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- -- Hideously Smashed Together by Compilr, a Hideous Smash-Stuff-Togetherer, (c) 2014 oeed --
- -- This file REALLLLLLLY isn't suitable to be used for anything other than being executed --
- -- To extract all the files, run: "<filename> --extract" in the Shell --
- local files = {
- cross = "0f 0 0f \
- 0 0f 0 0f 0 \
- 0 0f 0 \
- 0 0f 0 0f 0 \
- 0f 0 0f ",
- startup = "-- oeedPay - (c) oeed 2014 --\
- \
- -- This program is for a payment point such as a shop or ATM --\
- if not pocket then\
- print('This program must be run on a pocket computer!')\
- end\
- \
- if OneOS then\
- OneOS.LoadAPI('/System/API/Wireless.lua')\
- OneOS.LoadAPI('/System/API/Peripheral.lua')\
- else\
- os.loadAPI('Peripheral')\
- os.loadAPI('Wireless')\
- end\
- os.loadAPI('hash')\
- \
- \
- function comma_value(amount)\
- local formatted = amount\
- while true do \
- formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, \"^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)\", '%1,%2')\
- if (k==0) then\
- break\
- end\
- end\
- return formatted\
- end\
- \
- function round(val, decimal)\
- if (decimal) then\
- return math.floor( (val * 10^decimal) + 0.5) / (10^decimal)\
- else\
- return math.floor(val+0.5)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function formatCurrency(amount, decimal, prefix, neg_prefix)\
- local str_amount, formatted, famount, remain\
- decimal = decimal or 2 -- default 2 decimal places\
- neg_prefix = neg_prefix or \"-\" -- default negative sign\
- famount = math.abs(round(amount,decimal))\
- famount = math.floor(famount)\
- \
- remain = round(math.abs(amount) - famount, decimal)\
- formatted = comma_value(famount)\
- if (decimal > 0) then\
- remain = string.sub(tostring(remain),3)\
- formatted = formatted .. \".\" .. remain ..\
- string.rep(\"0\", decimal - string.len(remain))\
- end\
- formatted = (prefix or \"\") .. formatted \
- if (amount<0) then\
- if (neg_prefix==\"()\") then\
- formatted = \"(\"..formatted ..\")\"\
- else\
- formatted = neg_prefix .. formatted \
- end\
- end\
- \
- return formatted\
- end\
- \
- local bedrockPath='/' if OneOS then OneOS.LoadAPI('/System/API/Bedrock.lua', false)elseif fs.exists(bedrockPath..'/Bedrock')then os.loadAPI(bedrockPath..'/Bedrock')else if http then print('Downloading Bedrock...')local h=http.get('')if h then local'/Bedrock','w')f.write(h.readAll())f.close()h.close()os.loadAPI(bedrockPath..'/Bedrock')else error('Failed to download Bedrock. Is your internet working?') end else error('This program needs to download Bedrock to work. Please enable HTTP.') end end if Bedrock then Bedrock.BasePath = bedrockPath Bedrock.ProgramPath = shell.getRunningProgram() end\
- \
- local program = Bedrock:Initialise()\
- \
- os.setComputerLabel('PocketPay')\
- \
- local Current = {\
- Payment = nil,\
- Step = nil\
- }\
- \
- local Account\
- local function loadAccount()\
- local f ='.Account.settings', 'r')\
- if f then\
- Account = textutils.unserialize(f.readAll())\
- os.setComputerLabel(Account.Name .. \"'s PocketPay: \"..Account.Number)\
- f.close()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- program.OnKeyChar = function(self, event, keychar)\
- if keychar == '\\\\' then\
- os.reboot()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- program:RegisterEvent('modem_message', function(self, event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- Wireless.HandleMessage(event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- end)\
- \
- local refreshTimer\
- local timeoutTimer\
- \
- Wireless.Responder = function(event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- if channel == Wireless.Channels.oeedPayPocketPayPing and Current.Step == 'main' then\
- Wireless.SendMessage(replyChannel, 'Pong!')\
- -- program:LoadView('processing')\
- elseif channel == Wireless.Channels.oeedPayPocketPayPaymentInfo and Current.Step == 'main' then\
- Current.Payment = message.content\
- Current.Payment.Requester = message.senderID\
- Wireless.SendMessage(Wireless.Channels.oeedPayGetAccountName, Current.Payment.Creditor, Wireless.Channels.oeedPayGetAccountNameReply)\
- elseif channel == Wireless.Channels.oeedPayGetAccountNameReply and Current.Step == 'main' then\
- Current.Payment.CreditorName = message.content\
- program:LoadView('paymentdue')\
- elseif channel == Wireless.Channels.oeedPayBalanceCheckReply and Current.Step == 'main' then\
- program:GetObject('StatusLabel').Text = 'Balance: $'..formatCurrency(tonumber(message.content))\
- program:GetObject('StatusLabel').TextColour = colours.lightGrey\
- timeoutTimer = program:StopTimer(timeoutTimer)\
- elseif channel == Wireless.Channels.oeedPayPocketPayChallenge and Current.Step == 'processing' and Current.Payment.Requester == message.senderID then\
- Wireless.SendMessage(Wireless.Channels.oeedPayPocketPayChallengeReply, hash.sha256(Account.Hash .. message.content .. Current.Payment.Value), nil, nil, Current.Payment.Requester)\
- elseif channel == Wireless.Channels.oeedPayPocketPayResult and Current.Step == 'processing' and Current.Payment.Requester == message.senderID then\
- if message.content == 'FAILED' then\
- program:LoadView('fail')\
- elseif message.content == 'SUCCESS' then\
- program:LoadView('complete')\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local tooLongTimer\
- \
- program.OnViewLoad = function(viewName)\
- Current.Step = viewName\
- refreshTimer = program:StopTimer(refreshTimer)\
- if viewName == 'main' then\
- Current.Payment = nil\
- Wireless.SendMessage(Wireless.Channels.oeedPayBalanceCheck, Account.Number)\
- timeoutTimer = program:StartTimer(function()\
- program:GetObject('StatusLabel').Text = 'No Connection'\
- program:GetObject('StatusLabel').TextColour =\
- end, 1)\
- refreshTimer = program:StartTimer(function()\
- if Current.Step == 'main' then\
- program:LoadView('main')\
- end\
- end, 60)\
- elseif viewName == 'processing' then\
- local cols ={\
- colours.lightBlue,\
- colours.white,\
- colours.white,\
- colours.white,\
- colours.lightBlue,\
- }\
- local i = 1\
- program:StartRepeatingTimer(function()\
- if Current.Step ~= 'processing' then\
- program:StopTimer(new)\
- else\
- i = i + 1\
- if i > #cols then\
- i = 1\
- end\
- program:GetObject('ProcessingLabel').TextColour = cols[i]\
- end\
- end, 0.15)\
- elseif viewName == 'paymentdue' then\
- tooLongTimer = program:StartTimer(function()\
- program:LoadView('main')\
- end, 60)\
- program:GetObject('AmountLabel').Text = formatCurrency(Current.Payment.Value, 2, '$')\
- program:GetObject('InfoLabel').Text = \"'\" .. Current.Payment.CreditorName .. \"' is requesting the following payment.\"\
- program:GetObject('AcceptButton').OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- Wireless.SendMessage(Wireless.Channels.oeedPayPocketPayPaymentInfoReply, {status = 'ACCEPTED', accountNumber = Account.Number}, nil, nil, Current.Payment.Requester)\
- program:LoadView('processing')\
- end\
- program:GetObject('DenyButton').OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- Wireless.SendMessage(Wireless.Channels.oeedPayPocketPayPaymentInfoReply, 'DENIED', nil, nil, Current.Payment.Requester)\
- program:LoadView('main')\
- end\
- elseif viewName == 'fail' or viewName == 'complete' then\
- program:StartTimer(function()\
- program:LoadView('main')\
- end, 3)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- loadAccount()\
- program:Run(function()\
- -- program:LoadView('processing')\
- \
- if Wireless.Present() then\
- Wireless.Initialise()\
- end\
- end)",
- tick = " d 0f \
- d 0f d \
- 0f d 0f d \
- d 0f d 0f d \
- d 0f d ",
- Bedrock = "--Bedrock Build: 270\
- --This code is squished down in to one, rather hard to read file.\
- --As such it is not much good for anything other than being loaded as an API.\
- --If you want to look at the code to learn from it, copy parts or just take a look,\
- --you should go to the GitHub repo.\
- \
- --\
- -- Bedrock is the core program framework used by all OneOS and OneCode programs.\
- -- Inspired by Apple's Cocoa framework.\
- -- (c) oeed 2014\
- --\
- -- For documentation see the Bedrock wiki,\
- --\
- \
- local apis = {\
- [\"Drawing\"] = [[\
- local round = function(num, idp)\
- local mult = 10^(idp or 0)\
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult\
- end\
- \
- local _w, _h = term.getSize()\
- local copyBuffer = nil\
- \
- Screen = {\
- Width = _w,\
- Height = _h\
- }\
- \
- Constraints = {\
- \
- }\
- \
- CurrentConstraint = {1,1,_w,_h}\
- IgnoreConstraint = false\
- \
- function AddConstraint(x, y, width, height)\
- local x2 = x + width - 1\
- local y2 = y + height - 1\
- table.insert(Drawing.Constraints, {x, y, x2, y2})\
- Drawing.GetConstraint()\
- end\
- \
- function RemoveConstraint()\
- --table.remove(Drawing.Constraints, #Drawing.Constraints)\
- Drawing.Constraints[#Drawing.Constraints] = nil\
- Drawing.GetConstraint()\
- end\
- \
- function GetConstraint()\
- local x = 1\
- local y = 1\
- local x2 = Drawing.Screen.Width\
- local y2 = Drawing.Screen.Height\
- for i, c in ipairs(Drawing.Constraints) do\
- if x < c[1] then\
- x = c[1]\
- end\
- if y < c[2] then\
- y = c[2]\
- end\
- if x2 > c[3] then\
- x2 = c[3]\
- end\
- if y2 > c[4] then\
- y2 = c[4]\
- end\
- end\
- Drawing.CurrentConstraint = {x, y, x2, y2}\
- end\
- \
- function WithinContraint(x, y)\
- return Drawing.IgnoreConstraint or\
- (x >= Drawing.CurrentConstraint[1] and\
- y >= Drawing.CurrentConstraint[2] and\
- x <= Drawing.CurrentConstraint[3] and\
- y <= Drawing.CurrentConstraint[4])\
- end\
- \
- colours.transparent = 0\
- colors.transparent = 0\
- \
- DrawCharacters = function (x, y, characters, textColour, bgColour)\
- Drawing.WriteStringToBuffer(x, y, tostring(characters), textColour, bgColour)\
- end\
- \
- DrawBlankArea = function (x, y, w, h, colour)\
- if colour ~= colours.transparent then\
- Drawing.DrawArea (x, y, w, h, \" \", 1, colour)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- DrawArea = function (x, y, w, h, character, textColour, bgColour)\
- --width must be greater than 1, otherwise we get problems\
- if w < 0 then\
- w = w * -1\
- elseif w == 0 then\
- w = 1\
- end\
- \
- for ix = 1, w do\
- local currX = x + ix - 1\
- for iy = 1, h do\
- local currY = y + iy - 1\
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(currX, currY, character, textColour, bgColour)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- DrawImage = function(_x,_y,tImage, w, h)\
- if tImage then\
- for y = 1, h do\
- if not tImage[y] then\
- break\
- end\
- for x = 1, w do\
- if not tImage[y][x] then\
- break\
- end\
- local bgColour = tImage[y][x]\
- local textColour = tImage.textcol[y][x] or colours.white\
- local char = tImage.text[y][x]\
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(x+_x-1, y+_y-1, char, textColour, bgColour)\
- end\
- end\
- elseif w and h then\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(_x, _y, w, h, colours.lightGrey)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- --using .nft\
- LoadImage = function(path, global)\
- local image = {\
- text = {},\
- textcol = {}\
- }\
- if fs.exists(path) then\
- local _io = io\
- if OneOS and global then\
- _io = OneOS.IO\
- end\
- local file =, \"r\")\
- if not file then\
- error('Error Occured. _io:'..tostring(_io)..' OneOS: '..tostring(OneOS)..' OneOS.IO'..tostring(OneOS.IO)..' io: '..tostring(io))\
- end\
- local sLine = file:read()\
- local num = 1\
- while sLine do \
- table.insert(image, num, {})\
- table.insert(image.text, num, {})\
- table.insert(image.textcol, num, {})\
- \
- --As we're no longer 1-1, we keep track of what index to write to\
- local writeIndex = 1\
- --Tells us if we've hit a 30 or 31 (BG and FG respectively)- next char specifies the curr colour\
- local bgNext, fgNext = false, false\
- --The current background and foreground colours\
- local currBG, currFG = nil,nil\
- for i=1,#sLine do\
- local nextChar = string.sub(sLine, i, i)\
- if nextChar:byte() == 30 then\
- bgNext = true\
- elseif nextChar:byte() == 31 then\
- fgNext = true\
- elseif bgNext then\
- currBG = Drawing.GetColour(nextChar)\
- if currBG == nil then\
- currBG = colours.transparent\
- end\
- bgNext = false\
- elseif fgNext then\
- currFG = Drawing.GetColour(nextChar)\
- if currFG == nil or currFG == colours.transparent then\
- currFG = colours.white\
- end\
- fgNext = false\
- else\
- if nextChar ~= \" \" and currFG == nil then\
- currFG = colours.white\
- end\
- image[num][writeIndex] = currBG\
- image.textcol[num][writeIndex] = currFG\
- image.text[num][writeIndex] = nextChar\
- writeIndex = writeIndex + 1\
- end\
- end\
- num = num+1\
- sLine = file:read()\
- end\
- file:close()\
- else\
- return nil\
- end\
- return image\
- end\
- \
- DrawCharactersCenter = function(x, y, w, h, characters, textColour,bgColour)\
- w = w or Drawing.Screen.Width\
- h = h or Drawing.Screen.Height\
- x = x or 0\
- y = y or 0\
- x = math.floor((w - #characters) / 2) + x\
- y = math.floor(h / 2) + y\
- \
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x, y, characters, textColour, bgColour)\
- end\
- \
- GetColour = function(hex)\
- if hex == ' ' then\
- return colours.transparent\
- end\
- local value = tonumber(hex, 16)\
- if not value then return nil end\
- value = math.pow(2,value)\
