines[i] do
- local c = lines[i]
- if string.sub(c,o,o) == '\n' then
- lines[i] = c:sub(1,o-1)
- table.insert(lines,i+1,c:sub(o+1))
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- while newLineRemover() do end
- for i = 1,#lines do
- local a,b = pcall(manipFuncs.tell,lines[i])
- if not a then
- if b == "Terminated" then
- os.queueEvent("terminate")
- end
- printError("Your chat-recorder is either missing or not bound properly.")
- term.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
- print(b)
- term.setTextColor(colors.gray)
- for i = 1,#lines do
- print(lines[i])
- end
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- end
- end
- end
- local function doErr(func,cont)
- local err = "ERR:" .. tostring(func) .. ": " .. tostring(cont)
- printError(err)
- tell(err)
- error()
- end
- local function overWriteMain(variable,equals)
- --Checks for instances of "local" as first word
- --on a line. If so, checks variable
- --if == variable, update it to be equal to
- -- "equals"
- --Assumes only major variables (variables at 'root' level)
- local declaration = "local " .. variable
- local find = "^" .. declaration
- local h =,"r")
- --If open...
- if h then
- --load lines of program into data
- local data = {}
- local line = h.readLine()
- local o = 0
- repeat
- o = o + 1
- data[o] = line
- line = h.readLine()
- until not line
- h.close()
- --search through the data for the variable.
- o = -1 --if o == -1 after searching, failed.
- for i = 1,#data do
- if data[i]:match("^local ") then
- local a = data[i]:gmatch("%w+")
- a()
- local var = a()
- a = nil
- --if the variable we found is named "variable" then
- if var == variable then
- -- we found our variable
- o = i
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if o == -1 then
- doErr("overWriteMain","Failed to find variable " .. tostring(variable))
- return false
- else
- declaration = declaration .. " = "
- if type(equals) == "string" then
- declaration = declaration .. "\"" .. equals .. "\""
- elseif type(equals) == "table" then
- declaration = declaration .. textutils.serialize(equals)
- elseif type(equals) == "number" or type(equals) == "boolean" then
- declaration = declaration .. tostring(equals)
- else
- doErr("overWriteMain","Unsupported type (" .. type(equals) .. ")")
- return false
- end
- data[o] = declaration
- local h =,"w")
- if h then
- for i = 1,#data do
- h.writeLine(data[i])
- end
- h.close()
- return true
- else
- doErr("overWriteMain","No handle (2)")
- return false
- end
- end
- else
- doErr("overWriteMain","No handle (1).")
- return false
- end
- end
- local function makeCustomFile()
- local h =,"w")
- local function ao(d)
- h.writeLine(d)
- end
- ao("return {")
- ao(" ")
- ao("}")
- h.close()
- end
- local function makeDyna()
- local h =,"w")
- local function ao(d)
- h.writeLine(d)
- end
- ao("{")
- ao(" ")
- ao("}")
- h.close()
- end
- --Check if the setup is valid (Function will overwrite variables for faster startup times.)
- local function checkSetup()
- -----------------------------this boio checks variables and updates them.
- local function check()
- local f = true
- if dataLocation then
- print("Data Location is specified, checking.")
- if type(dataLocation) == "string" then
- assert(dataLocation:match("^/.+/$"),"Cannot run; variable dataLocation: expected absolute path to folder. (Must start and end in '/').")
- print("dataLocation is valid.")
- else
- doErr("checkSetup","Cannot run; variable dataLocation is of incorrect type.")
- end
- else
- f = false
- print("dataLocation is false.")
- overWriteMain("dataLocation","/data/")
- print("updated")
- end
- if modulesLocation then
- if type(modulesLocation) == "string" then
- assert(modulesLocation:match("^/.+/$"),"Cannot run; variable modulesLocation: expected absolute path to folder. (Must start and end in '/').")
- print("modulesLocation is valid.")
- else
- doErr("checkSetup","Cannot run; variable modulesLocation is of incorrect type.")
- end
- else
- f = false
- print("modulesLocation is false.")
