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- local DIRECTIONS = {
- north = 0,
- east = 1,
- south = 2,
- west = 3
- };
- [DIRECTIONS.north] = { x = 0, y = 0, z = -1 },
- [DIRECTIONS.east] = { x = 1, y = 0, z = 0 },
- [DIRECTIONS.south] = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 },
- [DIRECTIONS.west] = { x = -1, y = 0, z = 0 },
- up = { x = 0, y = 1, z = 0 },
- down = { x = 0, y = -1, z = 0 }
- };
- forward = { x = 0, y = 0, z = -1 },
- back = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 },
- left = { x = -1, y = 0, z = 0 },
- right = { x = 1, y = 0, z = 0 },
- up = { x = 0, y = 1, z = 0 },
- down = { x = 0, y = -1, z = 0 },
- }
- forward = 0,
- back = 1,
- up = 2,
- down = 3
- }
- right = 0,
- left = 1,
- }
- local POSITION = {
- x = 0,
- y = 0,
- z = 0,
- };
- local function getPosition()
- return POSITION;
- end
- local function getDirection()
- return DIRECTION;
- end
- local function applyDirectionDelta(delta)
- if delta == nil or delta == RELATIVE_DELTAS.up or delta == RELATIVE_DELTAS.down then
- return delta
- end
- -- Copy the delta to avoid mutation
- local rotatedDelta = { x = delta.x, y = delta.y, z = delta.z }
- -- Apply 90° rotations based on DIRECTION
- for _ = 1, DIRECTION do
- rotatedDelta = {
- x = -rotatedDelta.z, -- Rotating clockwise
- y = rotatedDelta.y,
- z = rotatedDelta.x,
- }
- end
- return rotatedDelta
- end
- local function applyPositionDelta(delta)
- return {
- x = POSITION.x + delta.x,
- y = POSITION.y + delta.y,
- z = POSITION.z + delta.z
- }
- end
- local function isPositionAdjacent(position)
- local dx = math.abs(position.x - POSITION.x);
- local dy = math.abs(position.y - POSITION.y);
- local dz = math.abs(position.z - POSITION.z);
- return (dx + dy + dz) == 1
- end
- local function syncWithGPS()
- local x, y, z = gps.locate();
- if not x then
- return false, false;
- end
- POSITION.x = x;
- POSITION.y = y;
- POSITION.z = z;
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 2 then
- return true, false;
- end
- local turnCount = 0;
- local couldMove = false;
- for i=1, 4 do
- couldMove = turtle.forward();
- if couldMove then
- break;
- end
- turtle.turnRight();
- turnCount = turnCount + 1;
- end
- if not couldMove then
- return true, false;
- end
- local new_x, new_y, new_z = gps.locate();
- if new_x and new_z then
- local dx = new_x - x;
- local dz = new_z - z;
- if dx == 1 then
- elseif dx == -1 then
- elseif dz == 1 then
- elseif dz == -1 then
- end
- else
- return true, false;
- end
- turtle.back();
- for i=1, turnCount do
- turtle.turnLeft();
- end
- return true, true;
- end
- local function move(direction)
- if direction == MOVE_DIRECTIONS.forward then
- local couldMove, error = turtle.forward();
- if not couldMove then
- return false, error
- end
- elseif direction == MOVE_DIRECTIONS.back then
- local couldMove, error = turtle.back();
- if not couldMove then
- return false, error
- end
- POSITION = applyPositionDelta(DIRECTION_DELTAS[(DIRECTION + 2)%4]);
- elseif direction == MOVE_DIRECTIONS.up then
- local couldMove, error = turtle.up();
- if not couldMove then
- return false, error
- end
- POSITION = applyPositionDelta(DIRECTION_DELTAS.up);
- elseif direction == MOVE_DIRECTIONS.down then
- local couldMove, error = turtle.down();
- if not couldMove then
- return false, error
- end
- POSITION = applyPositionDelta(DIRECTION_DELTAS.down);
- else
- return false, "Invalid direction.";
- end
- return true;
- end
- local function forceMove(direction)
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() == 0 then
- return false, "Not enough fuel.";
- end
- if direction == nil then
- return false, "Invalid direction."