- return value\
- end\
- \
- Clear = function (_colour)\
- _colour = _colour or\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(1, 1, Drawing.Screen.Width, Drawing.Screen.Height, _colour)\
- end\
- \
- Buffer = {}\
- BackBuffer = {}\
- \
- TryRestore = false\
- \
- \
- --TODO: make this quicker\
- -- maybe sort the pixels in order of colour so it doesn't have to set the colour each time\
- DrawBuffer = function()\
- if TryRestore and Restore then\
- Restore()\
- end\
- \
- for y,row in pairs(Drawing.Buffer) do\
- for x,pixel in pairs(row) do\
- local shouldDraw = true\
- local hasBackBuffer = true\
- if Drawing.BackBuffer[y] == nil or Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x] == nil or #Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x] ~= 3 then\
- hasBackBuffer = false\
- end\
- if hasBackBuffer and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][1] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][1] and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][2] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][2] and Drawing.BackBuffer[y][x][3] == Drawing.Buffer[y][x][3] then\
- shouldDraw = false\
- end\
- if shouldDraw then\
- term.setBackgroundColour(pixel[3])\
- term.setTextColour(pixel[2])\
- term.setCursorPos(x, y)\
- term.write(pixel[1])\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- Drawing.BackBuffer = Drawing.Buffer\
- Drawing.Buffer = {}\
- end\
- \
- ClearBuffer = function()\
- Drawing.Buffer = {}\
- end\
- \
- WriteStringToBuffer = function (x, y, characters, textColour,bgColour)\
- for i = 1, #characters do\
- local character = characters:sub(i,i)\
- Drawing.WriteToBuffer(x + i - 1, y, character, textColour, bgColour)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- WriteToBuffer = function(x, y, character, textColour,bgColour, cached)\
- if not cached and not Drawing.WithinContraint(x, y) then\
- return\
- end\
- x = round(x)\
- y = round(y)\
- \
- if textColour == colours.transparent then\
- character = ' '\
- end\
- \
- if bgColour == colours.transparent then\
- Drawing.Buffer[y] = Drawing.Buffer[y] or {}\
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x] = Drawing.Buffer[y][x] or {\"\", colours.white,}\
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x][1] = character\
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x][2] = textColour\
- else\
- Drawing.Buffer[y] = Drawing.Buffer[y] or {}\
- Drawing.Buffer[y][x] = {character, textColour, bgColour}\
- end\
- \
- if copyBuffer then\
- copyBuffer[y] = copyBuffer[y] or {}\
- copyBuffer[y][x] = {character, textColour, bgColour} \
- end\
- end\
- \
- DrawCachedBuffer = function(buffer)\
- for y, row in pairs(buffer) do\
- for x, pixel in pairs(row) do\
- WriteToBuffer(x, y, pixel[1], pixel[2], pixel[3], true)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- StartCopyBuffer = function()\
- copyBuffer = {}\
- end\
- \
- EndCopyBuffer = function()\
- local tmpCopy = copyBuffer\
- copyBuffer = nil\
- return tmpCopy\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"Helpers\"] = [[\
- LongestString = function(input, key, isKey)\
- local length = 0\
- if isKey then\
- for k, v in pairs(input) do\
- local titleLength = string.len(k)\
- if titleLength > length then\
- length = titleLength\
- end\
- end\
- else\
- for i = 1, #input do\
- local value = input[i]\
- if key then\
- if value[key] then\
- value = value[key]\
- else\
- value = ''\
- end\
- end\
- local titleLength = string.len(value)\
- if titleLength > length then\
- length = titleLength\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- return length\
- end\
- \
- Split = function(str,sep)\
- sep=sep or'/'\
- return str:match(\"(.*\"..sep..\")\")\
- end\
- \
- Extension = function(path, addDot)\
- if not path then\
- return nil\
- elseif not string.find(fs.getName(path), '%.') then\
- if not addDot then\
- return fs.getName(path)\
- else\
- return ''\
- end\
- else\
- local _path = path\
- if path:sub(#path) == '/' then\
- _path = path:sub(1,#path-1)\
- end\
- local extension = _path:gmatch('%.[0-9a-z]+$')()\
- if extension then\
- extension = extension:sub(2)\
- else\
- --extension = nil\
- return ''\
- end\
- if addDot then\
- extension = '.'..extension\
- end\
- return extension:lower()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- RemoveExtension = function(path)\
- --local name = string.match(fs.getName(path), '(%a+)%.?.-')\
- if path:sub(1,1) == '.' then\
- return path\
- end\
- local extension = Helpers.Extension(path)\
- if extension == path then\
- return fs.getName(path)\
- end\
- return string.gsub(path, extension, ''):sub(1, -2)\
- end\
- \
- RemoveFileName = function(path)\
- if string.sub(path, -1) == '/' then\
- path = string.sub(path, 1, -2)\
- end\
- local v = string.match(path, \"(.-)([^\\\\/]-%.?([^%.\\\\/]*))$\")\
- if type(v) == 'string' then\
- return v\
- end\
- return v[1]\
- end\
- \
- TruncateString = function(sString, maxLength)\
- if #sString > maxLength then\
- sString = sString:sub(1,maxLength-3)\
- if sString:sub(-1) == ' ' then\
- sString = sString:sub(1,maxLength-4)\
- end\
- sString = sString .. '...'\
- end\
- return sString\
- end\
- \
- TruncateStringStart = function(sString, maxLength)\
- local len = #sString\
- if #sString > maxLength then\
- sString = sString:sub(len - maxLength, len - 3)\
- if sString:sub(-1) == ' ' then\
- sString = sString:sub(len - maxLength, len - 4)\
- end\
- sString = '...' .. sString\
- end\
- return sString\
- end\
- \
- WrapText = function(text, maxWidth)\
- local lines = {''}\
- for word, space in text:gmatch('(%S+)(%s*)') do\
- local temp = lines[#lines] .. word .. space:gsub('\\n','')\
- if #temp > maxWidth then\
- table.insert(lines, '')\
- end\
- if space:find('\\n') then\
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word\
- \
- space = space:gsub('\\n', function()\
- table.insert(lines, '')\
- return ''\
- end)\
- else\
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word .. space\
- end\
- end\
- return lines\
- end\
- \
- TidyPath = function(path)\
- path = '/'..path\
- if fs.exists(path) and fs.isDir(path) then\
- path = path .. '/'\
- end\
- \
- path, n = path:gsub(\"//\", \"/\")\
- while n > 0 do\
- path, n = path:gsub(\"//\", \"/\")\
- end\
- return path\
- end\
- \
- Capitalise = function(str)\
- return str:sub(1, 1):upper() .. str:sub(2, -1)\
- end\
- \
- Round = function(num, idp)\
- local mult = 10^(idp or 0)\
- return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"Object\"] = [[\
- X = 1\
- Y = 1\
- Width = 1\
- Height = 1\
- Parent = nil\
- OnClick = nil\
- Visible = true\
- IgnoreClick = false\
- Name = nil \
- ClipDrawing = true\
- UpdateDrawBlacklist = {}\
- Fixed = false\
- \
- DrawCache = {}\
- \
- NeedsDraw = function(self)\
- if not self.Visible then\
- return false\
- end\
- \
- if not self.DrawCache.Buffer or self.DrawCache.AlwaysDraw or self.DrawCache.NeedsDraw then\
- return true\
- end\
- \
- if self.OnNeedsUpdate then\
- if self.OnNeedsUpdate() then\
- return true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if self.Children then\
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- if v:NeedsDraw() then\
- return true\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- GetPosition = function(self)\
- return self.Bedrock:GetAbsolutePosition(self)\
- end\
- \
- GetOffsetPosition = function(self)\
- if not self.Parent then\
- return {X = 1, Y = 1}\
- end\
- \
- local offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}\
- if not self.Fixed and self.Parent.ChildOffset then\
- offset = self.Parent.ChildOffset\
- end\
- \
- return {X = self.X + offset.X, Y = self.Y + offset.Y}\
- end\
- \
- Draw = function(self)\
- if not self.Visible then\
- return\
- end\
- \
- self.DrawCache.NeedsDraw = false\
- local pos = self:GetPosition()\
- Drawing.StartCopyBuffer()\
- \
- if self.ClipDrawing then\
- Drawing.AddConstraint(pos.X, pos.Y, self.Width, self.Height)\
- end\
- \
- if self.OnDraw then\
- self:OnDraw(pos.X, pos.Y)\
- end\
- \
- self.DrawCache.Buffer = Drawing.EndCopyBuffer()\
- \
- if self.Children then\
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- local pos = child:GetOffsetPosition()\
- if pos.Y + self.Height > 1 and pos.Y <= self.Height and pos.X + self.Width > 1 and pos.X <= self.Width then\
- child:Draw()\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if self.ClipDrawing then\
- Drawing.RemoveConstraint()\
- end \
- end\
- \
- ForceDraw = function(self, ignoreChildren, ignoreParent, ignoreBedrock)\
- if not ignoreBedrock and self.Bedrock then\
- self.Bedrock:ForceDraw()\
- end\
- self.DrawCache.NeedsDraw = true\
- if not ignoreParent and self.Parent then\
- self.Parent:ForceDraw(true, nil, true)\
- end\
- if not ignoreChildren and self.Children then\
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- child:ForceDraw(nil, true, true)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnRemove = function(self)\
- if self == self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() then\
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local function ParseColour(value)\
- if type(value) == 'string' then\
- if colours[value] and type(colours[value]) == 'number' then\
- return colours[value]\
- elseif colors[value] and type(colors[value]) == 'number' then\
- return colors[value]\
- end\
- elseif type(value) == 'number' and (value == colours.transparent or (value >= colours.white and value <= then\
- return value\
- end\
- error('Invalid colour: \"'..tostring(value)..'\"')\
- end\
- \
- Initialise = function(self, values)\
- local _new = values -- the new instance\
- _new.DrawCache = {\
- NeedsDraw = true,\
- AlwaysDraw = false,\
- Buffer = nil\
- }\
- setmetatable(_new, {__index = self} )\
- \
- local new = {} -- the proxy\
- setmetatable(new, {\
- __index = function(t, k)\
- if k:find('Color') then\
- k = k:gsub('Color', 'Colour')\
- end\
- \
- if k:find('Colour') and type(_new[k]) ~= 'table' then\
- if _new[k] then\
- return ParseColour(_new[k])\
- end\
- elseif _new[k] ~= nil then\
- return _new[k]\
- end\
- end,\
- \
- __newindex = function (t,k,v)\
- if k:find('Color') then\
- k = k:gsub('Color', 'Colour')\
- end\
- \
- if k == 'Width' or k == 'X' or k == 'Height' or k == 'Y' then\
- v = new.Bedrock:ParseStringSize(new.Parent, k, v)\
- end\
- \
- if v ~= _new[k] then\
- _new[k] = v\
- if t.OnUpdate then\
- t:OnUpdate(k)\
- end\
- \
- if t.UpdateDrawBlacklist[k] == nil then\
- t:ForceDraw()\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- })\
- if new.OnInitialise then\
- new:OnInitialise()\
- end\
- \
- return new\
- end\
- \
- Click = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- if self.Visible and not self.IgnoreClick then\
- if event == 'mouse_click' and self.OnClick and self:OnClick(event, side, x, y) ~= false then\
- return true\
- elseif event == 'mouse_drag' and self.OnDrag and self:OnDrag(event, side, x, y) ~= false then\
- return true\
- elseif event == 'mouse_scroll' and self.OnScroll and self:OnScroll(event, side, x, y) ~= false then\
- return true\
- else\
- return false\
- end\
- else\
- return false\
- end\
- \
- end\
- \
- ToggleMenu = function(self, name, x, y)\
- return self.Bedrock:ToggleMenu(name, self, x, y)\
- end\
- \
- function OnUpdate(self, value)\
- if value == 'Z' then\
- self.Bedrock:ReorderObjects()\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- }\
- local objects = {\
- [\"Button\"] = [[\
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey\
- ActiveBackgroundColour =\
- ActiveTextColour = colours.white\
- TextColour =\
- DisabledTextColour = colours.lightGrey\
- Text = \"\"\
- Toggle = nil\
- Momentary = true\
- AutoWidthAutoWidth = true\
- Align = 'Center'\
- Enabled = true\
- \
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)\
- if value == 'Text' and self.AutoWidth then\
- self.Width = #self.Text + 2\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- local bg = self.BackgroundColour\
- \
- if self.Toggle then\
- bg = self.ActiveBackgroundColour\
- end\
- \
- local txt = self.TextColour\
- if self.Toggle then\
- txt = self.ActiveTextColour\
- end\
- if not self.Enabled then\
- txt = self.DisabledTextColour\
- end\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, bg)\
- \
- local _x = 1\
- if self.Align == 'Right' then\
- _x = self.Width - #self.Text - 1\
- elseif self.Align == 'Center' then\
- _x = math.floor((self.Width - #self.Text) / 2)\
- end\
- \
- \
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + _x, y-1+math.ceil(self.Height/2), self.Text, txt, bg)\
- end\
- \
- OnLoad = function(self)\
- if self.Toggle ~= nil then\
- self.Momentary = false\
- end\
- end\
- \
- Click = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- if self.Visible and not self.IgnoreClick and self.Enabled and event ~= 'mouse_scroll' then\
- if self.OnClick then\
- if self.Momentary then\
- self.Toggle = true\
- self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function()self.Toggle = false end,0.25)\
- elseif self.Toggle ~= nil then\
- self.Toggle = not self.Toggle\
- end\
- \
- self:OnClick(event, side, x, y, self.Toggle)\
- else\
- self.Toggle = not self.Toggle\
- end\
- return true\
- else\
- return false\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"CollectionView\"] = [[\
- Inherit = 'ScrollView'\
