
The FATED #florajojo 4/17/2017

Apr 17th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. DetectiveCaillou|GM: When we last left off, Pirrue has found what seems to be Gambino's faceless corpse in his room, and then turns around to face... Gambino.
  4. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Meanwhile, Alias decided to regroup with Tinncev and Jack back at his apartment, only to get shot in a hit-and-run! They are now about to commence pursuit, but the question remains; who's going to drive?
  5. Alias: _Alias is in the back, maybe Jack or Tinncev can drive._
  6. Tinncev: (What is Jack's Quick?)
  7. Alias: (Hint hint... Stunt driver)
  8. Tinncev: (Oh...OH
  9. Tinncev: Yeah Jack it is then)
  10. DetectiveCaillou|GM: USER APPROACHES:
  11. Careful: + 0
  12. Clever: + 1
  13. Flashy: + 2
  14. Forceful: + 3
  15. Quick: + 2
  16. Sneaky: + 1
  18. {SUCKER PUNCH}: Gains +2 to Sneaky unarmed Attacks against targets with no armor.
  19. {DEMONIC DRIVER}: Gains +2 to Flashy Overcome rolls when driving.
  20. {STATEMENT OF INTENT}: Gains +2 to Clever Defend rolls when someone is trying to deceive him.
  21. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (*for Jack Grey.)
  22. Tinncev: (Yup, definitely jack)
  23. Alias: (Huh, he traded his stand for a stunt?)
  24. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh!)
  25. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I... forgot that Stands replaced stunts?)
  26. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (*a stunt)
  27. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Maybe I'll let you guys pick out third stunts for yourselves later; he's already used two, and I'm not getting rid of the third...)
  28. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "YYYYYESSS! Awesome- er..." He falters, glancing at the broken windshield as he gets in. "Eh, I'm paying for repairs anyway, might as well go nuts, right?" He looks back at Tinncev. "C'mon! We're losing them already!" He points at the Gnolls, whom seem to be getting back up to proper car speed as they approach the corner.
  29. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Pirrue>?)
  30. Pirrue: _isn't waiting for her opponent to make a move or explain himself._
  31. Alias: "Try... Not... Kill... Us..." Alias manages
  32. Pirrue: "Gaaaaam*biiiiiiiiNOOOOOOOOO!!!!*"
  33. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (He's telling you to get in the car, <@!Tinncev>.)
  34. Pirrue: She wills Toys in the Attic into existence, and throws her fist - and that of Toys in the Attic - straight towards his face...
  35. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll attack, Pirrue.)
  36. Tinncev: _gets into the car with Jack, "Eh, I got insurance on this thing anyhow."_
  37. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+4 (Stand's Forceful)
  38. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+4 for 2 [4dF = [ ][-][ ][-]] (Stand's Forceful)
  39. Pirrue: (okay, I'm gonna spend an FP on Ten Pounds of Anger in a Five-Pound Bag and reroll)
  40. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+4 (Stand's Forceful)
  41. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+4 for 6 [4dF = [+][ ][+][ ]] (Stand's Forceful)
  42. Pirrue: (whoo yeah)
  43. Tinncev: (OOH YEAH)
  44. Tinncev: (~~SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM~~)
  45. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Okay, rolling quick defense.)
  46. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3
  47. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 3 [4df = [+][-][-][+]]
  48. Tinncev: (Ooof)
  49. DetectiveCaillou|GM: *SLAM!* Face meets fist as Toys in the Attic swings at Gambino! He didn't even get to attempt a dodge!
  50. "NNGGH!" He braces himself against the wall, rubbing his bleeding mouth. Is he... giggling?
  51. Pirrue: _is panting from exertion. She put as much force as she could muster into that attack._
  52. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Suddenly, he unsummons his Stand and ducks out of the room in a full run!
  53. Pirrue: "Dammit! Slippery bastard..."
  54. DetectiveCaillou|GM: T & A: *SLAM!* Pedal meets metal as wheels squeal to propel the trio forward! "Alright! Let's kill da bros!"
