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- -- // Swagmin Version : 4, Made by Derek1017. \\ --
- -- // Please do not re-disitrubte and/or distribute. \\ --
- local DS=game:GetService("DataStoreService")
- local Http=game:GetService('HttpService')
- local Players=game:GetService('Players')
- local NilLogStorage=DS:GetDataStore('TestSwagminNilLogs')
- local Syncing = true
- local Swagmin_V4 = {
- Game_ID = game.PlaceId,
- Game_Version = game.PlaceVersion,
- Game_CreaterID = game.CreatorId,
- Game_VIP = game.VIPServerId,
- Game_JobID = game.JobId,
- Game_Name = game.Name,
- _Prefix = ';',
- _GroupId = string.reverse(7949911),
- _Version = 4.0*1;
- _Logo = '', -- Not done
- _Rot1 = math.rad(0)*math.pi;
- _Rot2 = math.rad(0.001)*math.pi;
- _Gamepass1 = 0;
- _Gamepass2 = 0;
- _Name = 'Swagmin_V4';
- _Nils_Name_DATA = '';
- _Pri_People_DATA = '';
- _Commands={};
- _Tablets={};
- _Chatlogs={};
- _Errorlogs={};
- _Scriptlogs={};
- _Sync = {
- _Enabled = false;
- };
- _BannedUserID={
- 55657698,
- 14449714,
- 21130120,
- 47075124,
- 13447302,
- 6200548,
- 19865983,
- 41251461,
- 13342214,
- 15396375,
- 294568,
- 44831585,
- 5719877,
- 81051174,
- 72037955,
- 47947097,
- 83225035,
- 34107212,
- 73912745,
- 50960007,
- 21554404,
- 55285263,
- 56705721,
- 19519369,
- 54458960,
- 46178543,
- 50575224,
- 26893233,
- 46580154,
- 24477572,
- 42174928
- };
- _PrivateServer = {
- _Enabled = false;
- _Players = {
- 'Derek1017',
- '',
- };
- };
- _ClientNils = {
- };
- _Chats={
- {Plr='Derek1017',Chat='asd'};
- };
- _CommandChats={
- };
- _Ranks={
- {Name="Derek1017",Rank=7,Antilocal=false,Chat=true,Spin=true,SpinRot=true,Color='Really red',Tab='Tablet',MeshID=1285237,MeshSCALEX=2,MeshSCALEY=2,MeshSCALEZ=2},
- {Name="CLarramore",Rank=7,Antilocal=false,Chat=true,Spin=true,SpinRot=true,Color='Really red',Tab='Tablet',MeshID=1285237,MeshSCALEX=2,MeshSCALEY=2,MeshSCALEZ=2}
- };
- _Age={
- Age=50,
- Enabled=true
- };
- _Services={
- game:GetService("Workspace"),
- game:GetService("Players"),
- game:GetService("Lighting"),
- game:GetService("ServerScriptService"),
- game:GetService("NetworkServer"),
- };
- _Alphabet = {
- "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"
- };
- } -- Table end.
