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- -- Supported Games
- print("Supported Games Below")
- print("RoStreet | Working but not finished")
- print("Kick Off | Working but not finished")
- print("Prison Life | Working but almost finished")
- print("Untitled Gym Game | Basically nothing on it")
- print("Clicking Universe! | Working Barely stable rn")
- print("Elephant Hotel | Working Fully")
- -- Test
- print("Working")
- -- Window
- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Bowa Hub | Universal",
- Icon = 0, -- Icon in Topbar. Can use Lucide Icons (string) or Roblox Image (number). 0 to use no icon (default).
- LoadingTitle = "Script Hub Loading Universal...",
- LoadingSubtitle = "Ofhz and Velcro Presents",
- Theme = "Ocean", -- Check
- DisableRayfieldPrompts = false,
- DisableBuildWarnings = false, -- Prevents Rayfield from warning when the script has a version mismatch with the interface
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = true,
- FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
- FileName = "Big Hub"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false, -- Prompt the user to join your Discord server if their executor supports it
- Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
- RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
- },
- KeySystem = true, -- Set this to true to use our key system
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Untitled",
- Subtitle = "Key System",
- Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided", -- Use this to tell the user how to get a key
- FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
- SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
- GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
- Key = {"ofhz"} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")
- }
- })
- -- Notification
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Bowa Hub | Universal",
- Content = "Undergo construction. Keybind (K)",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- })
- --Tabs and Sections
- local home = Window:CreateTab("Home", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = home:CreateSection("Home")
- local pla = Window:CreateTab("Player", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = pla:CreateSection("Player Scripts")
- local misc = Window:CreateTab("Misc", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = misc:CreateSection("Misc")
- local adm = Window:CreateTab("Admin", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = adm:CreateSection("Admin Scripts")
- local scr = Window:CreateTab("Scripts", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = scr:CreateSection("Random Scripts")
- local set = Window:CreateTab("Settings", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = set:CreateSection("Settings")
- -- Home
- local Paragraph = home:CreateParagraph({Title = "Big Thank You.", Content = "Hey thank you for using Bowa Hub. This script had alot of effort put into it and is made to bring the old feeling of scripts. UI made by ShlexWare | Script by VuanityMatters"})
- -- Player Scripts
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Walk Speed",
- Range = {16, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Walk",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = v
- end,
- })
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Jump Power",
- Range = {50, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Jump",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = v
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Infinite Jump (cant be undone)",
- Callback = function()
- local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
- local UIS = game:GetService'UserInputService';
- _G.JumpHeight = 50;
- function Action(Object, Function) if Object ~= nil then Function(Object); end end
- UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
- if UserInput.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- Action(Player.Character.Humanoid, function(self)
- if self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart, function(self)
- self.Velocity =, _G.JumpHeight, 0);
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Bird Fly (F)",
- Callback = function()
- local Flying = false
- local Key = "f"
- local FlySpeed = 100
- local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- if Flying == true then
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = FlySpeed
- end
- end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input == string.lower(Key) then
- Flying = not Flying
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = game.StarterPlayer.CharacterWalkSpeed
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Fly (E)",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Script Executed", Text = "Script made by Vuanity"})
- repeat wait()
- until game.Players.LocalPlayer and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- repeat wait() until mouse
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local torso = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local flying = true
- local deb = true
- local ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local maxspeed = 50
- local speed = 0
- function Fly()
- local bg ="BodyGyro", torso)
- bg.P = 9e4
- bg.maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9)
- bg.cframe = torso.CFrame
- local bv ="BodyVelocity", torso)
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- bv.maxForce =, 9e9, 9e9)
- repeat wait()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- if ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0 then
- speed = speed+.5+(speed/maxspeed)
- if speed > maxspeed then
- speed = maxspeed
- end
- elseif not (ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0) and speed ~= 0 then
- speed = speed-1
- if speed < 0 then
- speed = 0
- end
- end
- if (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) ~= 0 or (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (ctrl.f+ctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- lastctrl = {f = ctrl.f, b = ctrl.b, l = ctrl.l, r = ctrl.r}
- elseif (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) == 0 and (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) == 0 and speed ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- else
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- end
- bg.cframe = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad((ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*50*speed/maxspeed),0,0)
- until not flying
- ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- speed = 0
- bg:Destroy()
- bv:Destroy()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- end
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "e" then
- if flying then flying = false
- else
- flying = true
- Fly()
- end
- elseif key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 1
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 1
- end
- end)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 0
- end
- end)
- Fly()
- end,
- })
- --- Misc Scripts
- local Button = misc:CreateButton({
- Name = "Aimbot",
- Callback = function()
- local teamCheck = false
- local fov = 90
- local smoothing = 0.02
- local predictionFactor = 0.08 -- Adjust this factor to improve prediction accuracy
- local highlightEnabled = false -- Variable to enable or disable target highlighting. Change to False if using an ESP script.
- local lockPart = "HumanoidRootPart" -- Choose what part it locks onto. Ex. HumanoidRootPart or Head
- local Toggle = false -- Enable or disable toggle mode
- local ToggleKey = Enum.KeyCode.E -- Choose the key for toggling aimbot lock
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Universal Aimbot";
- Text = "made by VaunityMatters";
- Duration = 5;
- })
- local FOVring ="Circle")
- FOVring.Visible = true
- FOVring.Thickness = 1
- FOVring.Radius = fov
- FOVring.Transparency = 0.8
- FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128)
- FOVring.Position = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2
- local currentTarget = nil
- local aimbotEnabled = true
- local toggleState = false -- Variable to keep track of toggle state
- local debounce = false -- Debounce variable
- local function getClosest(cframe)
- local ray =, cframe.LookVector).Unit
- local target = nil
- local mag = math.huge
- local screenCenter = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild(lockPart) and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v ~= Players.LocalPlayer and (v.Team ~= Players.LocalPlayer.Team or (not teamCheck)) then
- local screenPoint, onScreen = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character[lockPart].Position)
- local distanceFromCenter = (, screenPoint.Y) - screenCenter).Magnitude
- if onScreen and distanceFromCenter <= fov then
- local magBuf = (v.Character[lockPart].Position - ray:ClosestPoint(v.Character[lockPart].Position)).Magnitude
- if magBuf < mag then
- mag = magBuf
- target = v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return target
- end
- local function updateFOVRing()
- FOVring.Position = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2
- end
- local function highlightTarget(target)
- if highlightEnabled and target and target.Character then
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- highlight.Adornee = target.Character
- highlight.FillColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128)
- highlight.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
- highlight.Parent = target.Character
- end
- end
- local function removeHighlight(target)
- if highlightEnabled and target and target.Character and target.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Highlight") then
- target.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Highlight"):Destroy()
- end
- end
- local function predictPosition(target)
- if target and target.Character and target.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- local velocity = target.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity
- local position = target.Character[lockPart].Position
- local predictedPosition = position + (velocity * predictionFactor)
- return predictedPosition
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function handleToggle()
- if debounce then return end
- debounce = true
- toggleState = not toggleState
- wait(0.3) -- Debounce time to prevent multiple toggles
- debounce = false
- end
- loop = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if aimbotEnabled then
- updateFOVRing()
- local localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
- local screenCenter = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2
- if Toggle then
- if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(ToggleKey) then
- handleToggle()
- end
- else
- toggleState = UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2)
- end
- if toggleState then
- if not currentTarget then
- currentTarget = getClosest(cam.CFrame)
- highlightTarget(currentTarget) -- Highlight the new target if enabled
- end
- if currentTarget and currentTarget.Character and currentTarget.Character:FindFirstChild(lockPart) then
- local predictedPosition = predictPosition(currentTarget)
- if predictedPosition then
- workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame:Lerp(, predictedPosition), smoothing)
- end
- FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) -- Change FOV ring color to green when locked onto a target
- else
- FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128) -- Revert FOV ring color to original when not locked onto a target
- end
- else
- if currentTarget and highlightEnabled then
- removeHighlight(currentTarget) -- Remove highlight from the old target
- end
- currentTarget = nil
- FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128) -- Revert FOV ring color to original when not locked onto a target
- end
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = misc:CreateButton({
- Name = "Mouse Tracer",
- Callback = function()
- getgenv().Prediction = 0.131
- getgenv().AirshotFunc = true
- local new = {
- main = {
- Mario = true,
- Part = "HumanoidRootPart", -- Head, UpperTorso, HumanoidRootPart, LowerTorso, RightFoot, LeftFoot, RightArm, LeftArm
- Key = "q",
- Notifications = true,
- },
- Tracer = {
- TracerThickness = 3.5,
- TracerTransparency = 1,
- TracerColor = Color3.fromRGB(148,0,211) -- made by thusky
- }
- }
- local CurrentCamera = game:GetService "Workspace".CurrentCamera
- local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Line ="Line")
- local Inset = game:GetService("GuiService"):GetGuiInset().Y
- Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(KeyPressed)
- if KeyPressed == (new.main.Key) then
- if new.main.Mario == true then
- new.main.Mario = false
- if new.main.Notifications == true then
- Plr = FindClosestUser()
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Working",
- Text = "Made by VuanityMatters"
- })
- end
- else
- Plr = FindClosestUser()
- new.main.Mario = true
- if new.main.Notifications == true then
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Working",
- Text = "Made by VuanityMatters" .. tostring(Plr.Character.Humanoid.DisplayName)
- })
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- function FindClosestUser()
- local closestPlayer
- local shortestDistance = math.huge
- for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and
- v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- local pos = CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position)
- local magnitude = (, pos.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).magnitude
- if magnitude < shortestDistance then
- closestPlayer = v
- shortestDistance = magnitude
- end
- end
- end
- return closestPlayer
- end
- RunService.Stepped:connect(function()
- if new.main.Mario == true then
- local Vector = CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(Plr.Character[new.main.Part].Position +
- (Plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity *
- Prediction))
- Line.Color = new.Tracer.TracerColor -- made by thusky
- Line.Thickness = new.Tracer.TracerThickness
- Line.Transparency = new.Tracer.TracerTransparency
- Line.From =, Mouse.Y + Inset)
- Line.To =, Vector.Y)
- Line.Visible = true
- else
- Line.Visible = false
- end
- end)
- local mt = getrawmetatable(game)
- local old = mt.__namecall
- setreadonly(mt, false)
- mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(...)
- local args = {...}
- if new.main.Mario and getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and args[2] == "UpdateMousePos" then
- args[3] = Plr.Character[new.main.Part].Position +
- (Plr.Character[new.main.Part].Velocity * Prediction)
- return old(unpack(args))
- end
- return old(...)
