
If You Are Happy Chapter 22

Jun 10th, 2018
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  1. If You Are Happy Chapter 22
  2. Mc: Taesu Husband / Mc2 Minchul 1st ONS partner
  3. Fmc: Ji Yeon Wife / Blonde Eunji secretary
  4. This is an app base TL Accuracy is Low {Thinking} "Text Bubbles" [Narration] (Speculation)
  6. Chapter start secretary Eunji embracing the MC. He then ask her "Eunji ...That ... what do you mean?" Eunji tells him "What I mean is about us our relationship its literally true right?, I am all yours now representative. Because I like it so much I wont give up on you" Mc tells her "Ha... wait a minute...! I ... I am a married man. Eunji I dont want to hurt you" Eunji tells him "Are you kidding me? you know I'm serious about it? and if Youre not sincere about your feelings. Then why did you do it with me Representative?"
  8. Mc tells her "No...about that...Eunji your the first one to...." Eunji tells him "Yes I know that I'm the first one who tempted you so why what is wrong? Representative you know that your married already. Then why did you let me do it?  Why you didn't stopped me?" Mc remain silent and just look at her. Eunji tells him "You only longing for me when you're in trouble with your wife,satisfying yourself using my body.Am I just your play thing hm?" Eunji kiss him and he kisses her back. After that kiss Eunji tells him "Look at this. You dont even have resistance over me"
  10. Eunji start to undress him. Mc thinking {Why...What is this... I dont even have an idea why I couldn't move my body. How did I make it to this extent? but I still.....} inserting an image of his wife thinking {I love my wife too much}
  13. [Place where they living]
  14. Wife while preparing the food remembers the event when his husband got angry at her. Thinking {What Taesu told me yesterday was it too much?} {These days my husband is too busy,maybe he's going to go home pretty late again and that secretary I dont even know if I misunderstand him about his relationship with that woman} {Today I will prepare a delicious meal that my husband would like and I have to apologize first} ({I also need to be honest with Taesu})
  16. [Minchul workplace]
  17. Mc2 wondering {Ah,shit today this work because I couldn't concentrate the work isn't finish yet.This is not good I'm the only person working here this late hour} {Sigh, I need to clear my mind and quickly finish this and head back home} Mc2 remember what his friend JinHo told him. That he had a one night stand with the Fmc.
  19. Mc2 got pissed and shouted asking himself "As expected I could not never I cant erase her JiYeon how great you are how many people did you played around? You also called me last time and its not about affection but because you simply love sex is that it? Ugh ... I'm going ... crazy here" Mc2 get his phone saying "Ahh.. really I cannot take this anymore I need to call and ask her one more time}
  21. [Back to Fmc]
  22. Still preparing the food and then her phone rings. JiYeon facial expression change thinking {That number is.....}
  24. [Scene jump] ....*I will cleared this chapter I mean sex with no erection because the MC 'D' is not functioning*...
  25. ...*They both Naked so I describe this as sex but MC 'D' isn't working*...
  27. Mc and Eunji having sex in the car. Eunji tells him "Ummm.... today... I also want to have a dinner with you Representative" Mc tells her "Uhm ... I can not really do it today ... I have to go and share a dinner with my wife it been so long since we eat together I'm really sorry even if it a little bit late already"
  29. Eunji tells him "Hmmm. Now that Rep. is my man now you dont need to worry about your wife anymore.Today I ...I'll have to make a concession. I will not yield"
  31. TBC
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