
Musakii A real Chomo (Not Just RP)

Aug 26th, 2019
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  1. HokiHoki: ^.^ hello Miss
  2. HokiHoki: or should I say Mrs
  3. Agent Solid Snake: miss
  4. Agent Solid Snake: hi
  5. HokiHoki: ty I am looking for a family.. accept idk if I am welcome if I explain when I already has a father.
  6. HokiHoki: just he is around but he told me that I can find another family cause he wont be on much anymore so.
  7. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  8. Agent Solid Snake: makes sense
  9. HokiHoki: I look at profiles if people have families and I kinda was hoping or wondering if you are looking
  10. Agent Solid Snake: it's ok to have a seperate mommy and daddy
  11. Agent Solid Snake: yes
  12. HokiHoki: Yess my daddy is my real life daddy
  13. Agent Solid Snake: that's very sweet
  14. HokiHoki: and on here.. but he doesnt mind if I am owned on here by a Mistress
  15. Agent Solid Snake: sounds like a wise man
  16. HokiHoki: he's very kind so I have a agreement with him doing his thing and me doing mine
  17. Agent Solid Snake: cool
  18. HokiHoki: ^.^ yess he's very sweet
  19. Agent Solid Snake: I'll adopt you
  20. Agent Solid Snake: it's nice to meet you
  21. HokiHoki: but he kinda takes things to heart when he's miss understood.
  22. Agent Solid Snake: same
  23. HokiHoki: I am Naomi Nana
  24. HokiHoki: most call me Nana
  25. Agent Solid Snake: calll me Bee
  26. Agent Solid Snake: I don't give out personal info
  27. Agent Solid Snake: wanna meet your uncle?
  28. Agent Solid Snake: my bro
  29. Agent Solid Snake: me and him will raise you
  30. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  31. Agent Solid Snake: ?
  32. HokiHoki: Naomi or Nana is my name here.
  33. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  34. Agent Solid Snake: Naomi
  35. Agent Solid Snake: I like that
  36. HokiHoki: I prefer a woman only >.<
  37. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  38. HokiHoki: I can be around man but I am more into females
  39. HokiHoki: and would obey my mommy at all time
  40. Agent Solid Snake: good girl
  41. HokiHoki: Daddy said he doesnt want me to be touched with out his notice
  42. HokiHoki: by a man
  43. Agent Solid Snake: I understand you want a mdlg?
  44. HokiHoki: only by female >.<
  45. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  46. Agent Solid Snake: that's fine
  47. HokiHoki: Yess
  48. Agent Solid Snake: me too
  49. HokiHoki: ^.^ ty for understanding me
  50. HokiHoki: it makes me very comfty
  51. Agent Solid Snake: look at you, beautiful. I like you
  52. HokiHoki: ~she walks over and takes in her scent.~
  53. HokiHoki: ty ^*^
  54. Agent Solid Snake: are you submissive?
  55. Agent Solid Snake: or bratty?
  56. Agent Solid Snake: or dom?
  57. HokiHoki: I am a switch
  58. Agent Solid Snake: same
  59. HokiHoki: but mostly bratty submissive
  60. Agent Solid Snake: same
  61. HokiHoki: I love someone who is primal with me
  62. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  63. HokiHoki: like being bitten in the ass or neck
  64. HokiHoki: a bit rought
  65. Agent Solid Snake: ooo
  66. HokiHoki: I was thought by daddy what a primal Master does
  67. Agent Solid Snake: teach me
  68. HokiHoki: so I am into rough stuff
  69. HokiHoki: e////e it would be my Honor mommy
  70. HokiHoki: and may I ask do you mind that I might be switching sometimes
  71. Agent Solid Snake: that's fine
  72. HokiHoki: ty I feel so at home already
  73. Agent Solid Snake: :D
  74. HokiHoki: what other things would mommy like to know
  75. Agent Solid Snake: would it bother you if used you, for the first time?
  76. HokiHoki: noo e/////e
  77. HokiHoki: I am a perv
  78. HokiHoki: I also love incest
  79. Agent Solid Snake: yay
  80. Agent Solid Snake: I love you bbg
  81. HokiHoki: <///< you see I can be your blood.. daddy uses me like that to
  82. HokiHoki: on here it turns him on
  83. Agent Solid Snake: mmm
  84. HokiHoki: ~she looks at the ground and bites her lips purring softly and blushing.~
  85. Agent Solid Snake: *Kisses you passionately* *strokes your breast*
  86. HokiHoki: ~she gasp and feels her mothers touch of her furried lips she would enter a tongue and stick her paw underneath her pretty red dress.~
  87. Agent Solid Snake: /me squeezes her little's booty, reaching underneath her and rubbing her pussy through her panties
  88. HokiHoki: ~she stops kissing her mother and howls softly in a growling purrlike motion, as he head striked up she sticks her tongue out as she does the same back to her mother.~
  89. Agent Solid Snake: /me resumes kissing her daughter with passion. Rubbing her body and taking her little girl's clothes off, she starts to finger fuck her.
  90. HokiHoki: ~he gasp and kisses her mother again then feels her shirt being taken off, she would grab her little undies and becomes a bit dominant while her mother fingers her thick pink little slutty cunt, and stuffs her mothers mouth with her wett pink little pannies gently, so her mother could have a taste then she comes submissive again and parts her legs for her mother.~
  91. Agent Solid Snake: /me tastes your sweet pussy on your cute little panties, and *Purrs* for a moment while removing them from her mouth and tying your hands together with them as a rope and pinning and biting your neck; giving you warning bites.
