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- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Visualising the Segmented-CTE maze-solving in CS373 Unit6-6
- #
- #
- #
- #
- # Custom modules:
- #
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- '''Udacity CS373 Unit 6-6 robot car demo
- Description:
- This Python script runs a simulation of a robot car performing
- A* search, path smoothing, PID control and naivigation with
- horribly imprecise simulated GPS data. The output is in the form
- of a Scalable Vector Graphic file named “output.svg”
- Author(s):
- Daniel Neville (Blancmange),
- Prof. Sebastian Thrun, udacity (original robot simulation)
- Copyright, licence:
- Code by Daniel Neville: Public domain
- Code snarfed from udacity: See
- Platform:
- Python 2.5
- Fun stuff:
- RunUnitCode(Data) – Snarfed and modified robot code
- RenderToSVG(Data)
- DoFunStuff(Data)
- Main:
- Main()
- '''
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import math
- from math import (
- pi, sqrt, hypot, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2, radians, degrees,
- floor, ceil, exp
- )
- import random
- # The SVG Plotting for Vegetables module can be found at
- #
- from vegesvgplot import (
- # Shape constants
- Pt_Break, Pt_Anchor, Pt_Control,
- PtCmdWithCoordsSet, PtCmdSet,
- # Indent tracker class
- tIndentTracker,
- # Affine matrix class
- tAffineMtx,
- # Affine matrix creation functions
- AffineMtxTS, AffineMtxTRS2D, Affine2DMatrices,
- # Utility functions
- ValidatedRange, MergedDictionary, Save,
- ArrayDimensions, NewMDArray, CopyArray, At, SetAt,
- # Basic vector functions
- VZeros, VOnes, VStdBasis, VDim, VAug, VMajorAxis,
- VNeg, VSum, VDiff, VSchur, VDot,
- VLengthSquared, VLength, VManhattan,
- VScaled, VNormalised,
- VPerp, VCrossProduct, VCrossProduct4D,
- VScalarTripleProduct, VVectorTripleProduct,
- VProjectionOnto,
- VTransposedMAV,
- VRectToPol, VPolToRect,
- VLerp,
- # Shape functions
- ShapeFromVertices, ShapePoints, ShapeSubpathRanges, ShapeCurveRanges,
- ShapeLength, LineToShapeIntersections, TransformedShape, PiecewiseArc,
- # Output formatting functions
- MaxDP, GFListStr, GFTupleStr, HTMLEscaped, AttrMarkup, ProgressColourStr,
- # SVG functions
- SVGStart, SVGEnd, SVGPathDataSegments, SVGPath, SVGText,
- SVGGroup, SVGGroupEnd, SVGGrid
- )
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Fun stuff
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def RunUnitCode(Data):
- Data['Sparks'] = []
- Data['EstimatedPath'] = []
- Data['ActualPath'] = []
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Code snarfed from udacity and modified
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # don't change the noise paameters
- steering_noise = 0.1
- distance_noise = 0.03
- measurement_noise = 0.3
- class plan:
- # --------
- # init:
- # creates an empty plan
- #
- def __init__(self, grid, init, goal, cost = 1):
- self.cost = cost
- self.grid = grid
- self.init = init
- self.goal = goal
- self.make_heuristic(grid, goal, self.cost)
- self.path = []
- self.spath = []
- # --------
- #
- # make heuristic function for a grid
- def make_heuristic(self, grid, goal, cost):
- self.heuristic = [[0 for row in range(len(grid[0]))]
- for col in range(len(grid))]
- for i in range(len(self.grid)):
- for j in range(len(self.grid[0])):
- self.heuristic[i][j] = abs(i - self.goal[0]) + \
- abs(j - self.goal[1])