- end)
- if AirshotFunc == true then
- if Plr.Character.Humanoid.Jump == true and Plr.Character.Humanoid.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Air then
- settings.main.Part = "RightFoot"
- else
- Plr.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").StateChanged:Connect(function(old,new)
- if new == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- settings.main.Part = "LowerTorso"
- else
- settings.main.Part = "HumanoidRootPart"
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = misc:CreateButton({
- Name = "ESP",
- Callback = function()
- local players = game:GetService("Players")
- local localPlayer = players.LocalPlayer
- local camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
- local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local function createESPBox(player)
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- highlight.Name = player.Name .. "_ESP"
- highlight.Adornee = player.Character
- highlight.FillTransparency = 1
- if player.Team then
- highlight.OutlineColor = player.Team.TeamColor.Color
- else
- highlight.OutlineColor =, 1, 1)
- end
- highlight.OutlineTransparency = 0
- highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
- highlight.Parent = player.Character
- end
- local function addESP()
- for _, player in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do
- if player ~= localPlayer and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- if not player.Character:FindFirstChild(player.Name .. "_ESP") then
- createESPBox(player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- addESP()
- end)
- players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)
- if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild(player.Name .. "_ESP") then
- player.Character[player.Name .. "_ESP"]:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- --- Admin Scripts
- local Button = adm:CreateButton({
- Name = "Infinite Yield",
- Callback = function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet((''),true))()
- end,
- })
- local Button = adm:CreateButton({
- Name = "Nameless Admin",
- Callback = function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- end,
- })
- local Button = adm:CreateButton({
- Name = "Ultimate Admin",
- Callback = function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("",true))() ----------- Intro GUI
- local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer ------------- START OF SCRIPT
- Player.Chatted:connect(function(cht) ----------- CMD SMART
- if cht:match(":cmd") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("",true))()
- elseif cht:match(":toolgui") then -------------------- TOOL GUI PART / END OF CMD
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("",true))()
- elseif cht:match(":savetool") then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
- if (v:IsA("Tool")) then
- v.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- end
- end
- elseif cht:match(":loadtool") then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetChildren()) do
- if (v:IsA("Tool")) then
- v.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
- end
- end
- elseif cht:match(":antiafk") then --------------------------------- END OF TOOL GUI PART
- local VirtualUser=game:service'VirtualUser'
- game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer.Idled:connect(function()
- VirtualUser:CaptureController()
- VirtualUser:ClickButton2(
- end)
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title = "Loaded";
- Text = "Anti AFK Script";
- })
- elseif cht:match(":blockhead") then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
- elseif cht:match(":creeper6") then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
- function doo(limb, pos)
- limb:BreakJoints()
- local velocity ="RocketPropulsion", limb)
- velocity.CartoonFactor = 0
- velocity.MaxSpeed = 30
- velocity.MaxThrust = 9999
- velocity.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
- velocity.Target = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
- velocity.TargetOffset = pos
- velocity:fire()
- local b ="BodyGyro", limb)
- end
- while wait() do
- doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Arm"],,-2,-1))
- doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Arm"],,-2,-1))
- doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Left Leg"],,-2,1))
- doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Right Leg"],,-2,1))
- end
- elseif cht:match(":creeper15") then
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Head.Mesh:destroy()
- function doo(limb, pos)
- limb:BreakJoints()
- local velocity ="RocketPropulsion", limb)
- velocity.CartoonFactor = 0
- velocity.MaxSpeed = 30
- velocity.MaxThrust = 9999
- velocity.MaxTorque =,math.huge,math.huge)
- velocity.Target = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.UpperTorso
- velocity.TargetOffset = pos
- velocity:fire()
- local b ="BodyGyro", limb)
- end
- while wait() do
- doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["LeftUpperArm"],,-2,-1))
- doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["RightUpperArm"],,-2,-1))
- doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["LeftUpperLeg"],,-2,1))
- doo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["RightUpperLeg"],,-2,1))
- end
- elseif cht:match(":shattervest") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- elseif cht:match(":animationgui") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- elseif cht:match(":gabx") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))();
- elseif cht:match(":clickdel") then
- local Plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Plr:GetMouse()
- Mouse.Button1Down:connect(function()
- if not game:GetService("UserInputService"):IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl) then return end
- if not Mouse.Target then return end
- Mouse.Target:Destroy()
- end)
- elseif cht:match(":trollinggui") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- elseif cht:match(":infinitejump") then
- local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
- local UIS = game:GetService'UserInputService';
- _G.JumpHeight = 50;
- function Action(Object, Function) if Object ~= nil then Function(Object); end end
- UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
- if UserInput.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- Action(Player.Character.Humanoid, function(self)
- if self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart, function(self)
- self.Velocity =, _G.JumpHeight, 0);
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- elseif cht:match(":opfianlity") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))();
- elseif cht:match(":aimbot1") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- elseif cht:match("aimbot2") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- elseif cht:match("aimbotgui") then
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()
- elseif cht:match(":openui") then -- secret script if you open the github :))
- end
- end)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF SCRIPT ------------------------------------------------------------------
- local Button = adm:CreateButton({
- Name = "Nameless Admin",
- Callback = function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- end,
- })
- loadstring(game:HttpGet("",true))()
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title = "Loaded";
- Text = "Ultimate Admin Script";
- })
- print("Working Admin Script")
- end,
- })
- --- Random Scripts
- local Button = scr:CreateButton({
- Name = "Custom Btools",
- Callback = function()
- local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local movetool ="Tool", LocalPlayer.Backpack)
- local deletetool ="Tool", LocalPlayer.Backpack)
- local undotool ="Tool", LocalPlayer.Backpack)
- local identifytool ="Tool", LocalPlayer.Backpack)
- local movedetect = false
- local movingpart = nil
- local movetransparency = 0
- if editedparts == nil then
- editedparts = {}
- parentfix = {}
- positionfix = {}
- end
- deletetool.Name = "Delete"
- undotool.Name = "Undo"
- identifytool.Name = "Identify"
- movetool.Name = "Move"
- undotool.CanBeDropped = false
- deletetool.CanBeDropped = false
- identifytool.CanBeDropped = false
- movetool.CanBeDropped = false
- undotool.RequiresHandle = false
- deletetool.RequiresHandle = false
- identifytool.RequiresHandle = false
- movetool.RequiresHandle = false
- local function createnotification(title, text)
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = title;
- Text = text;
- Duration = 1;
- })
- end
- deletetool.Activated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Delete Tool", "You have deleted "..mouse.Target.Name)
- table.insert(editedparts, mouse.Target)
- table.insert(parentfix, mouse.Target.Parent)
- table.insert(positionfix, mouse.Target.CFrame)
- mouse.Target.Parent = nil
- end)
- undotool.Activated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Undo Tool", "You have undone "..editedparts[#editedparts].Name)
- editedparts[#editedparts].Parent = parentfix[#parentfix]
- editedparts[#editedparts].CFrame = positionfix[#positionfix]
- table.remove(positionfix, #positionfix)
- table.remove(editedparts, #editedparts)
- table.remove(parentfix, #parentfix)
- end)
- identifytool.Activated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Identify Tool", "Instance: "..mouse.Target.ClassName.."\nName: "..mouse.Target.Name)
- end)
- movetool.Activated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Move Tool", "You are moving: "..mouse.Target.Name)
- movingpart = mouse.Target
- movedetect = true
- movingpart.CanCollide = false
- movetransparency = movingpart.Transparency
- movingpart.Transparency = 0.5
- mouse.TargetFilter = movingpart
- table.insert(editedparts, movingpart)
- table.insert(parentfix, movingpart.Parent)
- table.insert(positionfix, movingpart.CFrame)
- movingpart.Transparency = movingpart.Transparency / 2
- repeat
- mouse.Move:Wait()
- movingpart.CFrame =
- until movedetect == false
- end)
- movetool.Deactivated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Move Tool", "You have stopped moving: "..mouse.Target.Name)
- movingpart.CanCollide = true
- movedetect = false
- mouse.TargetFilter = nil
- movingpart.Transparency = movetransparenc
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = scr:CreateButton({
- Name = "Chat Bypass",
- Callback = function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))()
- end,
- })
- --// Settings
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn on Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = true
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn off Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = false
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = " Custom FPS Unlocker",
- Callback = function()
- if not _G.Ignore then
- _G.Ignore = {}
- end
- if not _G.WaitPerAmount then
- _G.WaitPerAmount = 500
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications == nil then
- _G.SendNotifications = true
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs == nil then
- _G.ConsoleLogs = false
- end
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- end
- if not _G.Settings then
- _G.Settings = {
- Players = {
- ["Ignore Me"] = true,
- ["Ignore Others"] = true,
- ["Ignore Tools"] = true
- },
- Meshes = {
- NoMesh = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Images = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Explosions = {
- Smaller = true,
- Invisible = false, -- Not recommended for PVP games
- Destroy = false -- Not recommended for PVP games
- },
- Particles = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- TextLabels = {
- LowerQuality = false,
- Invisible = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- MeshParts = {
- LowerQuality = true,
- Invisible = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- NoMesh = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Other = {
- ["FPS Cap"] = 240, -- Set this true to uncap FPS
- ["No Camera Effects"] = true,
- ["No Clothes"] = true,
- ["Low Water Graphics"] = true,
- ["No Shadows"] = true,
- ["Low Rendering"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Parts"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Models"] = true,
- ["Reset Materials"] = true,
- ["Lower Quality MeshParts"] = true
- }
- }
- end
- local Players, Lighting, StarterGui, MaterialService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("MaterialService")
- local ME, CanBeEnabled = Players.LocalPlayer, {"ParticleEmitter", "Trail", "Smoke", "Fire", "Sparkles"}
- local function PartOfCharacter(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= ME and v.Character and Instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function DescendantOfIgnore(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(_G.Ignore) do
- if Instance:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckIfBad(Instance)
- if not Instance:IsDescendantOf(Players) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"] and not PartOfCharacter(Instance) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"] and ME.Character and not Instance:IsDescendantOf(ME.Character) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"] and not Instance:IsA("BackpackItem") and not Instance:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BackpackItem") or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"])--[[not PartOfCharacter(Instance)]] and (_G.Ignore and not table.find(_G.Ignore, Instance) and not DescendantOfIgnore(Instance) or (not _G.Ignore or type(_G.Ignore) ~= "table" or #_G.Ignore <= 0)) then
- if Instance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoMesh and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoTexture and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.TextureId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.Destroy or _G.Settings["No Meshes"] then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("FaceInstance") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.LowDetail then
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Graphic = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif table.find(CanBeEnabled, Instance.ClassName) then
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Particles"] or _G.Settings["No Particles"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Invisible) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- end
- if (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("PostEffect") and (_G.Settings["No Camera Effects"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Camera Effects"])) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- elseif Instance:IsA("Explosion") then
- if _G.Settings["Smaller Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Smaller Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Smaller) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Invisible) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Clothing") or Instance:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or Instance:IsA("BaseWrap") then
- if _G.Settings["No Clothes"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Clothes"]) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("BasePart") and not Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Parts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Parts"]) then
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") and Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- if _G.Settings["Lower Quality TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Lower Quality TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Instance.TextScaled = false
- Instance.RichText = false
- Instance.TextSize = 14
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Invisible) then
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Model") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Models"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Models"]) then
- Instance.LevelOfDetail = 1
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Invisible) then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoTexture then
- Instance.TextureID = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoMesh then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings["No MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Loading FPS Booster...",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if (_G.Settings["Low Water Graphics"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Water Graphics"])) then
- if not workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain") then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain")
- end
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSize = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterReflectance = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterTransparency = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain"), "Decoration", false)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Water Graphics Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Water Graphics Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["No Shadows"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Shadows"]) then
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- Lighting.FogEnd = 9e9
- Lighting.ShadowSoftness = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(Lighting, "Technology", 2)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "No Shadows Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("No Shadows Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Low Rendering"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Rendering"]) then
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = 1
- settings().Rendering.MeshPartDetailLevel = Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel.Level04
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Rendering Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Rendering Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Reset Materials"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Reset Materials"]) then
- for i, v in pairs(MaterialService:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- MaterialService.Use2022Materials = false
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Reset Materials Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Reset Materials Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) then
- if setfpscap then
- if type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "string" or type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "number" then
- setfpscap(tonumber(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])),
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- end
- elseif _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) == true then
- setfpscap(1e6)
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Uncapped",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Uncapped")
- end
- end
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Cap Failed",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Cap Failed")
- end
- end
- end)
- game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- wait(_G.LoadedWait or 1)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)
- local Descendants = game:GetDescendants()
- local StartNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- local WaitNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...",
- Duration = 15,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...")
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Descendants) do
- CheckIfBad(v)
- if i == WaitNumber then
- task.wait()
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- print("Loaded " .. i .. "/" .. #Descendants)
- end
- WaitNumber = WaitNumber + StartNumber
- end
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Booster Loaded!",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Booster Loaded!")
- end,
- })
- -- RoStreets
- if game.PlaceId == 12214543378 then
- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Bowa Hub | RoStreets",
- Icon = 0, -- Icon in Topbar. Can use Lucide Icons (string) or Roblox Image (number). 0 to use no icon (default).