- overWriteMain("modulesLocation","/data/modules/")
- print("updated")
- end
- if customFileName then
- if type(customFileName) == "string" then
- assert(customFileName:match("^/.+%.modu$"),"Cannot run; variable customFileName: expected absolute path to file, ending with file-extension '.modu'.")
- print("customFileName is valid.")
- else
- doErr("checkSetup","Cannot run; variable customFileName is of incorrect type.")
- end
- else
- f = false
- print("customFileName is false.")
- overWriteMain("customFileName","/data/custom.modu")
- print("updated")
- end
- if dynaName then
- if type(dynaName) == "string" then
- assert(dynaName:match("^.+%.modu$"),"Cannot run; variable dynaName:")
- print("dynaName is valid.")
- else
- doErr("checkSetup","Cannot run; variable dynaName is of incorrect type.")
- end
- else
- f = false
- print("dynaName is false.")
- overWriteMain("dynaName","/data/dyna.modu")
- print("updated")
- end
- --Check for directories.
- if f then
- if fs.isDir(dataLocation) then
- print("Data directory exists")
- else
- f = false
- fs.makeDir(dataLocation)
- print("Made directory " .. tostring(dataLocation))
- end
- if fs.isDir(modulesLocation) then
- print("Modules directory exists")
- else
- f = false
- fs.makeDir(modulesLocation)
- print("Made directory " .. tostring(modulesLocation))
- end
- --Check for files.
- if fs.exists(customFileName) then
- print("Customization file exists")
- else
- f = false
- makeCustomFile()
- print("Made file " .. tostring(customFileName))
- end
- if fs.exists(dynaName) then
- print("Dynastore file exists")
- else
- f = false
- makeDyna()
- print("Made file " .. tostring(dynaName))
- end
- end
- return f
- end
- --Check if the thing was invalid, or valid.
- local vars = {"dataLocation","modulesLocation","customFileName","dynaName"}
- if not dataLocation or not modulesLocation or not customFileName or not dynaName then
- print("Setup is invalid (First run?)")
- check()
- print("Setup should be valid. Rebooting.")
- os.sleep(3)
- os.reboot()
- else
- if not check() then
- print("Setup was invalid, rebooting now.")
- os.sleep(3)
- os.reboot()
- end
- print("Setup is valid.")
- end
- end
- local function findFunctionsInPeripherals(ttab)
- local tab = {}
- dCopy(ttab,tab)
- --[[
- {
- peripheralType = {
- "peripheralFunc1",
- "peripheralFunc2",
- overridePeripheral = "peripheralFunc5",
- },
- peripheralType2 = {
- "peripheralFunc3",
- "peripheralFunc4",
- }
- }
- ]]
- local perip = {}
- local function getPeriphs(tp)
- local all = peripheral.getNames()
- local perips = {}
- for i = 1,#all do
- if all[i]:find(tp) then
- perips[#perips+1] = peripheral.wrap(all[i])
- end
- end
- return perips
- end
- for k,v in pairs(tab) do
- --[[
- each k: peripheralType
- each v: table of peripheralFuncs
- ]]
- assert(type(v) == "table","ERR:findFunctionsInPeripherals: Expected table, index " .. tostring(k))
- local pers = getPeriphs(k)
- if pers then
- for k2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- --[[
- each k2: number index or string override
- each v2: peripheralFunctionName
- ]]
- local grabbed = false
- if type(k2) == "number" then
- --No override
- for i = 1,#pers do
- --[[
- each i: peripheral of type k
- ]]
- for k3,v3 in pairs(pers[i]) do
- --[[
- each k3: peripheralFunctionName of peripheral of type k
- each v3: peripheralFunction of peripheral of type k
- ]]
- if k3 == v2 then
- perip[k3] = v3
- tab[k][k2] = nil
- grabbed = true
- break
- end
- end
- if grabbed then break end
- end
- elseif type(k2) == "string" then
- --Override
- if peripheral.isPresent(k2) then
- local ps = peripheral.wrap(k2)
- for k3,v3 in pairs(ps) do
- --[[
- each k3: peripheralFunctionName of peripheral of type k
- each v3: peripheralFunction of peripheral of type k
- ]]
- if k3 == v2 then
- perip[k3] = v3
- tab[k][k2] = nil
- break
- end
- end
- end
- else
- doErr("findFunctionsInPeripherals","Unexpected error ID 1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(tab) do
- local notThere = true
- for k2,v2 in pairs(v) do
- notThere = false
- break
- end
- if notThere then
- tab[k] = nil
- end
- end
- return perip,tab
- end
- --Check if the function table is empty or not; if it isn't, return failure.