- Output=function(time,Player,Text,Color,Func)
- delay(wait(),function() spawn(function() pcall(function()
- local Debouncing=false
- if time==nil then time=0 end
- if Text==nil then Text='Text error' end
- if Color==nil then Color='BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()' end
- if Func==nil then Func=function() end end
- local'Part',workspace)
- Part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
- pcall(function()
- Part.CFrame=Player.Character.Torso.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(10),3,3)
- end)
- Part.Material='Plastic'
- Part.Transparency=0
- Part.Name='User : '..Player.userId
- Part.Anchored=true
- Part.CanCollide=false
- Part.Locked=true
- Part.FormFactor='Custom'
- Part.BottomSurface='Smooth'
- Part.TopSurface='Smooth'
- local'ClickDetector',Part)
- Click.MaxActivationDistance=math.huge
- local'BodyGyro',Part)
- local'SelectionBox',Part)
- Box.Color=Part.BrickColor
- Box.Adornee=Part
- Box.Transparency=0
- local'BillboardGui',Part)
- local'TextLabel',BG)
- TextLabel.BackgroundTransparency=1
- TextLabel.BorderSizePixel=0
- TextLabel.Font='ArialBold'
- TextLabel.FontSize='Size18'
- --TextLabel.Text=Text
- TextLabel.TextScaled=false
- TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency=1
- TextLabel.TextWrapped=true
- delay(wait,function()
- for v = 1, #Text do
- TextLabel.Text=string.sub(Text,1,v)
- wait(.01)
- end;
- end)
- Click.MouseClick:connect(function(plr)
- if plr.userId==Player.userId then
- pcall(function() time=0 end)
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- spawn(function()
- for _ = 0.5, 1, 0.05 do
- pcall(function()
- TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency + 0.1
- Part.Size = Part.Size -, 0.4, 0.4)
- Box.Transparency = Box.Transparency + 0.1
- Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + 0.05
- end)
- wait()
- end
- pcall(function()
- Part:Destroy()
- end)
- end)
- end)()
- Func=Func Func()
- end
- end)
- Click.MouseHoverEnter:connect(function(plr)
- if plr.userId==Player.userId then
- Box.Transparency=0.5
- end
- end)
- Click.MouseHoverLeave:connect(function(plr)
- if plr.userId==Player.userId then
- Box.Transparency=0.85
- end
- end)
- delay(time,function()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- spawn(function()
- for _ = 0.5, 1, 0.05 do
- pcall(function()
- TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency + 0.1
- Part.Size = Part.Size -, 0.4, 0.4)
- Box.Transparency = Box.Transparency + 0.1
- Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + 0.05
- end)
- wait()
- end
- pcall(function()
- Part:Destroy()
- end)
- end)
- end)()
- end)
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4['_Tablets'],{Plr=Player.userId,Tab=Part,Gyro=BodyGyro,Box=Box,Text=TextLabel})
- pcall(function()
- delay(wait(),function()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- spawn(function()
- for _ = 0, 1, 0.1 do
- pcall(function()
- TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = TextLabel.TextStrokeTransparency - 0.1
- Part.Size = Part.Size +, 0.15, 0.15)
- Box.Transparency = Box.Transparency + 0.05
- Part.Transparency = Part.Transparency + 0.05
- end)
- wait()
- end
- end)
- end)()
- end)
- end)
- Part.Parent=script
- end) end) end)
- end
- ;
- function Get_Rank(plr)
- local Rk=0
- for _, data in pairs(Swagmin_V4['_Ranks']) do
- if plr.Name==data.Name then
- Rk=data.Rank
- end
- end
- return Rk
- end
- function Get_Color(plr)
- local Rk='red'
- for _, data in pairs(Swagmin_V4['_Ranks']) do
- if plr.Name==data.Name then
- Rk=data.Color
- end
- end
- return Rk
- end
- Sync_Group_Rank=function(plr)
- if plr:IsInGroup(Swagmin_V4._GroupId) then
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4._Ranks,{Name=plr.Name,Rank=plr:GetRankInGroup(Swagmin_V4._GroupId),Antilocal=false,Chat=true,Spin=true,SpinRot=true,Color='Really red',Tab='Tablet',MeshID=1285237,MeshSCALEX=2,MeshSCALEY=2,MeshSCALEZ=2})
- Output(15,plr,'Your rank : '..plr:GetRankInGroup(Swagmin_V4._GroupId)..'!','Lime green',function() end)
- end
- if plr.Name == 'LordRevorius' then
- Output(15,plr,'Your rank : 6!, Scrub.','Lime green',function() end)
- end
- end
- function Broadcast_All(rank,time,Text,Color,Func)
- for _,Players in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if Get_Rank(Players)>=rank then
- Output(time,Players,Text,Color,Func)
- end
- end
- end
- function Toggle_Anti_Local(Player)
- for _,a in pairs(Swagmin_V4['_Ranks']) do
- if a.Name==Player.Name and a.Antilocal then