- LoadingTitle = "Script Hub Loading RoStreets...",
- LoadingSubtitle = "Ofhz and Velcro Presents",
- Theme = "Ocean", -- Check
- DisableRayfieldPrompts = false,
- DisableBuildWarnings = false, -- Prevents Rayfield from warning when the script has a version mismatch with the interface
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = true,
- FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
- FileName = "Big Hub"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false, -- Prompt the user to join your Discord server if their executor supports it
- Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
- RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
- },
- KeySystem = false, -- Set this to true to use our key system
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Untitled",
- Subtitle = "Key System",
- Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided", -- Use this to tell the user how to get a key
- FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
- SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
- GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
- Key = {"Hello"} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")
- }
- })
- -- Notification
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Bowa Hub | RoStreets",
- Content = "Undergo construction, more coming soon. Keybind (K)",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- })
- -- Tabs and Sections
- local home = Window:CreateTab("Home", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = home:CreateSection("Home")
- local pla = Window:CreateTab("Player", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = pla:CreateSection("Player Scripts")
- local car = Window:CreateTab("Cars", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = car:CreateSection("Spawn Cars")
- local set = Window:CreateTab("Settings", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = set:CreateSection("Settings")
- -- Home
- local Paragraph = home:CreateParagraph({Title = "Big Thank You.", Content = "Hey thank you for using Bowa Hub. This script had alot of effort put into it and is made to bring the old feeling of scripts. UI made by ShlexWare | Script by VuanityMatters"})
- -- Player
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Jump Power",
- Range = {50, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Jump",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = v
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Infinite Jump (cant be undone)",
- Callback = function()
- local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
- local UIS = game:GetService'UserInputService';
- _G.JumpHeight = 50;
- function Action(Object, Function) if Object ~= nil then Function(Object); end end
- UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
- if UserInput.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- Action(Player.Character.Humanoid, function(self)
- if self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart, function(self)
- self.Velocity =, _G.JumpHeight, 0);
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- -- Cars
- local Label = car:CreateLabel("You must own the vechiles until i fix it.", 4483362458, Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), false) -- Title, Icon, Color, IgnoreTheme
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Quad",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Quad Bike"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Dirt Bike",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "DirtBike"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Guard",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Guard"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Subar",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Subar"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Classic",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Classic"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Chevy",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Chevys"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Dog Demon",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Dog Demon"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Rhino",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Rhino"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = car:CreateButton({
- Name = "Diable",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Diable"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.SpawnVehicle:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- --// Settings
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn on Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = true
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn off Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = false
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = " Custom FPS Unlocker",
- Callback = function()
- if not _G.Ignore then
- _G.Ignore = {}
- end
- if not _G.WaitPerAmount then
- _G.WaitPerAmount = 500
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications == nil then
- _G.SendNotifications = true
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs == nil then
- _G.ConsoleLogs = false
- end
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- end
- if not _G.Settings then
- _G.Settings = {
- Players = {
- ["Ignore Me"] = true,
- ["Ignore Others"] = true,
- ["Ignore Tools"] = true
- },
- Meshes = {
- NoMesh = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Images = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Explosions = {
- Smaller = true,
- Invisible = false, -- Not recommended for PVP games
- Destroy = false -- Not recommended for PVP games
- },
- Particles = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- TextLabels = {
- LowerQuality = false,
- Invisible = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- MeshParts = {
- LowerQuality = true,
- Invisible = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- NoMesh = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Other = {
- ["FPS Cap"] = 240, -- Set this true to uncap FPS
- ["No Camera Effects"] = true,
- ["No Clothes"] = true,
- ["Low Water Graphics"] = true,
- ["No Shadows"] = true,
- ["Low Rendering"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Parts"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Models"] = true,
- ["Reset Materials"] = true,
- ["Lower Quality MeshParts"] = true
- }
- }
- end
- local Players, Lighting, StarterGui, MaterialService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("MaterialService")
- local ME, CanBeEnabled = Players.LocalPlayer, {"ParticleEmitter", "Trail", "Smoke", "Fire", "Sparkles"}
- local function PartOfCharacter(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= ME and v.Character and Instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function DescendantOfIgnore(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(_G.Ignore) do
- if Instance:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckIfBad(Instance)
- if not Instance:IsDescendantOf(Players) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"] and not PartOfCharacter(Instance) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"] and ME.Character and not Instance:IsDescendantOf(ME.Character) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"] and not Instance:IsA("BackpackItem") and not Instance:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BackpackItem") or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"])--[[not PartOfCharacter(Instance)]] and (_G.Ignore and not table.find(_G.Ignore, Instance) and not DescendantOfIgnore(Instance) or (not _G.Ignore or type(_G.Ignore) ~= "table" or #_G.Ignore <= 0)) then
- if Instance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoMesh and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoTexture and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.TextureId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.Destroy or _G.Settings["No Meshes"] then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("FaceInstance") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.LowDetail then
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Graphic = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif table.find(CanBeEnabled, Instance.ClassName) then
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Particles"] or _G.Settings["No Particles"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Invisible) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- end
- if (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("PostEffect") and (_G.Settings["No Camera Effects"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Camera Effects"])) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- elseif Instance:IsA("Explosion") then
- if _G.Settings["Smaller Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Smaller Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Smaller) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Invisible) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Clothing") or Instance:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or Instance:IsA("BaseWrap") then
- if _G.Settings["No Clothes"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Clothes"]) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("BasePart") and not Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Parts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Parts"]) then
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") and Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- if _G.Settings["Lower Quality TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Lower Quality TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Instance.TextScaled = false
- Instance.RichText = false
- Instance.TextSize = 14
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Invisible) then
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Model") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Models"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Models"]) then
- Instance.LevelOfDetail = 1
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Invisible) then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoTexture then
- Instance.TextureID = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoMesh then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings["No MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Loading FPS Booster...",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if (_G.Settings["Low Water Graphics"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Water Graphics"])) then
- if not workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain") then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain")
- end
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSize = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterReflectance = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterTransparency = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain"), "Decoration", false)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Water Graphics Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Water Graphics Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["No Shadows"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Shadows"]) then
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- Lighting.FogEnd = 9e9
- Lighting.ShadowSoftness = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(Lighting, "Technology", 2)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "No Shadows Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("No Shadows Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Low Rendering"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Rendering"]) then
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = 1
- settings().Rendering.MeshPartDetailLevel = Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel.Level04
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Rendering Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Rendering Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Reset Materials"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Reset Materials"]) then
- for i, v in pairs(MaterialService:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- MaterialService.Use2022Materials = false
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Reset Materials Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Reset Materials Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) then
- if setfpscap then
- if type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "string" or type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "number" then
- setfpscap(tonumber(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])),
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- end
- elseif _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) == true then
- setfpscap(1e6)
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Uncapped",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Uncapped")
- end
- end
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Cap Failed",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Cap Failed")
- end
- end
- end)
- game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- wait(_G.LoadedWait or 1)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)
- local Descendants = game:GetDescendants()
- local StartNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- local WaitNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...",
- Duration = 15,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...")
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Descendants) do
- CheckIfBad(v)
- if i == WaitNumber then
- task.wait()
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- print("Loaded " .. i .. "/" .. #Descendants)
- end
- WaitNumber = WaitNumber + StartNumber
- end
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Booster Loaded!",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Booster Loaded!")
- end,
- })
- end
- if game.PlaceId == 318978013 then
- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Bowa Hub | Kick Off",
- Icon = 0, -- Icon in Topbar. Can use Lucide Icons (string) or Roblox Image (number). 0 to use no icon (default).
- LoadingTitle = "Script Hub Loading Kick Off...",
- LoadingSubtitle = "Ofhz and Velcro Presents",
- Theme = "Ocean", -- Check
- DisableRayfieldPrompts = false,
- DisableBuildWarnings = false, -- Prevents Rayfield from warning when the script has a version mismatch with the interface
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = true,
- FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
- FileName = "Big Hub"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false, -- Prompt the user to join your Discord server if their executor supports it
- Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
- RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
- },
- KeySystem = false, -- Set this to true to use our key system
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Untitled",
- Subtitle = "Key System",
- Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided", -- Use this to tell the user how to get a key
- FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
- SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
- GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
- Key = {"Hello"} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")
- }
- })
- -- Notification
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Bowa Hub | Kick Off",
- Content = "Undergo construction, more coming soon. Keybind (K)",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- })
- -- Home
- local Paragraph = home:CreateParagraph({Title = "Big Thank You.", Content = "Hey thank you for using Bowa Hub. This script had alot of effort put into it and is made to bring the old feeling of scripts. UI made by ShlexWare | Script by VuanityMatters"})
- -- Tabs and Sections
- local home = Window:CreateTab("Home", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = home:CreateSection("Home")
- local pla = Window:CreateTab("Player", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = pla:CreateSection("Player Scripts")
- local go = Window:CreateTab("Goal", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = go:CreateSection("Goal and Shooting")
- local set = Window:CreateTab("Settings", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = set:CreateSection("Settings")
- -- Player
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Walk Speed",
- Range = {16, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Walk",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = v
- end,
- })
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Jump Power",
- Range = {50, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Jump",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = v
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Infinite Jump (cant be undone)",
- Callback = function()
- local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
- local UIS = game:GetService'UserInputService';
- _G.JumpHeight = 50;
- function Action(Object, Function) if Object ~= nil then Function(Object); end end
- UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
- if UserInput.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- Action(Player.Character.Humanoid, function(self)
- if self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart, function(self)
- self.Velocity =, _G.JumpHeight, 0);
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Bird Fly (F)",
- Callback = function()
- local Flying = false
- local Key = "f"
- local FlySpeed = 100
- local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- if Flying == true then
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = FlySpeed
- end
- end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input == string.lower(Key) then
- Flying = not Flying
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = game.StarterPlayer.CharacterWalkSpeed
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Fly (E)",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Script Executed", Text = "Script made by Vuanity"})
- repeat wait()
- until game.Players.LocalPlayer and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- repeat wait() until mouse
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local torso = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local flying = true
- local deb = true
- local ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local maxspeed = 50
- local speed = 0
- function Fly()
- local bg ="BodyGyro", torso)
- bg.P = 9e4
- bg.maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9)
- bg.cframe = torso.CFrame
- local bv ="BodyVelocity", torso)
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- bv.maxForce =, 9e9, 9e9)
- repeat wait()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- if ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0 then
- speed = speed+.5+(speed/maxspeed)
- if speed > maxspeed then
- speed = maxspeed
- end
- elseif not (ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0) and speed ~= 0 then
- speed = speed-1
- if speed < 0 then
- speed = 0
- end
- end
- if (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) ~= 0 or (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (ctrl.f+ctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- lastctrl = {f = ctrl.f, b = ctrl.b, l = ctrl.l, r = ctrl.r}
- elseif (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) == 0 and (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) == 0 and speed ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- else
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- end
- bg.cframe = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad((ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*50*speed/maxspeed),0,0)
- until not flying
- ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- speed = 0
- bg:Destroy()
- bv:Destroy()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- end
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "e" then
- if flying then flying = false
- else
- flying = true
- Fly()
- end
- elseif key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 1
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 1
- end
- end)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 0
- end
- end)
- Fly()
- end,
- })
- -- Goal/Shooting
- local Button = go:CreateButton({
- Name = "Random Trickshot",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Kick"
- local ohString2 = "Trickshot"
- local ohInstance3 = workspace.SoccerBall
- local ohNumber4 = 17.206805419921874
- local ohVector35 =, 82.79999542236328, -70.75314331054688)
- local ohVector36 =, -74.24962615966797, -460.1911926269531)
- local ohVector37 =, -107.24962615966797, -529.6624755859375)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2, ohInstance3, ohNumber4, ohVector35, ohVector36, ohVector37)
- end,
- })
- local Button = go:CreateButton({
- Name = "Kick Random",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Kick"
- local ohString2 = "Normal"
- local ohInstance3 = workspace.SoccerBall
- local ohNumber4 = 78.33197631835938
- local ohVector35 =, 58.64999771118164, -8.765852928161621)
- local ohVector36 =, -80.7481460571289, -389.0272216796875)
- local ohVector37 =, -121.7481460571289, -397.2173767089844)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2, ohInstance3, ohNumber4, ohVector35, ohVector36, ohVector37)
- end,
- })
- local Button = go:CreateButton({
- Name = "Bring ball to u (F)",
- Callback = function()
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local function onInputBegan(input, gameProcessed)
- if not gameProcessed then
- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F then
- game:GetService("Workspace").SoccerBall.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- end
- end
- end
- UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(onInputBegan)
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = go:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Spam Shoot, Defend etc (Lags game)",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohString1 = "Command"
- local ohString2 = "Pass"
- task.wait(0.1)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- local ohString1 = "Command"
- local ohString2 = "Defend"
- task.wait(0.1)
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- local ohString1 = "Command"
- local ohString2 = "Shoot"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MasterKey:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = auto:CreateButton({
- Name = "Bring ball to u (Press F couple times if dont work)",
- Callback = function()
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local function onInputBegan(input, gameProcessed)
- if not gameProcessed then
- if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.F then
- game:GetService("Workspace").SoccerBall.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- end
- end
- end
- UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(onInputBegan)
- end,
- })
- --// Settings
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn on Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = true
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn off Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = false
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = " Custom FPS Unlocker",
- Callback = function()
- if not _G.Ignore then
- _G.Ignore = {}
- end
- if not _G.WaitPerAmount then
- _G.WaitPerAmount = 500
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications == nil then
- _G.SendNotifications = true
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs == nil then
- _G.ConsoleLogs = false
- end
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- end
- if not _G.Settings then
- _G.Settings = {
- Players = {
- ["Ignore Me"] = true,
- ["Ignore Others"] = true,
- ["Ignore Tools"] = true
- },
- Meshes = {
- NoMesh = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Images = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Explosions = {
- Smaller = true,
- Invisible = false, -- Not recommended for PVP games
- Destroy = false -- Not recommended for PVP games
- },
- Particles = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- TextLabels = {
- LowerQuality = false,
- Invisible = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- MeshParts = {
- LowerQuality = true,
- Invisible = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- NoMesh = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Other = {
- ["FPS Cap"] = 240, -- Set this true to uncap FPS
- ["No Camera Effects"] = true,
- ["No Clothes"] = true,
- ["Low Water Graphics"] = true,
- ["No Shadows"] = true,
- ["Low Rendering"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Parts"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Models"] = true,
- ["Reset Materials"] = true,
- ["Lower Quality MeshParts"] = true
- }
- }
- end
- local Players, Lighting, StarterGui, MaterialService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("MaterialService")
- local ME, CanBeEnabled = Players.LocalPlayer, {"ParticleEmitter", "Trail", "Smoke", "Fire", "Sparkles"}
- local function PartOfCharacter(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= ME and v.Character and Instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function DescendantOfIgnore(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(_G.Ignore) do
- if Instance:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckIfBad(Instance)
- if not Instance:IsDescendantOf(Players) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"] and not PartOfCharacter(Instance) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"] and ME.Character and not Instance:IsDescendantOf(ME.Character) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"] and not Instance:IsA("BackpackItem") and not Instance:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BackpackItem") or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"])--[[not PartOfCharacter(Instance)]] and (_G.Ignore and not table.find(_G.Ignore, Instance) and not DescendantOfIgnore(Instance) or (not _G.Ignore or type(_G.Ignore) ~= "table" or #_G.Ignore <= 0)) then
- if Instance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoMesh and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoTexture and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.TextureId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.Destroy or _G.Settings["No Meshes"] then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("FaceInstance") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.LowDetail then
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Graphic = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif table.find(CanBeEnabled, Instance.ClassName) then
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Particles"] or _G.Settings["No Particles"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Invisible) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- end
- if (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("PostEffect") and (_G.Settings["No Camera Effects"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Camera Effects"])) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- elseif Instance:IsA("Explosion") then
- if _G.Settings["Smaller Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Smaller Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Smaller) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Invisible) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Clothing") or Instance:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or Instance:IsA("BaseWrap") then
- if _G.Settings["No Clothes"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Clothes"]) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("BasePart") and not Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Parts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Parts"]) then
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") and Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- if _G.Settings["Lower Quality TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Lower Quality TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Instance.TextScaled = false
- Instance.RichText = false
- Instance.TextSize = 14
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Invisible) then
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Model") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Models"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Models"]) then
- Instance.LevelOfDetail = 1
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Invisible) then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoTexture then
- Instance.TextureID = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoMesh then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings["No MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Loading FPS Booster...",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if (_G.Settings["Low Water Graphics"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Water Graphics"])) then
- if not workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain") then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain")
- end
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSize = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterReflectance = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterTransparency = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain"), "Decoration", false)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Water Graphics Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Water Graphics Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["No Shadows"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Shadows"]) then
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- Lighting.FogEnd = 9e9
- Lighting.ShadowSoftness = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(Lighting, "Technology", 2)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "No Shadows Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("No Shadows Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Low Rendering"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Rendering"]) then
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = 1
- settings().Rendering.MeshPartDetailLevel = Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel.Level04
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Rendering Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Rendering Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Reset Materials"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Reset Materials"]) then
- for i, v in pairs(MaterialService:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- MaterialService.Use2022Materials = false
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Reset Materials Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Reset Materials Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) then
- if setfpscap then
- if type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "string" or type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "number" then
- setfpscap(tonumber(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])),
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- end
- elseif _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) == true then
- setfpscap(1e6)
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Uncapped",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Uncapped")
- end
- end
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Cap Failed",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Cap Failed")
- end
- end
- end)
- game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- wait(_G.LoadedWait or 1)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)
- local Descendants = game:GetDescendants()
- local StartNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- local WaitNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...",
- Duration = 15,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...")
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Descendants) do
- CheckIfBad(v)
- if i == WaitNumber then
- task.wait()
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- print("Loaded " .. i .. "/" .. #Descendants)
- end
- WaitNumber = WaitNumber + StartNumber
- end
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Booster Loaded!",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Booster Loaded!")
- end,
- })
- end
- if game.PlaceId == 155615604 then
- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Bowa Hub | Prison Life",
- Icon = 0, -- Icon in Topbar. Can use Lucide Icons (string) or Roblox Image (number). 0 to use no icon (default).
- LoadingTitle = "Script Hub Loading Prison Life...",
- LoadingSubtitle = "Ofhz and Velcro Presents",
- Theme = "Ocean", -- Check
- DisableRayfieldPrompts = false,
- DisableBuildWarnings = false, -- Prevents Rayfield from warning when the script has a version mismatch with the interface
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = true,
- FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
- FileName = "Big Hub"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false, -- Prompt the user to join your Discord server if their executor supports it
- Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
- RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
- },
- KeySystem = false, -- Set this to true to use our key system
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Untitled",
- Subtitle = "Key System",
- Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided", -- Use this to tell the user how to get a key
- FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
- SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
- GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
- Key = {"Hello"} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")
- }
- })
- -- Notification
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Bowa Hub | Prison Life",
- Content = "Undergo construction. Keybind (K)",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- })
- --Tabs and Sections
- local home = Window:CreateTab("Home", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = home:CreateSection("Home")
- local pla = Window:CreateTab("Player", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = pla:CreateSection("Player Scripts")
- local team = Window:CreateTab("Team", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = team:CreateSection("Switch Team")
- local gam = Window:CreateTab("Game", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = gam:CreateSection("Random Game Stuff")
- local aim = Window:CreateTab("AimBot", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = aim:CreateSection("AimBot")
- local set = Window:CreateTab("Settings", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section set:CreateSection("Settings")
- -- Home
- local Paragraph = home:CreateParagraph({Title = "Big Thank You.", Content = "Hey thank you for using Bowa Hub. This script had alot of effort put into it and is made to bring the old feeling of scripts. UI made by ShlexWare | Script by VuanityMatters"})
- -- Player
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Walk Speed",
- Range = {16, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Walk",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = v
- end,
- })
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Jump Power",
- Range = {50, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Jump",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = v
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Infinite Jump (cant be undone)",
- Callback = function()
- local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
- local UIS = game:GetService'UserInputService';
- _G.JumpHeight = 50;
- function Action(Object, Function) if Object ~= nil then Function(Object); end end
- UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
- if UserInput.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- Action(Player.Character.Humanoid, function(self)
- if self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart, function(self)
- self.Velocity =, _G.JumpHeight, 0);
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Bird Fly (F)",
- Callback = function()
- local Flying = false
- local Key = "f"
- local FlySpeed = 100
- local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- if Flying == true then
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = FlySpeed
- end
- end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input == string.lower(Key) then
- Flying = not Flying
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = game.StarterPlayer.CharacterWalkSpeed
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Fly (E)",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Script Executed", Text = "Script made by Vuanity"})
- repeat wait()
- until game.Players.LocalPlayer and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- repeat wait() until mouse
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local torso = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local flying = true
- local deb = true
- local ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local maxspeed = 50
- local speed = 0
- function Fly()
- local bg ="BodyGyro", torso)
- bg.P = 9e4
- bg.maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9)
- bg.cframe = torso.CFrame
- local bv ="BodyVelocity", torso)
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- bv.maxForce =, 9e9, 9e9)
- repeat wait()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- if ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0 then
- speed = speed+.5+(speed/maxspeed)
- if speed > maxspeed then
- speed = maxspeed
- end
- elseif not (ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0) and speed ~= 0 then
- speed = speed-1
- if speed < 0 then
- speed = 0
- end
- end
- if (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) ~= 0 or (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (ctrl.f+ctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- lastctrl = {f = ctrl.f, b = ctrl.b, l = ctrl.l, r = ctrl.r}
- elseif (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) == 0 and (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) == 0 and speed ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- else
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- end
- bg.cframe = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad((ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*50*speed/maxspeed),0,0)
- until not flying
- ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- speed = 0
- bg:Destroy()
- bv:Destroy()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- end
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "e" then
- if flying then flying = false
- else
- flying = true
- Fly()
- end
- elseif key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 1
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 1
- end
- end)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 0
- end
- end)
- Fly()
- end,
- })
- -- Team
- local Button = team:CreateButton({
- Name = "Police",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Bright blue"
- workspace.Remote.TeamEvent:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = team:CreateButton({
- Name = "Prisoner",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Bright orange"
- workspace.Remote.TeamEvent:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = team:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Spam different teams",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohString1 = "Bright blue"
- workspace.Remote.TeamEvent:FireServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.1)
- local ohString1 = "Bright orange"
- workspace.Remote.TeamEvent:FireServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- -- Game
- local Button = gam:CreateButton({
- Name = "Destroy all doors",
- Callback = function()
- local doors = workspace:FindFirstChild("Doors")
- if not doors then return end
- for i,v in pairs(doors:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = gam:CreateButton({
- Name = "Custom BTools",
- Callback = function()
- local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local mouse = LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local movetool ="Tool", LocalPlayer.Backpack)
- local deletetool ="Tool", LocalPlayer.Backpack)
- local undotool ="Tool", LocalPlayer.Backpack)
- local identifytool ="Tool", LocalPlayer.Backpack)
- local movedetect = false
- local movingpart = nil
- local movetransparency = 0
- if editedparts == nil then
- editedparts = {}
- parentfix = {}
- positionfix = {}
- end
- deletetool.Name = "Delete"
- undotool.Name = "Undo"
- identifytool.Name = "Identify"
- movetool.Name = "Move"
- undotool.CanBeDropped = false
- deletetool.CanBeDropped = false
- identifytool.CanBeDropped = false
- movetool.CanBeDropped = false
- undotool.RequiresHandle = false
- deletetool.RequiresHandle = false
- identifytool.RequiresHandle = false
- movetool.RequiresHandle = false
- local function createnotification(title, text)
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = title;
- Text = text;
- Duration = 1;
- })
- end
- deletetool.Activated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Delete Tool", "You have deleted "..mouse.Target.Name)
- table.insert(editedparts, mouse.Target)
- table.insert(parentfix, mouse.Target.Parent)
- table.insert(positionfix, mouse.Target.CFrame)
- mouse.Target.Parent = nil
- end)
- undotool.Activated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Undo Tool", "You have undone "..editedparts[#editedparts].Name)
- editedparts[#editedparts].Parent = parentfix[#parentfix]
- editedparts[#editedparts].CFrame = positionfix[#positionfix]
- table.remove(positionfix, #positionfix)
- table.remove(editedparts, #editedparts)
- table.remove(parentfix, #parentfix)
- end)
- identifytool.Activated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Identify Tool", "Instance: "..mouse.Target.ClassName.."\nName: "..mouse.Target.Name)
- end)
- movetool.Activated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Move Tool", "You are moving: "..mouse.Target.Name)
- movingpart = mouse.Target
- movedetect = true
- movingpart.CanCollide = false
- movetransparency = movingpart.Transparency
- movingpart.Transparency = 0.5
- mouse.TargetFilter = movingpart
- table.insert(editedparts, movingpart)
- table.insert(parentfix, movingpart.Parent)
- table.insert(positionfix, movingpart.CFrame)
- movingpart.Transparency = movingpart.Transparency / 2
- repeat
- mouse.Move:Wait()
- movingpart.CFrame =
- until movedetect == false
- end)
- movetool.Deactivated:Connect(function()
- createnotification("Move Tool", "You have stopped moving: "..mouse.Target.Name)
- movingpart.CanCollide = true
- movedetect = false
- mouse.TargetFilter = nil
- movingpart.Transparency = movetransparenc
- end)
- end,
- })
- -- Aimbot
- local Button = aim:CreateButton({
- Name = "Aimbot",
- Callback = function()
- local teamCheck = false
- local fov = 90
- local smoothing = 0.02
- local predictionFactor = 0.08 -- Adjust this factor to improve prediction accuracy
- local highlightEnabled = false -- Variable to enable or disable target highlighting. Change to False if using an ESP script.