- UpdateDrawBlacklist = {['NeedsItemUpdate']=true}\
- \
- TextColour =\
- BackgroundColour = colours.white\
- Items = false\
- NeedsItemUpdate = false\
- SpacingX = 2\
- SpacingY = 1\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- if self.NeedsItemUpdate then\
- self:UpdateItems()\
- self.NeedsItemUpdate = false\
- end\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)\
- end\
- \
- local function MaxIcons(self, obj)\
- local x, y = 2, 1\
- if not obj.Height or not obj.Width then\
- error('You must provide each object\\'s height when adding to a CollectionView.')\
- end\
- local slotHeight = obj.Height + self.SpacingY\
- local slotWidth = obj.Width + self.SpacingX\
- local maxX = math.floor((self.Width - 2) / slotWidth)\
- return x, y, maxX, slotWidth, slotHeight\
- end\
- \
- local function IconLocation(self, obj, i)\
- local x, y, maxX, slotWidth, slotHeight = MaxIcons(self, obj)\
- local rowPos = ((i - 1) % maxX)\
- local colPos = math.ceil(i / maxX) - 1\
- x = x + (slotWidth * rowPos)\
- y = y + colPos * slotHeight\
- return x, y\
- end\
- \
- local function AddItem(self, v, i)\
- local toggle = false\
- if not self.CanSelect then\
- toggle = nil\
- end\
- local x, y = IconLocation(self, v, i)\
- local item = {\
- [\"X\"]=x,\
- [\"Y\"]=y,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"CollectionViewItem\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"View\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=self.TextColour,\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=0F,\
- OnClick = function(itm)\
- if self.CanSelect then\
- for i2, _v in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- _v.Toggle = false\
- end\
- self.Selected = itm\
- end\
- end\
- }\
- for k, _v in pairs(v) do\
- item[k] = _v\
- end\
- self:AddObject(item)\
- end\
- \
- \
- UpdateItems = function(self)\
- self:RemoveAllObjects()\
- local groupMode = false\
- for k, v in pairs(self.Items) do\
- if type(k) == 'string' then\
- groupMode = true\
- break\
- end\
- end\
- \
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Items) do\
- AddItem(self, v, i)\
- end\
- self:UpdateScroll()\
- end\
- \
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)\
- if value == 'Items' then\
- self.NeedsItemUpdate = true\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"ImageView\"] = [[\
- Image = false\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- Drawing.DrawImage(x, y, self.Image, self.Width, self.Height)\
- end\
- \
- OnLoad = function(self)\
- if self.Path and fs.exists(self.Path) then\
- self.Image = Drawing.LoadImage(self.Path)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)\
- if value == 'Path' then\
- if self.Path and fs.exists(self.Path) then\
- self.Image = Drawing.LoadImage(self.Path)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"Label\"] = [[\
- TextColour =\
- BackgroundColour = colours.transparent\
- Text = \"\"\
- AutoWidth = false\
- Align = 'Left'\
- \
- local wrapText = function(text, maxWidth)\
- local lines = {''}\
- for word, space in text:gmatch('(%S+)(%s*)') do\
- local temp = lines[#lines] .. word .. space:gsub('\\n','')\
- if #temp > maxWidth then\
- table.insert(lines, '')\
- end\
- if space:find('\\n') then\
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word\
- \
- space = space:gsub('\\n', function()\
- table.insert(lines, '')\
- return ''\
- end)\
- else\
- lines[#lines] = lines[#lines] .. word .. space\
- end\
- end\
- if #lines[1] == 0 then\
- table.remove(lines,1)\
- end\
- return lines\
- end\
- \
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)\
- if value == 'Text' then\
- if self.AutoWidth then\
- self.Width = #self.Text\
- else\
- self.Height = #wrapText(self.Text, self.Width)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- for i, v in ipairs(wrapText(self.Text, self.Width)) do\
- local _x = 0\
- if self.Align == 'Right' then\
- _x = self.Width - #v\
- elseif self.Align == 'Center' then\
- _x = math.floor((self.Width - #v) / 2)\
- end\
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + _x, y + i - 1, v, self.TextColour, self.BackgroundColour)\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"ListView\"] = [[\
- Inherit = 'ScrollView'\
- UpdateDrawBlacklist = {['NeedsItemUpdate']=true}\
- \
- TextColour =\
- BackgroundColour = colours.white\
- HeadingColour = colours.lightGrey\
- SelectionBackgroundColour =\
- SelectionTextColour = colours.white\
- Items = false\
- CanSelect = false\
- Selected = nil\
- NeedsItemUpdate = false\
- ItemMargin = 1\
- HeadingMargin = 0\
- TopMargin = 0\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- if self.NeedsItemUpdate then\
- self:UpdateItems()\
- end\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)\
- end\
- \
- local function AddItem(self, v, x, y, group)\
- local toggle = false\
- if not self.CanSelect then\
- toggle = nil\
- elseif v.Selected then\
- toggle = true\
- end\
- local item = {\
- [\"Width\"]=self.Width,\
- [\"X\"]=x,\
- [\"Y\"]=y,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"ListViewItem\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=self.TextColour,\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=0,\
- [\"ActiveTextColour\"]=self.SelectionTextColour,\
- [\"ActiveBackgroundColour\"]=self.SelectionBackgroundColour,\
- [\"Align\"]='Left',\
- [\"Toggle\"]=toggle,\
- [\"Group\"]=group,\
- OnClick = function(itm)\
- if self.CanSelect then\
- self:SelectItem(itm)\
- elseif self.OnSelect then\
- self:OnSelect(itm.Text)\
- end\
- end\
- }\
- if type(v) == 'table' then\
- for k, _v in pairs(v) do\
- item[k] = _v\
- end\
- else\
- item.Text = v\
- end\
- \
- local itm = self:AddObject(item)\
- if v.Selected then\
- self:SelectItem(itm)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- UpdateItems = function(self)\
- if not self.Items or type(self.Items) ~= 'table' then\
- self.Items = {}\
- end\
- self.Selected = nil\
- self:RemoveAllObjects()\
- local groupMode = false\
- for k, v in pairs(self.Items) do\
- if type(k) == 'string' then\
- groupMode = true\
- break\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if not groupMode then\
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Items) do\
- AddItem(self, v, self.ItemMargin, i)\
- end\
- else\
- local y = self.TopMargin\
- for k, v in pairs(self.Items) do\
- y = y + 1\
- AddItem(self, {Text = k, TextColour = self.HeadingColour, IgnoreClick = true}, self.HeadingMargin, y)\
- for i, _v in ipairs(v) do\
- y = y + 1\
- AddItem(self, _v, 1, y, k)\
- end\
- y = y + 1\
- end\
- end\
- self:UpdateScroll()\
- self.NeedsItemUpdate = false\
- end\
- \
- OnKeyChar = function(self, event, keychar)\
- if keychar == keys.up or keychar == keys.down then\
- local n = self:GetIndex(self.Selected)\
- if keychar == keys.up then\
- n = n - 1\
- else\
- n = n + 1\
- end\
- local new = self:GetNth(n)\
- if new then\
- self:SelectItem(new)\
- end\
- elseif keychar == keys.enter and self.Selected then\
- self.Selected:Click('mouse_click', 1, 1, 1)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- --returns the index/'n' of the given item\
- GetIndex = function(self, obj)\
- local n = 1\
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- if not v.IgnoreClick then\
- if obj == v then\
- return n\
- end\
- n = n + 1\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- --gets the 'nth' list item (does not include headings)\
- GetNth = function(self, n)\
- local _n = 1\
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- if not v.IgnoreClick then\
- if n == _n then\
- return v\
- end\
- _n = _n + 1\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- SelectItem = function(self, item)\
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- v.Toggle = false\
- end\
- self.Selected = item\
- item.Toggle = true\
- if self.OnSelect then\
- self:OnSelect(item.Text)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)\
- if value == 'Items' then\
- self.NeedsItemUpdate = true\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"Menu\"] = [[\
- Inherit = 'View'\
- \
- TextColour =\
- BackgroundColour = colours.white\
- HideTop = false\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- Drawing.IgnoreConstraint = true\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x + 1, y + (self.HideTop and 0 or 1), self.Width, self.Height + (self.HideTop and 1 or 0), colours.grey)\
- Drawing.IgnoreConstraint = false\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)\
- end\
- \
- OnLoad = function(self)\
- local owner = self.Owner\
- if type(owner) == 'string' then\
- owner = self.Bedrock:GetObject(self.Owner)\
- end\
- \
- if owner then\
- if self.X == 0 and self.Y == 0 then\
- local pos = owner:GetPosition()\
- self.X = pos.X\
- self.Y = pos.Y + owner.Height\
- end\
- self.Owner = owner\
- else\
- self.Owner = nil\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)\
- if value == 'Children' then\
- self.Width = self.Bedrock.Helpers.LongestString(self.Children, 'Text') + 2\
- self.Height = #self.Children + 1 + (self.HideTop and 0 or 1)\
- if not self.BaseY then\
- self.BaseY = self.Y\
- end\
- \
- for i, v in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- if v.TextColour then\
- v.TextColour = self.TextColour\
- end\
- if v.BackgroundColour then\
- v.BackgroundColour = colours.transparent\
- end\
- if v.Colour then\
- v.Colour = colours.lightGrey\
- end\
- v.Align = 'Left'\
- v.X = 1\
- v.Y = i + (self.HideTop and 0 or 1)\
- v.Width = self.Width\
- v.Height = 1\
- end\
- \
- self.Y = self.BaseY\
- local pos = self:GetPosition()\
- if pos.Y + self.Height + 1 > Drawing.Screen.Height then\
- self.Y = self.BaseY - ((self.Height + pos.Y) - Drawing.Screen.Height)\
- end\
- \
- if pos.X + self.Width > Drawing.Screen.Width then\
- self.X = Drawing.Screen.Width - self.Width\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- Close = function(self, isBedrockCall)\
- self.Bedrock.Menu = nil\
- self.Parent:RemoveObject(self)\
- if self.Owner and self.Owner.Toggle then\
- self.Owner.Toggle = false\
- end\
- self.Parent:ForceDraw()\
- self = nil\
- end\
- \
- OnChildClick = function(self, child, event, side, x, y)\
- self:Close()\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"ProgressBar\"] = [[\
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey\
- BarColour =\
- TextColour = colours.white\
- ShowText = false\
- Value = 0\
- Maximum = 1\
- Indeterminate = false\
- AnimationStep = 0\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)\
- \
- -- if self.Indeterminate then\
- -- for i = 1, self.Width do\
- -- local s = x + i - 1 + self.AnimationStep\
- -- if s % 4 == 1 or s % 4 == 2 then\
- -- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(s, y, 1, self.Height, self.BarColour)\
- -- end\
- -- end\
- -- self.AnimationStep = self.AnimationStep + 1\
- -- if self.AnimationStep >= 4 then\
- -- self.AnimationStep = 0\
- -- end\
- -- self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function()\
- -- self:Draw()\
- -- end, 0.25)\
- -- else\
- local values = self.Value\
- local barColours = self.BarColour\
- if type(values) == 'number' then\
- values = {values}\
- end\
- if type(barColours) == 'number' then\
- barColours = {barColours}\
- end\
- local total = 0\
- local _x = x\
- for i, v in ipairs(values) do\
- local width = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round((v / self.Maximum) * self.Width)\
- total = total + v\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(_x, y, width, self.Height, barColours[((i-1)%#barColours)+1])\
- _x = _x + width\
- end\
- \
- if self.ShowText then\
- local text = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round((total / self.Maximum) * 100) .. '%'\
- Drawing.DrawCharactersCenter(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, text, self.TextColour, colours.transparent)\
- end\
- -- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"ScrollBar\"] = [[\
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey\
- BarColour = colours.lightBlue\
- Scroll = 0\
- MaxScroll = 0\
- ClickPoint = nil\
- Fixed = true\
- \
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)\
- if value == 'Text' and self.AutoWidth then\
- self.Width = #self.Text + 2\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- local barHeight = self.Height * (self.Height / (self.Height + self.MaxScroll))\
- if barHeight < 3 then\
- barHeight = 3\
- end\
- local percentage = (self.Scroll/self.MaxScroll)\
- \
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y + math.ceil(self.Height*percentage - barHeight*percentage), self.Width, barHeight, self.BarColour)\
- end\
- \
- OnScroll = function(self, event, direction, x, y)\
- if event == 'mouse_scroll' then\
- direction = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(direction * 3)\
- end\
- if self.Scroll < 0 or self.Scroll > self.MaxScroll then\
- return false\
- end\
- local old = self.Scroll\
- self.Scroll = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(self.Scroll + direction)\
- if self.Scroll < 0 then\
- self.Scroll = 0\
- elseif self.Scroll > self.MaxScroll then\
- self.Scroll = self.MaxScroll\
- end\
- \
- if self.Scroll ~= old and self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- if event == 'mouse_click' then\
- self.ClickPoint = y\
- else\
