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- Option Compare Database
- Option Explicit
- Option Base 0
- ' Allows the columns on a ListBox control to be resized.
- '
- ' Written by Alex Wellerstein in 2007, released without any stipulations or warranties.
- '
- '
- ' Ben Sacherich - 3/28/2016: Turned this into a class module. I will note that I experimented with another column
- ' resizing class made by Stephen Lebans but didn't like the way it resized columns. This code seemed simpler to implement.
- '
- '
- ' Usage:
- '
- ' '//// Add this line to the module header ////
- ' Private ListboxColumnResize As clsListboxColumnResize
- '
- '
- ' '//// Add these lines to the Form_Load() event. ////
- ' ' Create a new instance of our class
- ' Set ListboxColumnResize = New clsListboxColumnResize
- '
- ' ' We must tell the Class which control we want to work with.
- ' ListboxColumnResize.SetupListbox <ListBox Control>
- '
- ' ' Turn on our flag to allow column heading sort. This defaults to True when the list has column headings.
- ' ListboxColumnResize.EnableColumnHeadingSort = True
- '
- ' ' Identify clickable column heading labels for sorting.
- ' ' If you have a hidden column with no heading, like when column 0 is hidden, just pass the next visible
- ' ' column heading label twice in a row.
- ' 'ListboxColumnResize.SetupColumnLabels lblCode, lblItem, lblName, lblLength
- '
- ' '//// Add this to the Form_Unload() for proper cleanup ////
- ' Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
- ' ' Release the reference to our class
- ' Set ListboxColumnResize = Nothing
- ' End Sub
- '
- ' In each case of <ListBox Control>, substitute the name of the ListBox control.
- '
- ' That's it! If you want to make captions move along with the columns that are being
- ' resized, you can use the DividerLeft function to get the .Left position for the
- ' caption on the form based on the current column positions.
- '
- ' You can adjust the ListResizeMouseTolerance constant if you want to change how
- ' "sticky" the column dividers are (how close to them you need to click).
- '############ WARNING ############
- ' This routine causes Access 2010 to crash hard if the .ColumnWidths is modfied during the MouseMove event.
- ' The suggested work around is to call the ListColumnResizeMouseDown() function from the MouseUp event. The
- ' only downside of this seems to be the visual feedback of seeing the column resize as you drag.
- ' Ben Sacherich and Anders Ebro ("The Smiley Coder") - March 2016
- ' Ben Sacherich - 3/28/2016: Turned this into a class module. I will note that I experimented with another column
- ' resizing class made by Stephen Lebans but didn't like the way it resized columns. This code seemed simpler to convert.
- '
- ' Limitations:
- ' - The user may not discover that columns are resizable because the mouse cursor does not
- ' change as it hovers over a column divider.
- ' - The user does not see the column resize until they release the mouse button.
- ' - The columns can be resized by grabbing any visible divider, not just in the column heading.
- ' This allows it to work even when column headings are not visible, but then requires
- ' additional work to get the headings to resposition. The SetupColumnLabels() method
- ' may help with this but it has limitations, like not handling hidden columns.
- ' - You can't drag a column width past the next column divider in one drag. It takes multiple steps.
- ' - In my testing DividerLeft() was not positioning the last column after the first resize.
- ' I ran out of time debugging this so it will have to wait until another day.
- '
- ' BS 7/5/2016: I was getting annoyed by the resize routine intercepting regular row clicks so I modified
- ' it to only let the columns resize if clicking dividers near the top of the list.
- ' MouseY of 400 is about two list rows of Tahoma 8.
- 'this is how many twips to the left or right of a column divider that will be recogized as having clicked on it
- Private Const ListResizeMouseTolerance = 100 '200
- 'these are used to keep track of when it is dragging
- Private IsColumnResizing As Boolean
- Private ResizingColumn As Integer
- Private Const EnableEvents As String = "[Event Procedure]"
- Private WithEvents mListbox As ListBox
- Private WithEvents mForm As Access.Form
- Private mbolColumnHeadingSortEnabled As Boolean
- Private mbolColumnResizingEnabled As Boolean
- Public ColumnLabels As New Collection ' A collection of label control names to reposition.
- Private Sub ListColumnResizeMouseDown(listCtrl As Control, MouseButton As Integer, MouseX As Single, MouseY As Single)
- 'This sub is for the initial click of the click-and-drag.