  92. HokiHoki: ~she means feeling her mother toy with her, he entire body shakes and trembles of good feelings, she gasp and keeps on sulking with her little wett cunt she would feel herself getting turned on, when her mother ties her hands on her back she would lay with her cheek down into the sandy ground and starts to turn into a wetty dirty little mud.~
  93. HokiHoki: mutt*
  94. Agent Solid Snake: /me feels satisfied that you submitted to her enough and locates your clit with her tongue, and finger fucks you into a moaning little mess
  95. HokiHoki: ~he moans she is about to pisss and gurries out words." Mmmmmaaaammmaaa Nana iss..... going toooo." he gasped and moans louldy she shakes as she is used plenty of times before, he butt hole likes her mouth drools eyes in the back of her head her tongue out as she shakes her big ass, she releaves herself before she lets all be gone she warns." PISSSSS WATCHHHHHHHHAAAAOOUUUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTT!"
  96. Agent Solid Snake: /me "pulls her face back in time to see a jet of liquid shoot from her bby girls' pussy and informs her.
  97. Agent Solid Snake: Bby girl, mommy made you squirt
  98. Agent Solid Snake: mmm
  99. HokiHoki: ~she said nothing as she just lays their trembling her mind blank she was a dirty messy little cunt who still is shooting cum and is squirting on the sand cause of her moms tongue play.~
  100. Agent Solid Snake: /picks you up takes you to wash off, gripping you by your booty on purrrpose
  101. Agent Solid Snake: /me picks you up takes you to wash off, gripping you by your booty on purrrpose
  102. HokiHoki: ~she gasp and is being washed as she feels her mothers touch she is fully naked and just comes back to her senses and bites then speaks." S-sorry mommy.. daddy used my wholes alot of times so I am very dirty and sensetive and become submissive and dirty and filthy." she is nervouse and makes up excusses that are true.~
  103. HokiHoki: "n-now its also M-m-mommies holes." she fiddles looking up when being carried.~
  104. Agent Solid Snake: /me smiles down at you and carries you to the couch so she can put you on her knee and talk to you
  105. Agent Solid Snake: Can I invite you to the family room? bby girl?
  106. Agent Solid Snake: I call all my daugthers bby girl
  107. Agent Solid Snake: I have a sister you can meet?
  108. Agent Solid Snake: do you wanna meet our aunti Anon
  109. Agent Solid Snake: ??
  110. Agent Solid Snake: *your aunti
  111. Agent Solid Snake: if not that's ok
  112. Agent Solid Snake: you don't have to meet anyone else
  113. Agent Solid Snake: you can be our little secret easier
  114. HokiHoki: yess mommy you can
  115. Agent Solid Snake: I wonder if we can let your daddy watch us
  116. HokiHoki: I dont mind anything
  117. Agent Solid Snake: he can watch us
  118. HokiHoki: >.< uhmm daddy said its best you dont know him cause you seem to hate him I just asked him in real but you block him
  119. Agent Solid Snake: what's his name?
  120. HokiHoki: he's not mad at it anymore.. but he seems to already seem to know you
  121. HokiHoki: Musakii
  122. Agent Solid Snake: oh ok
  123. HokiHoki: did you two meet before?
  124. Agent Solid Snake: a long time ago
  125. Agent Solid Snake: tell him we need to talk
  126. Agent Solid Snake: I'll unblock him
  127. HokiHoki: okaay mommy daddy is a good man
  128. Agent Solid Snake: I went through a lot anger in my past
  129. HokiHoki: I told him that he needs to back off or ill get mad
  130. HokiHoki: I am finally happy
  131. HokiHoki: he said he's ok
  132. Agent Solid Snake: I blamed the wrong ppl for my own mysery
  133. HokiHoki: he will add you back later
  134. Agent Solid Snake: your dad was one of those unfortunate to be around when I was upset
  135. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  140. My Convo with Musakii
  142. Agent Solid Snake: greetings
  143. Musakii: Greetings Bee.. its a pleasure to meet you.
  144. Agent Solid Snake: I am happy to meet you as well
  145. Agent Solid Snake: would you like to join us in the family room?
  146. Agent Solid Snake: you are family
  147. Agent Solid Snake: it's perfectly fine for us to have totally different lives and still be a mommy and daddy for her
  148. Musakii: I cant join right now I am on phone my little one is using the computer to be with you guys.
  149. Agent Solid Snake: np
  150. Agent Solid Snake: maybe soon then?
  151. Agent Solid Snake: you're very generous
  152. Musakii: I just wanted to meet you myself and say hi like a proper person
  153. Agent Solid Snake: very proper
  154. Musakii: ty my dear.
  155. Agent Solid Snake: I respect that
  156. Musakii: so do you
  157. Musakii: I am more a demon lover then a furry but I do have a furry.
  158. Agent Solid Snake: I am a dom switch
  159. Musakii: ~tickles her chin." I can see why my baby girl picked you.. and I see delightful to know I am just full Master."
  160. Agent Solid Snake: yay
  161. Agent Solid Snake: mhm
  162. Agent Solid Snake: very
  163. Musakii: I hope my daugther isnt bringing any problems I thought her as much as I can and teached her the robes of rp she copies me in certained areas.