- # ------------------------------------------------
- #
- # A* for searching a path to the goal
- #
- #
- def astar(self):
- if self.heuristic == []:
- raise ValueError, "Heuristic must be defined to run A*"
- # internal motion parameters
- delta = [[-1, 0], # go up
- [ 0, -1], # go left
- [ 1, 0], # go down
- [ 0, 1]] # do right
- # open list elements are of the type: [f, g, h, x, y]
- closed = [[0 for row in range(len(self.grid[0]))]
- for col in range(len(self.grid))]
- action = [[0 for row in range(len(self.grid[0]))]
- for col in range(len(self.grid))]
- closed[self.init[0]][self.init[1]] = 1
- x = self.init[0]
- y = self.init[1]
- h = self.heuristic[x][y]
- g = 0
- f = g + h
- open = [[f, g, h, x, y]]
- found = False # flag that is set when search complete
- resign = False # flag set if we can't find expand
- count = 0
- while not found and not resign:
- # check if we still have elements on the open list
- if len(open) == 0:
- resign = True
- print '###### Search terminated without success'
- else:
- # remove node from list
- open.sort()
- open.reverse()
- next = open.pop()
- x = next[3]
- y = next[4]
- g = next[1]
- # check if we are done
- if x == goal[0] and y == goal[1]:
- found = True
- # print '###### A* search successful'
- else:
- # expand winning element and add to new open list
- for i in range(len(delta)):
- x2 = x + delta[i][0]
- y2 = y + delta[i][1]
- if x2 >= 0 and x2 < len(self.grid) and y2 >= 0 \
- and y2 < len(self.grid[0]):
- if closed[x2][y2] == 0 and self.grid[x2][y2] == 0:
- g2 = g + self.cost
- h2 = self.heuristic[x2][y2]
- f2 = g2 + h2
- open.append([f2, g2, h2, x2, y2])
- closed[x2][y2] = 1
- action[x2][y2] = i
- count += 1
- # extract the path
- invpath = []
- x = self.goal[0]
- y = self.goal[1]
- invpath.append([x, y])
- while x != self.init[0] or y != self.init[1]:
- x2 = x - delta[action[x][y]][0]
- y2 = y - delta[action[x][y]][1]
- x = x2
- y = y2
- invpath.append([x, y])
- self.path = []
- for i in range(len(invpath)):
- self.path.append(invpath[len(invpath) - 1 - i])
- # ------------------------------------------------
- #
- # this is the smoothing function
- #
- def smooth(self, weight_data = 0.1, weight_smooth = 0.1,
- tolerance = 0.000001):
- if self.path == []:
- raise ValueError, "Run A* first before smoothing path"
- self.spath = [[0 for row in range(len(self.path[0]))] \
- for col in range(len(self.path))]
- for i in range(len(self.path)):
- for j in range(len(self.path[0])):
- self.spath[i][j] = self.path[i][j]
- change = tolerance
- while change >= tolerance:
- change = 0.0
- for i in range(1, len(self.path)-1):
- for j in range(len(self.path[0])):
- aux = self.spath[i][j]
- self.spath[i][j] += weight_data * \
- (self.path[i][j] - self.spath[i][j])
- self.spath[i][j] += weight_smooth * \
- (self.spath[i-1][j] + self.spath[i+1][j]
- - (2.0 * self.spath[i][j]))
- if i >= 2:
- self.spath[i][j] += 0.5 * weight_smooth * \
- (2.0 * self.spath[i-1][j] - self.spath[i-2][j]
- - self.spath[i][j])
- if i <= len(self.path) - 3:
- self.spath[i][j] += 0.5 * weight_smooth * \
- (2.0 * self.spath[i+1][j] - self.spath[i+2][j]
- - self.spath[i][j])
- change += abs(aux - self.spath[i][j])
- # ------------------------------------------------
- #
- # this is the robot class
- #
- class robot:
- # --------
- # init:
- # creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0
- #
- def __init__(self, length = 0.5):
- self.x = 0.0
- self.y = 0.0