  55. Pirrue: _takes off after Gambino as fast as her legs will carry her. She doesn't bother de-summoning her Stand - she's going to mess that bastard up as soon as she lays eyes on him!_
  56. Tinncev: _stares at Jack, "Alright this might be bad..."_
  57. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue runs out into the hall to hear the double doors to the right being knocked open. Gambino(?) runs out into backstage flailing his arms.
  58. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Call the police! She's trying to kill me!"
  59. Pirrue: "*You're* the killer, Gambino! Or whatever your name is!" Pirrue shouts, focusing too intently on her quarry to worry about whether his accusations will hold water in present company.
  60. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (T & A: It's time for a quick race between heroes and jerks! Who's going to roll for the car? (+5 speed - 1 for each consequence. Currently +4.))
  61. Alias: (Uuh... Jack was going to drive?)
  62. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh, right, the stunt. Didn't take that into account. You'll still have stuff to do, though!)
  63. Alias: (What do we do?)
  64. Alias: (Do we have guns to shoot them?)
  65. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Do stuff to put the odds in your favor! Create advantages!)
  66. Pirrue: (hey, uh, can I make this a self-compel on Pirrue's anger issues? XD)
  67. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Er, Tinncev could attack them, I guess.)
  68. Tinncev: (Can I throw Miasma Seeds?)
  69. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Sure!)
  70. Tinncev: (That's a 4df+4 right?)
  71. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (@Pirrue. XP)
  72. Pirrue: (ha, yes. Back up to 3 FP! :3)
  73. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Tinncev: Well... The contest determines how close you guys are, but the streets have set space on them. The Duran twins are on the last spot before the corner, while you guys are three spots behind them. If they're around the corner, and you're not, then you don't have a line of fire.)
  74. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (The contest roll comes first.
  75. Alias: (Can Angry young man pick up one of those blue mailboxes?)
  76. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+2
  77. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [+][-][+][ ]]
  78. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Now Jack's roll.)
  79. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Does anyone want to roll for him?)
  80. Alias: (Just roll for him, DC)
  81. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Okay.)
  82. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+4
  83. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+4 for 7 [4df = [+][ ][+][+]]
  84. Alias: (Oh, what's this? :3c)
  85. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Gonna spend FATE on [Muscle and More Muscle] to increase the pedal-slamming output by +2, so it's just a regular victory. :3c)
  86. Alias: (Don't burn your fate too fast)
  87. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Well I don't want the fight to end too soon, either. >_>)
  88. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The brothers have hardly passed the corner for more than a second before the trio come barreling towards it! (Distance: 2) (The brothers take their turn.) What they see when they round the bend, however...
  89. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue: You're charging blindly into the backstage area at Gambino?)
  90. Alias: _Alias calls Angry Young Man, and gets him to reach for a street mailbox on the side and pick it up as the car passes by._
  91. Pirrue: (*Yes.* XD)
  92. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll defense vs. Sneaky, Pirrue. :3)
  93. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+3 (Clever)
  94. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+3 for 5 [4dF = [+][+][-][+]] (Clever)
  95. Pirrue: (woo!)
  96. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll for Create Advantage, Alias. Forceful?)
  97. Alias: (yeah)
  98. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Also, Alias.)
  99. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I wasn't done.)
  100. Alias: (Sorry)
  101. Alias: (I was itching for this)
  102. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue stops short at the sound crinkling coils as two long silver appendages dart down in front of her! They dart back up out of sight as Gambino scowls, though Pirrue is pretty sure it's still up there. He runs out of sight to the left as staff members begin moving to see what's up.
  103. DetectiveCaillou|GM: T & A: Jack stops himself from slamming on the breaks as when the three round the corner, they witness the enemies' car pass between the legs of a blue giant! The giant moves a foot, closing the gap in that lane!