- local gapHeight = self.Height - (self.Height * (self.Height / (self.Height + self.MaxScroll)))\
- local barHeight = self.Height * (self.Height / (self.Height + self.MaxScroll))\
- --local delta = (self.Height + self.MaxScroll) * ((y - self.ClickPoint) / barHeight)\
- local delta = ((y - self.ClickPoint)/gapHeight)*self.MaxScroll\
- --l(((y - self.ClickPoint)/gapHeight))\
- --l(delta)\
- self.Scroll = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(delta)\
- --l(self.Scroll)\
- --l('----')\
- if self.Scroll < 0 then\
- self.Scroll = 0\
- elseif self.Scroll > self.MaxScroll then\
- self.Scroll = self.MaxScroll\
- end\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local relScroll = self.MaxScroll * ((y-1)/self.Height)\
- if y == self.Height then\
- relScroll = self.MaxScroll\
- end\
- self.Scroll = self.Bedrock.Helpers.Round(relScroll)\
- \
- \
- end\
- \
- OnDrag = OnClick\
- ]],\
- [\"ScrollView\"] = [[\
- Inherit = 'View'\
- ChildOffset = false\
- ContentWidth = 0\
- ContentHeight = 0\
- ScrollBarBackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey\
- ScrollBarColour = colours.lightBlue\
- \
- CalculateContentSize = function(self)\
- local function calculateObject(obj)\
- local pos = obj:GetPosition()\
- local x2 = pos.X + obj.Width - 1\
- local y2 = pos.Y + obj.Height - 1\
- if obj.Children then\
- for i, child in ipairs(obj.Children) do\
- local _x2, _y2 = calculateObject(child)\
- if _x2 > x2 then\
- x2 = _x2\
- end\
- if _y2 > y2 then\
- y2 = _y2\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- return x2, y2\
- end\
- \
- local pos = self:GetPosition()\
- local x2, y2 = calculateObject(self)\
- self.ContentWidth = x2 - pos.X + 1\
- self.ContentHeight = y2 - pos.Y + 1\
- end\
- \
- UpdateScroll = function(self)\
- self.ChildOffset.Y = 0\
- self:CalculateContentSize()\
- if self.ContentHeight > self.Height then\
- if not self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar') then\
- local _scrollBar = self:AddObject({\
- [\"Name\"] = 'ScrollViewScrollBar',\
- [\"Type\"] = 'ScrollBar',\
- [\"X\"] = self.Width,\
- [\"Y\"] = 1,\
- [\"Width\"] = 1,\
- [\"Height\"] = self.Height,\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"] = self.ScrollBarBackgroundColour,\
- [\"BarColour\"] = self.ScrollBarColour,\
- [\"Z\"]=999\
- })\
- \
- _scrollBar.OnChange = function(scrollBar)\
- self.ChildOffset.Y = -scrollBar.Scroll\
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- child:ForceDraw()\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar').MaxScroll = self.ContentHeight - self.Height\
- else\
- self:RemoveObject('ScrollViewScrollBar')\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnScroll = function(self, event, direction, x, y)\
- if self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar') then\
- self:GetObject('ScrollViewScrollBar'):OnScroll(event, direction, x, y)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnLoad = function(self)\
- if not self.ChildOffset or not self.ChildOffset.X or not self.ChildOffset.Y then\
- self.ChildOffset = {X = 0, Y = 0}\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"SecureTextBox\"] = [[\
- Inherit = 'TextBox'\
- MaskCharacter = '*'\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)\
- if self.CursorPos > #self.Text then\
- self.CursorPos = #self.Text\
- elseif self.CursorPos < 0 then\
- self.CursorPos = 0\
- end\
- local text = ''\
- \
- for i = 1, #self.Text do\
- text = text .. self.MaskCharacter\
- end\
- \
- if self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() == self then\
- if #text > (self.Width - 2) then\
- text = text:sub(#text-(self.Width - 3))\
- self.Bedrock.CursorPos = {x + 1 + self.Width-2, y}\
- else\
- self.Bedrock.CursorPos = {x + 1 + self.CursorPos, y}\
- end\
- self.Bedrock.CursorColour = self.TextColour\
- end\
- \
- if #tostring(text) == 0 then\
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, self.Placeholder, self.PlaceholderTextColour, self.BackgroundColour)\
- else\
- if not self.Selected then\
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, text, self.TextColour, self.BackgroundColour)\
- else\
- for i = 1, #text do\
- local char = text:sub(i, i)\
- local textColour = self.TextColour\
- local backgroundColour = self.BackgroundColour\
- if i > self.DragStart and i - 1 <= self.CursorPos then\
- textColour = self.SelectedTextColour\
- backgroundColour = self.SelectedBackgroundColour\
- end\
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + i, y, char, textColour, backgroundColour)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"Separator\"] = [[\
- Colour = colours.grey\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- local char = \"|\"\
- if self.Width > self.Height then\
- char = '-'\
- end\
- Drawing.DrawArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, char, self.Colour, colours.transparent)\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"TextBox\"] = [[\
- BackgroundColour = colours.lightGrey\
- SelectedBackgroundColour =\
- SelectedTextColour = colours.white\
- TextColour =\
- PlaceholderTextColour = colours.grey\
- Placeholder = ''\
- AutoWidth = false\
- Text = \"\"\
- CursorPos = nil\
- Numerical = false\
- DragStart = nil\
- Selected = false\
- SelectOnClick = false\
- ActualDragStart = nil\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)\
- if self.CursorPos > #self.Text then\
- self.CursorPos = #self.Text\
- elseif self.CursorPos < 0 then\
- self.CursorPos = 0\
- end\
- local text = self.Text\
- local offset = self:TextOffset()\
- if #text > (self.Width - 2) then\
- text = text:sub(offset+1, offset + self.Width - 2)\
- -- self.Bedrock.CursorPos = {x + 1 + self.Width-2, y}\
- -- else\
- end\
- if self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() == self then\
- self.Bedrock.CursorPos = {x + 1 + self.CursorPos - offset, y}\
- self.Bedrock.CursorColour = self.TextColour\
- else\
- self.Selected = false\
- end\
- \
- if #tostring(text) == 0 then\
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, self.Placeholder, self.PlaceholderTextColour, self.BackgroundColour)\
- else\
- if not self.Selected then\
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + 1, y, text, self.TextColour, self.BackgroundColour)\
- else\
- local startPos = self.DragStart - offset\
- local endPos = self.CursorPos - offset\
- if startPos > endPos then\
- startPos = self.CursorPos - offset\
- endPos = self.DragStart - offset\
- end\
- for i = 1, #text do\
- local char = text:sub(i, i)\
- local textColour = self.TextColour\
- local backgroundColour = self.BackgroundColour\
- \
- if i > startPos and i - 1 <= endPos then\
- textColour = self.SelectedTextColour\
- backgroundColour = self.SelectedBackgroundColour\
- end\
- Drawing.DrawCharacters(x + i, y, char, textColour, backgroundColour)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- TextOffset = function(self)\
- if #self.Text < (self.Width - 2) then\
- return 0\
- elseif self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() ~= self then\
- return 0\
- else\
- local textWidth = (self.Width - 2)\
- local offset = self.CursorPos - textWidth\
- if offset < 0 then\
- offset = 0\
- end\
- return offset\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnLoad = function(self)\
- if not self.CursorPos then\
- self.CursorPos = #self.Text\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- if self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() ~= self and self.SelectOnClick then\
- self.CursorPos = #self.Text - 1\
- self.DragStart = 0\
- self.ActualDragStart = x - 2 + self:TextOffset()\
- self.Selected = true\
- else\
- self.CursorPos = x - 2 + self:TextOffset()\
- self.DragStart = self.CursorPos\
- self.Selected = false\
- end\
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject(self)\
- end\
- \
- OnDrag = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- self.CursorPos = x - 2 + self:TextOffset()\
- if self.ActualDragStart then\
- self.DragStart = self.ActualDragStart\
- self.ActualDragStart = nil\
- end\
- if self.DragStart then\
- self.Selected = true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnKeyChar = function(self, event, keychar)\
- local deleteSelected = function()\
- if self.Selected then\
- local startPos = self.DragStart\
- local endPos = self.CursorPos\
- if startPos > endPos then\
- startPos = self.CursorPos\
- endPos = self.DragStart\
- end\
- self.Text = self.Text:sub(1, startPos) .. self.Text:sub(endPos + 2)\
- self.CursorPos = startPos\
- self.DragStart = nil\
- self.Selected = false\
- return true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if event == 'char' then\
- deleteSelected()\
- if self.Numerical then\
- keychar = tostring(tonumber(keychar))\
- end\
- if keychar == 'nil' then\
- return\
- end\
- self.Text = string.sub(self.Text, 1, self.CursorPos ) .. keychar .. string.sub( self.Text, self.CursorPos + 1 )\
- if self.Numerical then\
- self.Text = tostring(tonumber(self.Text))\
- if self.Text == 'nil' then\
- self.Text = '1'\
- end\
- end\
- \
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos + 1\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)\
- end\
- return false\
- elseif event == 'key' then\
- if keychar == keys.enter then\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)\
- end\
- elseif keychar == keys.left then\
- -- Left\
- if self.CursorPos > 0 then\
- if self.Selected then\
- self.CursorPos = self.DragStart\
- self.DragStart = nil\
- self.Selected = false\
- else\
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos - 1\
- end\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- elseif keychar == keys.right then\
- -- Right \
- if self.CursorPos < string.len(self.Text) then\
- if self.Selected then\
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos\
- self.DragStart = nil\
- self.Selected = false\
- else\
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos + 1\
- end\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- elseif keychar == keys.backspace then\
- -- Backspace\
- if not deleteSelected() and self.CursorPos > 0 then\
- self.Text = string.sub( self.Text, 1, self.CursorPos - 1 ) .. string.sub( self.Text, self.CursorPos + 1 )\
- self.CursorPos = self.CursorPos - 1 \
- if self.Numerical then\
- self.Text = tostring(tonumber(self.Text))\
- if self.Text == 'nil' then\
- self.Text = '1'\
- end\
- end\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)\
- end\
- end\
- elseif keychar == keys.home then\
- -- Home\
- self.CursorPos = 0\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)\
- end\
- elseif keychar == keys.delete then\
- if not deleteSelected() and self.CursorPos < string.len(self.Text) then\
- self.Text = string.sub( self.Text, 1, self.CursorPos ) .. string.sub( self.Text, self.CursorPos + 2 ) \
- if self.Numerical then\
- self.Text = tostring(tonumber(self.Text))\
- if self.Text == 'nil' then\
- self.Text = '1'\
- end\
- end\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange(keychar)\
- end\
- end\
- elseif keychar == keys[\"end\"] then\
- -- End\
- self.CursorPos = string.len(self.Text)\
- else\
- if self.OnChange then\
- self:OnChange(event, keychar)\
- end\
- return false\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"View\"] = [[\
- BackgroundColour = colours.transparent\
- Children = {}\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- if self.BackgroundColour then\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, self.Height, self.BackgroundColour)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnInitialise = function(self)\
- self.Children = {}\
- end\
- \
- InitialiseFile = function(self, bedrock, file, name)\
- local _new = {}\
- _new.X = 1\
- _new.Y = 1\
- _new.Width = Drawing.Screen.Width\
- _new.Height = Drawing.Screen.Height\
- _new.BackgroundColour = file.BackgroundColour\
- _new.Name = name\
- _new.Children = {}\
- _new.Bedrock = bedrock\
- local new = self:Initialise(_new)\
- for i, obj in ipairs(file.Children) do\
- local view = bedrock:ObjectFromFile(obj, new)\
- if not view.Z then\
- view.Z = i\
- end\
- view.Parent = new\
- table.insert(new.Children, view)\
- end\
- return new\
- end\
- \
- function CheckClick(self, object, x, y)\
- local offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}\
- if not object.Fixed and self.ChildOffset then\
- offset = self.ChildOffset\
- end\
- if object.X + offset.X <= x and object.Y + offset.Y <= y and object.X + offset.X + object.Width > x and object.Y + offset.Y + object.Height > y then\
- return true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function DoClick(self, object, event, side, x, y)\
- if object then\
- if self:CheckClick(object, x, y) then\
- local offset = {X = 0, Y = 0}\
- if not object.Fixed and self.ChildOffset then\
- offset = self.ChildOffset\
- end\
- return object:Click(event, side, x - object.X - offset.X + 1, y - object.Y + 1 - offset.Y)\
- end\
- end \
- end\
- \
- Click = function(self, event, side, x, y, z)\
- if self.Visible and not self.IgnoreClick then\
- for i = #self.Children, 1, -1 do --children are ordered from smallest Z to highest, so this is done in reverse\
- local child = self.Children[i]\
- if self:DoClick(child, event, side, x, y) then\
- if self.OnChildClick then\
- self:OnChildClick(child, event, side, x, y)\
- end\
- return true\
- end\
- end\