- Dim i As Integer
- If MouseButton <> 1 Then Exit Sub 'If it is not a simple left click, we ignore it.
- If MouseY > 400 Then Exit Sub ' Only let the columns resize if clicking dividers near the top of the list.
- ' BS 7/5/2016: I was getting annoyed by this routine intercepting regular row clicks
- ' so this is a way to ignore the divider clicks lower in the list.
- ' MouseY of 400 is about two list rows of Tahoma 8.
- ' First we get the existing column widths and calculate where the divider lines should be.
- Dim colWidths, ColPositions
- colWidths = Split(listCtrl.ColumnWidths, ";")
- ColPositions = Split(listCtrl.ColumnWidths, ";")
- For i = 1 To UBound(colWidths)
- ColPositions(i) = CInt(ColPositions(i - 1)) + CInt(colWidths(i))
- Next i
- ' Then we see if the mouse is within the tolerance of a given divider line.
- For i = 0 To UBound(ColPositions)
- If (MouseX >= ColPositions(i) - ListResizeMouseTolerance) And (MouseX <= ColPositions(i) + ListResizeMouseTolerance) Then
- Debug.Print MouseX, MouseY
- Screen.MousePointer = 9 'change mouse pointer to "horizontal resize'
- IsColumnResizing = True 'trigger our private dragging variable
- ResizingColumn = i 'indicate which column we are changing
- End If
- Next i
- End Sub
- Private Sub ListColumnResizeMouseMove(listCtrl As Control, MouseButton As Integer, MouseX As Single)
- ' This sub takes care of mouse dragging.
- ' Unfrortunately after Access 2007 this event can no longer be called from the MouseMove event without
- ' crashing Access. It is now called from the MouseUp event which limits the screen refresh.
- Dim i As Integer
- 'if they've somehow released the mouse button, and we think we are resizing, then we stop resizing
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- If IsColumnResizing And MouseButton <> 1 Then ListColumnResizeMouseUp
- 'again we calculate the column widths and positions.
- Dim colWidths, oldWidths, ColPositions, newWidths
- colWidths = Split(listCtrl.ColumnWidths, ";")
- oldWidths = Join(colWidths, ";") 'this is just to compare with later, just in case Join gives us slightly different results than just taking the ColumnWidths property
- ColPositions = Split(listCtrl.ColumnWidths, ";")
- For i = 1 To UBound(colWidths)
- ColPositions(i) = CInt(ColPositions(i - 1)) + CInt(colWidths(i))
- Next i
- 'The main resizing calculation:
- If IsColumnResizing = True Then 'Are they resizing?
- If MouseX < ColPositions(ResizingColumn) Then 'Are they moving it to the left?
- If ResizingColumn > 0 Then 'If it is not the furthest left column we are resizing...
- If MouseX > ColPositions(ResizingColumn - 1) Then 'Make sure it isn't going over the one to the left.
- 'Here we just calculate the size of the changed column by taking the difference between the divider
- 'and the mouse position and subtracting it from the original column size. Simple, no?
- colWidths(ResizingColumn) = CInt(colWidths(ResizingColumn) - (ColPositions(ResizingColumn) - MouseX))
- End If
- Else 'If it IS the furthest left column we are resizing...
- If MouseX > 0 Then 'Then just make sure the size is going to be greater than zero
- 'Calculate the size again (same as before)
- colWidths(ResizingColumn) = CInt(colWidths(ResizingColumn) - (ColPositions(ResizingColumn) - MouseX))
- End If
- End If
- Else 'If they aren't moving to the left, then they're moving to the right (or not moving at all, but we can ignore that)
- If ResizingColumn < UBound(ColPositions) Then 'If it not the furthest right column we are resizing...
- If MouseX < ColPositions(ResizingColumn + 1) Then 'Make sure it isn't running over the next column.
- 'Same calculation as before, except that the mouse position will be larger than the divider position,
- 'and we are expanding the column rather than shrinking it.
- colWidths(ResizingColumn) = CInt(colWidths(ResizingColumn) + (MouseX - ColPositions(ResizingColumn)))
- End If
- Else 'If it IS the furthest right column we are resizing...
- If MouseX < listCtrl.Width Then 'Make sure we aren't going outside the control...
- 'Same expanding calculation as before
- colWidths(ResizingColumn) = CInt(colWidths(ResizingColumn) + (MouseX - ColPositions(ResizingColumn)))
- End If
- End If
- End If
- newWidths = Join(colWidths, ";") 'Now we put the widths back together again, and...
