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- local SetMaterialOverride = SetMaterialOverride
- local RunConsoleCommand = RunConsoleCommand
- local IsValid = IsValid
- local render = render
- local Angle = Angle
- local input = input
- local timer = timer
- local table = table
- local pairs = pairs
- local util = util
- local hook = hook
- local team = team
- local math = math
- local cam = cam
- lolwut = {}
- lolwut.LightKey = function() return input.IsKeyDown(KEY_V) end
- lolwut.AimKey = function() return input.IsKeyDown(KEY_B) end
- lolwut.SpinKey = function() return input.IsKeyDown(KEY_N) end
- lolwut.ShootKey = function() return input.IsMouseDown(MOUSE_4) end
- lolwut.prefbone = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1"
- lolwut.maxdist = 65535
- lolwut.lp = LocalPlayer()
- lolwut.lastangle = nil
- lolwut.fakeview = false
- lolwut.lighton = false
- lolwut.trignore = {lolwut.lp,lolwut.lp:GetActiveWeapon()}
- lolwut.bpos = function(ent, bone) return ent:GetBonePosition(ent:LookupBone(bone)) end
- lolwut.bdist = function(ent, bone) return lolwut.lp:GetShootPos():Distance(lolwut.bpos(ent,bone)) end
- lolwut.dist = function(ply) return lolwut.lp:GetShootPos():Distance(ply:GetShootPos()) end
- lolwut.etre = function(ply) return ply:GetEyeTrace().Entity end
- lolwut.closest = function(a, b) return lolwut.bdist(a, lolwut.prefbone) < lolwut.bdist(b, lolwut.prefbone) end
- lolwut.quickest = function(a, b) return (a.Health and a:Health() or 0) < (b.Health and b:Health() or 0) end
- lolwut.looking = function(a, b)
- if (lolwut.etre(a) == lolwut.lp and lolwut.etre(b) ~= lolwut.lp) then return a
- elseif (lolwut.etre(a) ~= lolwut.lp and lolwut.etre(b) == lolwut.lp) then return b
- else return table.Random({a,b}) end
- end
- lolwut.visible = function(pos,ent)
- local tr = util.TraceLine({start=lolwut.lp:GetShootPos(),
- endpos=lolwut.lp:GetShootPos()+((pos - lolwut.lp:GetShootPos())*lolwut.maxdist),
- ilter=lolwut.trignore, mask=MASK_SHOT})
- return tr.HitNonWorld and tr.Hit and IsValid(tr.Entity) and ((ent ~= nil) and (tr.Entity == ent) or true)
- end
- lolwut.pvalid = function(ply) return IsValid(ply) and ply:Alive() and ply ~= lolwut.lp and ply:Team() ~= lolwut.lp:Team() end
- lolwut.esppvalid = function(ply) return IsValid(ply) and ply:Alive() and ply ~= lolwut.lp end
- lolwut.keysnotdown = function(keys) for k,v in pairs(keys) do if input.IsKeyDown(v) then return false end end return true end
- lolwut.mousesnotdown = function(keys) for k,v in pairs(keys) do if input.IsMouseDown(v) then return false end end return true end
- lolwut.notmoving = function() return lolwut.keysnotdown({KEY_W,KEY_A,KEY_S,KEY_D,KEY_SPACE,KEY_LCONTROL,KEY_LSHIFT,KEY_LALT}) and
- lolwut.mousesnotdown({MOUSE_LEFT, MOUSE_RIGHT, MOUSE_MIDDLE, MOUSE_4, MOUSE_5}) end
- lolwut.fakeshot = function(func)
- func("+attack")
- local delay = lolwut.lp:GetActiveWeapon().PrimaryDelay or nil
- if (delay == nil) then delay = (lolwut.lp:GetActiveWeapon().Primary and lolwut.lp:GetActiveWeapon().Primary.Delay or 0.1) end
- timer.Simple(delay, func, "-attack")
- end
- lolwut.CrossbowFix = function(aimpos, target)
- if (lolwut.lp:GetActiveWeapon().GetPrintName ~= nil) then
- if (lolwut.lp:GetActiveWeapon():GetPrintName() == "#HL2_Crossbow") then
- local angp = math.sin((aimpos - lolwut.lp:GetShootPos()):Angle().p)
- aimpos = aimpos + Vector(0,0, (lolwut.dist(target) / 244.286) + angp)
- return aimpos
- end
- end
- return aimpos
- end
- lolwut.fakelight = function(ent, pos, color, size, brightness)
- local l = DynamicLight(ent:EntIndex())
- if l then
- l.Pos = pos
- l.r = color.r
- l.g = color.g
- l.b = color.b
- l.Brightness = brightness
- l.Decay = size * 5
- l.Size = size
- l.DieTime = CurTime() + 1
- end
- end
- lolwut.calcview = function(ply, pos, ang, fov)
- if lolwut.LightKey() then lolwut.lighton = not lolwut.lighton end
- if lolwut.lighton then
- local lpos = lolwut.lp:GetEyeTrace().HitPos
- lolwut.fakelight(lolwut.lp, lpos, Color(255,255,255), 64*2, 6)
- end
- if lolwut.AimKey() then
- if input.IsKeyDown(KEY_DELETE) then
- hook.Remove("CalcView", "lolwut1")
- hook.Remove("PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "lolwut2")