  104. Pirrue: "...I don't have time for this!" She briefly desummons Toys in the Attic and attempts to resummon it as a couple of spidery scouts to climb up into the rafters and keep watch for any trickery on Gambino's part. She's not gonna get blindsided if she can help it...
  105. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I think this ability requires a FATE point when [Falling to Pieces] is not in affect?)
  106. Pirrue: (spend FATE as a free action, or spend a regular action otherwise)
  107. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (This is why these guys were pushovers in close quarters. >:3)
  108. Pirrue: (and yeah, I think i'll spend the FATE to use it as a free action 😉 )
  109. Alias: _Alias looks at the giant, his expression is hard to determine. Either he's unfazed, or his jaw is broken._
  110. Pirrue: (and continue my pursuit!)
  111. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So what "actions" are you taking with this?)
  112. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (*mechanically speaking.)
  113. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Does Alias or Tinncev have higher speed?)
  114. Pirrue: (well, basically, I'm sending my Stand into the rafters to scout for any further surprise attacks, while continuing to chase after Gambino on foot)
  115. Alias: (Alias has quick 2, don't know if that's high enough)
  116. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alias: No, just to determine turn order. Pirrue: Like, Create Advantage and Overcome, respectively? That's what I meant when I said "mechanically".)
  117. Pirrue: (ah, yeah)
  118. Pirrue: (uh, wait)
  119. Pirrue: (hmm)
  120. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Wait, do you have to roll for free actions?)
  121. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (And I simply meant he dodged out of sight from the door.)
  122. Pirrue: (uh, no, the idea is that she breaks up her Stand as a free action, i.e. without consuming an action)
  123. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I thought Pirrue was still in the hallway. Celebrity Skin tried to ambush her from above the door frame.)
  124. Pirrue: (whoop, misread)
  125. Pirrue: (okay, let's change that)
  126. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So does Alias or Tinncev do something, first?)
  127. Pirrue: "I don't have time for this," Pirrue grunts as she narrowly dodges. She needs to press the advantage. She continues her pursuit, but with Toys in the Attic taking the lead instead of following behind her.
  128. Alias: (I mean, can Alias even reach the foot?)
  129. Alias: (he can't reach the wheel, I don't think?)
  130. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (He can still try to create advantages and attack somehow, right? Picking up a mailbox and throwing it in one action could be an attack with no boosts.)
  131. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So Pirrue's action is just chasing him?)
  132. Alias: _Alias calls Angry Young Man, and gets him to reach for a street mailbox on the side and pick it up as the car passes by, who then proceeds to fling it with all his might against the strange foot._
  133. Pirrue: (...on second thought.)
  134. Pirrue: (i'm gonna spend that FATE Point to switch TiTA's modes, and try something else)
  135. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Moving a node is a valid action.)
  136. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alias, roll for attack.)
  137. Pirrue: _pulls a little blade out of her pocket - the letter opener she's begun to associate with her Stand. With a little concentration, she dismantles Toys in the Attic, then reaffixes it to the knife in her hand..._
  138. Pirrue: *"You're not getting away from me!"*
  139. Alias: !roll 4df+4 (forceful, c'mon dice gods)
  140. DiscoDude: <@Alias> rolled 4df+4 for 2 [4df = [ ][-][-][ ]] (forceful, c'mon dice gods)
  141. Alias: (Somehow, i knew this was going to happen)
  142. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Forceful toy creation?)
  143. Pirrue: She throws the knife at Gambino! She might not be able to catch him in a straight-up foot race, but if she can get her Stand closer - and perhaps in a way he can't easily get rid of - this fight is as good as hers!
  144. Pirrue: (so this puts me back at 2FP)
  145. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (But do you have a line of sight on him?)
  146. Pirrue: (time for keh-*raaaaazy* Jojo tactics :3)
  147. Pirrue: (uh, I followed him through his escape route, so I thought I did?)
  148. Pirrue: (you never said he'd vanished)
  149. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh.)