- self.orientation = 0.0
- self.length = length
- self.steering_noise = 0.0
- self.distance_noise = 0.0
- self.measurement_noise = 0.0
- self.num_collisions = 0
- self.num_steps = 0
- # --------
- # set:
- # sets a robot coordinate
- #
- def set(self, new_x, new_y, new_orientation):
- self.x = float(new_x)
- self.y = float(new_y)
- self.orientation = float(new_orientation) % (2.0 * pi)
- # --------
- # set_noise:
- # sets the noise parameters
- #
- def set_noise(self, new_s_noise, new_d_noise, new_m_noise):
- # makes it possible to change the noise parameters
- # this is often useful in particle filters
- self.steering_noise = float(new_s_noise)
- self.distance_noise = float(new_d_noise)
- self.measurement_noise = float(new_m_noise)
- # --------
- # check:
- # checks of the robot pose collides with an obstacle, or
- # is too far outside the plane
- def check_collision(self, grid):
- for i in range(len(grid)):
- for j in range(len(grid[0])):
- if grid[i][j] == 1:
- dist = sqrt((self.x - float(i)) ** 2 +
- (self.y - float(j)) ** 2)
- if dist < 0.5:
- self.num_collisions += 1
- return False
- return True
- def check_goal(self, goal, threshold = 1.0):
- Data['GoalThreshold'] = threshold
- dist = sqrt((float(goal[0]) - self.x) ** 2 + (float(goal[1]) - self.y) ** 2)
- return dist < threshold
- # --------
- # move:
- # steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angle
- # distance = total distance driven, most be non-negative
- def move(self, grid, steering, distance,
- tolerance = 0.001, max_steering_angle = pi / 4.0):
- if steering > max_steering_angle:
- steering = max_steering_angle
- if steering < -max_steering_angle:
- steering = -max_steering_angle
- if distance < 0.0:
- distance = 0.0
- # make a new copy
- res = robot()
- res.length = self.length
- res.steering_noise = self.steering_noise
- res.distance_noise = self.distance_noise
- res.measurement_noise = self.measurement_noise
- res.num_collisions = self.num_collisions
- res.num_steps = self.num_steps + 1
- # apply noise
- steering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)
- distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)
- # Execute motion
- turn = tan(steering2) * distance2 / res.length
- if abs(turn) < tolerance:
- # approximate by straight line motion
- res.x = self.x + (distance2 * cos(self.orientation))
- res.y = self.y + (distance2 * sin(self.orientation))
- res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)
- else:
- # approximate bicycle model for motion
- radius = distance2 / turn
- cx = self.x - (sin(self.orientation) * radius)
- cy = self.y + (cos(self.orientation) * radius)
- res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)
- res.x = cx + (sin(res.orientation) * radius)
- res.y = cy - (cos(res.orientation) * radius)
- # check for collision
- # res.check_collision(grid)
- return res
- # --------
- # sense:
- #
- def sense(self):
- return [random.gauss(self.x, self.measurement_noise),
- random.gauss(self.y, self.measurement_noise)]
- # --------
- # measurement_prob
- # computes the probability of a measurement
- #
- def measurement_prob(self, measurement):
- # compute errors
- error_x = measurement[0] - self.x
- error_y = measurement[1] - self.y
- # calculate Gaussian
- error = exp(- (error_x ** 2) / (self.measurement_noise ** 2) / 2.0) \
- / sqrt(2.0 * pi * (self.measurement_noise ** 2))
- error *= exp(- (error_y ** 2) / (self.measurement_noise ** 2) / 2.0) \