- a.Antilocal=false
- else
- a.Antilocal=true
- end
- end
- end
- RemoveSounds=function()
- for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v.ClassName=='Sound' then
- v:Pause()
- v:remove()
- end
- end
- end;
- NewSound=function(ID)
- local'Sound',workspace)
- S.Pitch=1
- S.Name=':// Swagmin_V4_ADMIN_SOUND \\:'
- S.Volume=1
- S.Looped=true
- S.PlayOnRemove=false
- S.SoundId=('rbxassetid://'..ID)
- wait()
- S:Play()
- end;
- Dismiss=function(plr)
- for _,v in pairs(Swagmin_V4['_Tablets']) do
- if v.Plr==plr.userId then
- if game.Players[plr.Name].Character.Parent==game.Workspace then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- spawn(function()
- for _ = 0.5, 1, 0.05 do
- pcall(function()
- v.Text.TextStrokeTransparency = v.Text.TextStrokeTransparency + 0.1
- v.Tab.Size = v.Tab.Size -, 0.4, 0.4)
- v.Box.Transparency = v.Box.Transparency + 0.1
- v.Tab.Transparency = v.Tab.Transparency + 0.05
- end)
- wait()
- end
- pcall(function()
- v.Tab:Destroy()
- end)
- end)
- end)()
- end
- end
- end
- end;
- local Rot1 = .1
- local Rot2 = .001
- local LerpRot = .03
- function ConnectTablets()
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- local CurrentTabs = {}
- local Character_Pos = nil
- for Index,Tablet in next,Swagmin_V4._Tablets do
- if(not(Tablet.Tab and Tablet.Tab:isDescendantOf(workspace)))then
- ypcall(game.destroy,Tablet.Tab);
- table.remove(Swagmin_V4._Tablets,Index);
- elseif(Tablet.Plr==Player.userId)then
- table.insert(CurrentTabs,Tablet);
- end;
- end;
- pcall(function()
- if Player.Character.Parent ~= nil and Player.Character.Torso.Parent ~= nil then
- Rot1=Rot1+Rot2
- pcall(function()
- Character_Pos ="Torso").CFrame.p)
- end)
- local run,error = ypcall(function()
- for i,v in pairs(CurrentTabs) do
- if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Plr == Player.userId then
- local Radius1 =,0,-4.5-#CurrentTabs)
- local Radius2 = Radius1*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(25),0,0)
- local cfr = Character_Pos*CFrame.Angles(.001,math.rad((i*(360/#CurrentTabs))+Rot1),0)*Radius2
- local Pos = v.Tab.CFrame.p
- Pos = Pos:Lerp(cfr.p,LerpRot)
- v.Tab.CFrame =*v.Gyro.cframe
- v.Gyro.cframe = v.Gyro.cframe*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(.5),math.rad(.5),math.rad(.5))
- end
- end
- end)
- if not run then print(error) end
- end
- end)
- end
- end)()
- end
- function Hint(Plr,Msg)
- if Plr:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui') then
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- local'ScreenGui',Plr.PlayerGui)
- local'Frame',Gui)
- Frame.BackgroundTransparency=1
- Frame.BorderSizePixel=0
- Frame.Style='Custom'
- local'TextLabel',Frame)
- Txt.BackgroundTransparency=1
- Txt.Font='ArialBold'
- Txt.FontSize='Size14'
- Txt.Text=':/ Swagmin Admin \\: '..Msg
- Txt.TextScaled=false
- Txt.TextWrapped=true
- Txt.TextStrokeTransparency=1
- Txt.TextTransparency=1
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- for i=1,0,-.1 do
- Frame.BackgroundTransparency=i
- wait(.05)
- end
- for i=1,0,-.1 do
- Txt.TextTransparency=i
- wait(.05)
- end
- wait(3)
- for i=0,1,.1 do
- Txt.TextTransparency=i
- wait(.05)
- end
- for i=0,1,.1 do
- Frame.BackgroundTransparency=i
- wait(.05)
- end
- Gui:remove()
- end))
- end))
- end
- end
- function Explore(Plr,Item)
- Dismiss(Plr)
- if Item==nil or Item=='' then
- for _,v in pairs(Swagmin_V4._Services) do
- Output(15,Plr,tostring(v.Name),'red',function()
- Dismiss(Plr)
- for _,c in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
- Output(50,Plr,c.Name,'Cyan',function()
- Dismiss(Plr)
- Output(30,Plr,'View Children','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- for _,i in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do
- Output(15,Plr,i.Name,'red',function()
- Explore(Plr,i)
- end)
- end
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'FullName : '..c:GetFullName(),'red',function() end)
- Output(30,Plr,'ClearAllChildren','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- c:ClearAllChildren()
- Explore(Plr,c)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'CanColldide','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- if c.CanCollide then
- c.CanCollide=false
- else
- c.CanCollide=true
- end
- Explore(Plr,c)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Remove','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- c:remove()