  164. Agent Solid Snake: she isn't
  165. Agent Solid Snake: I love what you are doing
  166. Musakii: perfect mmh you wanted to know her experiance she isnt very well at telling these kinds of things.
  167. Agent Solid Snake: that's fine
  168. Musakii: She just crashed from the room... i think she went goddamn it over here.
  169. Agent Solid Snake: I can tell her my preferences and teach her to find her own
  170. Agent Solid Snake: I am dom teacher for girls
  171. Agent Solid Snake: dominatrix
  172. Agent Solid Snake: I can teach discipline and receive
  173. Musakii: mmmh well you are as lovely as she said you are and are especially welcome to do so
  174. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  175. Musakii: she said she will be back later cause she needs to get ready for work
  176. Musakii: I would love to stay and talk if you dont mind my dear
  177. Musakii: I will even tell you her weaknesses
  178. Musakii: Would you like to be in the pressence of me.
  179. Musakii: ~he leans down and takes the hand of little bee, and brings her along to sit with me as well as I take a seat down, after that I just simply pick her from the ground and, put her on my lap.~
  180. Agent Solid Snake: agh
  181. Musakii: there we go.
  182. Agent Solid Snake: mhm
  183. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  184. Musakii: I thought her rp it took me a bit but she learned it fast.
  185. Musakii: ~tickles Bee her chin gently." soo tell me something what is it you wanna know."
  186. Musakii: From ->Nana: MOMMY LOVE YOU <3 SEEE YAAAH SOON! ill me back tomarrow
  187. Agent Solid Snake: made me wet, when you moved me up here
  188. Agent Solid Snake: cya tooo, love you bbg
  189. Musakii: did I your a naughty one.. are you not owned sweety.
  190. Agent Solid Snake: she is such a wonderful little girl
  191. Musakii: I mean if your wett we will have to work on how you should behave.
  192. Agent Solid Snake: mhm
  193. Agent Solid Snake: yes
  194. Musakii: and she is she has alot of love to give.. thus why I do let her have a mother... thats sweet like you are.
  195. Agent Solid Snake: <3 wise <3
  196. Musakii: So tell me how come you behave like a naughty girl.. when your owned already sweetheart.. dont you think its bad or do you love to have a strong figure to make that little crotch of yours wett??
  197. Agent Solid Snake: because I am a family fuck pet
  198. Agent Solid Snake: only family can fucc me
  199. Musakii: mmmmh you do understand that if I fuck you.. that you will be my fuck pet only
  200. Musakii: My dick isnt exactly small no family member of yours will fit sweetheart
  201. Agent Solid Snake: I can't disobey my family or they will disown me
  202. Musakii: I will strechts you out.. and turn you into a good girl.." he strokes her little cheek as he looks at Bee, he would trail his fingers down her little body." mmmh then I should let you behave around me.."
  203. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  204. Musakii: "I dont think its wise to have my cock penetrade your sexy body, cause you will not want anyone els when I fuck your brains out."
  205. Agent Solid Snake: /me shakes a little bit in your lap
  206. Musakii: but eitherway naughty sweetness.. tell me something.
  207. Musakii: What do you wanna know about our daugther..
  208. Agent Solid Snake: what does she like done to her pussy?
  209. Musakii: and I hope that not both our daugthers are fuck pets.
  210. Musakii: she likes clips.. pain
  211. Agent Solid Snake: my imvu kids are my fuck toys
  212. Musakii: she likes sharp objects.. she loves to be choked I turned our little girl in a pain slut.
  213. Agent Solid Snake: that's nice
  214. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  215. Musakii: mmmh so wait Karma to my dear?
  216. Agent Solid Snake: yes
  217. Musakii: You do know I am Karma's daddy to
  218. Agent Solid Snake: she's my fuck toy
  219. Agent Solid Snake: excellent
  220. Musakii: she doesnt get fucked by others right.
  221. Agent Solid Snake: I approve
  222. Musakii: I do not like it when other touch what is mine except for their mommy
  223. Agent Solid Snake: you are awesome
  224. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  225. Musakii: I know I am... so are you
  226. Agent Solid Snake: yes
  227. Musakii: make sure your brother doesnt touch her or any other man
  228. Agent Solid Snake: I will
  229. Musakii: \or I wont reward your cunt.. with my big dick
  230. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  231. Musakii: I might own you
  232. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  233. Musakii: and let the family use you
  234. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  235. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  236. Agent Solid Snake: yay
  237. Musakii: dont say ok be a proper girl
  238. Musakii: say Yess Big Papa.
  239. Agent Solid Snake: I always wanted that
  240. Musakii: Or Master.
  241. Agent Solid Snake: yes master
  242. Musakii: That sounds proper my sweetness
  243. Musakii: you do
  244. Agent Solid Snake: I do
  245. Musakii: So who's Anon then?
  246. Agent Solid Snake: my mommy
  247. Musakii: I see.. mmmh sounds like fun a incest family.
  248. Agent Solid Snake: we are
  249. Agent Solid Snake: my gma fucks me too
  250. Musakii: Question has someone touched my Karma?
  251. Agent Solid Snake: and so does my uncle
  252. Agent Solid Snake: no
  253. Agent Solid Snake: only me
  254. Musakii: ok
  255. Musakii: good dont let anyone touch her
  256. Agent Solid Snake: I won't
  257. Musakii: mmmmh and I will cm inside your tight cunt.
  258. Agent Solid Snake: mmm
  259. Musakii: cum*
  260. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  261. Musakii: I would one day like to meet your family.