- / sqrt(2.0 * pi * (self.measurement_noise ** 2))
- return error
- def __repr__(self):
- # return '[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]' % (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)
- return '[%.5f, %.5f]' % (self.x, self.y)
- # ------------------------------------------------
- #
- # this is the particle filter class
- #
- class particles:
- # --------
- # init:
- # creates particle set with given initial position
- #
- def __init__(self, x, y, theta,
- steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise, N = 100):
- self.N = N
- self.steering_noise = steering_noise
- self.distance_noise = distance_noise
- self.measurement_noise = measurement_noise
- = []
- for i in range(self.N):
- r = robot()
- r.set(x, y, theta)
- r.set_noise(steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise)
- # --------
- #
- # extract position from a particle set
- #
- def get_position(self):
- x = 0.0
- y = 0.0
- orientation = 0.0
- for i in range(self.N):
- x +=[i].x
- y +=[i].y
- # orientation is tricky because it is cyclic. By normalizing
- # around the first particle we are somewhat more robust to
- # the 0=2pi problem
- orientation += ((([i].orientation
- -[0].orientation + pi) % (2.0 * pi))
- +[0].orientation - pi)
- return [x / self.N, y / self.N, orientation / self.N]
- # --------
- #
- # motion of the particles
- #
- def move(self, grid, steer, speed):
- newdata = []
- for i in range(self.N):
- r =[i].move(grid, steer, speed)
- newdata.append(r)
- = newdata
- # --------
- #
- # sensing and resampling
- #
- def sense(self, Z):
- w = []
- for i in range(self.N):
- w.append([i].measurement_prob(Z))
- # resampling (careful, this is using shallow copy)
- p3 = []
- index = int(random.random() * self.N)
- beta = 0.0
- mw = max(w)
- for i in range(self.N):
- beta += random.random() * 2.0 * mw
- while beta > w[index]:
- beta -= w[index]
- index = (index + 1) % self.N
- p3.append([index])
- = p3
- # --------
- #
- # run: runs control program for the robot
- #
- def run(grid, goal, spath, params, printflag = False, speed = 0.1, timeout = 1000):
- myrobot = robot()
- myrobot.set(0., 0., 0.)
- Data['ActualPath'].append((myrobot.x, myrobot.y))
- myrobot.set_noise(steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise)
- filter = particles(myrobot.x, myrobot.y, myrobot.orientation,
- steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise)
- cte = 0.0
- err = 0.0
- N = 0
- index = 0 # index into the path
- while not myrobot.check_goal(goal) and N < timeout:
- diff_cte = - cte
- # ----------------------------------------
- # compute the CTE
- # start with the present robot estimate
- estimate = filter.get_position()
- Data['EstimatedPath'].append(tuple(estimate))
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- def VDiff(A, B):
- return tuple(x - y for x, y in zip(A, B))
- def VDot(A, B):
- return sum(x * y for x, y in zip(A, B))
- def VLengthSquared(A):
- return sum(x * x for x in A)
- def VLength(A):
- return sqrt(VLengthSquared(A))
- def VScaled(A, Scale):
- return tuple(x * Scale for x in A)
- def VNormalised(A):
- return VScaled(A, 1.0 / VLength(A))
- def VPerp(A):
- return (-A[1], A[0])
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if 0 <= index < len(spath) - 2:
- Leg = (spath[index], spath[index + 1])
- # with the origin at the start of the leg,
- # L is the leg vector and K is the car's (estimated) position.