  150. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Forgot that part.)
  151. Pirrue: (i thought the chase was still on - just that it had gotten briefly interrupted. ^_^; )
  152. Pirrue: (or am I wrong?)
  153. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Damn, how did this part become so confusing? So who's rolling? Pirrue, TitA, or the toy?)
  154. Pirrue: (Pirrue's rolling because she's throwing the knife.)
  155. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Got it. Where did +4 come from?)
  156. Alias: (That was me)
  157. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh. XP)
  158. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alright, I'll roll forceful defense, then.)
  159. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5
  160. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5 for 7 [4df = [-][+][+][+]]
  161. Alias: *Help me*
  162. Pirrue: (is that for me or for Alias?)
  163. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alias. Pirrue, did you roll?)
  164. Pirrue: (nope, rolling Careful, because I need to aim this sucker good)
  165. Alias: (Angry young man? More like Angry puss man)
  166. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+1
  167. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+1 for 2 [4dF = [+][ ][+][-]]
  168. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Got any counters to this?)
  169. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3 (Quick vs. Pirrue)
  170. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 0 [4df = [-][ ][-][-]] (Quick vs. Pirrue)
  171. Pirrue: (ha ha. HA HA HA HA HA HA)
  172. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (... Huh.)
  173. Alias: (Pls, dice gods, gimme some of that as well)
  174. Pirrue: (to be absolutely clear, Pirrue is hoping the letter opener will actually stick into him - not lethally, but she wants Toys in the Attic to be literally at point-blank range to grapple him)
  175. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Celebrity Skin springs from its perch above the door frame, launching itself at the flight path of the knife! It barely misses catching it! "GAAH! SOMEBODY STOP HER!" Gambino squeals - like some kind of... reptile? - as the artifice plunges into his back, knocking him forward!
  176. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Create advantage or attack?)
  177. Pirrue: (Create Advantage!)
  178. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Got it!) [Thing on My Back][!]
  179. Pirrue: Now this chase is over. Pirrue grins as she wills Toys in the Attic to reconstruct itself from every loose scrap in its surroundings, rendering Gambino immobile and at her mercy!
  180. Pirrue: (i want this to be a Forceful roll XD)
  181. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (The non-free action?)
  182. Pirrue: (yeah, I'm going to have my Stand re-form as my action this turn, with the catch that it's in a position to leave Gambino at a *huge* disadvantage XD)
  183. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alias; to be clear, you're not going to improve your roll at all?)
  184. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I thought moving a node was your standard action?)
  185. Alias: (uuuugh... I would if I could)
  186. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Got it.)
  187. DetectiveCaillou|GM: *PONG!* The mailbox bounces harmlessly off of the leg! (<@!Tinncev>!)
  188. Pirrue: (Moving from one zone to an adjacent zone is free.)
  189. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Got it.)
  190. Tinncev: (Hmmm?)
  191. Pirrue: (it's if i'm trying to move 2 or more zones, or with someone/something blocking me, that i'd be rolling)
  192. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So your main action is to turn that Aspect into a Binding Aspect, <@!Pirrue>?)
  193. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Tinncev: It's your turn.)
  194. Tinncev: (Miasma seeds ?)
  195. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alright, roll.)
  196. Pirrue: (yeah, p'much)
  197. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alright, then.)
  198. Pirrue: !roll 4dF+4 (Stand's Forceful)
  199. DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+4 for 5 [4dF = [-][ ][+][+]] (Stand's Forceful)
  200. Pirrue: "Let's see you escape from *this!*"
  201. Alias: ( <@!Tinncev> , there's a foot afoot )
  202. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Um... Does that need a roll? I was talking to Tinncev.)
