
poems that i think r just how i feel about u

Jul 9th, 2011
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  1. My love for you reaches past the furthest planet,
  2. Burns stronger then the sun,
  3. Will last longer then eternity.
  5. For you I'd travel to the moon and back,
  6. Climb the tallest tower,
  7. Fight the largest army.
  9. You are my friend,
  10. My companion,
  11. My lover
  12. My soulmate.
  14. You are my reason to live,
  15. My elixir of life,
  16. Without you I'm nothing,
  17. With you I'm a superhero.
  18. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. A special world for you and me
  21. A special bond one cannot see
  22. It wraps us up in its cocoon
  23. And holds us fiercely in its womb.
  25. Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
  26. Gently nestling us to the fold
  27. Like silken thread it holds us fast
  28. Bonds like this are meant to last.
  30. And though at times a thread may break
  31. A new one forms in its wake
  32. To bind us closer and keep us strong
  33. In a special world, where we belong.
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. If I could have just one wish,
  38. I would wish to wake up everyday
  39. to the sound of your breath on my neck,
  40. the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
  41. the touch of your fingers on my skin,
  42. and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
  43. Knowing that I could never find that feeling
  44. with anyone other than you.
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. I love the way you look at me,
  49. Your eyes so bright and brown.
  50. I love the way you kiss me,
  51. Your lips so soft and smooth.
  53. I love the way you make me so happy,
  54. And the ways you show you care.
  55. I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
  56. And the way you're always there.
  58. I love the way you touch me,
  59. Always sending chills down my spine.
  60. I love that you are with me,
  61. And glad that you are mine.
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