- local lockPart = "HumanoidRootPart" -- Choose what part it locks onto. Ex. HumanoidRootPart or Head
- local Toggle = false -- Enable or disable toggle mode
- local ToggleKey = Enum.KeyCode.E -- Choose the key for toggling aimbot lock
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Universal Aimbot";
- Text = "made by VaunityMatters";
- Duration = 5;
- })
- local FOVring ="Circle")
- FOVring.Visible = true
- FOVring.Thickness = 1
- FOVring.Radius = fov
- FOVring.Transparency = 0.8
- FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128)
- FOVring.Position = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2
- local currentTarget = nil
- local aimbotEnabled = true
- local toggleState = false -- Variable to keep track of toggle state
- local debounce = false -- Debounce variable
- local function getClosest(cframe)
- local ray =, cframe.LookVector).Unit
- local target = nil
- local mag = math.huge
- local screenCenter = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild(lockPart) and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v ~= Players.LocalPlayer and (v.Team ~= Players.LocalPlayer.Team or (not teamCheck)) then
- local screenPoint, onScreen = workspace.CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character[lockPart].Position)
- local distanceFromCenter = (, screenPoint.Y) - screenCenter).Magnitude
- if onScreen and distanceFromCenter <= fov then
- local magBuf = (v.Character[lockPart].Position - ray:ClosestPoint(v.Character[lockPart].Position)).Magnitude
- if magBuf < mag then
- mag = magBuf
- target = v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return target
- end
- local function updateFOVRing()
- FOVring.Position = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2
- end
- local function highlightTarget(target)
- if highlightEnabled and target and target.Character then
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- highlight.Adornee = target.Character
- highlight.FillColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128)
- highlight.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
- highlight.Parent = target.Character
- end
- end
- local function removeHighlight(target)
- if highlightEnabled and target and target.Character and target.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Highlight") then
- target.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Highlight"):Destroy()
- end
- end
- local function predictPosition(target)
- if target and target.Character and target.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- local velocity = target.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity
- local position = target.Character[lockPart].Position
- local predictedPosition = position + (velocity * predictionFactor)
- return predictedPosition
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function handleToggle()
- if debounce then return end
- debounce = true
- toggleState = not toggleState
- wait(0.3) -- Debounce time to prevent multiple toggles
- debounce = false
- end
- loop = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- if aimbotEnabled then
- updateFOVRing()
- local localPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- local cam = workspace.CurrentCamera
- local screenCenter = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize / 2
- if Toggle then
- if UserInputService:IsKeyDown(ToggleKey) then
- handleToggle()
- end
- else
- toggleState = UserInputService:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2)
- end
- if toggleState then
- if not currentTarget then
- currentTarget = getClosest(cam.CFrame)
- highlightTarget(currentTarget) -- Highlight the new target if enabled
- end
- if currentTarget and currentTarget.Character and currentTarget.Character:FindFirstChild(lockPart) then
- local predictedPosition = predictPosition(currentTarget)
- if predictedPosition then
- workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame:Lerp(, predictedPosition), smoothing)
- end
- FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0) -- Change FOV ring color to green when locked onto a target
- else
- FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128) -- Revert FOV ring color to original when not locked onto a target
- end
- else
- if currentTarget and highlightEnabled then
- removeHighlight(currentTarget) -- Remove highlight from the old target
- end
- currentTarget = nil
- FOVring.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 128, 128) -- Revert FOV ring color to original when not locked onto a target
- end
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = aim:CreateButton({
- Name = "Mouse Tracer",
- Callback = function()
- getgenv().Prediction = 0.131
- getgenv().AirshotFunc = true
- local new = {
- main = {
- Mario = true,
- Part = "HumanoidRootPart", -- Head, UpperTorso, HumanoidRootPart, LowerTorso, RightFoot, LeftFoot, RightArm, LeftArm
- Key = "q",
- Notifications = true,
- },
- Tracer = {
- TracerThickness = 3.5,
- TracerTransparency = 1,
- TracerColor = Color3.fromRGB(148,0,211) -- made by thusky
- }
- }
- local CurrentCamera = game:GetService "Workspace".CurrentCamera
- local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local Plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Line ="Line")
- local Inset = game:GetService("GuiService"):GetGuiInset().Y
- Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(KeyPressed)
- if KeyPressed == (new.main.Key) then
- if new.main.Mario == true then
- new.main.Mario = false
- if new.main.Notifications == true then
- Plr = FindClosestUser()
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Working",
- Text = "Made by VuanityMatters"
- })
- end
- else
- Plr = FindClosestUser()
- new.main.Mario = true
- if new.main.Notifications == true then
- game.StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Working",
- Text = "Made by VuanityMatters" .. tostring(Plr.Character.Humanoid.DisplayName)
- })
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- function FindClosestUser()
- local closestPlayer
- local shortestDistance = math.huge
- for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and
- v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- local pos = CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.PrimaryPart.Position)
- local magnitude = (, pos.Y) -, Mouse.Y)).magnitude
- if magnitude < shortestDistance then
- closestPlayer = v
- shortestDistance = magnitude
- end
- end
- end
- return closestPlayer
- end
- RunService.Stepped:connect(function()
- if new.main.Mario == true then
- local Vector = CurrentCamera:WorldToViewportPoint(Plr.Character[new.main.Part].Position +
- (Plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Velocity *
- Prediction))
- Line.Color = new.Tracer.TracerColor -- made by thusky
- Line.Thickness = new.Tracer.TracerThickness
- Line.Transparency = new.Tracer.TracerTransparency
- Line.From =, Mouse.Y + Inset)
- Line.To =, Vector.Y)
- Line.Visible = true
- else
- Line.Visible = false
- end
- end)
- local mt = getrawmetatable(game)
- local old = mt.__namecall
- setreadonly(mt, false)
- mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(...)
- local args = {...}
- if new.main.Mario and getnamecallmethod() == "FireServer" and args[2] == "UpdateMousePos" then
- args[3] = Plr.Character[new.main.Part].Position +
- (Plr.Character[new.main.Part].Velocity * Prediction)
- return old(unpack(args))
- end
- return old(...)
- end)
- if AirshotFunc == true then
- if Plr.Character.Humanoid.Jump == true and Plr.Character.Humanoid.FloorMaterial == Enum.Material.Air then
- settings.main.Part = "RightFoot"
- else
- Plr.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").StateChanged:Connect(function(old,new)
- if new == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- settings.main.Part = "LowerTorso"
- else
- settings.main.Part = "HumanoidRootPart"
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = aim:CreateButton({
- Name = "ESP",
- Callback = function()
- local players = game:GetService("Players")
- local localPlayer = players.LocalPlayer
- local camera = game:GetService("Workspace").CurrentCamera
- local runService = game:GetService("RunService")
- local function createESPBox(player)
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- highlight.Name = player.Name .. "_ESP"
- highlight.Adornee = player.Character
- highlight.FillTransparency = 1
- if player.Team then
- highlight.OutlineColor = player.Team.TeamColor.Color
- else
- highlight.OutlineColor =, 1, 1)
- end
- highlight.OutlineTransparency = 0
- highlight.DepthMode = Enum.HighlightDepthMode.AlwaysOnTop
- highlight.Parent = player.Character
- end
- local function addESP()
- for _, player in pairs(players:GetPlayers()) do
- if player ~= localPlayer and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- if not player.Character:FindFirstChild(player.Name .. "_ESP") then
- createESPBox(player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- runService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
- addESP()
- end)
- players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player)
- if player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild(player.Name .. "_ESP") then
- player.Character[player.Name .. "_ESP"]:Destroy()
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- --// Settings
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn on Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = true
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn off Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = false
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = " Custom FPS Unlocker",
- Callback = function()
- if not _G.Ignore then
- _G.Ignore = {}
- end
- if not _G.WaitPerAmount then
- _G.WaitPerAmount = 500
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications == nil then
- _G.SendNotifications = true
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs == nil then
- _G.ConsoleLogs = false
- end
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- end
- if not _G.Settings then
- _G.Settings = {
- Players = {
- ["Ignore Me"] = true,
- ["Ignore Others"] = true,
- ["Ignore Tools"] = true
- },
- Meshes = {
- NoMesh = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Images = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Explosions = {
- Smaller = true,
- Invisible = false, -- Not recommended for PVP games
- Destroy = false -- Not recommended for PVP games
- },
- Particles = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- TextLabels = {
- LowerQuality = false,
- Invisible = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- MeshParts = {
- LowerQuality = true,
- Invisible = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- NoMesh = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Other = {
- ["FPS Cap"] = 240, -- Set this true to uncap FPS
- ["No Camera Effects"] = true,
- ["No Clothes"] = true,
- ["Low Water Graphics"] = true,
- ["No Shadows"] = true,
- ["Low Rendering"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Parts"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Models"] = true,
- ["Reset Materials"] = true,
- ["Lower Quality MeshParts"] = true
- }
- }
- end
- local Players, Lighting, StarterGui, MaterialService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("MaterialService")
- local ME, CanBeEnabled = Players.LocalPlayer, {"ParticleEmitter", "Trail", "Smoke", "Fire", "Sparkles"}
- local function PartOfCharacter(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= ME and v.Character and Instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function DescendantOfIgnore(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(_G.Ignore) do
- if Instance:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckIfBad(Instance)
- if not Instance:IsDescendantOf(Players) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"] and not PartOfCharacter(Instance) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"] and ME.Character and not Instance:IsDescendantOf(ME.Character) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"] and not Instance:IsA("BackpackItem") and not Instance:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BackpackItem") or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"])--[[not PartOfCharacter(Instance)]] and (_G.Ignore and not table.find(_G.Ignore, Instance) and not DescendantOfIgnore(Instance) or (not _G.Ignore or type(_G.Ignore) ~= "table" or #_G.Ignore <= 0)) then
- if Instance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoMesh and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoTexture and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.TextureId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.Destroy or _G.Settings["No Meshes"] then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("FaceInstance") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.LowDetail then
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Graphic = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif table.find(CanBeEnabled, Instance.ClassName) then
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Particles"] or _G.Settings["No Particles"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Invisible) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- end
- if (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("PostEffect") and (_G.Settings["No Camera Effects"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Camera Effects"])) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- elseif Instance:IsA("Explosion") then
- if _G.Settings["Smaller Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Smaller Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Smaller) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Invisible) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Clothing") or Instance:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or Instance:IsA("BaseWrap") then
- if _G.Settings["No Clothes"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Clothes"]) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("BasePart") and not Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Parts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Parts"]) then
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") and Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- if _G.Settings["Lower Quality TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Lower Quality TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Instance.TextScaled = false
- Instance.RichText = false
- Instance.TextSize = 14
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Invisible) then
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Model") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Models"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Models"]) then
- Instance.LevelOfDetail = 1
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Invisible) then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoTexture then
- Instance.TextureID = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoMesh then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings["No MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Loading FPS Booster...",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if (_G.Settings["Low Water Graphics"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Water Graphics"])) then
- if not workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain") then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain")
- end
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSize = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterReflectance = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterTransparency = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain"), "Decoration", false)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Water Graphics Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Water Graphics Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["No Shadows"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Shadows"]) then
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- Lighting.FogEnd = 9e9
- Lighting.ShadowSoftness = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(Lighting, "Technology", 2)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "No Shadows Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("No Shadows Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Low Rendering"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Rendering"]) then
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = 1
- settings().Rendering.MeshPartDetailLevel = Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel.Level04
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Rendering Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Rendering Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Reset Materials"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Reset Materials"]) then
- for i, v in pairs(MaterialService:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- MaterialService.Use2022Materials = false
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Reset Materials Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Reset Materials Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) then
- if setfpscap then
- if type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "string" or type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "number" then
- setfpscap(tonumber(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])),
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- end
- elseif _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) == true then
- setfpscap(1e6)
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Uncapped",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Uncapped")
- end
- end
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Cap Failed",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Cap Failed")
- end
- end
- end)
- game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- wait(_G.LoadedWait or 1)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)
- local Descendants = game:GetDescendants()
- local StartNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- local WaitNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...",
- Duration = 15,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...")
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Descendants) do
- CheckIfBad(v)
- if i == WaitNumber then
- task.wait()
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- print("Loaded " .. i .. "/" .. #Descendants)
- end
- WaitNumber = WaitNumber + StartNumber
- end
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Booster Loaded!",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Booster Loaded!")