  262. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  263. Agent Solid Snake: I'm not possessive of them
  264. Musakii: Nana has a nightshift.
  265. Agent Solid Snake: they all have their own lives
  266. Agent Solid Snake: I am their fuck toy
  267. Musakii: and I understand
  268. Musakii: but your also my little slut now
  269. Agent Solid Snake: I never tell master who he or she can have sexie time with
  270. Musakii: so when I ask you to come I do like a good girl that obey
  271. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  272. Agent Solid Snake: I will
  273. Agent Solid Snake: I"m sorry,
  274. Agent Solid Snake: I will, master
  275. Musakii: Thats okaay.. hey
  276. Musakii: ~tips your chin up.~
  277. Musakii: dont be sorry all the time I dont get mad very easy.
  278. Musakii: and promise me one more thing
  279. Agent Solid Snake: /me crys a littls bit
  280. Agent Solid Snake: whut?
  281. Musakii: whatever happens you always stay loyal?
  282. Agent Solid Snake: I will, master
  283. Musakii: ~wipes her tears gently and smiles at the little bee.~
  284. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  285. Musakii: Good girl thats how I like to see it.
  286. Musakii: mmmmh do you want to have my cock?
  287. Agent Solid Snake: your needs are my needs, master
  288. Musakii: ~grabs her gently and puts her down on the ground then puts her down and holds her hand and poofs with her to a oriental japanese setting like room.~
  289. Agent Solid Snake: /me cheers up thinking of the motto of a proper slave
  290. Agent Solid Snake: agh
  291. Agent Solid Snake: does master enjoy music?
  292. Musakii: yess I do my little slut
  293. Musakii: mmmh grow bigger so you can get Masters big cock.
  294. Agent Solid Snake: ok, master
  295. Musakii: ~he releaves himself of his pants and boots as his cock grows big, she could see her Masters huge cock jumping from his pants, as he lowers his body eyes her.~
  296. Musakii: mmmh good now be naked.. show me your entire body and tell me where you want my cock..
  297. Agent Solid Snake: I do, master
  298. Musakii: ~he rubs his big cock and and grabs his little bee then, brings her to the table waiting for her to get all naked he stance and waits.~
  299. Musakii: (( get naked Bee))
  300. Agent Solid Snake: (yes master)
  301. Agent Solid Snake: /me "Ugh," she moans in pleasure as she takes your hug cock into pussy from behind, roughly and forcefully
  302. Musakii: ~he bends his little slut deep into the table, then grabs his big thick cock, and spreads the sluts cunt he fucks her rough, he leans towards the front and pulls her hair back as he makes her feel the cock, all the way into her womb, she could litterly feel him splitting bee's tight cunt, as he fucks Bee hard he bites his lips and lets out a moan, as he forcefully takes the little slut he turns her into his fuck toy.~
  303. Agent Solid Snake: /me bites down hard on her diamond paci to soothe her as her pussy is split by daddy's huge cock.
  304. Musakii: ~he plits her cunt more, as he pounds his slutty little girl he makes her cunt become his, all the way into her womb he hums and bites his lips being in deep, he roughly pounds the elittle slut." Who's cunt is this Bee...!"
  305. Musakii: the Little*
  306. Agent Solid Snake: (+++*I am commiting myself you to master, for the follow reason. I believe you love your daughter*+++)
  307. Musakii: (( yess I do now cum hard for me))
  308. Agent Solid Snake: ( I am)
  309. Musakii: ~he moans more and thrust as much as he can, he would push it all inside of her, and pounds you cna hear their body parts clapping, he destroys her warm tight to him cunt and spreads it open, making her wett cunt lips eat her daddies pussy hard as he forced himself so deep that he could easily impregnate her womb.~
  310. Agent Solid Snake: /me "ty, master!" she cries out as her body uncontrollably spasm a little and her pussy became swollen with fluid from daddy's powerful thrusts and hitting her G-Spot, she could no longer longer hold back anc became Daddy's little slut forever.
  311. Musakii: ~he slaps more hitting his little cumbucket, he feels her wett dirty cunt cum over his cock and bites his lips, he moans as he fucks Bee and bites his lips more, he would spank her hard a few times, then pull her hair back tightly and finger her asshole, while he stuffs her cunt with warm cum and keeps her body arching back harshly while he cums hard making her become a adictted little slut for him.~
  312. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  313. Agent Solid Snake: /me felt like a used little cum bucket, as daddy pleasured her using force, and submission for pleasure. You dominated her reasoning with simple body logic and you were a master handler of her body, using it in ways that are rightfully yours to do. She took pleasure in you pulling her hair sometimes or slamming her chest first into the table to pin her down so you can penetrate her as you pleased. She relaxed her pussy, and obiently gave you ownership of her body to be used however you wanted, because you are her daddy and you own her.
  314. Musakii: ~his cock grows harder as she give in compleetly, he starts to stroke faster, her ass is used he pushed her head down, while he pounds her more, he pushes the cum that tries to cum out further, and makes her warm cunt hole that is now sensetively used, to become a sore fucked used cunt, by his big cock he strechtes every inch of his little slut and moans, he fucks his thick butted baby gir and messes her up good as she hums hard.~
  315. Musakii: (( oh were so not done yet I will make you fall hard for me untile your realize that others cant satishfied you like I do))
  316. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  317. Musakii: (( why you dotting my dear mmmh this feels good))
  318. Agent Solid Snake: (I'm pausing to read and catch up, master. :3)
  319. Agent Solid Snake: (letting you know I still here. just reading, Master)
  320. Musakii: (( good alright now I know what it means hehe))
  321. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  322. Musakii: (( but I can see your bubble for such you are a good fuck and I love your obedientness I hope you love your reward))
  323. Agent Solid Snake: mmm
  324. Agent Solid Snake: /me rests her forehead down pressing into the table and bracing you up. She loves the feeling of being used like a cumbucket, by daddy; because she know he is a very good man. And secretly she admires him and wants to please him.