- If newWidths <> oldWidths Then listCtrl.ColumnWidths = newWidths 'if it is a different result, then resize the columns.
- End If
- Exit Sub
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "Error #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description & vbCrLf & "in procedure ListColumnResizeMouseMove of clsListboxColumnResize"
- End Sub
- Private Sub ListColumnResizeMouseUp()
- 'This sub takes care of releasing the mouse button.
- If Screen.MousePointer = 9 Then Screen.MousePointer = 0 'If the mouse is a horizontal-resizer, make it a regular pointer.
- If IsColumnResizing = True Then IsColumnResizing = False 'Indicate that we are no longer dragging.
- If ColumnLabels.count > 1 Then
- ' Reposition the column headings that were pass to SetupColumnLabels()
- '(Note that the first label never moves as it is the farthest left.)
- Dim i As Integer
- For i = 2 To ColumnLabels.count
- mListbox.Parent.Controls(ColumnLabels(i)).Left = DividerLeft(mListbox, i - 1)
- Next
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function DividerLeft(listCtrl As Control, DividerNumber)
- 'This function just calculates where the left point of a column is relevant to the
- 'form as a whole. This is useful for moving labels along with columns.
- Dim colWidths, ColPositions
- Dim i As Integer
- ' If IsColumnResizing Then '<- use this if calling from the MouseMove event to reduce overhead.
- colWidths = Split(listCtrl.ColumnWidths, ";")
- ColPositions = Split(listCtrl.ColumnWidths, ";")
- For i = 1 To UBound(colWidths)
- ColPositions(i) = CInt(ColPositions(i - 1)) + CInt(colWidths(i))
- Next i
- If DividerNumber > listCtrl.ColumnCount Then
- ' The DividerNumber is higher than the number of defined columns.
- ' Catch this instead of generating an error. BS 4/3/2019
- DividerLeft = listCtrl.Left + listCtrl.Width - 1000
- Else
- DividerLeft = listCtrl.Left + ColPositions(DividerNumber - 1)
- End If
- ' Don't let the label move too far.
- If DividerLeft > (listCtrl.Left + listCtrl.Width) Then
- DividerLeft = listCtrl.Left + listCtrl.Width
- End If
- ' End If
- End Function
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- mbolColumnResizingEnabled = True
- mbolColumnHeadingSortEnabled = False
- End Sub
- Private Sub Class_Terminate()
- Set mListbox = Nothing
- Set mForm = Nothing
- End Sub
- Public Sub SetupListbox(ctlListbox As Access.ListBox)
- ' Save a local reference
- Set mListbox = ctlListbox
- ' This IS necessary. If you don't have this and change from form view to design view Access will crash. BS 11/8/2016
- '''' This may not be necessary. If this class doesn't open any objects we may not need to cleanup.
- ' Set mForm = Forms("frm_Hex").Form
- ' Set mForm = ctlListbox.Parent.Parent.Parent
- Set mForm = fGetParentForm(ctlListbox) ' Use this function to get the parent form in case the control is on a tab control.
- mForm.OnClose = "[Event Procedure]" ' For proper termination.
- mListbox.OnMouseDown = EnableEvents
- mListbox.OnMouseMove = EnableEvents
- mListbox.OnMouseUp = EnableEvents
- If mListbox.ColumnHeads = True Then
- ' If this list has column headings enabled, enable the column heading sort feature as the default.
- mbolColumnHeadingSortEnabled = True
- End If
- ' If we access the ListIndex property
- ' then the entire Index for the RowSource
- ' behind each ListBox is loaded.
- ' Allows for smoother initial scrolling.
- Dim lngTemp As Long
- lngTemp = mListbox.ListCount
- End Sub
- Public Sub SetupColumnLabels(ParamArray arryLabelControls())
- ' Pass in the column label controls so they are repositioned above each list column as it is resized.
- ' Example call: ListboxColumnResize.SetupColumnLabels lblCode, lblItem, lblName
- ' YMMV. This doesn't account for hidden columns or columns with no label control, or overlapping.
- ' If you have a hidden column with no heading, like when column 0 is hidden, just pass the next visible
- ' column heading label twice in a row.
- Dim i As Integer
- ' Store the passed control names into a collection.