- end,
- })
- end
- if game.PlaceId == 14708751132 then
- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Bowa Hub | Untitled Gym Game",
- Icon = 0, -- Icon in Topbar. Can use Lucide Icons (string) or Roblox Image (number). 0 to use no icon (default).
- LoadingTitle = "Script Hub Loading Untitled Gym Game...",
- LoadingSubtitle = "Ofhz and Velcro Presents",
- Theme = "Ocean", -- Check
- DisableRayfieldPrompts = false,
- DisableBuildWarnings = false, -- Prevents Rayfield from warning when the script has a version mismatch with the interface
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = true,
- FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
- FileName = "Big Hub"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false, -- Prompt the user to join your Discord server if their executor supports it
- Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
- RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
- },
- KeySystem = false, -- Set this to true to use our key system
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Untitled",
- Subtitle = "Key System",
- Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided", -- Use this to tell the user how to get a key
- FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
- SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
- GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
- Key = {"Hello"} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")
- }
- })
- -- Notification
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Bowa Hub | Untitled Gym Game",
- Content = "Undergo construction. Keybind (K)",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- })
- --Tabs and Sections
- local home = Window:CreateTab("Home", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = home:CreateSection("Home")
- local all = Window:CreateTab("All", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = all:CreateSection("All")
- local set = Window:CreateTab("Settings", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = set:CreateSection("Settings")
- --// Home
- local Paragraph = home:CreateParagraph({Title = "Big Thank You.", Content = "Hey thank you for using Bowa Hub. This script had alot of effort put into it and is made to bring the old feeling of scripts. UI made by ShlexWare | Script by VuanityMatters"})
- --// All
- local Label = all:CreateLabel("Go onto any machine and just toggle on and change what weight u want/need", 4483362458, Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), false) -- Title, Icon, Color, IgnoreTheme
- local Toggle = all:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Farm (all you could really do in this game)",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohString1 = "Click"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Network.RemoteEvent:FireServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- --// Settings
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn on Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = true
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn off Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = false
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = " Custom FPS Unlocker",
- Callback = function()
- if not _G.Ignore then
- _G.Ignore = {}
- end
- if not _G.WaitPerAmount then
- _G.WaitPerAmount = 500
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications == nil then
- _G.SendNotifications = true
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs == nil then
- _G.ConsoleLogs = false
- end
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- end
- if not _G.Settings then
- _G.Settings = {
- Players = {
- ["Ignore Me"] = true,
- ["Ignore Others"] = true,
- ["Ignore Tools"] = true
- },
- Meshes = {
- NoMesh = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Images = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Explosions = {
- Smaller = true,
- Invisible = false, -- Not recommended for PVP games
- Destroy = false -- Not recommended for PVP games
- },
- Particles = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- TextLabels = {
- LowerQuality = false,
- Invisible = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- MeshParts = {
- LowerQuality = true,
- Invisible = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- NoMesh = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Other = {
- ["FPS Cap"] = 240, -- Set this true to uncap FPS
- ["No Camera Effects"] = true,
- ["No Clothes"] = true,
- ["Low Water Graphics"] = true,
- ["No Shadows"] = true,
- ["Low Rendering"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Parts"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Models"] = true,
- ["Reset Materials"] = true,
- ["Lower Quality MeshParts"] = true
- }
- }
- end
- local Players, Lighting, StarterGui, MaterialService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("MaterialService")
- local ME, CanBeEnabled = Players.LocalPlayer, {"ParticleEmitter", "Trail", "Smoke", "Fire", "Sparkles"}
- local function PartOfCharacter(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= ME and v.Character and Instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function DescendantOfIgnore(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(_G.Ignore) do
- if Instance:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckIfBad(Instance)
- if not Instance:IsDescendantOf(Players) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"] and not PartOfCharacter(Instance) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"] and ME.Character and not Instance:IsDescendantOf(ME.Character) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"] and not Instance:IsA("BackpackItem") and not Instance:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BackpackItem") or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"])--[[not PartOfCharacter(Instance)]] and (_G.Ignore and not table.find(_G.Ignore, Instance) and not DescendantOfIgnore(Instance) or (not _G.Ignore or type(_G.Ignore) ~= "table" or #_G.Ignore <= 0)) then
- if Instance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoMesh and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoTexture and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.TextureId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.Destroy or _G.Settings["No Meshes"] then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("FaceInstance") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.LowDetail then
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Graphic = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif table.find(CanBeEnabled, Instance.ClassName) then
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Particles"] or _G.Settings["No Particles"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Invisible) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- end
- if (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("PostEffect") and (_G.Settings["No Camera Effects"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Camera Effects"])) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- elseif Instance:IsA("Explosion") then
- if _G.Settings["Smaller Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Smaller Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Smaller) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Invisible) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Clothing") or Instance:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or Instance:IsA("BaseWrap") then
- if _G.Settings["No Clothes"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Clothes"]) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("BasePart") and not Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Parts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Parts"]) then
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") and Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- if _G.Settings["Lower Quality TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Lower Quality TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Instance.TextScaled = false
- Instance.RichText = false
- Instance.TextSize = 14
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Invisible) then
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Model") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Models"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Models"]) then
- Instance.LevelOfDetail = 1
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Invisible) then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoTexture then
- Instance.TextureID = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoMesh then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings["No MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Loading FPS Booster...",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if (_G.Settings["Low Water Graphics"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Water Graphics"])) then
- if not workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain") then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain")
- end
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSize = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterReflectance = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterTransparency = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain"), "Decoration", false)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Water Graphics Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Water Graphics Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["No Shadows"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Shadows"]) then
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- Lighting.FogEnd = 9e9
- Lighting.ShadowSoftness = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(Lighting, "Technology", 2)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "No Shadows Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("No Shadows Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Low Rendering"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Rendering"]) then
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = 1
- settings().Rendering.MeshPartDetailLevel = Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel.Level04
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Rendering Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Rendering Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Reset Materials"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Reset Materials"]) then
- for i, v in pairs(MaterialService:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- MaterialService.Use2022Materials = false
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Reset Materials Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Reset Materials Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) then
- if setfpscap then
- if type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "string" or type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "number" then
- setfpscap(tonumber(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])),
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- end
- elseif _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) == true then
- setfpscap(1e6)
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Uncapped",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Uncapped")
- end
- end
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Cap Failed",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Cap Failed")
- end
- end
- end)
- game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- wait(_G.LoadedWait or 1)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)
- local Descendants = game:GetDescendants()
- local StartNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- local WaitNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...",
- Duration = 15,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...")
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Descendants) do
- CheckIfBad(v)
- if i == WaitNumber then
- task.wait()
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- print("Loaded " .. i .. "/" .. #Descendants)
- end
- WaitNumber = WaitNumber + StartNumber
- end
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Booster Loaded!",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Booster Loaded!")
- end,
- })
- end
- if game.PlaceId == 17295102749 then
- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Bowa Hub | Clicking Universe!",
- Icon = 0, -- Icon in Topbar. Can use Lucide Icons (string) or Roblox Image (number). 0 to use no icon (default).
- LoadingTitle = "Script Hub Loading Clicking Universe!...",
- LoadingSubtitle = "Ofhz and Velcro Presents",
- Theme = "Ocean", -- Check
- DisableRayfieldPrompts = false,
- DisableBuildWarnings = false, -- Prevents Rayfield from warning when the script has a version mismatch with the interface
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = true,
- FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
- FileName = "Big Hub"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false, -- Prompt the user to join your Discord server if their executor supports it
- Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
- RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
- },
- KeySystem = false, -- Set this to true to use our key system
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Untitled",
- Subtitle = "Key System",
- Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided", -- Use this to tell the user how to get a key
- FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
- SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
- GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
- Key = {"Hello"} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")
- }
- })
- --// Notification
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Bowa Hub | Clicking Universe!",
- Content = "Undergo construction. Keybind (K)",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- })
- --// Tabs and Sections
- local home = Window:CreateTab("Home", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = home:CreateSection("Home")
- local pla = Window:CreateTab("Player", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = pla:CreateSection("Player")
- local auto = Window:CreateTab("Auto Stuff", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = auto:CreateSection("Auto Stuff")
- local set = Window:CreateTab("Settings", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = set:CreateSection("Settings")
- --// Home
- local Paragraph = home:CreateParagraph({Title = "Big Thank You.", Content = "Hey thank you for using Bowa Hub. This script had alot of effort put into it and is made to bring the old feeling of scripts. UI made by ShlexWare | Script by VuanityMatters"})
- --// Player
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Walk Speed",
- Range = {16, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Walk",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = v
- end,
- })
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Jump Power",
- Range = {50, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Jump",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = v
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Infinite Jump (cant be undone)",
- Callback = function()
- local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
- local UIS = game:GetService'UserInputService';
- _G.JumpHeight = 50;
- function Action(Object, Function) if Object ~= nil then Function(Object); end end
- UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
- if UserInput.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- Action(Player.Character.Humanoid, function(self)
- if self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart, function(self)
- self.Velocity =, _G.JumpHeight, 0);
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Bird Fly (F)",
- Callback = function()
- local Flying = false
- local Key = "f"
- local FlySpeed = 100
- local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- if Flying == true then
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = FlySpeed
- end
- end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input == string.lower(Key) then
- Flying = not Flying
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = game.StarterPlayer.CharacterWalkSpeed
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Fly (E)",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Script Executed", Text = "Script made by Vuanity"})
- repeat wait()
- until game.Players.LocalPlayer and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- repeat wait() until mouse
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local torso = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local flying = true
- local deb = true
- local ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local maxspeed = 50
- local speed = 0
- function Fly()
- local bg ="BodyGyro", torso)
- bg.P = 9e4
- bg.maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9)
- bg.cframe = torso.CFrame
- local bv ="BodyVelocity", torso)
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- bv.maxForce =, 9e9, 9e9)
- repeat wait()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- if ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0 then
- speed = speed+.5+(speed/maxspeed)
- if speed > maxspeed then
- speed = maxspeed
- end
- elseif not (ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0) and speed ~= 0 then
- speed = speed-1
- if speed < 0 then
- speed = 0
- end
- end
- if (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) ~= 0 or (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (ctrl.f+ctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- lastctrl = {f = ctrl.f, b = ctrl.b, l = ctrl.l, r = ctrl.r}
- elseif (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) == 0 and (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) == 0 and speed ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- else
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- end
- bg.cframe = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad((ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*50*speed/maxspeed),0,0)
- until not flying
- ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- speed = 0
- bg:Destroy()
- bv:Destroy()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- end
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "e" then
- if flying then flying = false
- else
- flying = true
- Fly()
- end
- elseif key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 1
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 1
- end
- end)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 0
- end
- end)
- Fly()
- end,
- })
- --// AutoClick
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Click",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().at then
- getgenv().at = false
- else
- getgenv().at = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().at == true then
- local ohString1 = "Tap"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteEvents.ClickEvent:FireServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Rebirth",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().autor then
- getgenv().autor = false
- else
- getgenv().autor = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().autor == true then
- local ohString1 = "Rebirth"
- local ohString2 = "1"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteFunctions.RebirthFunction:InvokeServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- --// Auto Hatch Eggs/Auto Tab
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Hatch Common Egg",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().autohatch then
- getgenv().autohatch = false
- else
- getgenv().autohatch = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().autohatch == true then
- local ohString1 = "HatchOne"
- local ohString2 = "Common Egg"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteEvents.EggEvent:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Hatch Russo Egg",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().autohatch then
- getgenv().autohatch = false
- else
- getgenv().autohatch = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().autohatch == true then
- local ohString1 = "HatchOne"