- if event == 'mouse_click' and self.OnClick and self:OnClick(event, side, x, y) ~= false then\
- return true\
- elseif event == 'mouse_drag' and self.OnDrag and self:OnDrag(event, side, x, y) ~= false then\
- return true\
- elseif event == 'mouse_scroll' and self.OnScroll and self:OnScroll(event, side, x, y) ~= false then\
- return true\
- else\
- return false\
- end\
- else\
- return false\
- end\
- end\
- \
- OnRemove = function(self)\
- if self == self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject() then\
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject()\
- end\
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- child:OnRemove()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local function findObjectNamed(view, name, minI)\
- local minI = minI or 0\
- if view and view.Children then\
- for i, child in ipairs(view.Children) do\
- if child.Name == name or child == name then\
- return child, i, view\
- elseif child.Children then\
- local found, index, foundView = findObjectNamed(child, name)\
- if found and minI <= index then\
- return found, index, foundView\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function AddObject(self, info, extra)\
- if type(info) == 'string' then\
- local h ='.view', 'r')\
- if h then\
- info = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())\
- h.close()\
- else\
- error('Error in opening object: '\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if extra then\
- for k, v in pairs(extra) do\
- if v then\
- info[k] = v\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local view = self.Bedrock:ObjectFromFile(info, self)\
- if not view.Z then\
- view.Z = #self.Children + 1\
- end\
- \
- table.insert(self.Children, view)\
- if self.Bedrock.View then\
- self.Bedrock:ReorderObjects()\
- end\
- self:ForceDraw()\
- return view\
- end\
- \
- function GetObject(self, name)\
- return findObjectNamed(self, name)\
- end\
- \
- local function findObjects(view, name)\
- local objects = {}\
- if view and view.Children then\
- for i, child in ipairs(view.Children) do\
- if child.Name == name or child == name then\
- table.insert(objects, child)\
- elseif child.Children then\
- local objs = findObjects(child, name)\
- if objs then\
- for i2, v in ipairs(objs) do\
- table.insert(objects, v)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- return objects\
- end\
- \
- function GetObjects(self, name)\
- return findObjects(self, name)\
- end\
- \
- function RemoveObject(self, name)\
- local obj, index, view = findObjectNamed(self, name, minI)\
- if index then\
- view.Children[index]:OnRemove()\
- table.remove(view.Children, index)\
- if view.OnUpdate then\
- view:OnUpdate('Children')\
- end\
- return true\
- end\
- return false\
- end\
- \
- function RemoveObjects(self, name)\
- local i = 1\
- while self:RemoveObject(name) and i < 100 do\
- i = i + 1\
- end\
- \
- end\
- \
- function RemoveAllObjects(self)\
- for i, child in ipairs(self.Children) do\
- child:OnRemove()\
- self.Children[i] = nil\
- end\
- self:ForceDraw()\
- end\
- ]],\
- [\"Window\"] = [[\
- Inherit = 'View'\
- \
- ToolBarColour = colours.lightGrey\
- ToolBarTextColour =\
- ShadowColour = colours.grey\
- Title = ''\
- Flashing = false\
- CanClose = true\
- OnCloseButton = nil\
- OldActiveObject = nil\
- \
- OnLoad = function(self)\
- --self:GetObject('View') = self.Bedrock:ObjectFromFile({Type = 'View',Width = 10, Height = 5, BackgroundColour =}, self)\
- end\
- \
- LoadView = function(self)\
- local view = self:GetObject('View')\
- if view.ToolBarColour then\
- window.ToolBarColour = view.ToolBarColour\
- end\
- if view.ToolBarTextColour then\
- window.ToolBarTextColour = view.ToolBarTextColour\
- end\
- view.X = 1\
- view.Y = 2\
- \
- view:ForceDraw()\
- self:OnUpdate('View')\
- if self.OnViewLoad then\
- self.OnViewLoad(view)\
- end\
- self.OldActiveObject = self.Bedrock:GetActiveObject()\
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject(view)\
- end\
- \
- SetView = function(self, view)\
- self:RemoveObject('View')\
- table.insert(self.Children, view)\
- view.Parent = self\
- self:LoadView()\
- end\
- \
- Flash = function(self)\
- self.Flashing = true\
- self:ForceDraw()\
- self.Bedrock:StartTimer(function()self.Flashing = false end, 0.4)\
- end\
- \
- OnDraw = function(self, x, y)\
- local toolBarColour = (self.Flashing and colours.white or self.ToolBarColour)\
- local toolBarTextColour = (self.Flashing and or self.ToolBarTextColour)\
- if toolBarColour then\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x, y, self.Width, 1, toolBarColour)\
- end\
- if toolBarTextColour then\
- local title = self.Bedrock.Helpers.TruncateString(self.Title, self.Width - 2)\
- Drawing.DrawCharactersCenter(self.X, self.Y, self.Width, 1, title, toolBarTextColour, toolBarColour)\
- end\
- Drawing.IgnoreConstraint = true\
- Drawing.DrawBlankArea(x + 1, y + 1, self.Width, self.Height, self.ShadowColour)\
- Drawing.IgnoreConstraint = false\
- end\
- \
- Close = function(self)\
- self.Bedrock:SetActiveObject(self.OldActiveObject)\
- self.Bedrock.Window = nil\
- self.Bedrock:RemoveObject(self)\
- if self.OnClose then\
- self:OnClose()\
- end\
- self = nil\
- end\
- \
- OnUpdate = function(self, value)\
- if value == 'View' and self:GetObject('View') then\
- self.Width = self:GetObject('View').Width\
- self.Height = self:GetObject('View').Height + 1\
- self.X = math.ceil((Drawing.Screen.Width - self.Width) / 2)\
- self.Y = math.ceil((Drawing.Screen.Height - self.Height) / 2)\
- elseif value == 'CanClose' then\
- self:RemoveObject('CloseButton')\
- if self.CanClose then\
- local button = self:AddObject({X = 1, Y = 1, Width = 1, Height = 1, Type = 'Button', BackgroundColour =, TextColour = colours.white, Text = 'x', Name = 'CloseButton'})\
- button.OnClick = function(btn)\
- if self.OnCloseButton then\
- self:OnCloseButton()\
- end\
- self:Close()\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- ]],\
- }\
- \
- BasePath = ''\
- ProgramPath = nil\
- \
- -- Program functions...\
- \
- local function main(...)\
- -- Code here...\
- end\
- \
- -- Run\
- local args = {...}\
- local _, err = pcall(function() main(unpack(args)) end)\
- if err then\
- -- Make a nice error handling screen here...\
- term.setBackgroundColor(\
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)\
- term.clear()\
- term.setCursorPos(1, 3)\
- print(\" An Error Has Occured! D:\\n\\n\")\
- print(\" \" .. tostring(err) .. \"\\n\\n\")\
- print(\" Press any key to exit...\")\
- os.pullEvent(\"key\")\
- end\
- \
- \
- \
- function LoadAPIs(self)\
- local function loadAPI(name, content)\
- local env = setmetatable({}, { __index = getfenv() })\
- local func, err = loadstring(content, name..' (Bedrock API)')\
- if not func then\
- return false, printError(err)\
- end\
- setfenv(func, env)\
- func()\
- local api = {}\
- for k,v in pairs(env) do\
- api[k] = v\
- end\
- _G[name] = api\
- return true\
- end\
- \
- local env = getfenv()\
- local function loadObject(name, content)\
- loadAPI(name, content)\
- if env[name].Inherit then\
- if not getfenv()[env[name].Inherit] then \
- if objects[env[name].Inherit] then\
- loadObject(env[name].Inherit, objects[env[name].Inherit])\
- elseif fs.exists(self.ProgramPath..'/Objects/'..env[name].Inherit..'.lua') then\
- end\
- end\
- env[name].__index = getfenv()[env[name].Inherit]\
- else\
- env[name].__index = Object\
- end\
- setmetatable(env[name], env[name])\
- end\
- \
- for k, v in pairs(apis) do\
- loadAPI(k, v)\
- if k == 'Helpers' then\
- self.Helpers = Helpers\
- end\
- end\
- \
- for k, v in pairs(objects) do\
- loadObject(k, v)\
- end\
- \
- local privateObjPath = self.ProgramPath..'/Objects/'\
- if fs.exists(privateObjPath) and fs.isDir(privateObjPath) then\
- for i, v in ipairs(fs.list(privateObjPath)) do\
- if v ~= '.DS_Store' then\
- local name = string.match(v, '(%a+)%.?.-')\
- local h =, 'r')\
- loadObject(name, h.readAll())\
- h.close()\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- AllowTerminate = true\
- \
- View = nil\
- Menu = nil\
- \
- ActiveObject = nil\
- \
- DrawTimer = nil\
- DrawTimerExpiry = 0\
- \
- IsDrawing = false\
- \
- Running = true\
- \
- DefaultView = 'main'\
- \
- EventHandlers = {\
- \
- }\
- \
- ObjectClickHandlers = {\
- \
- }\
- \
- ObjectUpdateHandlers = {\
- \
- }\
- \
- Timers = {\
- \
- }\
- \
- function Initialise(self, programPath)\
- self.ProgramPath = programPath or self.ProgramPath\
- if not programPath then\
- if self.ProgramPath then\
- local prgPath = self.ProgramPath\
- local prgName = fs.getName(prgPath)\
- if prgPath:find('/') then \
- self.ProgramPath = prgPath:sub(1, #prgPath-#prgName-1)\
- self.ProgramPath = prgPath:sub(1, #prgPath-#prgName-1) \
- else \
- self.ProgramPath = '' \
- end\
- else\
- self.ProgramPath = ''\
- end\
- end\
- self:LoadAPIs()\
- self.ViewPath = self.ProgramPath .. '/Views/'\
- --first, check that the barebones APIs are available\
- local requiredApis = {\
- 'Drawing',\
- 'View'\
- }\
- local env = getfenv()\
- for i,v in ipairs(requiredApis) do\
- if not env[v] then\
- error('The API: '..v..' is not loaded. Please make sure you load it to use Bedrock.')\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local copy = { }\
- for k, v in pairs(self) do\
- if k ~= 'Initialise' then\
- copy[k] = v\
- end\
- end\
- return setmetatable(copy, getmetatable(self))\
- end\
- \
- function HandleClick(self, event, side, x, y)\
- if self.Window then\
- if not self.View:CheckClick(self.Window, x, y) then\
- self.Window:Flash()\
- else\
- self.View:DoClick(self.Window, event, side, x, y)\
- end\
- elseif self.Menu then\
- if not self.View:DoClick(self.Menu, event, side, x, y) then\
- self.Menu:Close()\
- end\
- elseif self.View then\
- if self.View:Click(event, side, x, y) ~= false then\
- end \
- end\
- end\
- \
- function HandleKeyChar(self, event, keychar)\
- if self:GetActiveObject() then\
- local activeObject = self:GetActiveObject()\
- if activeObject.OnKeyChar then\
- if activeObject:OnKeyChar(event, keychar) ~= false then\
- --self:Draw()\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function ToggleMenu(self, name, owner, x, y)\
- if self.Menu then\
- self.Menu:Close()\
- return false\
- else\
- self:SetMenu(name, owner, x, y)\
- return true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function SetMenu(self, menu, owner, x, y)\
- x = x or 1\
- y = y or 1\
- if self.Menu then\
- self.Menu:Close()\
- end \
- if menu then\
- local pos = owner:GetPosition()\
- self.Menu = self:AddObject(menu, {Type = 'Menu', Owner = owner, X = pos.X + x - 1, Y = pos.Y + y})\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function ObjectClick(self, name, func)\
- self.ObjectClickHandlers[name] = func\
- end\
- \
- function ClickObject(self, object, event, side, x, y)\
- if self.ObjectClickHandlers[object.Name] then\
- return self.ObjectClickHandlers[object.Name](object, event, side, x, y)\
- end\
- return false\
- end\
- \
- function ObjectUpdate(self, name, func)\
- self.ObjectUpdateHandlers[name] = func\
- end\
- \
- function UpdateObject(self, object, ...)\
- if self.ObjectUpdateHandlers[object.Name] then\
- self.ObjectUpdateHandlers[object.Name](object, ...)\
- --self:Draw()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function GetAbsolutePosition(self, obj)\
- if not obj.Parent then\
- return {X = obj.X, Y = obj.Y}\
- else\
- local pos = self:GetAbsolutePosition(obj.Parent)\
- local x = pos.X + obj.X - 1\
- local y = pos.Y + obj.Y - 1\
- if not obj.Fixed and obj.Parent.ChildOffset then\
- x = x + obj.Parent.ChildOffset.X\
- y = y + obj.Parent.ChildOffset.Y\
- end\
- return {X = x, Y = y}\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function LoadView(self, name, draw)\
- if self.View and self.OnViewClose then\
- self.OnViewClose(self.View.Name)\
- end\
- if self.View then\
- self.View:OnRemove()\
- end\
- local success = false\
- \
- if not fs.exists('.view') then\
- error('The view: ''.view does not exist.')\
- end\
- \
- local h ='.view', 'r')\
- if h then\
- local view = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())\
- h.close()\
- if view then\
- self.View = View:InitialiseFile(self, view, name)\
- self:ReorderObjects()\
- \
- if OneOS and view.ToolBarColour then\
- OneOS.ToolBarColour = view.ToolBarColour\
- end\
- if OneOS and view.ToolBarTextColour then\
- OneOS.ToolBarTextColour = view.ToolBarTextColour\
- end\
- if not self:GetActiveObject() then\
- self:SetActiveObject()\
- end\
- success = true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if success and self.OnViewLoad then\
- self.OnViewLoad(name)\
- end\
- \
- if draw ~= false then\
- self:Draw()\
- end\
- \
- if not success then\
- error('Failed to load view: ''. It probably isn\\'t formatted correctly. Did you forget a } or ,?')\
- end\
- \
- return success\
- end\
- \
- function InheritFile(self, file, name)\
- local h ='.view', 'r')\
- if h then\
- local super = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())\
- if super then\
- if type(super) ~= 'table' then\
- error('View: \"''.view\" is not formatted correctly.')\
- end\
- \
- for k, v in pairs(super) do\
- if not file[k] then\
- file[k] = v\
- end\
- end\
- return file\
- end\
- end\
- return file\
- end\
- \
- function ParseStringSize(self, parent, k, v)\
- local parentSize = parent.Width\