- end
- local possible = {} for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if lolwut.pvalid(v) and lolwut.visible(lolwut.GetAimPos(v),v) then table.insert(possible, v) end
- end
- table.sort(possible, lolwut.closest)
- if input.IsMouseDown(MOUSE_5) then
- table.sort(possible, lolwut.quickest)
- end
- local closest = possible[1]
- if IsValid(closest) then
- if (lolwut.lastangle == nil) then lolwut.lastangle = lolwut.lp:EyeAngles() end
- local aimpos = lolwut.CrossbowFix(lolwut.GetAimPos(closest), closest)
- local ang = (aimpos - lolwut.lp:GetShootPos()):Angle()
- lolwut.lp:SetEyeAngles(ang)
- if lolwut.ShootKey() then
- local x = {origin = pos, angles = lolwut.lastangle, fov = fov}
- lolwut.fakeshot(RunConsoleCommand)
- return x
- else lolwut.lastangle = nil end
- else lolwut.lastangle = nil end
- elseif lolwut.SpinKey() and lolwut.notmoving() then
- lolwut.fakeview = true
- if (lolwut.lastangle == nil) then lolwut.lastangle = lolwut.lp:EyeAngles() end
- local x = {origin = pos, angles = lolwut.lastangle, fov = fov}
- lolwut.lp:SetEyeAngles(Angle(math.random(-180,180), math.random(-180,180), math.random(-180,180)))
- return x
- else
- if (lolwut.fakeview == true) then
- lolwut.lp:SetEyeAngles(lolwut.lastangle)
- lolwut.fakeview = false
- end
- lolwut.lastangle = nil
- end
- end
- hook.Add("CalcView", "lolwut1", lolwut.calcview)
- lolwut.getcm = function(ent)
- if ent:IsPlayer() then
- local tc = team.GetColor(ent:Team())
- if (tc.a < 50) then return 1, 1, 1 end
- return tc.r/255, tc.g/255, tc.b/222
- else return 1, 0, 0 end
- end
- lolwut.matwhite = CreateMaterial("WhiteMaterial", "VertexLitGeneric", {
- ['$basetexture'] = 'color/white', ['$vertexalpha'] = '1', ['$model'] = '1'
- });
- lolwut.pdor = function()
- render.ClearStencil()
- render.SetStencilEnable(true)
- render.SetStencilFailOperation(STENCILOPERATION_KEEP)
- render.SetStencilPassOperation(STENCILOPERATION_KEEP)
- render.SetStencilZFailOperation(STENCILOPERATION_REPLACE)
- render.SetStencilReferenceValue(1)
- render.SetBlend(0.9) --CLOSE ENOUGH
- for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if lolwut.esppvalid(v) then
- local r,g,b = lolwut.getcm(v)
- render.SetColorModulation(r or 1,g or 0,b or 0)
- SetMaterialOverride(lolwut.matwhite)
- v:DrawModel()
- SetMaterialOverride()
- render.SetColorModulation(1,1,1)
- end
- end
- render.SetBlend(1)
- render.SuppressEngineLighting(true)
- cam.IgnoreZ(true)
- for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
- if lolwut.esppvalid(v) then
- local r,g,b = lolwut.getcm(v)
- render.SetColorModulation(r or 1,g or 0,b or 0)
- SetMaterialOverride(lolwut.matwhite)
- v:DrawModel()
- SetMaterialOverride()
- render.SetColorModulation(1,1,1)
- end
- end
- cam.IgnoreZ(false)
- render.SuppressEngineLighting(false)
- render.SetStencilEnable(false)
- end
- hook.Add("PostDrawOpaqueRenderables", "lolwut2", lolwut.pdor)
- lolwut.GetAimPos = function(ent)
- local exp = string.Explode('/', string.lower(ent:GetModel()))
- if (#exp ~= 3) then
- if ent:IsPlayer() or ent:IsNPC() then
- return lolwut.bpos(ent, lolwut.bones['default'])
- else
- return ent:LocalToWorld(ent:OBBCenter())
- end
- end
- if (lolwut.bones['mdl:'..exp[3]] ~= nil) then
- return lolwut.bpos(ent, lolwut.bones['mdl:'..exp[3]])
- elseif (lolwut.bones['folder:'..exp[2]] ~= nil) then
- return lolwut.bpos(ent, lolwut.bones['folder:'..exp[2]])
- else
- return lolwut.bpos(ent, lolwut.bones['default'])
- end
- end
- lolwut.bones = {
- ['default'] = "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1",
- ['folder:zombie'] = "ValveBiped.HC_Body_Bone",
- ['mdl:fast.mdl'] = "ValveBiped.HC_BodyCube",
- ['mdl:poison.mdl'] = "ValveBiped.Headcrab_Cube1",
- ['mdl:manhack.mdl'] = "Manhack.MH_Control",
- ['mdl:combine_scanner.mdl'] = "Scanner.Body",
- ['mdl:barnacle.mdl'] = "Barnacle.innards",
- ['mdl:combine_helicopter.mdl'] = "Chopper.Body",
- ['mdl:combine_strider.mdl'] = "Combine_Strider.Body_Bone",
- ['mdl:combine_dropship.mdl'] = "D_ship.Pelvis",
- ['mdl:gunship.mdl'] = "Gunship.Body",
- ['mdl:pigeon.mdl'] = "Crow.Head"
- }
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