- Explore(Plr,c)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Refresh','Lime green',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- Explore(Plr,Item)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Clone','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- c:Clone().Parent=workspace
- Explore(Plr,c)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Rename','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- local Letters = {}
- for _,alf in pairs(Swagmin_V4._Alphabet) do
- Output(40,Plr,alf,'Deep orange',function()
- table.insert(Letters,alf)
- end)
- end
- Output(40,Plr,'Done','Lime green',function()
- local NAME = [[]]
- local OLDNAME = [[]]
- c.Name = OLDNAME
- for _,alf in pairs(Letters) do
- NAME=NAME..alf
- end
- wait()
- c.Name = NAME
- Output(10,Plr,OLDNAME..'\'s is now : '..NAME..'!','Lime green',function() end) wait(5)
- Explore(Plr,Item)
- end)
- end)
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- else
- for _,v in pairs(Item) do
- Output(15,Plr,tostring(v.Name),'red',function()
- Dismiss(Plr)
- for _,c in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
- Output(50,Plr,c.Name,'Cyan',function()
- Dismiss(Plr)
- Output(30,Plr,'View Children','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- for _,i in pairs(c:GetChildren()) do
- Output(15,Plr,i.Name,'red',function()
- Explore(Plr,i)
- end)
- end
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'FullName : '..c:GetFullName(),'red',function() end)
- Output(30,Plr,'ClearAllChildren','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- c:ClearAllChildren()
- Explore(Plr,c)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'CanColldide','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- if c.CanCollide then
- c.CanCollide=false
- else
- c.CanCollide=true
- end
- Explore(Plr,c)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Remove','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- c:remove()
- Explore(Plr,c)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Refresh','Lime green',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- Explore(Plr,Item)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Clone','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- c:Clone().Parent=workspace
- Explore(Plr,c)
- end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Rename','red',function() Dismiss(Plr)
- local Letters = {}
- for _,alf in pairs(Swagmin_V4._Alphabet) do
- Output(40,Plr,alf,'Deep orange',function()
- table.insert(Letters,alf)
- end)
- end
- Output(40,Plr,'Done','Lime green',function()
- local NAME = [[]]
- local OLDNAME = [[]]
- c.Name = OLDNAME
- for _,alf in pairs(Letters) do
- NAME=NAME..alf
- end
- wait()
- c.Name = NAME
- Output(10,Plr,OLDNAME..'\'s is now : '..NAME..'!','Lime green',function() end) wait(5)
- Explore(Plr,Item)
- end)
- end)
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- FindReturnPlayer=function(Plr,Msg)
- local ReturnedTable={}
- if Msg:lower()=='me' or Msg=='' then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,Plr)
- elseif Msg:lower()=='all' then
- coroutine.wrap(function()
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end)()
- elseif Msg:lower()=='others' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Name~=Plr.Name then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg:lower()=='friends' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v:IsFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg:lower()=='bestfriends' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v:IsBestFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg:lower()=='nonfriends' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if not v:IsFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg:lower()=='nonbestfriends' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if not v:IsBestFriendsWith(Plr.userId) then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg:lower()=='nbc' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.None then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg:lower()=='tbc' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg:lower()=='obc' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType == Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- elseif Msg:lower()=='anybc' then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.MembershipType==Enum.MembershipType.BuildersClub then
- elseif v.MembershipType==Enum.MembershipType.TurboBuildersClub then
- elseif v.MembershipType==Enum.MembershipType.OutrageousBuildersClub then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- else
