
[Poetry] Despite Our Spectral Spectacular

Feb 20th, 2020
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  1. Despite Our Spectral Spectacular
  2. '
  3. She was ready... wearing all rosy red
  4. For the arrangement with Mr. L'Raunj
  5. There... yelling out "Ohhh, hellooo!"
  6. Her friend... the wealthy Mrs. Greene
  7. As she blew past by several balloons
  8. But, despite how colorful, I can tell...
  9. My poor bella, still felt propelled
  10. Which I am sure they were blind about
  11. '
  12. By Kirk Lawrence
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  38. Hidden Arrangements:
  39. + Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple and Black (as the Blindness)
  40. + Smell (Rosy), Taste (Orange), Sound (Yelling), Touch (Felt X2), Sight (Colorful)
  41. + Paired reference of each color shared in the same line.
  42. + Somebody blew (\*blue) those balloons.
  43. + I tried to get the sound of the letter 'L', especially pair as 'LL' much as I could within reason because that is what my family name starts with.
  44. + Who is L'Raunj? Is he her date... her husband... the host... married to Mrs Greene?
  45. + "Poor bella" and "Propelled" was the most difficult part for me to have come up with in what could work together in somewhat sounding like the word "Purple".
  46. + Altogether... there are two very different perspectives
  47. +++ The lady wearing red is embarrassed in being poor and in regards does not really feel she belongs.
  48. +++ The other perspective... she's hiding in the closet in a manner of speaking.
  49. '
  50. $
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