- if k == 'Height' or k == 'Y' then\
- parentSize = parent.Height\
- end\
- local parts = {v}\
- if type(v) == 'string' and string.find(v, ',') then\
- parts = {}\
- for word in string.gmatch(v, '([^,]+)') do\
- table.insert(parts, word)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- v = 0\
- for i2, part in ipairs(parts) do\
- if type(part) == 'string' and part:sub(#part) == '%' then\
- v = v + math.ceil(parentSize * (tonumber(part:sub(1, #part-1)) / 100))\
- else\
- v = v + tonumber(part)\
- end\
- end\
- return v\
- end\
- \
- function ObjectFromFile(self, file, view)\
- local env = getfenv()\
- if env[file.Type] then\
- if not env[file.Type].Initialise then\
- error('Malformed Object: '..file.Type)\
- end\
- local object = {}\
- \
- if file.InheritView then\
- file = self:InheritFile(file, file.InheritView)\
- end\
- \
- object.AutoWidth = true\
- for k, v in pairs(file) do\
- if k == 'Width' or k == 'X' or k == 'Height' or k == 'Y' then\
- v = self:ParseStringSize(view, k, v)\
- end\
- \
- if k == 'Width' then\
- object.AutoWidth = false\
- end\
- if k ~= 'Children' then\
- object[k] = v\
- else\
- object[k] = {}\
- end\
- end\
- \
- object.Parent = view\
- object.Bedrock = self\
- if not object.Name then\
- object.Name = file.Type\
- end\
- \
- object = env[file.Type]:Initialise(object)\
- \
- if file.Children then\
- for i, obj in ipairs(file.Children) do\
- local _view = self:ObjectFromFile(obj, object)\
- if not _view.Z then\
- _view.Z = i\
- end\
- _view.Parent = object\
- table.insert(object.Children, _view)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if not object.OnClick then\
- object.OnClick = function(...) return self:ClickObject(...) end\
- end\
- --object.OnUpdate = function(...) self:UpdateObject(...) end\
- \
- if object.OnUpdate then\
- for k, v in pairs(env[file.Type]) do\
- object:OnUpdate(k)\
- end\
- \
- for k, v in pairs(object.__index) do\
- object:OnUpdate(k)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if object.Active then\
- object.Bedrock:SetActiveObject(object)\
- end\
- if object.OnLoad then\
- object:OnLoad()\
- end\
- return object\
- elseif not file.Type then\
- error('No object type specified. (e.g. Type = \"Button\")')\
- else\
- error('No Object: '..file.Type..'. The API probably isn\\'t loaded')\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function ReorderObjects(self)\
- if self.View and self.View.Children then\
- table.sort(self.View.Children, function(a,b)\
- return a.Z < b.Z \
- end)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function AddObject(self, info, extra)\
- return self.View:AddObject(info, extra)\
- end\
- \
- function GetObject(self, name)\
- return self.View:GetObject(name)\
- end\
- \
- function GetObjects(self, name)\
- return self.View:GetObjects(name)\
- end\
- \
- function RemoveObject(self, name)\
- return self.View:RemoveObject(name)\
- end\
- \
- function RemoveObjects(self, name)\
- return self.View:RemoveObjects(name)\
- end\
- \
- function ForceDraw(self)\
- if not self.DrawTimer or self.DrawTimerExpiry <= os.clock() then\
- self.DrawTimer = self:StartTimer(function()\
- self.DrawTimer = nil\
- self:Draw()\
- end, 0.05)\
- self.DrawTimerExpiry = os.clock() + 0.1\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function DisplayWindow(self, _view, title, canClose)\
- if canClose == nil then\
- canClose = true\
- end\
- if type(_view) == 'string' then\
- local h ='.view', 'r')\
- if h then\
- _view = textutils.unserialize(h.readAll())\
- h.close()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- self.Window = self:AddObject({Type = 'Window', Z = 999, Title = title, CanClose = canClose})\
- _view.Type = 'View'\
- _view.Name = 'View'\
- _view.BackgroundColour = _view.BackgroundColour or colours.white\
- self.Window:SetView(self:ObjectFromFile(_view, self.Window))\
- end\
- \
- function DisplayAlertWindow(self, title, text, buttons, callback)\
- local func = function(btn)\
- self.Window:Close()\
- if callback then\
- callback(btn.Text)\
- end\
- end\
- local children = {}\
- local usedX = -1\
- if buttons then\
- for i, text in ipairs(buttons) do\
- usedX = usedX + 3 + #text\
- table.insert(children, {\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-1\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-\"..usedX,\
- [\"Name\"]=text..\"Button\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=text,\
- OnClick = func\
- })\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local width = usedX + 2\
- if width < 28 then\
- width = 28\
- end\
- \
- local canClose = true\
- if buttons and #buttons~=0 then\
- canClose = false\
- end\
- \
- local height = 0\
- if text then\
- height = #Helpers.WrapText(text, width - 2)\
- table.insert(children, {\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=2,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%,-2\",\
- [\"Height\"]=height,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=text\
- })\
- end\
- local view = {\
- Children = children,\
- Width=width,\
- Height=3+height+(canClose and 0 or 1),\
- OnKeyChar = function(_view, keychar)\
- func({Text=buttons[1]})\
- end\
- }\
- self:DisplayWindow(view, title, canClose)\
- end\
- \
- function DisplayTextBoxWindow(self, title, text, callback, textboxText, cursorAtEnd)\
- textboxText = textboxText or ''\
- local func = function(btn)\
- self.Window:Close()\
- if callback then\
- callback(btn.Text)\
- end\
- end\
- local children = {\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-1\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-4\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"OkButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Ok\",\
- OnClick = function()\
- local text = self.Window:GetObject('TextBox').Text\
- self.Window:Close()\
- callback(true, text)\
- end\
- },\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-1\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-13\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"CancelButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Cancel\",\
- OnClick = function()\
- self.Window:Close()\
- callback(false)\
- end\
- }\
- }\
- \
- local height = -1\
- if text and #text ~= 0 then\
- height = #Helpers.WrapText(text, 26)\
- table.insert(children, {\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=2,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%,-2\",\
- [\"Height\"]=height,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Text\"]=text\
- })\
- end\
- table.insert(children,\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=3+height,\
- [\"X\"]=2,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%,-2\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"TextBox\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"TextBox\",\
- [\"Text\"]=textboxText,\
- [\"CursorPos\"]=(cursorAtEnd and 0 or nil)\
- })\
- local view = {\
- Children = children,\
- Width=28,\
- Height=5+height+(canClose and 0 or 1),\
- }\
- self:DisplayWindow(view, title)\
- self.Window:GetObject('TextBox').OnUpdate = function(txtbox, keychar)\
- if keychar == keys.enter then\
- self.Window:Close()\
- callback(true, txtbox.Text)\
- end\
- end\
- self:SetActiveObject(self.Window:GetObject('TextBox'))\
- self.Window.OnCloseButton = function()callback(false)end\
- end\
- \
- function DisplayOpenFileWindow(self, title, callback)\
- title = title or 'Open File'\
- local func = function(btn)\
- self.Window:Close()\
- if callback then\
- callback(btn.Text)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local sidebarItems = {}\
- \
- --this is a really, really super bad way of doing it\
- local separator = ' !'\
- \
- local function addFolder(path, level)\
- for i, v in ipairs(fs.list(path)) do\
- local fPath = path .. '/' .. v\
- if fPath ~= '/rom' and fs.isDir(fPath) then\
- table.insert(sidebarItems, level .. v..separator..fPath)\
- addFolder(fPath, level .. ' ')\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- addFolder('','')\
- \
- local currentFolder = ''\
- local selectedPath = nil\
- \
- local goToFolder = nil\
- \
- local children = {\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-2\",\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Height\"]=3,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=colours.lightGrey,\
- [\"Name\"]=\"SidebarListView\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"View\"\
- },\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-1\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-4\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"OkButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Ok\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=colours.white,\
- [\"Enabled\"]=false,\
- OnClick = function()\
- if selectedPath then\
- self.Window:Close()\
- callback(true, Helpers.TidyPath(selectedPath))\
- end\
- end\
- },\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-1\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"100%,-13\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"CancelButton\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Cancel\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=colours.white,\
- OnClick = function()\
- self.Window:Close()\
- callback(false)\
- end\
- },\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=1,\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Height\"]=\"100%,-3\",\
- [\"Width\"]=\"40%,-1\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"SidebarListView\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"ListView\",\
- [\"CanSelect\"]=true,\
- [\"Items\"]={\
- [\"Computer\"] = sidebarItems\
- },\
- OnSelect = function(listView, text)\
- local _,s = text:find(separator)\
- if s then\
- local path = text:sub(s + 1)\
- goToFolder(path)\
- end\
- end,\
- OnClick = function(listView, event, side, x, y)\
- if y == 1 then\
- goToFolder('/')\
- end\
- end\
- },\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=1,\
- [\"X\"]=\"40%\",\
- [\"Height\"]=\"100%,-3\",\
- [\"Width\"]=1,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Separator\"\
- },\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=1,\
- [\"X\"]=\"40%,2\",\
- [\"Width\"]=\"65%,-3\",\
- [\"Height\"]=1,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"PathLabel\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=colours.lightGrey,\
- [\"Text\"]='/hello/there'\
- },\
- {\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=\"40%,1\",\
- [\"Height\"]=\"100%,-4\",\
- [\"Width\"]=\"65%,-1\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"FilesListView\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"ListView\",\
- [\"CanSelect\"]=true,\
- [\"Items\"]={},\
- OnSelect = function(listView, text)\
- selectedPath = Helpers.TidyPath(currentFolder .. '/' .. text)\
- self.Window:GetObject('OkButton').Enabled = true\
- end,\
- OnClick = function(listView, event, side, x, y)\
- if y == 1 then\
- goToFolder('/')\
- end\
- end\
- },\
- }\
- local view = {\
- Children = children,\
- Width=40,\
- Height= Drawing.Screen.Height - 4\
- }\
- self:DisplayWindow(view, title)\
- \
- goToFolder = function(path)\
- path = Helpers.TidyPath(path)\
- self.Window:GetObject('PathLabel').Text = path\
- currentFolder = path\
- \
- local filesListItems = {}\
- for i, v in ipairs(fs.list(path)) do\
- if not fs.isDir(currentFolder .. v) then\
- table.insert(filesListItems, v)\
- end\
- end\
- self.Window:GetObject('OkButton').Enabled = false\
- selectedPath = nil\
- self.Window:GetObject('FilesListView').Items = filesListItems\
- \
- end\
- \
- goToFolder('')\
- \
- self.Window.OnCloseButton = function()callback(false)end\
- end\
- \
- function RegisterEvent(self, event, func)\
- if not self.EventHandlers[event] then\
- self.EventHandlers[event] = {}\
- end\
- table.insert(self.EventHandlers[event], func)\
- end\
- \
- function StartRepeatingTimer(self, func, interval)\
- local int = interval\
- if type(int) == 'function' then\
- int = int()\
- end\
- if not int or int <= 0 then\
- return\
- end\
- local timer = os.startTimer(int)\
- \
- self.Timers[timer] = {func, true, interval}\
- return timer\
- end\
- \
- function StartTimer(self, func, delay)\
- local timer = os.startTimer(delay)\
- self.Timers[timer] = {func, false}\
- return timer\
- end\
- \
- function StopTimer(self, timer)\
- if self.Timers[timer] then\
- self.Timers[timer] = nil\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function HandleTimer(self, event, timer)\
- if self.Timers[timer] then\
- local oldTimer = self.Timers[timer]\
- self.Timers[timer] = nil\
- local new = nil\
- if oldTimer[2] then\
- new = self:StartRepeatingTimer(oldTimer[1], oldTimer[3])\
- end\
- if oldTimer and oldTimer[1] then\
- oldTimer[1](new)\
- end\
- elseif self.OnTimer then\
- self.OnTimer(self, event, timer)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function SetActiveObject(self, object)\
- if object then\
- if object ~= self.ActiveObject then\
- self.ActiveObject = object\
- object:ForceDraw()\
- end\
- elseif self.ActiveObject ~= nil then\
- self.ActiveObject = nil\
- self.CursorPos = nil\
- self.View:ForceDraw()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function GetActiveObject(self)\
- return self.ActiveObject\
- end\
- \
- OnTimer = nil\
- OnClick = nil\
- OnKeyChar = nil\