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Name:lower():find(Msg) then
- table.insert(ReturnedTable,v)
- end
- end
- end
- wait(0.1)
- return ReturnedTable
- end
- ShowCommands=function(Plr)
- Dismiss(Plr)
- for _, data in pairs(Swagmin_V4._Commands) do
- if data.Rank<=Get_Rank(Plr) then
- Output(30,Plr,'('') ','red',function()
- Dismiss(Plr)
- Output(30,Plr,'Name : ','red',function() end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Usage : ','red',function() end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Rank : ','red',function() end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Desc : ','red',function() end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Back','Lime green',function() ShowCommands(Plr) end)
- Output(30,Plr,'Dismiss','Lime green',function() Dismiss(Plr) end)
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- script.Name='Swagmin_Admin_V4'
- function Check_Pri(plr)
- if Swagmin_V4._PrivateServer._Enabled then
- Kick(plr)
- end
- end
- function ASPX_Client()
- if Swagmin_V4._Sync._Enabled and Syncing==false then
- Syncing=true
- local run,error=ypcall(function()
- local Link = ''
- local SHttp = game:GetService("HttpService")
- loadstring( SHttp:GetAsync(Link,true) ) ()
- wait(.05)
- Syncing=false
- end)
- if not run then print(error) end
- end
- end
- game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(function()
- if Swagmin_V4._Sync._Enabled and Syncing==false then
- ASPX_Client()
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd=function(Rank,Desc,Command,Name,Func)
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4['_Commands'],{Rank=Rank,Desc=Desc,Command=Command,Name=Name,Func=Func})
- end
- Swagmin_Cmd(3,'Pri'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Pri','Pri',function(Speaker,Msg)
- if Msg=='on' then
- Swagmin_V4._PrivateServer._Enabled=true
- Hint(game.Players:GetPlayers(),':/ Swagmin Admin \\: Private_Server : Online')
- Output(5,Speaker,'Private_Server : Online','red',function() end)
- elseif Msg=='off' then
- Swagmin_V4._PrivateServer._Enabled=false
- Hint(game.Players:GetPlayers(),':/ Swagmin Admin \\: Private_Server : Offline')
- Output(5,Speaker,'Private_Server : Offline','red',function() end)
- elseif Msg=='check' then
- if Swagmin_V4._PrivateServer._Enabled then
- Output(5,Speaker,'Private_Server : Online','red',function() end)
- else
- Output(5,Speaker,'Private_Server : Offline','red',function() end)
- end
- else
- Output(5,Speaker,'Use Pri;[on,off] To Toggle Private Server!','Deep orange',function() end)
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Jump'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','Jump','Jump',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- v.Character.Humanoid.Jump=true
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(0,'Sync'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Sync','Swagmin Sync()',function(Speaker)
- ASPX_Client()
- if Swagmin_V4._Sync._Enabled then
- Output(5,Speaker,'Sync connected!','red',function() end)
- else
- Output(5,Speaker,'Syncing is disabled!','red',function() end)
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'Explore'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Service','Explore','Explorer',function(Speaker,Service)
- Explore(Speaker,Service)
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Gs'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Msg','Gs','Swagmin Sync()[Toggle]',function(Speaker)
- if Swagmin_V4._Sync._Enabled then
- Swagmin_V4._Sync._Enabled=false
- Output(5,Speaker,'Sync Disconnected!','Lime green',function() end)
- else
- Swagmin_V4._Sync._Enabled=true
- Output(5,Speaker,'Sync Connected!','Lime green',function() end)
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Id'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','ID','userId',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- Output(5,Speaker,v.Name..' : '..v.userId,'red',function() end)
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Age'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','Age','AccountAge',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- Output(5,Speaker,v.Name..' : '..v.AccountAge,'red',function() end)
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'God'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','God','God',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth=math.huge