  325. Musakii: ~he picks her up and pulls his fingers out of her ass then craddles her and tongue kisses his little bee, when he pulled his cock out he and walks with her towards the bed he lays her down goes in between and stuffs her tight little cunt again, this time he fucks her harder and deeper, he was planning on giving her another load to make her breed a child for him, turning her into a wett little slut so she can consome all of her daddies desires.~
  326. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  327. Agent Solid Snake: /me Pants heavily, from exhaustion after moaning herself into a little mess cumming all over daddy's cock... She felt releived by his permission to cum for him, and happy to make daddy cum any time he wanted. Even if he found her sleeping, he could use her body as her wished and she wouldn't mind at all. She fantasized about daddy walking boldly into her room and taking her in the night. Or forcing her to sleep in daddy's bed so he could use her whenever he pleased. She heard him mention something about a daughter, but felt woozy and starting to lose track of time, and the lighting the room dimmed a little and she feinted from the effort to fight herself to stay awake, so she could be a good little girl for him.
  328. Musakii: "good girl.. now take daddys cock and become.. a dirty little slutty girl.. who only lives for me to breed and be fucked by." he pounds faster as you could hear her moan, her entire body would be used as a pleasure box, as his cocks strokes hard and voilently, he keeps on moving and shoving as much as he can heavy pants, their bodies are both so dirty and wett and sweaty, he leans down and dicks his cock deeper into his dirty slutty girl, as he hums then he looks at her before her cums and impregnates her." Beebee is going to introdouce me to her beebees mommy next right you little dirty slut."
  329. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  330. Agent Solid Snake: /me her only response is sharp and crisp, "yes, master."
  331. Musakii: good girl beebee
  332. Agent Solid Snake: ty, master
  333. Agent Solid Snake: /me is asleep
  334. Musakii: ~leans down and kisses her then pulls her to the side as he fully undresses and lays with her.~
  335. Agent Solid Snake: /me snuggles onto daddy, feeling corted and relaxed; and his muscular body and handling of her, tells her that her daddy is a big strong fighter and could prolly defend her booty from someone not allowed to touch her booty.
  336. Musakii: ~he strokes her body with his entire tail and gently holds her up against me smiling and letting his little girl rest.~
  337. Agent Solid Snake: /*brb* I will smoke a cigarette now, brb
  342. ++++++++++better to be safe line++++++++++++++++++
  346. Agent Solid Snake: greetings
  347. Musakii: Greetings Bee.. its a pleasure to meet you.
  348. Agent Solid Snake: I am happy to meet you as well
  349. Agent Solid Snake: would you like to join us in the family room?
  350. Agent Solid Snake: you are family
  351. Agent Solid Snake: it's perfectly fine for us to have totally different lives and still be a mommy and daddy for her
  352. Musakii: I cant join right now I am on phone my little one is using the computer to be with you guys.
  353. Agent Solid Snake: np
  354. Agent Solid Snake: maybe soon then?
  355. Agent Solid Snake: you're very generous
  356. Musakii: I just wanted to meet you myself and say hi like a proper person
  357. Agent Solid Snake: very proper
  358. Musakii: ty my dear.
  359. Agent Solid Snake: I respect that
  360. Musakii: so do you
  361. Musakii: I am more a demon lover then a furry but I do have a furry.
  362. Agent Solid Snake: I am a dom switch
  363. Musakii: ~tickles her chin." I can see why my baby girl picked you.. and I see delightful to know I am just full Master."
  364. Agent Solid Snake: yay
  365. Agent Solid Snake: mhm
  366. Agent Solid Snake: very
  367. Musakii: I hope my daugther isnt bringing any problems I thought her as much as I can and teached her the robes of rp she copies me in certained areas.
  368. Agent Solid Snake: she isn't
  369. Agent Solid Snake: I love what you are doing
  370. Musakii: perfect mmh you wanted to know her experiance she isnt very well at telling these kinds of things.
  371. Agent Solid Snake: that's fine
  372. Musakii: She just crashed from the room... i think she went goddamn it over here.
  373. Agent Solid Snake: I can tell her my preferences and teach her to find her own
  374. Agent Solid Snake: I am dom teacher for girls
  375. Agent Solid Snake: dominatrix
  376. Agent Solid Snake: I can teach discipline and receive
  377. Musakii: mmmh well you are as lovely as she said you are and are especially welcome to do so
  378. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  379. Musakii: she said she will be back later cause she needs to get ready for work
  380. Musakii: I would love to stay and talk if you dont mind my dear
  381. Musakii: I will even tell you her weaknesses
  382. Musakii: Would you like to be in the pressence of me.
  383. Musakii: ~he leans down and takes the hand of little bee, and brings her along to sit with me as well as I take a seat down, after that I just simply pick her from the ground and, put her on my lap.~
  384. Agent Solid Snake: agh
  385. Musakii: there we go.
  386. Agent Solid Snake: mhm
  387. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  388. Musakii: I thought her rp it took me a bit but she learned it fast.
  389. Musakii: ~tickles Bee her chin gently." soo tell me something what is it you wanna know."
  390. Musakii: From ->Nana: MOMMY LOVE YOU <3 SEEE YAAAH SOON! ill me back tomarrow
  391. Agent Solid Snake: made me wet, when you moved me up here
  392. Agent Solid Snake: cya tooo, love you bbg
  393. Musakii: did I your a naughty one.. are you not owned sweety.
  394. Agent Solid Snake: she is such a wonderful little girl
  395. Musakii: I mean if your wett we will have to work on how you should behave.
  396. Agent Solid Snake: mhm
  397. Agent Solid Snake: yes
  398. Musakii: and she is she has alot of love to give.. thus why I do let her have a mother... thats sweet like you are.
  399. Agent Solid Snake: <3 wise <3
  400. Musakii: So tell me how come you behave like a naughty girl.. when your owned already sweetheart.. dont you think its bad or do you love to have a strong figure to make that little crotch of yours wett??