- L = VDiff(Leg[1], Leg[0])
- K = VDiff(estimate, Leg[0])
- LSinister = VPerp(VNormalised(L))
- cte = VDot(K, LSinister)
- u = VDot(K, L) / VLengthSquared(L)
- if u > 1.0:
- index += 1
- else:
- cte = 0.0
- # ----------------------------------------
- diff_cte += cte
- steer = - params[0] * cte - params[1] * diff_cte
- myrobot = myrobot.move(grid, steer, speed)
- Data['ActualPath'].append((myrobot.x, myrobot.y))
- filter.move(grid, steer, speed)
- Z = myrobot.sense()
- filter.sense(Z)
- if not myrobot.check_collision(grid):
- Data['Sparks'].append((myrobot.x, myrobot.y))
- print '##### Collision ####'
- err += (cte ** 2)
- N += 1
- if printflag:
- print myrobot, cte, index, u
- return [myrobot.check_goal(goal), myrobot.num_collisions, myrobot.num_steps]
- # ------------------------------------------------
- #
- # this is our main routine
- #
- def main(grid, init, goal, steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise,
- weight_data, weight_smooth, p_gain, d_gain):
- path = plan(grid, init, goal)
- path.astar()
- path.smooth(weight_data, weight_smooth)
- Data['PlannedPath'] = path.spath
- return run(grid, goal, path.spath, [p_gain, d_gain])
- # ------------------------------------------------
- #
- # input data and parameters
- #
- # grid format:
- # 0 = navigable space
- # 1 = occupied space
- grid = [[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],
- [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
- [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1],
- [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0]]
- init = [0, 0]
- goal = [len(grid)-1, len(grid[0])-1]
- steering_noise = 0.1
- distance_noise = 0.03
- measurement_noise = 0.3
- weight_data = 0.1#0.1
- weight_smooth = 0.1#0.2
- p_gain = 2.0#2.0
- d_gain = 7.5#6.0
- print main(grid, init, goal, steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise,
- weight_data, weight_smooth, p_gain, d_gain)
- def twiddle(init_params):
- n_params = len(init_params)
- dparams = [1.0 for row in range(n_params)]
- params = [0.0 for row in range(n_params)]
- K = 10
- for i in range(n_params):
- params[i] = init_params[i]
- best_error = 0.0;
- for k in range(K):
- ret = main(grid, init, goal,
- steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise,
- params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3])
- if ret[0]:
- best_error += ret[1] * 100 + ret[2]
- else:
- best_error += 99999
- best_error = float(best_error) / float(k+1)
- print best_error
- n = 0
- while sum(dparams) > 0.0000001:
- for i in range(len(params)):
- params[i] += dparams[i]
- err = 0
- for k in range(K):
- ret = main(grid, init, goal,
- steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise,
- params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], best_error)
- if ret[0]:
- err += ret[1] * 100 + ret[2]
- else:
- err += 99999
- print float(err) / float(k+1)
- if err < best_error:
- best_error = float(err) / float(k+1)
- dparams[i] *= 1.1
- else:
- params[i] -= 2.0 * dparams[i]
- err = 0
- for k in range(K):
- ret = main(grid, init, goal,
- steering_noise, distance_noise, measurement_noise,
- params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], best_error)
- if ret[0]:
- err += ret[1] * 100 + ret[2]
- else:
- err += 99999
- print float(err) / float(k+1)
- if err < best_error:
- best_error = float(err) / float(k+1)
- dparams[i] *= 1.1
- else:
- params[i] += dparams[i]
- dparams[i] *= 0.5
- n += 1
- print 'Twiddle #', n, params, ' -> ', best_error
- print ' '
- return params
- #twiddle([weight_data, weight_smooth, p_gain, d_gain])
- Data['Map'] = grid
- Data['StartPos'] = init
- Data['GoalPos'] = goal
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def RenderToSVG(Data):
- '''Return Data rendered to an SVG file in a string.
- Data is a dictionary with the keys:
- Title:
- This title is rendered and is embedded in the SVG header.
- Grid:
- See SVGGrid().
- Map:
- The map is a 2D array of integers for hazards (1) and clear spaces (0).
- StartPos:
- The car starts here. The coordinates are units of map squares and the
- origin is in the centre of Map[0][0].
- GoalPos:
- Hopefully the car ends within GoalThreshold of here.
- GoalThreshold:
- The radius of the goal zone is measured in grid units.
- Sparks:
- Each time a collision occurs, a coordinate pair is added to Sparks.
- PlannedPath:
- Usually a polyline in Shape format, this is the (directed) path the
- car planned to follow as a result of smoothing the result of the A*
- route planner.
- EstimatedPath:
- Also in Shape format, a polylinr of the estimated positions of the
- car given by very noisy sensor measurements.
- Paths:
- For the puspose of visualising progressive path modifications, Paths
- is a list of Shapes to be rendered in red-to-indigo rainbow colours.
- BadPaths:
- Similar to Paths, BadPaths is a list of Shapes to be rendered in some
- muted colour, beneath any of those in Paths.