- OnDrag = nil\
- OnScroll = nil\
- OnViewLoad = nil\
- OnViewClose = nil\
- OnDraw = nil\
- OnQuit = nil\
- \
- local eventFuncs = {\
- OnClick = {'mouse_click', 'monitor_touch'},\
- OnKeyChar = {'key', 'char'},\
- OnDrag = {'mouse_drag'},\
- OnScroll = {'mouse_scroll'},\
- HandleClick = {'mouse_click', 'mouse_drag', 'mouse_scroll', 'monitor_touch'},\
- HandleKeyChar = {'key', 'char'},\
- HandleTimer = {'timer'}\
- }\
- \
- local drawCalls = 0\
- local ignored = 0\
- function Draw(self)\
- self.IsDrawing = true\
- if self.OnDraw then\
- self:OnDraw()\
- end\
- \
- if self.View and self.View:NeedsDraw() then\
- self.View:Draw()\
- Drawing.DrawBuffer()\
- if isDebug then\
- drawCalls = drawCalls + 1\
- end\
- elseif not self.View then\
- print('No loaded view. You need to do program:LoadView first.')\
- end \
- \
- if self:GetActiveObject() and self.CursorPos and type(self.CursorPos[1]) == 'number' and type(self.CursorPos[2]) == 'number' then\
- term.setCursorPos(self.CursorPos[1], self.CursorPos[2])\
- term.setTextColour(self.CursorColour)\
- term.setCursorBlink(true)\
- else\
- term.setCursorBlink(false)\
- end\
- \
- self.IsDrawing = false\
- end\
- \
- function EventHandler(self)\
- local event = { os.pullEventRaw() }\
- \
- if self.EventHandlers[event[1]] then\
- for i, e in ipairs(self.EventHandlers[event[1]]) do\
- e(self, unpack(event))\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function Quit(self)\
- self.Running = false\
- if self.OnQuit then\
- self:OnQuit()\
- end\
- if OneOS then\
- OneOS.Close()\
- end\
- end\
- \
- function Run(self, ready)\
- for name, events in pairs(eventFuncs) do\
- if self[name] then\
- for i, event in ipairs(events) do\
- self:RegisterEvent(event, self[name])\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if self.AllowTerminate then\
- self:RegisterEvent('terminate', function()error('Terminated', 0) end)\
- end\
- \
- if self.DefaultView and self.DefaultView ~= '' and fs.exists(self.ViewPath..self.DefaultView..'.view') then\
- self:LoadView(self.DefaultView)\
- end\
- \
- if ready then\
- ready()\
- end\
- \
- self:Draw()\
- \
- while self.Running do\
- self:EventHandler()\
- end\
- end",
- Peripheral = "GetPeripheral = function(_type)\
- for i, p in ipairs(GetPeripherals()) do\
- if p.Type == _type then\
- return p\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- Call = function(type, ...)\
- local tArgs = {...}\
- local p = GetPeripheral(type)\
-, unpack(tArgs))\
- end\
- \
- local getNames = peripheral.getNames or function()\
- local tResults = {}\
- for n,sSide in ipairs( rs.getSides() ) do\
- if peripheral.isPresent( sSide ) then\
- table.insert( tResults, sSide )\
- local isWireless = false\
- if pcall(function()isWireless =, 'isWireless') end) then\
- isWireless = true\
- end \
- if peripheral.getType( sSide ) == \"modem\" and not isWireless then\
- local tRemote = sSide, \"getNamesRemote\" )\
- for n,sName in ipairs( tRemote ) do\
- table.insert( tResults, sName )\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- return tResults\
- end\
- \
- GetPeripherals = function(filterType)\
- local peripherals = {}\
- for i, side in ipairs(getNames()) do\
- local name = peripheral.getType(side):gsub(\"^%l\", string.upper)\
- local code = string.upper(side:sub(1,1))\
- if side:find('_') then\
- code = side:sub(side:find('_')+1)\
- end\
- \
- local dupe = false\
- for i, v in ipairs(peripherals) do\
- if v[1] == name .. ' ' .. code then\
- dupe = true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- if not dupe then\
- local _type = peripheral.getType(side)\
- local formattedType = _type:sub(1, 1):upper() .. _type:sub(2, -1)\
- local isWireless = false\
- if _type == 'modem' then\
- if not pcall(function()isWireless =, 'isWireless') end) then\
- isWireless = true\
- end \
- if isWireless then\
- _type = 'wireless_modem'\
- formattedType = 'Wireless Modem'\
- name = 'W '\
- end\
- end\
- if not filterType or _type == filterType then\
- table.insert(peripherals, {Name = name:sub(1,8) .. ' '..code, Fullname = name .. ' ('..side:sub(1, 1):upper() .. side:sub(2, -1)..')', Side = side, Type = _type, Wireless = isWireless, FormattedType = formattedType})\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- return peripherals\
- end\
- \
- GetSide = function(side)\
- for i, p in ipairs(GetPeripherals()) do\
- if p.Side == side then\
- return p\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- PresentNamed = function(name)\
- return peripheral.isPresent(name)\
- end\
- \
- CallType = function(type, ...)\
- local tArgs = {...}\
- local p = GetPeripheral(type)\
- return, unpack(tArgs))\
- end\
- \
- CallNamed = function(name, ...)\
- local tArgs = {...}\
- return, unpack(tArgs))\
- end\
- \
- GetInfo = function(p)\
- local info = {}\
- local buttons = {}\
- if p.Type == 'computer' then\
- local id =,'getID')\
- if id then\
- info = {\
- ID = tostring(id)\
- }\
- else\
- info = {}\
- end\
- elseif p.Type == 'drive' then\
- local discType = 'No Disc'\
- local discID = nil\
- local mountPath = nil\
- local discLabel = nil\
- local songName = nil\
- if, 'isDiskPresent') then\
- if, 'hasData') then\
- discType = 'Data'\
- discID =, 'getDiskID')\
- if discID then\
- discID = tostring(discID)\
- else\
- discID = 'None'\
- end\
- mountPath = '/', 'getMountPath')..'/'\
- discLabel =, 'getDiskLabel')\
- else\
- discType = 'Audio'\
- songName =, 'getAudioTitle')\
- end\
- end\
- if mountPath then\
- table.insert(buttons, {Text = 'View Files', OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)GoToPath(mountPath)end})\
- elseif discType == 'Audio' then\
- table.insert(buttons, {Text = 'Play', OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- if self.Text == 'Play' then\
- disk.playAudio(p.Side:lower())\
- self.Text = 'Stop'\
- else\
- disk.stopAudio(p.Side:lower())\
- self.Text = 'Play'\
- end\
- end})\
- else\
- diskOpenButton = nil\
- end\
- if discType ~= 'No Disc' then\
- table.insert(buttons, {Text = 'Eject', OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)disk.eject(p.Side:lower()) sleep(0) RefreshFiles() end})\
- end\
- \
- info = {\
- ['Disc Type'] = discType,\
- ['Disc Label'] = discLabel,\
- ['Song Title'] = songName,\
- ['Disc ID'] = discID,\
- ['Mount Path'] = mountPath\
- }\
- elseif p.Type == 'printer' then\
- local pageSize = 'No Loaded Page'\
- local _, err = pcall(function() return tostring(, 'getPgaeSize')) end)\
- if not err then\
- pageSize = tostring(, 'getPageSize'))\
- end\
- info = {\
- ['Paper Level'] = tostring(, 'getPaperLevel')),\
- ['Paper Size'] = pageSize,\
- ['Ink Level'] = tostring(, 'getInkLevel'))\
- }\
- elseif p.Type == 'modem' then\
- info = {\
- ['Connected Peripherals'] = tostring(, 'getNamesRemote'))\
- }\
- elseif p.Type == 'monitor' then\
- local w, h =, 'getSize')\
- local screenType = 'Black and White'\
- if, 'isColour') then\
- screenType = 'Colour'\
- end\
- local buttonTitle = 'Use as Screen'\
- if OneOS.Settings:GetValues()['Monitor'] == p.Side:lower() then\
- buttonTitle = 'Use Computer Screen'\
- end\
- table.insert(buttons, {Text = buttonTitle, OnClick = function(self, event, side, x, y)\
- self.Bedrock:DisplayAlertWindow('Reboot Required', \"To change screen you'll need to reboot your computer.\", {'Reboot', 'Cancel'}, function(value)\
- if value == 'Reboot' then\
- if buttonTitle == 'Use Computer Screen' then\
- OneOS.Settings:SetValue('Monitor', nil)\
- else\
- OneOS.Settings:SetValue('Monitor', p.Side:lower())\
- end\
- OneOS.Reboot()\
- end\
- end)\
- end\
- })\
- info = {\
- ['Type'] = screenType,\
- ['Width'] = tostring(w),\
- ['Height'] = tostring(h),\
- }\
- end\
- info.Buttons = buttons\
- return info\
- end",
- hash = "--\
- -- Thanks to GravityScore for this!\
- --\
- --\
- -- This is used to hash passwords sent with the secure text field. It just reduces the chance of people getting hacked.\
- --\
- \
- -- \
- -- Adaptation of the Secure Hashing Algorithm (SHA-244/256)\
- -- Found Here:\
- -- \
- -- Using an adapted version of the bit library\
- -- Found Here:\
- -- \
- \
- local MOD = 2^32\
- local MODM = MOD-1\
- \
- local function memoize(f)\
- local mt = {}\
- local t = setmetatable({}, mt)\
- function mt:__index(k)\
- local v = f(k)\
- t[k] = v\
- return v\
- end\
- return t\
- end\
- \
- local function make_bitop_uncached(t, m)\
- local function bitop(a, b)\
- local res,p = 0,1\
- while a ~= 0 and b ~= 0 do\
- local am, bm = a % m, b % m\
- res = res + t[am][bm] * p\
- a = (a - am) / m\
- b = (b - bm) / m\
- p = p*m\
- end\
- res = res + (a + b) * p\
- return res\
- end\
- return bitop\
- end\
- \
- local function make_bitop(t)\
- local op1 = make_bitop_uncached(t,2^1)\
- local op2 = memoize(function(a) return memoize(function(b) return op1(a, b) end) end)\
- return make_bitop_uncached(op2, 2 ^ (t.n or 1))\
- end\
- \
- local bxor1 = make_bitop({[0] = {[0] = 0,[1] = 1}, [1] = {[0] = 1, [1] = 0}, n = 4})\
- \
- local function bxor(a, b, c, ...)\
- local z = nil\
- if b then\
- a = a % MOD\
- b = b % MOD\
- z = bxor1(a, b)\
- if c then z = bxor(z, c, ...) end\
- return z\
- elseif a then return a % MOD\
- else return 0 end\
- end\
- \
- local function band(a, b, c, ...)\
- local z\
- if b then\
- a = a % MOD\
- b = b % MOD\
- z = ((a + b) - bxor1(a,b)) / 2\
- if c then z = bit32_band(z, c, ...) end\
- return z\
- elseif a then return a % MOD\
- else return MODM end\
- end\
- \
- local function bnot(x) return (-1 - x) % MOD end\
- \
- local function rshift1(a, disp)\
- if disp < 0 then return lshift(a,-disp) end\
- return math.floor(a % 2 ^ 32 / 2 ^ disp)\
- end\
- \
- local function rshift(x, disp)\
- if disp > 31 or disp < -31 then return 0 end\
- return rshift1(x % MOD, disp)\
- end\
- \
- local function lshift(a, disp)\
- if disp < 0 then return rshift(a,-disp) end \
- return (a * 2 ^ disp) % 2 ^ 32\
- end\
- \
- local function rrotate(x, disp)\
- x = x % MOD\
- disp = disp % 32\
- local low = band(x, 2 ^ disp - 1)\
- return rshift(x, disp) + lshift(low, 32 - disp)\
- end\
- \
- local k = {\
- 0x428a2f98, 0x71374491, 0xb5c0fbcf, 0xe9b5dba5,\
- 0x3956c25b, 0x59f111f1, 0x923f82a4, 0xab1c5ed5,\
- 0xd807aa98, 0x12835b01, 0x243185be, 0x550c7dc3,\
- 0x72be5d74, 0x80deb1fe, 0x9bdc06a7, 0xc19bf174,\
- 0xe49b69c1, 0xefbe4786, 0x0fc19dc6, 0x240ca1cc,\
- 0x2de92c6f, 0x4a7484aa, 0x5cb0a9dc, 0x76f988da,\
- 0x983e5152, 0xa831c66d, 0xb00327c8, 0xbf597fc7,\
- 0xc6e00bf3, 0xd5a79147, 0x06ca6351, 0x14292967,\
- 0x27b70a85, 0x2e1b2138, 0x4d2c6dfc, 0x53380d13,\
- 0x650a7354, 0x766a0abb, 0x81c2c92e, 0x92722c85,\
- 0xa2bfe8a1, 0xa81a664b, 0xc24b8b70, 0xc76c51a3,\
- 0xd192e819, 0xd6990624, 0xf40e3585, 0x106aa070,\
- 0x19a4c116, 0x1e376c08, 0x2748774c, 0x34b0bcb5,\
- 0x391c0cb3, 0x4ed8aa4a, 0x5b9cca4f, 0x682e6ff3,\
- 0x748f82ee, 0x78a5636f, 0x84c87814, 0x8cc70208,\
- 0x90befffa, 0xa4506ceb, 0xbef9a3f7, 0xc67178f2,\
- }\
- \
- local function str2hexa(s)\
- return (string.gsub(s, \".\", function(c) return string.format(\"%02x\", string.byte(c)) end))\
- end\
- \
- local function num2s(l, n)\
- local s = \"\"\
- for i = 1, n do\
- local rem = l % 256\
- s = string.char(rem) .. s\
- l = (l - rem) / 256\
- end\
- return s\
- end\
- \
- local function s232num(s, i)\
- local n = 0\
- for i = i, i + 3 do n = n*256 + string.byte(s, i) end\
- return n\
- end\
- \
- local function preproc(msg, len)\
- local extra = 64 - ((len + 9) % 64)\
- len = num2s(8 * len, 8)\
- msg = msg .. \"\\128\" .. string.rep(\"\\0\", extra) .. len\
- assert(#msg % 64 == 0)\
- return msg\
- end\
- \
- local function initH256(H)\
- H[1] = 0x6a09e667\
- H[2] = 0xbb67ae85\
- H[3] = 0x3c6ef372\
- H[4] = 0xa54ff53a\
- H[5] = 0x510e527f\
- H[6] = 0x9b05688c\
- H[7] = 0x1f83d9ab\
- H[8] = 0x5be0cd19\
- return H\
- end\
- \
- local function digestblock(msg, i, H)\
- local w = {}\
- for j = 1, 16 do w[j] = s232num(msg, i + (j - 1)*4) end\
- for j = 17, 64 do\
- local v = w[j - 15]\
- local s0 = bxor(rrotate(v, 7), rrotate(v, 18), rshift(v, 3))\
- v = w[j - 2]\
- w[j] = w[j - 16] + s0 + w[j - 7] + bxor(rrotate(v, 17), rrotate(v, 19), rshift(v, 10))\
- end\
- \
- local a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h = H[1], H[2], H[3], H[4], H[5], H[6], H[7], H[8]\
- for i = 1, 64 do\
- local s0 = bxor(rrotate(a, 2), rrotate(a, 13), rrotate(a, 22))\
- local maj = bxor(band(a, b), band(a, c), band(b, c))\
- local t2 = s0 + maj\
- local s1 = bxor(rrotate(e, 6), rrotate(e, 11), rrotate(e, 25))\
- local ch = bxor (band(e, f), band(bnot(e), g))\
- local t1 = h + s1 + ch + k[i] + w[i]\
- h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a = g, f, e, d + t1, c, b, a, t1 + t2\
- end\
- \
- H[1] = band(H[1] + a)\
- H[2] = band(H[2] + b)\
- H[3] = band(H[3] + c)\
- H[4] = band(H[4] + d)\
- H[5] = band(H[5] + e)\
- H[6] = band(H[6] + f)\
- H[7] = band(H[7] + g)\
- H[8] = band(H[8] + h)\
- end\
- \
- function sha256(msg)\
- msg = preproc(msg, #msg)\
- local H = initH256({})\
- for i = 1, #msg, 64 do digestblock(msg, i, H) end\
- return str2hexa(num2s(H[1], 4) .. num2s(H[2], 4) .. num2s(H[3], 4) .. num2s(H[4], 4) ..\
- num2s(H[5], 4) .. num2s(H[6], 4) .. num2s(H[7], 4) .. num2s(H[8], 4))\
- end",
- [ ".Account.settings" ] = "{\
- Balance = 60,\
- Name = \"oeed\",\
- Hash = \"abcdef\",\
- Number = 123456789\
- }",
- r = "os.reboot()",
- Wireless = "--This is just the OneOS Wireless API\
