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- <title>GDP Growth Remains Broad Based</title>
- <desc id="graph-desc">GDP Growth Remains Broad Based, with values for 2017 quarters 1-3.</desc>
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- <text id="graph-title" transform="translate(10, 45)" class="chartDisplayTitle">GDP Growth Remains Broad Based</text>
- <text transform="translate(10, 70)" class="yUnits">Percentage points*</text>
- <text transform="translate(10, 570)" class="caption">*Contribution to total gross domestic product (GDP) growth; seasonally adjusted annualized rate.</text>
- <text transform="translate(10, 585)" class="caption">SOURCE: Bureau of Economic Analysis.</text>
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- var econ2 = [
- {
- "Category": "GDP",
- "2017 Q1": 1.2,
- "2017 Q2": 3.1,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 3.0
- },
- {
- "Category": "Consumption",
- "2017 Q1": 1.3,
- "2017 Q2": 2.2,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 1.6
- },
- {
- "Category": "Nonresidential investment",
- "2017 Q1": 0.9,
- "2017 Q2": 0.8,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 0.5
- },
- {
- "Category": "Residential investment",
- "2017 Q1": 0.4,
- "2017 Q2": -0.3,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": -0.2
- },
- {
- "Category": "Inventories",
- "2017 Q1": -1.5,
- "2017 Q2": 0.1,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 0.7
- },
- {
- "Category": "Net exports",
- "2017 Q1": 0.2,
- "2017 Q2": 0.2,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 0.4
- },
- {
- "Category": "Government",
- "2017 Q1": -0.1,
- "2017 Q2": 0.0,
- "2017 Q3 First Estimate": 0.0
- }
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- // Annotations
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- .attr("x1", x0("GDP") + x1("2017 Q1"))
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- .attr("x", x0("Residential investment") + x1("2017 Q2"))
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- .attr("class", "annotation-text")
- .text("Outlier");
- g.append("line")
- .attr("x1", x0("GDP") + x1("2017 Q1"))
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