- '''
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Shorthand
- A = Pt_Anchor
- C = Pt_Control
- B = (Pt_Break, None)
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def Field(Name, Default):
- return Data[Name] if Name in Data else Default
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def GreekCross(Centre, ArmLength):
- x, y = Centre
- s = ArmLength
- return [
- (A, (x - s, y)), (A, (x + s, y)), B,
- (A, (x, y - s)), (A, (x, y + s))
- ]
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def SparkSymbolDef(IT, ID, NumPoints=8):
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def StarPoint(Ix):
- AngleStep = 2.0 * pi / (2 * NumPoints)
- Theta = AngleStep * float(Ix % (2 * NumPoints))
- Radius = [1.0, 0.3, 0.7, 0.3][Ix % 4]
- return VPolToRect((Radius, Theta))
- #---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Result = ''
- S = []
- S.append(VLerp(StarPoint(-1), StarPoint(0), 0.5))
- for i in range(2 * NumPoints):
- S.append(StarPoint(i))
- S.append((S[0][0], S[0][1]))
- S = ShapeFromVertices(S, 1)
- Result += IT(
- '<symbol id="' + HTMLEscaped(ID) + '" ' + 'viewBox="-1 -1 2 2">'
- )
- IT.StepIn()
- Result += SVGPath(IT, S, {
- 'fill': 'rgba(255, 248, 0, 0.25)',
- 'stroke': '#f90',
- 'stroke-width': '0.02',
- 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter',
- 'stroke-linecap': 'butt'
- })
- Result += SVGPath(IT, GreekCross((0, 0), 0.1), {
- 'fill': 'none',
- 'stroke': 'black',
- 'stroke-width': '0.008'
- })
- IT.StepOut()
- Result += IT('</symbol>')
- return Result
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IT = tIndentTracker(' ')
- Result = ''
- SparkSymbol = ''
- Sparks = Field('Sparks', None)
- Title = Field('Title', '(Untitled)')
- Result += SVGStart(IT, Title, {
- 'width': '28cm',
- 'height': '19cm',
- 'viewBox': '0 0 28 19'
- })
- Result += IT('<defs>')
- IT.StepIn()
- Result += IT(
- '<marker id="ArrowHead"',
- ' viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="0" refY="5"',
- ' markerUnits="strokeWidth"',
- ' markerWidth="8" markerHeight="6"',
- ' orient="auto">'
- ' <path d="M 0,0 L 10,5 L 0,10 z"/>',
- '</marker>'
- )
- Result += SparkSymbolDef(IT, 'spark') if Sparks is not None else ''
- # More marker, symbol and gradient definitions can go here.
- IT.StepOut()
- Result += IT('</defs>')
- # Background
- Result += IT(
- '<!-- Background -->',
- '<rect x="0" y="0" width="28" height="19" stroke="none" fill="white"/>'
- )
- # Outer group
- Result += IT('<!-- Outer group -->')
- Result += SVGGroup(IT, {'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': '0.025'})
- # Plot with grid
- Result += IT('<!-- Grid -->')
- Result += SVGGrid(IT, Data['Grid'])
- # Maze
- Map = Field('Map', None)
- if Map is not None:
- Result += IT('<!-- Hazards -->')
- Result += SVGGroup(IT, {
- 'fill': '#a40',
- 'stroke': 'black',
- 'stroke-width': '0.01',
- 'stroke-linecap': 'butt',
- })
- for i in range(len(Map)):
- for j in range(len(Map[0])):
- if Map[i][j] != 0:
- Result += IT('<circle cx="%g" cy="%g" r="0.495"/>\n' % (i, j))
- Result += SVGGroupEnd(IT)
- # Iniial position
- StartPos = Field('StartPos', None)