- \
- --OneOS uses channels between 4200 and 4300, avoid use where possible\
- \
- Channels = {\
- Ignored = 4299,\
- Ping = 4200,\
- PingReply = 4201,\
- oeedPayServerAvailable = 4260,\
- oeedPayServerAvailableReply = 4261,\
- oeedPayPocketPayPing = 4262,\
- oeedPayPocketPayPingReply = 4263,\
- oeedPayPocketPayPaymentInfo = 4264,\
- oeedPayPocketPayPaymentInfoReply = 4265,\
- oeedPayValidatePayment = 4266,\
- oeedPayValidatePaymentReply = 4267,\
- oeedPayPocketPayChallenge = 4268,\
- oeedPayPocketPayChallengeReply = 4269,\
- oeedPayPocketPayChallengeAnswer = 4270,\
- oeedPayPocketPayChallengeAnswerReply = 4271,\
- oeedPayPocketPayResult = 4272,\
- oeedPayBalanceCheck = 4273,\
- oeedPayBalanceCheckReply = 4274,\
- oeedPayAPIRequest = 4275,\
- oeedPayAPIRequestReply = 4276,\
- oeedPayNewAccount = 4277,\
- oeedPayNewAccountReply = 4278,\
- oeedPayGetAccountName = 4279,\
- oeedPayGetAccountNameReply = 4280,\
- }\
- \
- local function isOpen(channel)\
- return Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'isOpen', channel)\
- end\
- \
- local function open(channel)\
- if not isOpen(channel) then\
- Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'open', channel)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- Open = open\
- \
- local function close(channel)\
- Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'close', channel)\
- end\
- \
- local function closeAll()\
- Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'closeAll')\
- end\
- \
- local function transmit(channel, replyChannel, message)\
- Peripheral.CallType('wireless_modem', 'transmit', channel, replyChannel, textutils.serialize(message))\
- end\
- \
- function Present()\
- if Peripheral.GetPeripheral('wireless_modem') == nil then\
- return false\
- else\
- return true\
- end\
- end\
- \
- local function FormatMessage(message, messageID, destinationID)\
- return {\
- content = textutils.serialize(message),\
- senderID = os.getComputerID(),\
- senderName = os.getComputerLabel(),\
- channel = channel,\
- replyChannel = reply,\
- messageID = messageID or math.random(10000),\
- destinationID = destinationID\
- }\
- end\
- \
- local Timeout = function(func, time)\
- time = time or 1\
- parallel.waitForAny(func, function()\
- sleep(time)\
- --log('Timeout!'..time)\
- end)\
- end\
- \
- RecieveMessage = function(_channel, messageID, timeout)\
- open(_channel)\
- local done = false\
- local event, side, channel, replyChannel, message = nil\
- Timeout(function()\
- while not done do\
- event, side, channel, replyChannel, message = os.pullEvent('modem_message')\
- if channel ~= _channel then\
- event, side, channel, replyChannel, message = nil\
- else\
- message = textutils.unserialize(message)\
- message.content = textutils.unserialize(message.content)\
- if messageID and messageID ~= message.messageID or (message.destinationID ~= nil and message.destinationID ~= os.getComputerID()) then\
- event, side, channel, replyChannel, message = nil\
- else\
- done = true\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- end,\
- timeout)\
- return event, side, channel, replyChannel, message\
- end\
- \
- Initialise = function()\
- if Present() then\
- for i, c in pairs(Channels) do\
- open(c)\
- end\
- end\
- end\
- \
- HandleMessage = function(event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- message = textutils.unserialize(message)\
- message.content = textutils.unserialize(message.content)\
- \
- if channel == Channels.Ping then\
- if message.content == 'Ping!' then\
- SendMessage(replyChannel, 'Pong!', nil, message.messageID)\
- end\
- elseif message.destinationID ~= nil and message.destinationID ~= os.getComputerID() then\
- elseif Wireless.Responder then\
- Wireless.Responder(event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance)\
- end\
- end\
- \
- SendMessage = function(channel, message, reply, messageID, destinationID)\
- reply = reply or channel + 1\
- open(channel)\
- open(reply)\
- local _message = FormatMessage(message, messageID, destinationID)\
- transmit(channel, reply, _message)\
- return _message\
- end\
- \
- Ping = function()\
- local message = SendMessage(Channels.Ping, 'Ping!', Channels.PingReply)\
- RecieveMessage(Channels.PingReply, message.messageID)\
- end",
- Views = {
- [ "processing.view" ] = "{\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%\",\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=1,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Processing Payment\",\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"ProcessingLabel\"\
- },\
- },\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=2048,\
- }",
- [ "main.view" ] = "{\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=1,\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Height\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"View\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%\",\
- [\"X\"]=10,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=256,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"oeed\"\
- },\
- [2]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%\",\
- [\"X\"]=14,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Pay\"\
- },\
- [3]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=256,\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\",\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Connecting\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"StatusLabel\"\
- },\
- }\
- },\
- },\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- }",
- [ "complete.view" ] = "{\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%,2\",\
- [\"X\"]=2,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=1,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Payment Complete! \",\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\",\
- },\
- [2]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%,-4\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"50%,-2\",\
- [\"Width\"]=7,\
- [\"Height\"]=5,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"ImageView\",\
- [\"Path\"]=\"tick\",\
- },\
- },\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=8192,\
- }",
- [ "paymentdue.view" ] = "{\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=6,\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Height\"]=3,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"View\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=128,\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=1,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"$1.50\",\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"AmountLabel\"\
- },\
- }\
- },\
- [2]={\
- [\"Y\"]=2,\
- [\"X\"]=1,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"'Blah Co' is requesting the following payment.\",\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"InfoLabel\"\
- },\
- [3]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-5\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"50%, 2\",\
- [\"Width\"]=10,\
- [\"Height\"]=3,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=8192,\
- [\"TextColour\"]=1,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Accept\",\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"AcceptButton\"\
- },\
- [4]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%,-5\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"50%,-10\",\
- [\"Width\"]=10,\
- [\"Height\"]=3,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Button\",\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=16384,\
- [\"TextColour\"]=1,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Deny\",\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\",\
- [\"Name\"]=\"DenyButton\"\
- },\
- [5]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"X\"]=10,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=256,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"oeed\"\
- },\
- [6]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"X\"]=14,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=128,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Pay\"\
- },\
- },\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=1,\
- }",
- [ "fail.view" ] = "{\
- [\"Children\"]={\
- [1]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%,2\",\
- [\"X\"]=2,\
- [\"Width\"]=\"100%\",\
- [\"Type\"]=\"Label\",\
- [\"TextColour\"]=1,\
- [\"Text\"]=\"Payment Failed! \",\
- [\"Align\"]=\"Center\",\
- },\
- [2]={\
- [\"Y\"]=\"50%,-4\",\
- [\"X\"]=\"50%,-2\",\
- [\"Width\"]=5,\
- [\"Height\"]=5,\
- [\"Type\"]=\"ImageView\",\
- [\"Path\"]=\"cross\",\
- },\
- },\
- [\"BackgroundColour\"]=16384,\
- }",
- },
- }
- local function run(tArgs)
- local fnFile, err = loadstring(files['startup'], 'startup')
- if err then
- error(err)
- end
- local function split(str, pat)
- local t = {}
- local fpat = "(.-)" .. pat
- local last_end = 1
- local s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, 1)
- while s do
- if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then
- table.insert(t,cap)
- end
- last_end = e+1
- s, e, cap = str:find(fpat, last_end)
- end
- if last_end <= #str then
- cap = str:sub(last_end)
- table.insert(t, cap)
- end
- return t
- end
- local function resolveTreeForPath(path, single)
- local _files = files
- local parts = split(path, '/')
- if parts then
- for i, v in ipairs(parts) do
- if #v > 0 then
- if _files[v] then
- _files = _files[v]
- else
- _files = nil
- break
- end
- end
- end
- elseif #path > 0 and path ~= '/' then
- _files = _files[path]
- end
- if not single or type(_files) == 'string' then
- return _files
- end
- end
- local oldFs = fs
- local env
- env = {
- fs = {
- list = function(path)
- local list = {}
- if fs.exists(path) then
- list = fs.list(path)
- end
- for k, v in pairs(resolveTreeForPath(path)) do
- if not fs.exists(path .. '/' ..k) then
- table.insert(list, k)
- end
- end
- return list
- end,
- exists = function(path)
- if fs.exists(path) then
- return true
- elseif resolveTreeForPath(path) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end,
- isDir = function(path)
- if fs.isDir(path) then
- return true
- else
- local tree = resolveTreeForPath(path)
- if tree and type(tree) == 'table' then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end,
- isReadOnly = function(path)
- if not fs.isReadOnly(path) then
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- end,
- getName = fs.getName,
- getSize = fs.getSize,
- getFreespace = fs.getFreespace,
- makeDir = fs.makeDir,
- move = fs.move,
- copy = fs.copy,
- delete = fs.delete,
- combine = fs.combine,
- open = function(path, mode)
- if fs.exists(path) then
- return, mode)
- elseif type(resolveTreeForPath(path)) == 'string' then
- local handle = {close = function()end}
- if mode == 'r' then
- local content = resolveTreeForPath(path)
- handle.readAll = function()
- return content
- end
- local line = 1
- local lines = split(content, '\n')
- handle.readLine = function()
- if line > #lines then
- return nil
- else
- return lines[line]
- end
- line = line + 1
- end
- return handle
- else
- error('Cannot write to read-only file (compilr archived).')
- end
- else
- return, mode)
- end
- end
- },
- io = {
- input = io.input,
- output = io.output,
- type = io.type,
- close = io.close,
- write = io.write,
- flush = io.flush,
- lines = io.lines,
- read =,
- open = function(path, mode)
- if fs.exists(path) then
- return, mode)
- elseif type(resolveTreeForPath(path)) == 'string' then
- local content = resolveTreeForPath(path)
- local f =, 'w')
- f.write(content)
- f.close()
- if mode == 'r' then
- return, mode)
- else
- error('Cannot write to read-only file (compilr archived).')
- end
- else
- return, mode)
- end
- end
- },
- loadfile = function( _sFile )
- local file = _sFile, "r" )
- if file then
- local func, err = loadstring( file.readAll(), fs.getName( _sFile ) )
- file.close()
- return func, err
- end
- return nil, "File not found: ".._sFile
- end,
- dofile = function( _sFile )
- local fnFile, e = env.loadfile( _sFile )
- if fnFile then
- setfenv( fnFile, getfenv(2) )
- return fnFile()
- else
- error( e, 2 )
- end
- end
- }
- setmetatable( env, { __index = _G } )
- local tAPIsLoading = {}
- env.os.loadAPI = function( _sPath )
- local sName = fs.getName( _sPath )
- if tAPIsLoading[sName] == true then
- printError( "API "..sName.." is already being loaded" )
- return false
- end
- tAPIsLoading[sName] = true
- local tEnv = {}
- setmetatable( tEnv, { __index = env } )
- local fnAPI, err = env.loadfile( _sPath )
- if fnAPI then
- setfenv( fnAPI, tEnv )
- fnAPI()
- else
- printError( err )
- tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil
- return false
- end
- local tAPI = {}
- for k,v in pairs( tEnv ) do
- tAPI[k] = v
- end
- env[sName] = tAPI
- tAPIsLoading[sName] = nil
- return true
- end
- = shell
- setfenv( fnFile, env )
- fnFile(unpack(tArgs))
- end
- local function extract()
- local function node(path, tree)
- if type(tree) == 'table' then
- fs.makeDir(path)
- for k, v in pairs(tree) do
- node(path .. '/' .. k, v)
- end
- else
- local f =, 'w')
- if f then
- f.write(tree)
- f.close()
- end
- end
- end
- node('', files)
- end
- local tArgs = {...}
- if #tArgs == 1 and tArgs[1] == '--extract' then
- extract()
- else
- run(tArgs)
- end
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