- For i = 0 To UBound(arryLabelControls)
- ColumnLabels.Add arryLabelControls(i).Name
- Next
- End Sub
- Property Let EnableColumnHeadingSort(bolEnable As Boolean)
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- If mListbox Is Nothing Then
- MsgBox "The program tried to set a property without calling SetupListbox first.", vbExclamation, "Warning from clsListboxColumnResize"
- ElseIf mListbox.ColumnHeads = False And bolEnable = True Then
- ' Ignore this
- MsgBox "The program tried to enable Column Heading Sort in listbox '" & mListbox.Name & "' but column headings are not visible.", vbExclamation, "Warning from clsListboxColumnResize"
- Else
- mbolColumnHeadingSortEnabled = bolEnable
- End If
- Exit Property
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "Error #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description & vbCrLf & "in procedure EnableColumnHeadingSort of clsListboxColumnResize"
- End Property
- Property Let EnableColumnResizing(bolEnable As Boolean)
- ' This property is assumed to be true when using this class but give the
- ' user the ability to disable it if they need to for some other operation.
- mbolColumnResizingEnabled = bolEnable
- End Property
- Property Get EnableColumnResizing() As Boolean
- EnableColumnResizing = mbolColumnResizingEnabled
- End Property
- Private Sub mListbox_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- ListColumnResizeMouseDown mListbox, Button, x, y
- If IsColumnResizing Then
- ' Don't sort when in column resize mode.
- Else
- ' Sort list when column heading is clicked.
- sColumnHeadingClickSort mListbox, Button, Shift, x, y
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub mListbox_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- If IsColumnResizing Then
- ListColumnResizeMouseMove mListbox, Button, x
- ListColumnResizeMouseUp
- End If
- End Sub
- '-------------------------------------
- Private Sub sColumnHeadingClickSort(objList As ListBox, MouseButton As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
- ' Attempt to sort when column heading is clicked. I couldn't find anyone on the Internet
- ' who has done this before. Call this from the MouseDown event.
- '
- ' This sorts by updating OrderBy in the rowsource of the listbox, causing a requery.
- ' I did consider sorting the DAO recordset that is already in the listbox but Microsoft
- ' documentation suggested that it may not be any faster, and another article suggested
- ' that a requery is still necessary with a DAO sort.
- '
- ' Ben Sacherich - 7/13/2014
- ' BS 8/10/2014: Updated the secondary sort to be copied properly.
- ' BS 3/8/2016: Changed this to be its own sub.
- ' BS 3/28/2016: Changed to be part of this class.
- ' BS 8/4/2016: Added ability to sort if column headings are not visible but user shift-clicks in the top row.
- Dim strNewOrder As String
- Dim strColumn As String
- Static strDirection As String ' Direction of sort, Ascending or Descending
- Static strPrevColumn As String ' Preserve the previous click for sort stacking.
- Static strSecondarySort As String ' Preserve the secondary sort.
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- If MouseButton <> 1 Then Exit Sub 'If it is not a simple left click, we ignore it.
- If (objList.ColumnHeads = False) And (Shift = 1) And (y < 200) Then
- ' When column heads are not visible let the user shift-click in
- ' the first row to sort by that column.
- strColumn = fGetColumnHeadingClicked(objList, x, y, True)
- Else
- strColumn = fGetColumnHeadingClicked(objList, x, y)
- End If
- If strColumn <> "" Then ' It appears that a column heading has been clicked.
- If strPrevColumn = "" Then
- ' This is the first time a column was selected.
- strSecondarySort = strColumn
- ElseIf strColumn = strPrevColumn Then
- ' Same column heading selected twice. Change the sort direction.
- If strDirection = " Desc" Then
- ' Change back to Ascending (or just leave it blank)
- strDirection = ""
- Else
- strDirection = " Desc"
- End If
- Else
- ' Another column was selected. The previous column will be the secondary sort and the new column will be Ascending.
- strSecondarySort = strPrevColumn & strDirection
- ' Always set the direction to Ascending when a new column is clicked
- strDirection = ""
- End If
- strNewOrder = "ORDER BY " & strColumn & strDirection & ", " & strSecondarySort
- ' txtOrderBy = strNewOrder ' Update the barely visible text box on the screen.
- objList.StatusBarText = strNewOrder ' Update the status bar text for the listbox to show the current sort.
