
Predator Cold War 17

Jun 25th, 2024
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  1. Ligacheva whirled. One of the alien monsters stood in the opening, looking out at them. It was visible and unmasked-it hadn't come out to fight, Ligacheva realized, but only to see what the hell was going on. That didn't mean it wouldn't kill them both, given half a chance. It must know that they had killed its companions; she was suddenly horribly aware of the AK-100 she till held in her hands, the very gun that had blown the other monsters' heads apart.
  3. If she shifted her grip to firing position and swung the weapon around, she might be able to shoot the alien-or it might take her own head off first. She had seen how fast those things could move, how fast they could kill. She didn't try. She kept the gun pointed away. She looked at Schaefer to see whether he, too, was still frozen. He wasn't. He was still working on his bomb.-pg.473 chpt.30
Tags: Predator
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