  401. Agent Solid Snake: because I am a family fuck pet
  402. Agent Solid Snake: only family can fucc me
  403. Musakii: mmmmh you do understand that if I fuck you.. that you will be my fuck pet only
  404. Musakii: My dick isnt exactly small no family member of yours will fit sweetheart
  405. Agent Solid Snake: I can't disobey my family or they will disown me
  406. Musakii: I will strechts you out.. and turn you into a good girl.." he strokes her little cheek as he looks at Bee, he would trail his fingers down her little body." mmmh then I should let you behave around me.."
  407. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  408. Musakii: "I dont think its wise to have my cock penetrade your sexy body, cause you will not want anyone els when I fuck your brains out."
  409. Agent Solid Snake: /me shakes a little bit in your lap
  410. Musakii: but eitherway naughty sweetness.. tell me something.
  411. Musakii: What do you wanna know about our daugther..
  412. Agent Solid Snake: what does she like done to her pussy?
  413. Musakii: and I hope that not both our daugthers are fuck pets.
  414. Musakii: she likes clips.. pain
  415. Agent Solid Snake: my imvu kids are my fuck toys
  416. Musakii: she likes sharp objects.. she loves to be choked I turned our little girl in a pain slut.
  417. Agent Solid Snake: that's nice
  418. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  419. Musakii: mmmh so wait Karma to my dear?
  420. Agent Solid Snake: yes
  421. Musakii: You do know I am Karma's daddy to
  422. Agent Solid Snake: she's my fuck toy
  423. Agent Solid Snake: excellent
  424. Musakii: she doesnt get fucked by others right.
  425. Agent Solid Snake: I approve
  426. Musakii: I do not like it when other touch what is mine except for their mommy
  427. Agent Solid Snake: you are awesome
  428. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  429. Musakii: I know I am... so are you
  430. Agent Solid Snake: yes
  431. Musakii: make sure your brother doesnt touch her or any other man
  432. Agent Solid Snake: I will
  433. Musakii: \or I wont reward your cunt.. with my big dick
  434. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  435. Musakii: I might own you
  436. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  437. Musakii: and let the family use you
  438. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  439. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  440. Agent Solid Snake: yay
  441. Musakii: dont say ok be a proper girl
  442. Musakii: say Yess Big Papa.
  443. Agent Solid Snake: I always wanted that
  444. Musakii: Or Master.
  445. Agent Solid Snake: yes master
  446. Musakii: That sounds proper my sweetness
  447. Musakii: you do
  448. Agent Solid Snake: I do
  449. Musakii: So who's Jamie then?
  450. Agent Solid Snake: my mommy
  451. Musakii: I see.. mmmh sounds like fun a incest family.
  452. Agent Solid Snake: we are
  453. Agent Solid Snake: my gma fucks me too
  454. Musakii: Question has someone touched my Karma?
  455. Agent Solid Snake: and so does my uncle
  456. Agent Solid Snake: no
  457. Agent Solid Snake: only me
  458. Musakii: ok
  459. Musakii: good dont let anyone touch her
  460. Agent Solid Snake: I won't
  461. Musakii: mmmmh and I will cm inside your tight cunt.
  462. Agent Solid Snake: mmm
  463. Musakii: cum*
  464. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  465. Musakii: I would one day like to meet your family.
  466. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  467. Agent Solid Snake: I'm not possessive of them
  468. Musakii: Nana has a nightshift.
  469. Agent Solid Snake: they all have their own lives
  470. Agent Solid Snake: I am their fuck toy
  471. Musakii: and I understand
  472. Musakii: but your also my little slut now
  473. Agent Solid Snake: I never tell master who he or she can have sexie time with
  474. Musakii: so when I ask you to come I do like a good girl that obey
  475. Agent Solid Snake: ok
  476. Agent Solid Snake: I will
  477. Agent Solid Snake: I"m sorry,
  478. Agent Solid Snake: I will, master
  479. Musakii: Thats okaay.. hey
  480. Musakii: ~tips your chin up.~
  481. Musakii: dont be sorry all the time I dont get mad very easy.
  482. Musakii: and promise me one more thing
  483. Agent Solid Snake: /me crys a littls bit
  484. Agent Solid Snake: whut?
  485. Musakii: whatever happens you always stay loyal?
  486. Agent Solid Snake: I will, master
  487. Musakii: ~wipes her tears gently and smiles at the little bee.~
  488. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  489. Musakii: Good girl thats how I like to see it.
  490. Musakii: mmmmh do you want to have my cock?
  491. Agent Solid Snake: your needs are my needs, master
  492. Musakii: ~grabs her gently and puts her down on the ground then puts her down and holds her hand and poofs with her to a oriental japanese setting like room.~
  493. Agent Solid Snake: /me cheers up thinking of the motto of a proper slave
  494. Agent Solid Snake: agh
  495. Agent Solid Snake: does master enjoy music?
  496. Musakii: yess I do my little slut
  497. Musakii: mmmh grow bigger so you can get Masters big cock.
  498. Agent Solid Snake: ok, master
  499. Musakii: ~he releaves himself of his pants and boots as his cock grows big, she could see her Masters huge cock jumping from his pants, as he lowers his body eyes her.~
  500. Musakii: mmmh good now be naked.. show me your entire body and tell me where you want my cock..
  501. Agent Solid Snake: I do, master
  502. Musakii: ~he rubs his big cock and and grabs his little bee then, brings her to the table waiting for her to get all naked he stance and waits.~
  503. Musakii: (( get naked Bee))
  504. Agent Solid Snake: (yes master)
  505. Agent Solid Snake: /me "Ugh," she moans in pleasure as she takes your hug cock into pussy from behind, roughly and forcefully
  506. Musakii: ~he bends his little slut deep into the table, then grabs his big thick cock, and spreads the sluts cunt he fucks her rough, he leans towards the front and pulls her hair back as he makes her feel the cock, all the way into her womb, she could litterly feel him splitting bee's tight cunt, as he fucks Bee hard he bites his lips and lets out a moan, as he forcefully takes the little slut he turns her into his fuck toy.~
  507. Agent Solid Snake: /me bites down hard on her diamond paci to soothe her as her pussy is split by daddy's huge cock.