- ' Debug.Print strNewOrder
- objList.RowSource = ReplaceOrderByClause(objList.RowSource, strNewOrder)
- strPrevColumn = strColumn
- End If
- Exit Sub
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "Error #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description & vbCrLf & "in procedure sColumnHeadingClickSort of Form_frm_dialog_Quick_Search"
- End Sub
- Private Function fGetColumnHeadingClicked(oList As Object, x As Single, y As Single, Optional ColumnHeadOverride As Boolean = False) As String
- ' Return the column heading number of the column clicked.
- ' This could return the column heading name but the number is more useful for an Order By statement.
- ' Ben Sacherich 7/13/2014
- ' BS 8/4/2016: Added optional ColumnHeadOverride parameter to support lists without column headings.
- Dim lColumn As Long
- Dim arryColumnWidths() As String
- Dim lngTwipsFromLeft As Long
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- If ((oList.ColumnHeads = True) And (y < 200)) Or (ColumnHeadOverride = True) Then
- ' User clicked in the area of the column heading.
- ' You may have to adjust the Y value for your font size.
- ' Find out which column they clicked on.
- ' The neat thing about this is the .ColumnWidths is returned in Twips.
- arryColumnWidths = Split(oList.ColumnWidths, ";")
- For lColumn = LBound(arryColumnWidths) To UBound(arryColumnWidths)
- lngTwipsFromLeft = lngTwipsFromLeft + arryColumnWidths(lColumn)
- If x < lngTwipsFromLeft Then
- ' Debug.Print "[" & oList.Column(lColumn, 0) & "]", lColumn
- ' fGetColumnHeadingClicked = "[" & oList.Column(lColumn, 0) & "]"
- fGetColumnHeadingClicked = lColumn + 1
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- End If
- Exit Function
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox "Error #" & err.Number & " - " & err.Description & vbCrLf & "in Function fGetColumnHeadingClicked()"
- End Function
- '=========================================================================================================
- ' BS 3/28/2016: The code below was copied into this class so the class is independent and can be shared.
- '=========================================================================================================
- ' You may use the code and techniques in this database as long as you do not publish
- ' as your own work; this copyright notice must remain complete and intact.
- '
- '
- ' Copyright © 2000 J Street Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- Private Sub ParseSQL(strSQL As Variant, strSELECT As Variant, strWHERE As Variant, strORDERBY As Variant, strGROUPBY As Variant, strHAVING As Variant)
- On Error GoTo Err_ParseSQL
- '12/4/95 CM Created
- '2/15/96 Armen Stein Converted to Sub from Function
- '10/27/97 Armen Stein Added GroupBy capability
- '5/13/2014 Ben Sacherich Added support for strSQL input being a Query object.
- '5/22/2014 Ben Sacherich If this routine is called from within a loop and parameters 2-6 get old values
- ' passed in, this was returning those old values. It will now clear those values
- ' when starting.
- 'Limitations:
- ' This does not properly handle UNION queries.
- '
- 'This subroutine accepts a valid SQL string and passes back separated SELECT, WHERE, ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses.
- '
- ' strSQL valid SQL string or Query Object name to parse
- ' strSELECT SELECT portion of SQL (includes JOIN info)
- ' strWHERE WHERE portion of SQL
- ' strORDERBY ORDER BY portion of SQL
- ' strGROUPBY GROUP BY portion of SQL
- ' strHAVING HAVING portion of SQL
- '
- 'Note: While the subroutine will accept the ';' character in strSQL,
- ' there is no ';' character passed back at any time.
- ' BS 5/22/2014: Note that the ';' is now ignored because it did not handle
- ' PARAMETERS or intentionally embedded semicolons.
- '
- Dim intStartSELECT As Integer
- Dim intStartWHERE As Integer
- Dim intStartORDERBY As Integer
- Dim intStartGROUPBY As Integer
- Dim intStartHAVING As Integer
- Dim intLenSELECT As Integer
- Dim intLenWHERE As Integer
- Dim intLenORDERBY As Integer
- Dim intLenGROUPBY As Integer
- Dim intLenHAVING As Integer
- Dim intLenSQL As Integer
- ' Clear the values so if they had data when they were passed in,
- ' it would not be returned. BS 5/22/2014
- strSELECT = ""
- strWHERE = ""
- strORDERBY = ""
- strGROUPBY = ""
- strHAVING = ""
- intStartSELECT = InStr(strSQL, "SELECT ")
- If intStartSELECT = 0 Then
- ' This may be a query object instead of a SQL statement. BS 5/13/2014
- If CurrentDb.QueryDefs(strSQL).Name <> "" Then
- ' This is a QueryDef. Retrieve the SQL from it.