  203. Alias: (Hah, I rolled terribly, but at least I still have humour)
  204. Tinncev: !roll 4df+4
  205. DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+4 for 2 [4df = [ ][-][-][ ]]
  206. Alias: (Two swings and two misses! Ladies and gentlemen, can our heros get out of this bind?)
  207. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Now, this isn't something that Forceful can defend against, so... XD)
  208. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+0
  209. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+0 for 3 [4df = [+][ ][+][+]]
  210. Alias: (It's all up to Jack, ladies and gentlemen, can he do it, this is the question!)
  211. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue: You're rolling forceful to upgrade this?)
  212. Pirrue: (Yes. This guy ain't goin' *nowheres.* XD)
  213. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Crap, crap, crap!" Jack swerves into the opposite lane to avoid the giant! (-2 to the contest roll!)
  214. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+2
  215. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [+][-][+][ ]]
  216. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Now the Gnolls.)
  217. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !r 4df+2
  218. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 0 [4df = [-][-][+][-]]
  219. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Doing the same thing as last time. ^_^; Can I not spend the same aspect in one encounter, or is it just during one action?)
  220. Pirrue: (the restriction is per roll)
  221. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Got it.)
  222. Alias: (This seems like like a salvation for our heroes, ladies and gentlemen! Maybe they can still pull this off!)
  223. DetectiveCaillou|GM: *HONK HONK! SWERVE!*
  224. Alias: (The analysis is the following: We've had brave attempts by the part of the heroes to do something, but the dice gods just want to shit on them today, let's hope they can manage to please the gods quickly, in some way or manner.)
  225. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Jack get a few angry yells thrown his way, but he's around the giant, and still gaining on the pair!
  226. Alias: (Yes yes, that's right, thanks for the analysis, and now we are back to the action!)
  227. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Distance: 1.)
  228. DetectiveCaillou|GM: ゴゴゴゴゴゴ
  229. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Suddenly, there's a towering sense of foreboding...
  230. Alias: (You mean that there wasn't one before, with those rolls?)
  231. DetectiveCaillou|GM: As Jack swerved around the giant, the giant turned to continue facing the car- it has its foot in the air!
  232. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Will one of you defend, or will you trust Jack to speed it?!)
  233. Alias: (Can I aggressively defend? By attacking the foot? It's close enough for outward force, right?)
  234. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (You sure that's a good idea?)
  235. Alias: (Tell me a better idea. Like attacking the other car?)
  236. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I gave you your options. You decide.)
  237. Alias: (Sure)
  238. Alias: _Angry Young Man (maybe a bit angrier than usual), attempts to wreck the other car with the ***Outward Force*** from his spheres "Tora tora toraaaaa!!!"_
  239. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (You're not close enough for that.)
  240. Alias: (But the distance is **1**)
  241. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (The distance needs to be **0**.)
  242. Alias: (Ok, changing tactics)
  243. Alias: _Angry Young Man uses his *Outwards Force* to PROPEL the car the heroes are in fowards_
  244. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Ah, Defense? Alright, roll.)
  245. Alias: _4df+4 (forceful)_
  246. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue: Let me roll defense.)
  247. Alias: !4df+4 (forceful)
  248. Alias: !roll 4df+4 (forceful)
  249. DiscoDude: <@Alias> rolled 4df+4 for 3 [4df = [-][ ][ ][ ]] (forceful)
  250. Alias: (*help me*)
  251. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5 (Careful vs. Pirrue)
  252. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5 for 5 [4df = [-][+][ ][ ]] (Careful vs. Pirrue)
  253. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+3 (-2 for dodge defense)
  254. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+3 for 4 [4df = [ ][+][ ][ ]]; -2 for -2 [] for dodge defense)
  255. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh, wait; why didn't I rule that as you helping Jack with his roll?)
  256. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (It can still be ruled that way, anyway.)
  257. Alias: (Ooooh! Another miss! Wow, what a day for Alias today!)
  258. (Yes yes, certainly, it seems that not giving chocolate to anyone this easter seems to have displeased the dice gods!)
  259. (Not for lack of trying tho, he's sitting on at least two easter gifts he sill has to hand out!)
  260. Alias: I'll take anything I can get
  261. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Wait, I forget what the rules on helping other rolls are?)