  508. Musakii: ~he plits her cunt more, as he pounds his slutty little girl he makes her cunt become his, all the way into her womb he hums and bites his lips being in deep, he roughly pounds the elittle slut." Who's cunt is this Bee...!"
  509. Musakii: the Little*
  510. Agent Solid Snake: (+++*I am commiting myself you to master, for the follow reason. I believe you love your daughter*+++)
  511. Musakii: (( yess I do now cum hard for me))
  512. Agent Solid Snake: ( I am)
  513. Musakii: ~he moans more and thrust as much as he can, he would push it all inside of her, and pounds you cna hear their body parts clapping, he destroys her warm tight to him cunt and spreads it open, making her wett cunt lips eat her daddies pussy hard as he forced himself so deep that he could easily impregnate her womb.~
  514. Agent Solid Snake: /me "ty, master!" she cries out as her body uncontrollably spasm a little and her pussy became swollen with fluid from daddy's powerful thrusts and hitting her G-Spot, she could no longer longer hold back anc became Daddy's little slut forever.
  515. Musakii: ~he slaps more hitting his little cumbucket, he feels her wett dirty cunt cum over his cock and bites his lips, he moans as he fucks Bee and bites his lips more, he would spank her hard a few times, then pull her hair back tightly and finger her asshole, while he stuffs her cunt with warm cum and keeps her body arching back harshly while he cums hard making her become a adictted little slut for him.~
  516. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  517. Agent Solid Snake: /me felt like a used little cum bucket, as daddy pleasured her using force, and submission for pleasure. You dominated her reasoning with simple body logic and you were a master handler of her body, using it in ways that are rightfully yours to do. She took pleasure in you pulling her hair sometimes or slamming her chest first into the table to pin her down so you can penetrate her as you pleased. She relaxed her pussy, and obiently gave you ownership of her body to be used however you wanted, because you are her daddy and you own her.
  518. Musakii: ~his cock grows harder as she give in compleetly, he starts to stroke faster, her ass is used he pushed her head down, while he pounds her more, he pushes the cum that tries to cum out further, and makes her warm cunt hole that is now sensetively used, to become a sore fucked used cunt, by his big cock he strechtes every inch of his little slut and moans, he fucks his thick butted baby gir and messes her up good as she hums hard.~
  519. Musakii: (( oh were so not done yet I will make you fall hard for me untile your realize that others cant satishfied you like I do))
  520. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  521. Musakii: (( why you dotting my dear mmmh this feels good))
  522. Agent Solid Snake: (I'm pausing to read and catch up, master. :3)
  523. Agent Solid Snake: (letting you know I still here. just reading, Master)
  524. Musakii: (( good alright now I know what it means hehe))
  525. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  526. Musakii: (( but I can see your bubble for such you are a good fuck and I love your obedientness I hope you love your reward))
  527. Agent Solid Snake: mmm
  528. Agent Solid Snake: /me rests her forehead down pressing into the table and bracing you up. She loves the feeling of being used like a cumbucket, by daddy; because she know he is a very good man. And secretly she admires him and wants to please him.
  529. Musakii: ~he picks her up and pulls his fingers out of her ass then craddles her and tongue kisses his little bee, when he pulled his cock out he and walks with her towards the bed he lays her down goes in between and stuffs her tight little cunt again, this time he fucks her harder and deeper, he was planning on giving her another load to make her breed a child for him, turning her into a wett little slut so she can consome all of her daddies desires.~
  530. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  531. Agent Solid Snake: /me Pants heavily, from exhaustion after moaning herself into a little mess cumming all over daddy's cock... She felt releived by his permission to cum for him, and happy to make daddy cum any time he wanted. Even if he found her sleeping, he could use her body as her wished and she wouldn't mind at all. She fantasized about daddy walking boldly into her room and taking her in the night. Or forcing her to sleep in daddy's bed so he could use her whenever he pleased. She heard him mention something about a daughter, but felt woozy and starting to lose track of time, and the lighting the room dimmed a little and she feinted from the effort to fight herself to stay awake, so she could be a good little girl for him.
  532. Musakii: "good girl.. now take daddys cock and become.. a dirty little slutty girl.. who only lives for me to breed and be fucked by." he pounds faster as you could hear her moan, her entire body would be used as a pleasure box, as his cocks strokes hard and voilently, he keeps on moving and shoving as much as he can heavy pants, their bodies are both so dirty and wett and sweaty, he leans down and dicks his cock deeper into his dirty slutty girl, as he hums then he looks at her before her cums and impregnates her." Beebee is going to introdouce me to her beebees mommy next right you little dirty slut."