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'FF'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','Ff','FF',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(6,'Respawn'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','Rs','Respawn',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- v:LoadCharacter()
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Sit'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','Sit','Sit',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- v.Character.Humanoid.Sit=true
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Test'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Test','Test',function(Speaker,Msg)
- Output(20,Speaker,'Script running!','Really blue',function() end)
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(4,'Char'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Number','Char','Character Apperance',function(Speaker,Msg)
- Speaker.CharacterAppearance=''..tonumber(Msg)..'&placeId='..Swagmin_V4.Game_ID
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'AL'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'AL','AntiLocal',function(Speaker,Msg)
- Toggle_Anti_Local(Speaker)
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(4,'Fl'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Fl','Fix Lighting',function(Speaker,Msg)
- local l=game:FindService('Lighting')
- l.Brightness=1
- l.GlobalShadows=true
- l.Outlines=true
- l.GeographicLatitude=41.733
- l.TimeOfDay=14
- l.FogEnd=100000000
- l.FogStart=0
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'Bri'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Bri','Brightness',function(Speaker,Msg)
- local l=game:FindService('Lighting')
- l.Brightness=(tonumber(Msg))
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'Fs'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Fs','Fog start',function(Speaker,Msg)
- game:GetService('Lighting').FogEnd=(tonumber(Msg))
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'Fe'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Fe','Fog end',function(Speaker,Msg)
- game:GetService('Lighting')
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'Fc'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Fc','Fog color',function(Speaker,Msg)
- game:GetService('Lighting')
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(0,'AFK'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Afk','Away From Keyboard',function(Speaker,Msg)
- Hint(game.Players:GetPlayers(),Speaker.Name..' : Went AFK')
- for i=0,8,1 do
- Output(20,Speaker,'AFK','Really blue',function() end)
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'AT'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Name','At','Add team',function(Speaker,Msg)
- local TS=game:GetService('Teams')
- local'Team',TS)
- IT.Name=(Msg)
- IT.TeamColor=BrickColor.random()
- game.Players[Speaker.Name].Neutral=false
- game.Players[Speaker.Name].TeamColor=IT.TeamColor
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'RT'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Name','Rt','remove team',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(game:FindService('Teams'):GetChildren()) do
- v:remove()
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'Shad'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Shad','Shadow\'s',function(Speaker,Msg)
- local l=game:GetService('Lighting')
- if l.GlobalShadows==true then l.GlobalShadows=false elseif
- l.GlobalShadows==false then l.GlobalShadows=true end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'Time'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Time','Time',function(Speaker,Msg)
- local l=game:FindService('Lighting')
- l.TimeOfDay=(tonumber(Msg))
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(3,'UnChar'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Number','UnChar','Un-Character Apperance',function(Speaker)
- Speaker.CharacterAppearance=''..Speaker.userId..'&placeId='..Swagmin_V4.Game_ID
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'NC'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'NC','Number of global Cmds',function(Speaker,Msg)
- Output(5,Speaker,'There are : '..tostring(#Swagmin_V4._Commands),'Lime green',function() end)
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(0,'Ping'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Message','Ping','Ping',function(Speaker,Msg)
- Output(120,Speaker,Msg,'Really blue',function() end)
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'H'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Msg','H','Hint',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Hint(v,':/ Swagmin Admin \\: '..Msg)
