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- local rowSize = 5
- local colSize = 5
- local turnLeft = true
- local skipMove = false
- function goHome()
- local r,c
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- for c=1,colSize-1 do
- turtle.forward()
- end
- turtle.turnLeft()
- for r=1,rowSize-1 do
- turtle.forward()
- end
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turtle.back()
- function harvestRow()
- local c
- for c=1,colSize do
- if skipMove == true then
- skipMove = false
- else
- turtle.forward()
- end
- turtle.digDown()
- end
- end
- --
- -- Move and orient turtle onto next row
- --
- function nextRow()
- if turnLeft == true then
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turtle.forward()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turnLeft = false
- else
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.forward()
- turtle.turnRight()
- turnLeft = true
- end
- skipMove = true
- end
- --
- -- Call to start farming
- --
- function harvestField()
- local r
- for r=1,rowSize do
- harvestRow()
- -- go to next row unless its the last
- if r~=colSize then
- nextRow()
- end
- end
- goHome()
- end
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