  262. Pirrue: (yeah, I'm gonna pump a FATE Point into "Ten Pounds of Anger" to add a +2 to my roll XD)
  263. Alias: (Just create advantage? I don't know...)
  264. Alias: ( <@!Pirrue> , helping others is...?)
  265. Pirrue: (hang on)
  266. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Alright, so Alias adds +1 to Jack's roll? What about Tinncev? (Keep in mind you're skipping a turn to do this.))
  267. Alias: (I am fine with skipping my turn, I am yet to have a decent roll myself)
  268. Tinncev: (I rolled my Miasma Seeds for 4)
  269. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Yeah, they missed, despite They Might Be Giants having +0 in everything other than Forceful, AC, and WC. XD)
  270. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Well, Tinncev? You keeping your action, or helping defend?)
  271. Tinncev: (defend)
  272. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "A'ight, evasive maneuvers!" Jack slams the pedal even harder, though the other two weren't sure that was even possible!
  273. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+4 (Maroon 5 for Stand/User double foot action!)
  274. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+4 for 2 [4df = [-][+][-][-]] (Maroon; 5 for 5 [] for Stand/User double foot action!)
  275. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (+2 = 4!)
  276. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (It beats 3!)
  277. DetectiveCaillou|GM: From Angry Young Man pounding the pavement and propelling the car forward to In Bloom's vines hooking lamp posts and street signs to pull it ahead, the foot of the giant just barely misses the rear bumper!
  278. Alias: _Alias looks to see if they are in the clear already_
  279. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The giant is falling behind! All that's left is to see if Jack can finally catch up to the brothers!
  280. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+4
  281. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+4 for 3 [4df = [+][ ][-][-]]
  282. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+2
  283. DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 0 [4df = [-][ ][ ][-]]
  284. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Man, *everyone* is rolling low today! XD)
  285. DetectiveCaillou|GM: The trio finally pull up to the pair as they round the second corner... Is that *another* giant up ahead?!
  286. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I forget; did Pirrue boost her roll?)
  287. Alias: _Alias groans_
  288. Pirrue: (*yes*)
  289. Pirrue: (7 to 5. sucka's goin' *down* :3)
  290. Pirrue: (also, fudge)
  291. Pirrue: (forget the FATE Point; I can use the free invoke on the Aspect XD)
  292. Pirrue: (so I keep 2 :3)
  293. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Mind if we take a 10 minute break while I use the bathroom?)
  294. Pirrue: (not at all!)
  295. DetectiveCaillou|GM: INTERMISSION:
  298. Destructive Power: C
  299. Speed: B
  300. Range: D (5m)
  301. Durability: C
  302. Precision: A
  303. Development Potential: D
  305. Destructive Power: A
  306. Speed: E
  307. Range: B (50m)
  308. Durability: A
  309. Precision: E
  310. Development Potential: E
  311. DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: A little focus, and suddenly Gambino(?) is wrapped in a tangled mass of mechanical limbs! He swears as he tries to get it off, but before Pirrue can encroach on him...
  312. Pirrue: "You're mine now!..."
  313. DetectiveCaillou|GM: "H-hey, are you idiots just going to stand by while she murders our star actor?!" Pirrue whips around to see a cowering fox in director's attire in the back of the room, pointing at her accusingly. Some stage hands, and even a fellow actor move to get between Pirrue and Gambino(?), though they seem reluctantly unsure what to do.
  314. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Last lines, @everyone?)
  315. Pirrue: "...*shit.*"
  316. Alias: (Lemme see)
  317. Alias: _Alias grunts, angrily_
  318. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Tinncev>?)
  319. Tinncev: _sits quietly_
  320. Tinncev: (Dat be my line)
  321. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (You guys aren't much for verbal reactions, are you? XD)
  322. Alias: (I mean.)
  323. DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Well anyways, let us...)
  324. DetectiveCaillou|GM: !end
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