  533. Agent Solid Snake: ...
  534. Agent Solid Snake: /me her only response is sharp and crisp, "yes, master."
  535. Musakii: good girl beebee
  536. Agent Solid Snake: ty, master
  537. Agent Solid Snake: /me is asleep
  538. Musakii: ~leans down and kisses her then pulls her to the side as he fully undresses and lays with her.~
  539. Agent Solid Snake: /me snuggles onto daddy, feeling corted and relaxed; and his muscular body and handling of her, tells her that her daddy is a big strong fighter and could prolly defend her booty from someone not allowed to touch her booty.
  540. Musakii: ~he strokes her body with his entire tail and gently holds her up against me smiling and letting his little girl rest.~
  541. Agent Solid Snake: /*brb* I will smoke a cigarette now, brb
  542. Musakii: tyt
  543. Agent Solid Snake: (+++* My mommy irl needs me. *+++)
  544. Musakii: (( thats ok ill be here))
  545. Agent Solid Snake: (+++*Bak, Master*+++)
  546. Agent Solid Snake: /me snuggles into her daddy, in her sleep; feeling safe again.
  547. Musakii: ~snuggles her back and holds his little girl tightly to her daddy.~
  548. Musakii: (elcome back))
  549. Agent Solid Snake: (+++*Daddy I saw a scary movie with my mommy, and it scared me so much; I want to throw up and feint at the same time, daddy.*+++)
  550. Musakii: no need to feint princess
  551. Agent Solid Snake: /me presses against you cock, with her pussy in her sleep and moans softly, "agh..."
  552. Musakii: ~my cock softly grows a bit hard and wiggles against it while I hold on to your little impregnated body.~
  553. Agent Solid Snake: /me inside her body she feels you respond to her pussy, brushing aginst her daddy's cock and feels surpised by it and highly amused at the same time, moaning "Ugh," in her sleep.
  554. Musakii: mmmmh I love how filthy of a little girl you are with me
  555. Musakii: mmmmh I wanna fuck you in any form
  556. Agent Solid Snake: :3
  557. Musakii: mmmmh change for me into your normal form
  558. Musakii: no more baby form
  559. Agent Solid Snake: ok, master
  560. Musakii: thats my girl mmmh
  561. Agent Solid Snake: (+++*Master my mommy and I, irl smoked a blunt. Do you smoke pot,
  562. Musakii: so thats what you normally look like
  563. Agent Solid Snake: master?*+++)
  564. Musakii: and okaay
  565. Musakii: I use to I stopped
  566. Agent Solid Snake: (+++*Smoking it is so good for you, master.*+++)
  567. Musakii: heheh its not for me..
  568. Musakii: but for others it is
  569. Agent Solid Snake: (+++*Ok, master.*+++)
  570. Agent Solid Snake: /me sleeps peacefully on her daddy's chest.
  571. Musakii: mmmh dont need to talk between bracketts.
  572. Musakii: mmmmh I can see BeeBee needed a real dick to be fucked with
  573. Agent Solid Snake: ^-^
  574. Musakii: mmmh ill make Beebee be naked with a collar on her neck.
  575. Musakii: walking like a good little cunt around her own family room does that turn BeeBee on?
  576. Agent Solid Snake: yes, master
  577. Musakii: come here
  578. Musakii: mmmmh I wanna see my beebee her furry form naked
  579. Agent Solid Snake: /me moans in her sleep pressing her pussy against her daddy's cock.
  580. Musakii: o. O
  581. Musakii: stand here
  582. Musakii: different dot
  583. Musakii: mmmmh dont you see the dot
  584. Agent Solid Snake: I wanna dance for you master
  585. Agent Solid Snake: plss
  586. Musakii: dance later
  587. Musakii: I wanna see you in that naked form
  588. Musakii: the dot is here
  589. Agent Solid Snake: ok, m4s73r (master)
  590. Agent Solid Snake: here?
  591. Agent Solid Snake: master?
  592. Musakii: here hun where im standing
  593. Musakii: go stand
  594. Musakii: now change to your furry
  595. Agent Solid Snake: yes, master
  596. Musakii: and make her naked
  597. Musakii: Queestion beebee are you imvu only?
  598. Agent Solid Snake: yes, master
  599. Musakii: now show me that dirty naughty cunt of yours naked. mmmh show me what no body els gets to fuck with out permission
  600. Agent Solid Snake: yes, master
  601. Musakii: mmmh now what other forms does my Beebee have to show
  602. Musakii: mmh Beebee Daddy wants to know something how big of a slut are your mommy and grama and whats your grandmothers name
  603. Musakii: ~waits for her to tell her father exactly what he wants to hear.~
  604. Musakii: oh my
  605. Musakii: look at that but im waiting for Beebee to awnser
  606. Musakii: BeeBee?
  607. Musakii: ??
  608. Musakii: beebee?
  609. Musakii: ((( its sttorming here Beebee and I might crash and not get back cause on.)))
  610. Agent Solid Snake: yes
  611. Agent Solid Snake: master
  612. Musakii: \
  613. Agent Solid Snake: I'm showing you meh forms, master
  614. Agent Solid Snake: I have alot
  615. Agent Solid Snake: may I continue
  616. Agent Solid Snake: master?
  619. Telling Musakii goodbye, cause he thinks he's going to go around tell ppl about me.IDGAF. He's the one that's scared.. I only pretend to be a chomo!!!
  622. ""Musakii message to me: if you can be a good girl and talk normal you dumb fuck then I will consider not spreading shit about you.. you wanna act childish ill act childish you has nothing on me you dumb fuck xD go to your peadestin or whatever the fuck xD lol im laughing my ass off""
  624. He's threatening me with black mail, to keep his secret!!!
  625. Jokes on you bitch, IDGAF!!!
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