- local ohString2 = "Russo Egg"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteEvents.EggEvent:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Hatch Rare Egg",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().autohatch then
- getgenv().autohatch = false
- else
- getgenv().autohatch = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().autohatch == true then
- local ohString1 = "HatchOne"
- local ohString2 = "Rare Egg"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteEvents.EggEvent:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Hatch Anime Egg",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().automatch then
- getgenv().automatch = false
- else
- getgenv().autohatch = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().automatch == true then
- local ohString1 = "HatchOne"
- local ohString2 = "Anime Egg"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteEvents.EggEvent:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Hatch New Year Egg",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().automatch then
- getgenv().automatch = false
- else
- getgenv().automatch = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().autohatch == true then
- local ohString1 = "HatchOne"
- local ohString2 = "New Year Egg"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteEvents.EggEvent:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Hatch Frozen Egg",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().automatch then
- getgenv().automatch = false
- else
- getgenv().automatch = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().automatch == true then
- local ohString1 = "HatchOne"
- local ohString2 = "Frozen Egg"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteEvents.EggEvent:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = auto:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Hatch Plush Egg",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().autohtc then
- getgenv().autohtc = false
- else
- getgenv().autohatch = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().autohtc == true then
- local ohString1 = "HatchOne"
- local ohString2 = "Plush Egg"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Events.RemoteEvents.EggEvent:FireServer(ohString1, ohString2)
- task.wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- --// Settings Tab
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn on Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = true
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn off Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = false
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Custom FPS Unlocker",
- Callback = function()
- if not _G.Ignore then
- _G.Ignore = {}
- end
- if not _G.WaitPerAmount then
- _G.WaitPerAmount = 500
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications == nil then
- _G.SendNotifications = true
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs == nil then
- _G.ConsoleLogs = false
- end
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- end
- if not _G.Settings then
- _G.Settings = {
- Players = {
- ["Ignore Me"] = true,
- ["Ignore Others"] = true,
- ["Ignore Tools"] = true
- },
- Meshes = {
- NoMesh = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Images = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Explosions = {
- Smaller = true,
- Invisible = false, -- Not recommended for PVP games
- Destroy = false -- Not recommended for PVP games
- },
- Particles = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- TextLabels = {
- LowerQuality = false,
- Invisible = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- MeshParts = {
- LowerQuality = true,
- Invisible = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- NoMesh = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Other = {
- ["FPS Cap"] = 240, -- Set this true to uncap FPS
- ["No Camera Effects"] = true,
- ["No Clothes"] = true,
- ["Low Water Graphics"] = true,
- ["No Shadows"] = true,
- ["Low Rendering"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Parts"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Models"] = true,
- ["Reset Materials"] = true,
- ["Lower Quality MeshParts"] = true
- }
- }
- end
- local Players, Lighting, StarterGui, MaterialService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("MaterialService")
- local ME, CanBeEnabled = Players.LocalPlayer, {"ParticleEmitter", "Trail", "Smoke", "Fire", "Sparkles"}
- local function PartOfCharacter(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= ME and v.Character and Instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function DescendantOfIgnore(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(_G.Ignore) do
- if Instance:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckIfBad(Instance)
- if not Instance:IsDescendantOf(Players) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"] and not PartOfCharacter(Instance) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"] and ME.Character and not Instance:IsDescendantOf(ME.Character) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"] and not Instance:IsA("BackpackItem") and not Instance:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BackpackItem") or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"])--[[not PartOfCharacter(Instance)]] and (_G.Ignore and not table.find(_G.Ignore, Instance) and not DescendantOfIgnore(Instance) or (not _G.Ignore or type(_G.Ignore) ~= "table" or #_G.Ignore <= 0)) then
- if Instance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoMesh and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoTexture and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.TextureId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.Destroy or _G.Settings["No Meshes"] then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("FaceInstance") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.LowDetail then
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Graphic = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif table.find(CanBeEnabled, Instance.ClassName) then
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Particles"] or _G.Settings["No Particles"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Invisible) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- end
- if (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("PostEffect") and (_G.Settings["No Camera Effects"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Camera Effects"])) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- elseif Instance:IsA("Explosion") then
- if _G.Settings["Smaller Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Smaller Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Smaller) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Invisible) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Clothing") or Instance:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or Instance:IsA("BaseWrap") then
- if _G.Settings["No Clothes"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Clothes"]) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("BasePart") and not Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Parts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Parts"]) then
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") and Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- if _G.Settings["Lower Quality TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Lower Quality TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Instance.TextScaled = false
- Instance.RichText = false
- Instance.TextSize = 14
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Invisible) then
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Model") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Models"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Models"]) then
- Instance.LevelOfDetail = 1
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Invisible) then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoTexture then
- Instance.TextureID = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoMesh then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings["No MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Loading FPS Booster...",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if (_G.Settings["Low Water Graphics"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Water Graphics"])) then
- if not workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain") then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain")
- end
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSize = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterReflectance = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterTransparency = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain"), "Decoration", false)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Water Graphics Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Water Graphics Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["No Shadows"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Shadows"]) then
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- Lighting.FogEnd = 9e9
- Lighting.ShadowSoftness = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(Lighting, "Technology", 2)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "No Shadows Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("No Shadows Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Low Rendering"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Rendering"]) then
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = 1
- settings().Rendering.MeshPartDetailLevel = Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel.Level04
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Rendering Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Rendering Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Reset Materials"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Reset Materials"]) then
- for i, v in pairs(MaterialService:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- MaterialService.Use2022Materials = false
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Reset Materials Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Reset Materials Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) then
- if setfpscap then
- if type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "string" or type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "number" then
- setfpscap(tonumber(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])),
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- end
- elseif _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) == true then
- setfpscap(1e6)
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Uncapped",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Uncapped")
- end
- end
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Cap Failed",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Cap Failed")
- end
- end
- end)
- game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- wait(_G.LoadedWait or 1)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)
- local Descendants = game:GetDescendants()
- local StartNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- local WaitNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...",
- Duration = 15,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...")
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Descendants) do
- CheckIfBad(v)
- if i == WaitNumber then
- task.wait()
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- print("Loaded " .. i .. "/" .. #Descendants)
- end
- WaitNumber = WaitNumber + StartNumber
- end
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Booster Loaded!",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Booster Loaded!")
- end,
- })
- end
- if game.PlaceId == 23578803 then
- local Rayfield = loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
- local Window = Rayfield:CreateWindow({
- Name = "Bowa Hub | Elephant Hotel",
- Icon = 0, -- Icon in Topbar. Can use Lucide Icons (string) or Roblox Image (number). 0 to use no icon (default).
- LoadingTitle = "Script Hub Loading Elephant Hotel...",
- LoadingSubtitle = "Ofhz and Velcro Presents",
- Theme = "Ocean", -- Check
- DisableRayfieldPrompts = false,
- DisableBuildWarnings = false, -- Prevents Rayfield from warning when the script has a version mismatch with the interface
- ConfigurationSaving = {
- Enabled = true,
- FolderName = nil, -- Create a custom folder for your hub/game
- FileName = "Big Hub"
- },
- Discord = {
- Enabled = false, -- Prompt the user to join your Discord server if their executor supports it
- Invite = "noinvitelink", -- The Discord invite code, do not include E.g. would be ABCD
- RememberJoins = true -- Set this to false to make them join the discord every time they load it up
- },
- KeySystem = false, -- Set this to true to use our key system
- KeySettings = {
- Title = "Untitled",
- Subtitle = "Key System",
- Note = "No method of obtaining the key is provided", -- Use this to tell the user how to get a key
- FileName = "Key", -- It is recommended to use something unique as other scripts using Rayfield may overwrite your key file
- SaveKey = true, -- The user's key will be saved, but if you change the key, they will be unable to use your script
- GrabKeyFromSite = false, -- If this is true, set Key below to the RAW site you would like Rayfield to get the key from
- Key = {"Hello"} -- List of keys that will be accepted by the system, can be RAW file links (pastebin, github etc) or simple strings ("hello","key22")
- }
- })
- --// Notification
- Rayfield:Notify({
- Title = "Bowa Hub | Elephant Hotel",
- Content = "Script fully finished. Keybind (K)",
- Duration = 6.5,
- Image = 4483362458,
- })
- --// Tabs and Sections
- local home = Window:CreateTab("Home", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = home:CreateSection("Home")
- local pla = Window:CreateTab("Player", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = pla:CreateSection("Player")
- local team = Window:CreateTab("Team", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = team:CreateSection("Change Team")
- local mon = Window:CreateTab("Money", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = mon:CreateSection("Give Money")
- local ele = Window:CreateTab("Elevator", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = ele:CreateSection("Mess about with elevator")
- local rom = Window:CreateTab("Room", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = rom:CreateSection("Gives all the keys")
- local set = Window:CreateTab("Settings", 4483362458) -- Title, Image
- local Section = set:CreateSection("Settings")
- --// Home
- local Paragraph = home:CreateParagraph({Title = "Big Thank You.", Content = "Hey thank you for using Bowa Hub. This script had alot of effort put into it and is made to bring the old feeling of scripts. UI made by ShlexWare | Script by VuanityMatters"})
- --// Player
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Walk Speed",
- Range = {16, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Walk",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = v
- end,
- })
- local Slider = pla:CreateSlider({
- Name = "Jump Power",
- Range = {50, 250},
- Increment = 10,
- Suffix = "Jump",
- CurrentValue = 10,
- Flag = "Slider1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = v
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Infinite Jump (cant be undone)",
- Callback = function()
- local Player = game:GetService'Players'.LocalPlayer;
- local UIS = game:GetService'UserInputService';
- _G.JumpHeight = 50;
- function Action(Object, Function) if Object ~= nil then Function(Object); end end
- UIS.InputBegan:connect(function(UserInput)
- if UserInput.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and UserInput.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Space then
- Action(Player.Character.Humanoid, function(self)
- if self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping or self:GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall then
- Action(self.Parent.HumanoidRootPart, function(self)
- self.Velocity =, _G.JumpHeight, 0);
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Bird Fly (F)",
- Callback = function()
- local Flying = false
- local Key = "f"
- local FlySpeed = 100
- local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
- game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:Connect(function()
- if Flying == true then
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = FlySpeed
- end
- end)
- Mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(Input)
- if Input == string.lower(Key) then
- Flying = not Flying
- Player.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(4)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = game.StarterPlayer.CharacterWalkSpeed
- end
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = pla:CreateButton({
- Name = "Fly (E)",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification", {Title = "Script Executed", Text = "Script made by Vuanity"})
- repeat wait()
- until game.Players.LocalPlayer and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid")
- local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- repeat wait() until mouse
- local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
- local torso = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- local flying = true
- local deb = true
- local ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- local maxspeed = 50
- local speed = 0
- function Fly()
- local bg ="BodyGyro", torso)
- bg.P = 9e4
- bg.maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9)
- bg.cframe = torso.CFrame
- local bv ="BodyVelocity", torso)
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- bv.maxForce =, 9e9, 9e9)
- repeat wait()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- if ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0 then
- speed = speed+.5+(speed/maxspeed)
- if speed > maxspeed then
- speed = maxspeed
- end
- elseif not (ctrl.l + ctrl.r ~= 0 or ctrl.f + ctrl.b ~= 0) and speed ~= 0 then
- speed = speed-1
- if speed < 0 then
- speed = 0
- end
- end
- if (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) ~= 0 or (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (ctrl.f+ctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- lastctrl = {f = ctrl.f, b = ctrl.b, l = ctrl.l, r = ctrl.r}
- elseif (ctrl.l + ctrl.r) == 0 and (ctrl.f + ctrl.b) == 0 and speed ~= 0 then
- bv.velocity = ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * (lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)) + ((game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame *,(lastctrl.f+lastctrl.b)*.2,0).p) - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p))*speed
- else
- bv.velocity =,0.1,0)
- end
- bg.cframe = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad((ctrl.f+ctrl.b)*50*speed/maxspeed),0,0)
- until not flying
- ctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- lastctrl = {f = 0, b = 0, l = 0, r = 0}
- speed = 0
- bg:Destroy()
- bv:Destroy()
- plr.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- end
- mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "e" then
- if flying then flying = false
- else
- flying = true
- Fly()
- end
- elseif key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 1
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = -1
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 1
- end
- end)
- mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- if key:lower() == "w" then
- ctrl.f = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "s" then
- ctrl.b = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "a" then
- ctrl.l = 0
- elseif key:lower() == "d" then
- ctrl.r = 0
- end
- end)
- Fly()
- end,
- })
- --// Auto
- local Toggle = mon:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto 400",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohNumber2 = 400
- local ohString3 = "Cash"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohNumber2, ohString3)
- task.wait(0.8)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = mon:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto 4000",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohNumber2 = 4000
- local ohString3 = "Cash"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohNumber2, ohString3)