- end
- while not move(direction) do
- if direction == MOVE_DIRECTIONS.forward then
- turtle.dig();
- elseif direction == MOVE_DIRECTIONS.up then
- turtle.digUp();
- elseif direction == MOVE_DIRECTIONS.down then
- turtle.digDown();
- end
- end
- end
- local function forward() move(MOVE_DIRECTIONS.forward) end
- local function back() move(MOVE_DIRECTIONS.back) end
- local function up() move(MOVE_DIRECTIONS.forward) end
- local function down() move(MOVE_DIRECTIONS.down) end
- local function forceForward() forceMove(MOVE_DIRECTIONS.forward) end
- local function forceUp() forceMove(MOVE_DIRECTIONS.up) end
- local function forceDown() forceMove(MOVE_DIRECTIONS.down) end
- local function turn(amount, direction)
- for _ = 1, amount do
- if direction == TURN_DIRECTIONS.left then
- turtle.turnLeft();
- DIRECTION = (DIRECTION - 1 + 4) % 4;
- elseif direction == TURN_DIRECTIONS.right then
- turtle.turnRight();
- end
- end
- end
- local function turnTo(direction)
- local turnsRequired = (direction - DIRECTION + 4) % 4;
- if turnsRequired < 0 then
- turn(math.abs(turnsRequired), TURN_DIRECTIONS.left);
- elseif turnsRequired > 0 then
- turn(turnsRequired, TURN_DIRECTIONS.right);
- end
- end
- local function turnLeft() turn(1, TURN_DIRECTIONS.left) end
- local function turnRight() turn(1, TURN_DIRECTIONS.right) end
- local function hasEnoughFuel(minimumFuelLevel)
- return turtle.getFuelLevel() >= minimumFuelLevel;
- end
- local function moveTo(target)
- local dx = target.x - POSITION.x;
- local dy = target.y - POSITION.y;
- local dz = target.z - POSITION.z;
- if not hasEnoughFuel(math.abs(dx) + math.abs(dy) + math.abs(dz)) then
- return false, "Not enough fuel.";
- end
- if dx > 0 then
- turnTo(DIRECTIONS.east);
- elseif dx < 0 then
- turnTo(DIRECTIONS.west);
- end
- for i=1, math.abs(dx) do
- forceForward();
- end
- if dz > 0 then
- turnTo(DIRECTIONS.south);
- elseif dz < 0 then
- turnTo(DIRECTIONS.north)
- end
- for i=1, math.abs(dz) do
- forceForward();
- end
- for i=1, math.abs(dy) do
- if dy > 0 then
- forceUp();
- else
- forceDown();
- end
- end
- return true;
- end
- local function inspectSurroundings()
- local surroundings = {};
- local hasBlock, data = turtle.inspect();
- surroundings["forward"] = {
- hasBlock = hasBlock,
- data = data
- };
- local hasBlock, data = turtle.inspectUp();
- surroundings["up"] = {
- hasBlock = hasBlock,
- data = data
- };
- local hasBlock, data = turtle.inspectDown();
- surroundings["down"] = {
- hasBlock = hasBlock,
- data = data
- };
- turtle.turnLeft();
- local hasBlock, data = turtle.inspect();
- surroundings["left"] = {
- hasBlock = hasBlock,
- data = data
- };
- turtle.turnRight();
- turtle.turnRight();
- local hasBlock, data = turtle.inspect();
- surroundings["right"] = {
- hasBlock = hasBlock,
- data = data
- };
- turtle.turnLeft();
- return surroundings;
- end
- local function hasItem(itemName)
- for i=1, 16 do
- local itemDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(i);
- if itemDetail and == itemName then
- return true;
- end
- end
- return false;
- end
- local function getItemCount(itemName)
- local count = 0;
- for i=1, 16 do
- local itemDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(i);
- if itemDetail and == itemName then
- count = count + turtle.getItemCount(i);
- end
- end
- return count;
- end
- local function findItem(itemName)
- for i=1, 16 do
