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it unlocks many cool features!
- Q to access extra items
- E to activate the main function of a block while holding a block. (TNT, Signalers, lamps).
- V for console (for admins, may not work).
- U to open block settings (SOON BUT IMPROBABLE)
- There is no rule against griefing or autoclicking (survival of the fittest and room for abstract artwork)
- This game allows for unlimited resources but allow you to take damage.
- 1.0.0:
- *Revision Indev released
- *Fixes against game breaking bugs have begun
- *Removed Raymonf
- 1.1.x Ease of Access Update (RELEASED! PROBABLY 22/12/20):
- *Force first person,
- *Potential map changes due to this, (multiple islands with pre-built bridges), IMPROBABLE
- *Added lamps. Lamps have a main function, meaning that they can be activated by the On-Signaler or the Off-Signaler
- *Added colored blocks (Red, Blue, Green)
- *Added number keys on blocks for ease of accessibility,
- *Added crouching (Likely going to be for 1.2)
- *Message blocks or signs have a potential to be added, signs are the most likely
- *Likely implementation of CFrame in block placement.
- *Fixed the block hit animation (Probably improbable)
- *Removed Raymonf
- 1.2.x Apocalyptic Update (RELEASED, PROBABLY 25/12/20):
- *Added food.
- *Added crouching (Likely going to be for 1.1)
- *Added glass.
- *Added water. (Does not spread but affects the player by pulling the player down, like ocean water. Drowning is cool.)
- *Added lava. (Does not spread but weak at pulling the player down, compensated by dealing damage.)
- *Added mobs. (They have a primarypart which will teleport them to random places. Creepers would be added too, this is to add a challenge in the middle of building. No peace allowed.)
- *Removed Raymonf
- *Added bows.
- 1.3.x Industrial Update (RELEASED, PROBABLY 26 - 28/12/20)
- *Likely addition of potions
- *Added triggers (Will detect mob and player, landmines could exist now)
- *Perlin noise generation
- *Lava/water fix
- 1.4.x World Wide Update (SOON, PROBABLY 29 - 1/1/21)
- *Player-made worlds, the maximum amount of possible worlds would be 10 on a single server (maximum X and Z would be 50,000)
- *More blocks.
- Release dates may not be accurate or may be earlier or later depending on motivation.
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