- task.wait(0.8)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = mon:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto 40000",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohNumber2 = 40000
- local ohString3 = "Cash"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohNumber2, ohString3)
- task.wait(0.8)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = mon:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto 400000",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohNumber2 = 400000
- local ohString3 = "Cash"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohNumber2, ohString3)
- task.wait(0.8)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Toggle = mon:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto 4000000",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohNumber2 = 4000000
- local ohString3 = "Cash"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohNumber2, ohString3)
- task.wait(0.8)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- --// Team
- local Toggle = team:CreateToggle({
- Name = "Auto Change Teams (Might lag)",
- CurrentValue = false,
- Flag = "Toggle1", -- A flag is the identifier for the configuration file, make sure every element has a different flag if you're using configuration saving to ensure no overlaps
- Callback = function(v)
- if getgenv().auto then
- getgenv().auto = false
- else
- getgenv().auto = true
- end
- while wait() do
- if getgenv().auto == true then
- local ohString1 = "Bright yellow"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.01)
- local ohString1 = "Bright red"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.01)
- local ohString1 = "Burgundy"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.01)
- local ohString1 = "Bright blue"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.01)
- local ohString1 = "Bright green"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- task.wait(0.01)
- end
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = team:CreateButton({
- Name = "Hotel Guest",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Bright yellow"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = team:CreateButton({
- Name = "Waiter/Waitress",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Bright red"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = team:CreateButton({
- Name = "Concierge",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Burgundy"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = team:CreateButton({
- Name = "Shop Assistant",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Bright blue"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = team:CreateButton({
- Name = "Manager",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "Bright green"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ChangeTeam:InvokeServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- --// Money
- local Button = mon:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give everyone 5K",
- Callback = function()
- Players = game:GetService("Players")
- for i, plr in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local ShitAndCum = {
- [1] = false,
- [2] = 5000,
- [3] = "Cash",
- [4] = plr
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(unpack(ShitAndCum))
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = mon:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give everyone 10k",
- Callback = function()
- Players = game:GetService("Players")
- for i, plr in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local ShitAndCum = {
- [1] = false,
- [2] = 10000,
- [3] = "Cash",
- [4] = plr
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(unpack(ShitAndCum))
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = mon:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give everyone 15K",
- Callback = function()
- Players = game:GetService("Players")
- for i, plr in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local ShitAndCum = {
- [1] = false,
- [2] = 15000,
- [3] = "Cash",
- [4] = plr
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(unpack(ShitAndCum))
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = mon:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give everyone 20K",
- Callback = function()
- Players = game:GetService("Players")
- for i, plr in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local ShitAndCum = {
- [1] = false,
- [2] = 20000,
- [3] = "Cash",
- [4] = plr
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(unpack(ShitAndCum))
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = mon:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give everyone 25K",
- Callback = function()
- Players = game:GetService("Players")
- for i, plr in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local ShitAndCum = {
- [1] = false,
- [2] = 25000,
- [3] = "Cash",
- [4] = plr
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(unpack(ShitAndCum))
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = mon:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give everyone 50K",
- Callback = function()
- Players = game:GetService("Players")
- for i, plr in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local ShitAndCum = {
- [1] = false,
- [2] = 50000,
- [3] = "Cash",
- [4] = plr
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").MoneyRequest:FireServer(unpack(ShitAndCum))
- end
- end,
- })
- local Button = ele:CreateButton({
- Name = "Floor 1",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "1"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ElevatorHandler:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = ele:CreateButton({
- Name = "Floor 2",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "2"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ElevatorHandler:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = ele:CreateButton({
- Name = "Floor 3",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "3"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ElevatorHandler:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = ele:CreateButton({
- Name = "Floor 4",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "4"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ElevatorHandler:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = ele:CreateButton({
- Name = "Floor 5",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "5"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ElevatorHandler:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = ele:CreateButton({
- Name = "Floor 6",
- Callback = function()
- local ohString1 = "6"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").ElevatorHandler:FireServer(ohString1)
- end,
- })
- local Button = rom:CreateButton({
- Name = "Give all room keys (might not show but gives all the keys)",
- Callback = function()
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohString2 = "Room 1"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RoomGiver:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohString2)
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohString2 = "Room 2"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RoomGiver:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohString2)
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohString2 = "Room 3"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RoomGiver:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohString2)
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohString2 = "Room 4"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RoomGiver:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohString2)
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohString2 = "Room 5"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RoomGiver:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohString2)
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohString2 = "Room 6"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RoomGiver:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohString2)
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohString2 = "Room 7"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RoomGiver:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohString2)
- local ohBoolean1 = false
- local ohString2 = "Room 8"
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RoomGiver:FireServer(ohBoolean1, ohString2)
- end,
- })
- --// Settings Tab
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn on Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = true
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = "Turn off Anti-Kick",
- Callback = function()
- local plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- getgenv().Anti = false
- local Anti
- Anti = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- if self == plr and getnamecallmethod():lower() == "kick" and getgenv().Anti then
- return warn("[ANTI-KICK] Client Tried To Call Kick Function On LocalPlayer")
- end
- return Anti(self, ...)
- end)
- end,
- })
- local Button = set:CreateButton({
- Name = " Custom FPS Unlocker",
- Callback = function()
- if not _G.Ignore then
- _G.Ignore = {}
- end
- if not _G.WaitPerAmount then
- _G.WaitPerAmount = 500
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications == nil then
- _G.SendNotifications = true
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs == nil then
- _G.ConsoleLogs = false
- end
- if not game:IsLoaded() then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until game:IsLoaded()
- end
- if not _G.Settings then
- _G.Settings = {
- Players = {
- ["Ignore Me"] = true,
- ["Ignore Others"] = true,
- ["Ignore Tools"] = true
- },
- Meshes = {
- NoMesh = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Images = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Explosions = {
- Smaller = true,
- Invisible = false, -- Not recommended for PVP games
- Destroy = false -- Not recommended for PVP games
- },
- Particles = {
- Invisible = true,
- Destroy = false
- },
- TextLabels = {
- LowerQuality = false,
- Invisible = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- MeshParts = {
- LowerQuality = true,
- Invisible = false,
- NoTexture = false,
- NoMesh = false,
- Destroy = false
- },
- Other = {
- ["FPS Cap"] = 240, -- Set this true to uncap FPS
- ["No Camera Effects"] = true,
- ["No Clothes"] = true,
- ["Low Water Graphics"] = true,
- ["No Shadows"] = true,
- ["Low Rendering"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Parts"] = true,
- ["Low Quality Models"] = true,
- ["Reset Materials"] = true,
- ["Lower Quality MeshParts"] = true
- }
- }
- end
- local Players, Lighting, StarterGui, MaterialService = game:GetService("Players"), game:GetService("Lighting"), game:GetService("StarterGui"), game:GetService("MaterialService")
- local ME, CanBeEnabled = Players.LocalPlayer, {"ParticleEmitter", "Trail", "Smoke", "Fire", "Sparkles"}
- local function PartOfCharacter(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v ~= ME and v.Character and Instance:IsDescendantOf(v.Character) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function DescendantOfIgnore(Instance)
- for i, v in pairs(_G.Ignore) do
- if Instance:IsDescendantOf(v) then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function CheckIfBad(Instance)
- if not Instance:IsDescendantOf(Players) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"] and not PartOfCharacter(Instance) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Others"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"] and ME.Character and not Instance:IsDescendantOf(ME.Character) or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Me"]) and (_G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"] and not Instance:IsA("BackpackItem") and not Instance:FindFirstAncestorWhichIsA("BackpackItem") or not _G.Settings.Players["Ignore Tools"])--[[not PartOfCharacter(Instance)]] and (_G.Ignore and not table.find(_G.Ignore, Instance) and not DescendantOfIgnore(Instance) or (not _G.Ignore or type(_G.Ignore) ~= "table" or #_G.Ignore <= 0)) then
- if Instance:IsA("DataModelMesh") then
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoMesh and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.NoTexture and Instance:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- Instance.TextureId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Meshes.Destroy or _G.Settings["No Meshes"] then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("FaceInstance") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.LowDetail then
- Instance.Shiny = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("ShirtGraphic") then
- if _G.Settings.Images.Invisible then
- Instance.Graphic = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.Images.Destroy then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif table.find(CanBeEnabled, Instance.ClassName) then
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Particles"] or _G.Settings["No Particles"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Invisible) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- end
- if (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Particles"]) or (_G.Settings.Particles and _G.Settings.Particles.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("PostEffect") and (_G.Settings["No Camera Effects"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Camera Effects"])) then
- Instance.Enabled = false
- elseif Instance:IsA("Explosion") then
- if _G.Settings["Smaller Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Smaller Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Smaller) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Invisible) then
- Instance.BlastPressure = 1
- Instance.BlastRadius = 1
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No Explosions"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Explosions"]) or (_G.Settings.Explosions and _G.Settings.Explosions.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Clothing") or Instance:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") or Instance:IsA("BaseWrap") then
- if _G.Settings["No Clothes"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Clothes"]) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("BasePart") and not Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Parts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Parts"]) then
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("TextLabel") and Instance:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
- if _G.Settings["Lower Quality TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Lower Quality TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
- Instance.TextScaled = false
- Instance.RichText = false
- Instance.TextSize = 14
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Invisible) then
- Instance.Visible = false
- end
- if _G.Settings["No TextLabels"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No TextLabels"]) or (_G.Settings.TextLabels and _G.Settings.TextLabels.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("Model") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality Models"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality Models"]) then
- Instance.LevelOfDetail = 1
- end
- elseif Instance:IsA("MeshPart") then
- if _G.Settings["Low Quality MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Quality MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.LowerQuality) then
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings["Invisible MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Invisible MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Invisible) then
- Instance.Transparency = 1
- Instance.RenderFidelity = 2
- Instance.Reflectance = 0
- Instance.Material = Enum.Material.Plastic
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoTexture then
- Instance.TextureID = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.NoMesh then
- Instance.MeshId = ""
- end
- if _G.Settings["No MeshParts"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No MeshParts"]) or (_G.Settings.MeshParts and _G.Settings.MeshParts.Destroy) then
- Instance:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Loading FPS Booster...",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if (_G.Settings["Low Water Graphics"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Water Graphics"])) then
- if not workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain") then
- repeat
- task.wait()
- until workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain")
- end
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSize = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterWaveSpeed = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterReflectance = 0
- workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain").WaterTransparency = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(workspace:FindFirstChildOfClass("Terrain"), "Decoration", false)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Water Graphics Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Water Graphics Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["No Shadows"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["No Shadows"]) then
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- Lighting.FogEnd = 9e9
- Lighting.ShadowSoftness = 0
- if sethiddenproperty then
- sethiddenproperty(Lighting, "Technology", 2)
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("Your exploit does not support sethiddenproperty, please use a different exploit.")
- end
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "No Shadows Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("No Shadows Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Low Rendering"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Low Rendering"]) then
- settings().Rendering.QualityLevel = 1
- settings().Rendering.MeshPartDetailLevel = Enum.MeshPartDetailLevel.Level04
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Low Rendering Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Low Rendering Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["Reset Materials"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["Reset Materials"]) then
- for i, v in pairs(MaterialService:GetChildren()) do
- v:Destroy()
- end
- MaterialService.Use2022Materials = false
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Reset Materials Enabled",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Reset Materials Enabled")
- end
- end
- end)
- coroutine.wrap(pcall)(function()
- if _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) then
- if setfpscap then
- if type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "string" or type(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])) == "number" then
- setfpscap(tonumber(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])),
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Capped to " .. tostring(_G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"])))
- end
- elseif _G.Settings["FPS Cap"] or (_G.Settings.Other and _G.Settings.Other["FPS Cap"]) == true then
- setfpscap(1e6)
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Uncapped",
- Duration = 5,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("FPS Uncapped")
- end
- end
- else
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "",
- Text = "FPS Cap Failed",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Cap Failed")
- end
- end
- end)
- game.DescendantAdded:Connect(function(value)
- wait(_G.LoadedWait or 1)
- CheckIfBad(value)
- end)
- local Descendants = game:GetDescendants()
- local StartNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- local WaitNumber = _G.WaitPerAmount or 500
- if _G.SendNotifications then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...",
- Duration = 15,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- end
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- warn("Checking " .. #Descendants .. " Instances...")
- end
- for i, v in pairs(Descendants) do
- CheckIfBad(v)
- if i == WaitNumber then
- task.wait()
- if _G.ConsoleLogs then
- print("Loaded " .. i .. "/" .. #Descendants)
- end
- WaitNumber = WaitNumber + StartNumber
- end
- end
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification", {
- Title = "Velcros FPS Booster",
- Text = "FPS Booster Loaded!",
- Duration = math.huge,
- Button1 = "Okay"
- })
- warn("FPS Booster Loaded!")
- end,
- })
- end
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