
The flash clothes

Oct 8th, 2020
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  1. local part = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
  2. local basetemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="
  3. local shirt = 514338717
  4. local pants = 5567139615
  5. local h = part:findFirstChild("Shirt")
  6. if h ~= nil then
  7. h.ShirtTemplate = basetemplate..shirt
  8. else
  9. local i = Instance.new("Shirt")
  10. i.Name = "Shirt"
  11. i.ShirtTemplate = basetemplate..shirt
  12. i.Parent = part
  13. end
  14. local p = part:findFirstChild("Pants")
  15. if p ~= nil then
  16. p.PantsTemplate = basetemplate..pants
  17. else
  18. local np = Instance.new("Pants")
  19. np.PantsTemplate = basetemplate..pants
  20. np.Name = "Pants"
  21. np.Parent = part
  22. end
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