- local function checkFuncTable(tab)
- for k,v in pairs(tab) do
- return false,k,v
- end
- return true
- end
- --Save contents of dynaStore
- local function saveDyna()
- local h =,"w")
- if h then
- h.write(textutils.serialize(dynaStore))
- h.close()
- end
- end
- --Load dynaStore
- local function loadDyna()
- local h =,"r")
- if h then
- dynaStore = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())
- h.close()
- else
- dynaStore = false
- end
- end
- --Properly load dynaStore, then check and load all the modules.
- local function prepareDyna()
- loadDyna()
- if not dynaStore then loadDyna() end
- if not dynaStore then dynaStore = {} end
- local tmods = fs.list(modulesLocation)
- for i = 1,#tmods do
- local h =[i],"r")
- h.readLine()
- local no = h.readLine()
- h.close()
- custom.modules[tmods[i]] = textutils.unserialize(no)
- if not dynaStore[tmods[i]] then
- dynaStore[tmods[i]] = {}
- end
- end
- end
- -- Prepare the parser.
- local function prepareParserModule()
- capture = "^modu" -- CHAT: 'modu get item 43 bla bla'
- if custom.capture then
- capture = custom.capture
- end
- player = manipFuncs.getName()
- if custom.player then
- player = custom.player
- end
- -- Clear captures
- manipFuncs.clearCaptures()
- if parserOverride then -- If the parser override was set to some string location, then...
- assert(type(parserOverride) == "string","variable error: parserOverride: Expected string")
- assert(fs.exists(parserOverride),"variable error: parserOverride: File does not exist. Make sure you write the FULL path.")
- parser,detectionMethod = dofile(parserOverride) -- Get the parser data
- else
- -- Set the parser to be "default"
- parser = function(tt)
- --
- local plyr = tt[4]
- local msg = tt[2]
- local command = {}
- if plyr == player then
- for word in msg:gmatch("%w+") do
- command[#command + 1] = word
- end
- end
- local major = command[2]
- return major,command
- end
- -- Set captures
- manipFuncs.capture(capture)
- print("Captures ready.")
- -- Set the detectionMethod to be "default"
- detectionMethod = "chat_capture"
- end
- end
- -- Runs a module.
- local function run()
- end
- local function getChests()
- local a = peripheral.getNames()
- chests = {}
- for i = 1,#a do
- if a[i]:find("chest") or a[i]:find("shulker") then
- chests[#chests+1] = a[i]
- end
- end
- end
- local function main()
- checkSetup() -- Check if the setup is okay
- getChests() -- Discover chests
- prepareDyna() -- Prepare the dynaStore
- local df
- manipFuncs,df = findFunctionsInPeripherals(functionsNeeded) -- Locate functions needed in peripherals.
- local a,b,c = checkFuncTable(df) -- Check if any functions were missing.
- assert(a,"Could not find one of the required peripherals (" .. tostring(b) .. ", " .. tostring(c) ..")") -- Print the missing peripheral and function
- prepareParserModule() -- Prepare the parser
- if not capture then
- tell("Modu is listening for " .. tostring(detectionMethod) .. " events.")
- end
- tell("Modu is listening for commands with the following prefix:")
- tell(capture)
- tell("Modu is watching for player " .. tostring(player) .. ".")
- --Loop
- while true do
- local ev = {os.pullEvent(detectionMethod)}
- local module,tbl = parser(ev)
- if module then
- tell(module)
- tell(textutils.serialize(tbl))
- end
- end
- end
- local a,err = pcall(main)
- if not a then
- if err == "Terminated" then
- tell("Modu has been terminated")
- return
- end
- tell("Modu has stopped with error "..err.."... Rebooting.")
- os.sleep(2)
- os.reboot()
- end
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