- if StartPos is not None:
- S = [
- (A, (-1.0, -1.0)), (A, (-1.0, +1.0)),
- (A, (+1.0, +1.0)), (A, (+1.0, -1.0)), (A, (-1.0, -1.0))
- ]
- Result += IT('<!-- Initial position -->')
- Result += SVGPath(IT,
- TransformedShape(AffineMtxTS(StartPos, 0.3), S),
- {'stroke': '#09f', 'stroke-width': '0.1', 'stroke-linecap': 'square'}
- )
- # Goal position
- GoalPos = Field('GoalPos', None)
- if GoalPos is not None:
- GoalThreshold = Field('GoalThreshold', None)
- if GoalThreshold is not None:
- Result += IT('<!-- Goal threshold -->')
- Result += IT(
- '<circle cx="%g" cy="%g" r="%g"' %
- (GoalPos[0], GoalPos[1], GoalThreshold)
- )
- IT.StepIn(2)
- Result += IT(
- 'fill="rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.1)" stroke="#0d0" stroke-width="0.02"/>'
- )
- IT.StepOut(2)
- S = (
- GreekCross(GoalPos, 0.4) + [B] +
- PiecewiseArc(GoalPos, 0.25, (0, 2.0 * pi), 8)
- )
- Result += IT('<!-- Goal position -->')
- Result += SVGPath(IT, S, {
- 'stroke': '#0d0', 'stroke-width': '0.1', 'stroke-linecap': 'butt'
- })
- # Sparks
- if Sparks is not None and len(Sparks) > 0:
- Result += IT('<!-- Points of collision (sparks) -->')
- Result += SVGGroup(IT, {'transform': 'translate(-0.5, -0.5)'})
- for SparkPos in Sparks:
- Result += IT(
- ('<use x="%g" y="%g"' % (SparkPos[0], SparkPos[1])) +
- ' width="1" height="1" xlink:href="#spark"/>'
- )
- Result += SVGGroupEnd(IT)
- # Planned path
- PlannedPath = Field('PlannedPath', None)
- if PlannedPath is not None:
- Result += IT('<!-- Planned path -->')
- Result += SVGPath(IT,
- ShapeFromVertices(PlannedPath, 1),
- {'stroke': '#0d0', 'stroke-width': '0.04'}
- )
- # Estimated path
- EstimatedPath = Field('EstimatedPath', None)
- if EstimatedPath is not None:
- Result += IT('<!-- Estimated path -->')
- Result += SVGPath(IT,
- ShapeFromVertices(EstimatedPath, 1),
- {
- 'stroke': '#f09',
- 'stroke-width': '0.04',
- 'stroke-dasharray': '0.025 0.05'
- }
- )
- # Actual path
- ActualPath = Field('ActualPath', None)
- if ActualPath is not None:
- Result += IT('<!-- Actual path -->')
- Result += SVGPath(IT,
- ShapeFromVertices(ActualPath, 1),
- {'stroke': '#40f', 'stroke-width': '0.02'}
- )
- # Rejected paths
- BadPaths = Field('BadPaths', None)
- if BadPaths is not None and len(BadPaths) > 0:
- Result += IT('<!-- Rejected paths -->')
- Result += SVGGroup(IT, {
- 'opacity': '0.10', 'stroke': '#ff0099'
- })
- NumBadPaths = len(BadPaths)
- for PathIx, Path in enumerate(BadPaths):
- Result += SVGPath(IT, Path)
- Result += SVGGroupEnd(IT)
- # Paths in rainbow colours
- Paths = Field('Paths', None)
- if Paths is not None and len(Paths) > 0:
- NumPaths = len(Paths)
- Result += IT('<!-- Paths in rainbow colours -->')
- for PathIx, Path in enumerate(Paths):
- if NumPaths >= 2:
- Progress = float(PathIx) / float(NumPaths - 1)
- else:
- Progress = 1.0
- Opacity = 1.0 if Progress in [0.0, 1.0] else 0.60 + 0.00 * Progress
- ColourStr = ProgressColourStr(Progress, Opacity)
- Result += IT('<!-- Path %d, (%.1f%%) -->' % (PathIx, 100.0 * Progress))
- Result += SVGPath(IT, Path, {"stroke": ColourStr})
- # End of plot
- Result += SVGGroupEnd(IT)
- # Title and legend