- strSQL = CurrentDb.QueryDefs(strSQL).SQL
- intStartSELECT = InStr(strSQL, "SELECT ")
- End If
- End If
- intStartWHERE = InStr(strSQL, "WHERE ")
- intStartORDERBY = InStr(strSQL, "ORDER BY ")
- intStartGROUPBY = InStr(strSQL, "GROUP BY ")
- intStartHAVING = InStr(strSQL, "HAVING ")
- 'if there's no GROUP BY, there can't be a HAVING
- If intStartGROUPBY = 0 Then
- intStartHAVING = 0
- End If
- ' BS 5/22/2014: If the passed query has parameters, the PARAMETER statement will end with ';'.
- ' The following condition was removing everything after the ';' so I have commented out this feature.
- ' The following code would only respond to the first ';' found, even if it was embedded as part of
- ' static text in the SQL statement.
- If InStr(strSQL, ";") Then 'if it exists, trim off the ';'
- strSQL = Left(strSQL, InStr(strSQL, ";") - 1)
- End If
- intLenSQL = Len(strSQL)
- ' find length of Select portion
- If intStartSELECT > 0 Then
- ' start with longest it could be
- intLenSELECT = intLenSQL - intStartSELECT + 1
- If intStartWHERE > 0 And intStartWHERE > intStartSELECT And intStartWHERE < intStartSELECT + intLenSELECT Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenSELECT = intStartWHERE - intStartSELECT
- End If
- If intStartORDERBY > 0 And intStartORDERBY > intStartSELECT And intStartORDERBY < intStartSELECT + intLenSELECT Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenSELECT = intStartORDERBY - intStartSELECT
- End If
- If intStartGROUPBY > 0 And intStartGROUPBY > intStartSELECT And intStartGROUPBY < intStartSELECT + intLenSELECT Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenSELECT = intStartGROUPBY - intStartSELECT
- End If
- If intStartHAVING > 0 And intStartHAVING > intStartSELECT And intStartHAVING < intStartSELECT + intLenSELECT Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenSELECT = intStartHAVING - intStartSELECT
- End If
- End If
- ' find length of GROUPBY portion
- If intStartGROUPBY > 0 Then
- ' start with longest it could be
- intLenGROUPBY = intLenSQL - intStartGROUPBY + 1
- If intStartWHERE > 0 And intStartWHERE > intStartGROUPBY And intStartWHERE < intStartGROUPBY + intLenGROUPBY Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenGROUPBY = intStartWHERE - intStartGROUPBY
- End If
- If intStartORDERBY > 0 And intStartORDERBY > intStartGROUPBY And intStartORDERBY < intStartGROUPBY + intLenGROUPBY Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenGROUPBY = intStartORDERBY - intStartGROUPBY
- End If
- If intStartHAVING > 0 And intStartHAVING > intStartGROUPBY And intStartHAVING < intStartGROUPBY + intLenGROUPBY Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenGROUPBY = intStartHAVING - intStartGROUPBY
- End If
- End If
- ' find length of HAVING portion
- If intStartHAVING > 0 Then
- ' start with longest it could be
- intLenHAVING = intLenSQL - intStartHAVING + 1
- If intStartWHERE > 0 And intStartWHERE > intStartHAVING And intStartWHERE < intStartHAVING + intLenHAVING Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenHAVING = intStartWHERE - intStartHAVING
- End If
- If intStartORDERBY > 0 And intStartORDERBY > intStartHAVING And intStartORDERBY < intStartHAVING + intLenHAVING Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenHAVING = intStartORDERBY - intStartHAVING
- End If
- If intStartGROUPBY > 0 And intStartGROUPBY > intStartHAVING And intStartGROUPBY < intStartHAVING + intLenHAVING Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenHAVING = intStartGROUPBY - intStartHAVING
- End If
- End If
- ' find length of ORDERBY portion
- If intStartORDERBY > 0 Then
- ' start with longest it could be
- intLenORDERBY = intLenSQL - intStartORDERBY + 1
- If intStartWHERE > 0 And intStartWHERE > intStartORDERBY And intStartWHERE < intStartORDERBY + intLenORDERBY Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenORDERBY = intStartWHERE - intStartORDERBY