- local itemDetail = turtle.getItemDetail(i);
- if itemDetail and == itemName then
- return i;
- end
- end
- return -1;
- end
- local function getPositionKey(position)
- return string.format("%d,%d,%d", position.x, position.y, position.z);
- end
- local function findTravelPath(startPosition, endPosition, allowedPositions)
- if allowedPositions ~= nil and not allowedPositions[getPositionKey(endPosition)] then
- return false, nil;
- end
- local function isPositionEqual(pos1, pos2)
- return pos1.x == pos2.x and pos1.y == pos2.y and pos1.z == pos2.z;
- end
- local function isPositionAllowed(position)
- return allowedPositions == nil or allowedPositions[getPositionKey(position)];
- end
- local function getNeighbours(position)
- local checkDirections = {
- { x = 1, y = 0, z = 0 },
- { x = -1, y = 0, z = 0 },
- { x = 0, y = 1, z = 0 },
- { x = 0, y = -1, z = 0 },
- { x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 },
- { x = 0, y = 0, z = -1 },
- }
- local neighbours = {};
- for _, direction in ipairs(checkDirections) do
- local neighbourPosition = {
- x = position.x + direction.x,
- y = position.y + direction.y,
- z = position.z + direction.z
- }
- if isPositionAllowed(neighbourPosition) then
- table.insert(neighbours, neighbourPosition);
- end
- end
- return neighbours;
- end
- local queue = { { position = startPosition, path = { startPosition } } };
- local visited = {};
- while #queue > 0 do
- local current = table.remove(queue, 1);
- local currentPosition = current.position;
- local currentPath = current.path;
- local key = getPositionKey(currentPosition);
- if isPositionEqual(currentPosition, endPosition) then
- return true, currentPath;
- end
- if visited[key] then
- goto continue
- end
- visited[key] = true;
- for _, neighbour in ipairs(getNeighbours(currentPosition)) do
- if not visited[getPositionKey(neighbour)] then
- local newPath = { table.unpack(currentPath) };
- table.insert(newPath, neighbour);
- table.insert(queue, { position = neighbour, path = newPath });
- end
- end
- ::continue::
- end
- return false, nil;
- end
- local function pathfindToPosition(startPosition, endPosition, allowedPositions)
- local couldFindPath, path = findTravelPath(startPosition, endPosition, allowedPositions);
- if not couldFindPath or path == nil then
- return false;
- end
- for _, position in pairs(path) do
- if not moveTo(position) then
- return false;
- end
- end
- return true;
- end
- return {
- getPosition = getPosition,
- getDirection = getDirection,
- directions = DIRECTIONS,
- directionDeltas = DIRECTION_DELTAS,
- relativeDeltas = RELATIVE_DELTAS,
- turnDirections = TURN_DIRECTIONS,
- syncWithGPS = syncWithGPS,
- forward = forward,
- back = back,
- up = up,
- down = down,
- forceForward = forceForward,
- forceUp = forceUp,
- forceDown = forceDown,
- turn = turn,
- turnTo = turnTo,
- turnLeft = turnLeft,
- turnRight = turnRight,
- applyPositionDelta = applyPositionDelta,
- applyDirectionDelta = applyDirectionDelta,
- isPositionAdjacent = isPositionAdjacent,
- hasEnoughFuel = hasEnoughFuel,
- moveTo = moveTo,
- inspectSurroundings = inspectSurroundings,
- hasItem = hasItem,
- getItemCount = getItemCount,
- findItem = findItem,
- getPositionKey = getPositionKey,
- findTravelPath = findTravelPath,
- pathfindToPosition = pathfindToPosition,
- }
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