
Minebrap Description [FINOBE]

Dec 20th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Q to access extra items
  2. E to activate the main function of a block while holding a block. (TNT, Signalers, lamps).
  3. V for console (for admins, may not work).
  4. U to open block settings (SOON BUT IMPROBABLE)
  6. There is no rule against griefing or autoclicking (survival of the fittest and room for abstract artwork)
  7. This game allows for unlimited resources but allow you to take damage.
  9. 1.0.0:
  10. *Revision Indev released
  11. *Fixes against game breaking bugs have begun
  12. *Removed Raymonf
  14. 1.1.x Ease of Access Update (RELEASED! PROBABLY 22/12/20):
  15. *Force first person,
  16. *Potential map changes due to this, (multiple islands with pre-built bridges), IMPROBABLE
  17. *Added lamps. Lamps have a main function, meaning that they can be activated by the On-Signaler or the Off-Signaler
  18. *Added colored blocks (Red, Blue, Green)
  19. *Added number keys on blocks for ease of accessibility,
  20. *Added crouching (Likely going to be for 1.2)
  21. *Message blocks or signs have a potential to be added, signs are the most likely
  22. *Likely implementation of CFrame in block placement.
  23. *Fixed the block hit animation (Probably improbable)
  24. *Removed Raymonf
  26. 1.2.x Apocalyptic Update (RELEASED, PROBABLY 25/12/20):
  27. *Added food.
  28. *Added crouching (Likely going to be for 1.1)
  29. *Added glass.
  30. *Added water. (Does not spread but affects the player by pulling the player down, like ocean water. Drowning is cool.)
  31. *Added lava. (Does not spread but weak at pulling the player down, compensated by dealing damage.)
  32. *Added mobs. (They have a primarypart which will teleport them to random places. Creepers would be added too, this is to add a challenge in the middle of building. No peace allowed.)
  33. *Removed Raymonf
  34. *Added bows.
  36. 1.3.x Industrial Update (RELEASED, PROBABLY 26 - 28/12/20)
  37. *Likely addition of potions
  38. *Added triggers (Will detect mob and player, landmines could exist now)
  39. *Perlin noise generation
  40. *Lava/water fix
  42. 1.4.x World Wide Update (SOON, PROBABLY 29 - 1/1/21)
  43. *Player-made worlds, the maximum amount of possible worlds would be 10 on a single server (maximum X and Z would be 50,000)
  44. *More blocks.
  46. NOTES:
  47. Release dates may not be accurate or may be earlier or later depending on motivation.
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