- End If
- If intStartGROUPBY > 0 And intStartGROUPBY > intStartORDERBY And intStartGROUPBY < intStartORDERBY + intLenORDERBY Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenORDERBY = intStartGROUPBY - intStartORDERBY
- End If
- If intStartHAVING > 0 And intStartHAVING > intStartORDERBY And intStartHAVING < intStartORDERBY + intLenORDERBY Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenORDERBY = intStartHAVING - intStartORDERBY
- End If
- End If
- ' find length of WHERE portion
- If intStartWHERE > 0 Then
- ' start with longest it could be
- intLenWHERE = intLenSQL - intStartWHERE + 1
- If intStartGROUPBY > 0 And intStartGROUPBY > intStartWHERE And intStartGROUPBY < intStartWHERE + intLenWHERE Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenWHERE = intStartGROUPBY - intStartWHERE
- End If
- If intStartORDERBY > 0 And intStartORDERBY > intStartWHERE And intStartORDERBY < intStartWHERE + intLenWHERE Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenWHERE = intStartORDERBY - intStartWHERE
- End If
- If intStartHAVING > 0 And intStartHAVING > intStartWHERE And intStartHAVING < intStartWHERE + intLenWHERE Then
- 'we found a new portion closer to this one
- intLenWHERE = intStartHAVING - intStartWHERE
- End If
- End If
- ' set each output portion
- If intStartSELECT > 0 Then
- strSELECT = Mid$(strSQL, intStartSELECT, intLenSELECT)
- End If
- If intStartGROUPBY > 0 Then
- strGROUPBY = Mid$(strSQL, intStartGROUPBY, intLenGROUPBY)
- End If
- If intStartHAVING > 0 Then
- strHAVING = Mid$(strSQL, intStartHAVING, intLenHAVING)
- End If
- If intStartORDERBY > 0 Then
- strORDERBY = Mid$(strSQL, intStartORDERBY, intLenORDERBY)
- End If
- If intStartWHERE > 0 Then
- strWHERE = Mid$(strSQL, intStartWHERE, intLenWHERE)
- End If
- Exit_ParseSQL:
- Exit Sub
- Err_ParseSQL:
- If err.Number = 3265 Then ' NAME_NOT_IN_COLLECTION (QueryDef not found)
- Resume Next
- Else
- MsgBox Error.Number & ": " & Error.Description
- Resume Exit_ParseSQL
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function ReplaceOrderByClause(strSQL As Variant, strNewOrder As Variant) As String
- ' 7/14/2014 - Ben Sacherich
- '
- 'This subroutine accepts a valid SQL string and ORDER BY clause, and
- 'returns the same SQL statement with the original Order By clause (if any)
- 'replaced by the passed in Order By clause.
- '
- ' strSQL valid SQL string to change
- ' strNewORDER New Order By clause to insert into SQL statement
- '
- Dim strSELECT As String, strWHERE As String, strORDERBY As String, strGROUPBY As String, strHAVING As String
- On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
- Call ParseSQL(strSQL, strSELECT, strWHERE, strORDERBY, strGROUPBY, strHAVING)
- ' If strORDERBY = "" Then
- ' strNewORDER = vbCrLf & " ORDER BY " & strNewORDER
- ' End If
- ReplaceOrderByClause = strSELECT & " " & strWHERE & " " & strGROUPBY & " " & strHAVING & " " & strNewOrder
- Exit_Function:
- Exit Function
- ErrorHandler:
- MsgBox err.Number & ", " & err.Description
- Resume Exit_Function
- End Function
- Private Sub mForm_Close()
- ' By tapping into the form events FROM the class, I can tap into the close event
- ' so I don't need to have the cleanup code in the form. "cleaner" that way I think. -TSC
- Call Class_Terminate
- End Sub
- Private Function fGetParentForm(ctl As Control) As Object
- ' Return the Parent Form object of the passed control. Normally this
- ' is ctl.Parent, but could be different if the control is on a tab control.
- ' BS 7/5/2016
- Dim obj As Object
- Set obj = ctl
- While Not (obj Is Nothing)
- If TypeOf obj.Parent Is Form Then
- Set fGetParentForm = obj.Parent
- Set obj = Nothing ' To clear the memory used by this.
- Exit Function
- Else
- Set obj = obj.Parent
- End If
- Wend
- End Function
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