- Result += IT('<!-- Title background -->')
- Result += IT(
- '<rect x="0" y="0" width="28" height="1.1" stroke="none" fill="white"/>'
- )
- Result += IT('<!-- Title group -->')
- Result += SVGGroup(IT, {
- 'font-family': 'sans-serif',
- 'font-size': '0.36',
- 'font-weight': 'normal',
- 'fill': 'black',
- 'stroke': 'none'
- })
- Result += IT('<!-- Title -->')
- Result += SVGText(IT, (0.5, 0.82), Title, {
- 'font-size': '0.72',
- 'font-weight': 'bold'
- })
- Result += IT('<!-- Legend line labels-->')
- Result += SVGText(IT, (19.5, 0.82), 'Planned')
- Result += SVGText(IT, (22.6, 0.82), 'Estimated')
- Result += SVGText(IT, (26.0, 0.82), 'Actual')
- Result += IT('<!-- Legend lines -->')
- Result += SVGGroup(IT, {
- 'fill': 'none',
- 'stroke-width': '0.12',
- 'stroke-linecap': 'round'
- })
- Result += SVGPath(IT,
- [(Pt_Anchor, (18.5, 0.7)), (Pt_Anchor, (19.3, 0.7))],
- {'stroke': '#0d0'}
- )
- Result += SVGPath(IT,
- [(Pt_Anchor, (21.6, 0.7)), (Pt_Anchor, (22.4, 0.7))],
- {'stroke': '#f09', 'stroke-dasharray': '0.075 0.15'}
- )
- Result += SVGPath(IT,
- [(Pt_Anchor, (25.0, 0.7)), (Pt_Anchor, (25.8, 0.7))],
- {'stroke': '#40f'}
- )
- Result += SVGGroupEnd(IT)
- # End of title group
- Result += SVGGroupEnd(IT)
- # End of outer group
- Result += SVGGroupEnd(IT)
- Result += SVGEnd(IT)
- return Result
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def DoFunStuff(Data):
- '''Drive a robot car though a maze.
- The output is written to the Data (a Python dictionary) to keep the
- rendering details separate.
- '''
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RunUnitCode(Data)
- Map = Data['Map']
- #MMS = unichr(0x205F)
- #MMSEquals = MMS + '=' + MMS
- #AStr = u'α%s%g' % (MMSEquals, Alpha)
- #BStr = u'β%s%g' % (MMSEquals, Beta)
- #MuStr = u'µ%s%g' % (MMSEquals, Tolerance)
- Data['Title'] = 'Unit6-6: Maze driving'
- Grid = {
- 'CanvasMinima': (0.5, 1.5),
- 'CanvasMaxima': (27.5, 18.5),
- 'RangeMinima': (0, 0),
- 'RangeMaxima': (len(Map), len(Map[0])),
- 'YIsUp': False,
- 'Transpose': True,
- 'SquareAlignment': 'Centre',
- 'DrawGrid': True,
- 'DrawUnitAxes': False,
- 'GridLineAttributes': {
- 'stroke-width': '0.02', 'stroke': 'rgba(0, 192, 255, 0.5)'
- },
- 'GeneralAttributes': {
- 'stroke-width': '0.05', 'stroke': 'red'
- }
- }
- Paths = []
- #PathLog = []
- #Paths.append(ShapeFromVertices(PathLog, 1))
- Data['Grid'] = Grid
- Data['Paths'] = Paths
- Data['Map'] = Map
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Main
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def Main():
- OutputFileName = 'output.svg'
- print 'Driving a car through a maze...'
- Data = {}
- DoFunStuff(Data)
- print 'Rendering SVG...'
- SVG = RenderToSVG(Data)
- print 'Done.'
- print 'Saving SVG to "' + OutputFileName + '"...'
- Save(SVG.encode('utf_8'), OutputFileName)
- print 'Done.'
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Command line trigger
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- Main()
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # End
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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