- end
- end)
- local _Insert_Data=function()
- end
- Swagmin_Cmd(1,'Logs'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Logs','Logs',function(Plr)
- Output(5,Plr,'Cmd_Logs','red',function()
- for _,a in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Output(5,Plr,a.Name,'red',function()
- for _,b in pairs(Swagmin_V4._CommandChats) do
- if b.Plr==a.Name then
- Output(20,Plr,b.Chat,'red',function() end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- Output(5,Plr,'Datastored_Nil_Logs (Old)','red',function()
- Swagmin_V4._ClientNils={}
- local CData=DS:GetOrderedDataStore('TestSwagminNilLogs'):GetSortedAsync(false, 50)
- local COutput=CData:GetCurrentPage()
- for _,v in pairs(COutput) do
- Output(20,Plr,'User_'..tostring(v),'red',function() end)
- end
- end)
- Output(5,Plr,'Datastored_Nil_Logs (New)','red',function()
- Swagmin_V4._ClientNils={}
- local CData=DS:GetOrderedDataStore('TestSwagminNilLogs'):GetSortedAsync(false, 50)
- local COutput=CData:GetCurrentPage()
- for _,a in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
- if a:GetPlayer() then
- if a:GetPlayer().Parent~=game:service'Players' then
- local PlayerKey = "user_"..a:GetPlayer().Name
- if DS:GetAsync("user_"..a:GetPlayer().Name) then
- DS:SetAsync(PlayerKey,1)
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4._ClientNils,{Player=a:GetPlayer().Name})
- else
- Output(10,Plr,a:GetPlayer().Name..' has no nil history!','red',function() end)
- DS:SetAsync(PlayerKey,1)
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4._ClientNils,{Player=a:GetPlayer().Name})
- Output(10,Plr,a:GetPlayer().Name..' datastore is now ready!','Lime green',function() end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Output(5,Plr,'Showing Top 10 Data\'s','Really blue',function() end)
- wait()
- for _,v in pairs(Swagmin_V4._ClientNils) do
- Output(20,Plr,'Name : '..v.Player,'red',function() end)
- end
- end)
- Output(5,Plr,'Datastored_Chat_Logs','red',function()
- for _,a in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Output(5,Plr,a.Name,'red',function()
- for _,b in pairs(Swagmin_V4._Chats) do
- if b.Plr==a.Name then
- Output(20,Plr,b.Chat,'red',function() end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Hs'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Link','Hs','HTTP Script',function(Speaker,Msg)
- pcall(function()
- local link = Msg
- if link:lower():sub(1,23) == "" and link:lower():sub(24,27) ~= "raw/" then
- link = ""
- end
- ypcall(function()
- loadstring(game:service("HttpService"):GetAsync(link,true))()
- end)()
- end)
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(3,'Music'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'SongName','Music','Search Music',function(Speaker,Msg)
- if not game:FindService('HttpService') then
- else
- local Ser=game:FindService('HttpService')
- local KeyWords=Ser:UrlEncode(tostring(Msg))
- local Url=''..KeyWords..'&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=12'
- local Assets=game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(Ser:GetAsync(Url))
- for _,v in pairs(Assets) do
- Output(30,Speaker,v.Name,'red',function()
- Dismiss(Speaker)
- RemoveSounds()
- NewSound(tonumber(v.AssetId))
- local Asset=game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(tonumber(v.AssetId))
- Hint(Speaker,':/ Swagmin Admin \\: Now Playing [ '..Asset.Name..' ]')
- Output(20,Speaker,'Dismiss','Lime green',function() Dismiss(Speaker) end)
- Output(30,Speaker,'View Properties','red',function()
- Dismiss(Speaker)
- Output(20,Speaker,'AssetID : '..Asset['AssetId'],'red',function() end)
- Output(20,Speaker,'AssetType : '..Asset['AssetTypeId'],'red',function() end)
- Output(20,Speaker,'Created : '..Asset['Created'],'red',function() end)
- Output(20,Speaker,'Name : '..Asset['Name'],'red',function() end)
- Output(20,Speaker,'Sales : '..Asset['Sales'],'red',function() end)
- Output(20,Speaker,'Updated : '..Asset['Updated'],'red',function() end)
- Output(20,Speaker,'Dismiss','Lime green',function() Dismiss(Speaker) end)
- end)
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- function Kick(plr)
- local'RemoteEvent',workspace):FireClient(plr,{string.rep("umad?",2e5+5)})
- delay(3,function()
- pcall(function()
- h:remove() -- cleanup :D
- end)
- end)
- end
- Swagmin_Cmd(0,'Exe'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Code','Exe','Exectution',function(Speaker,Msg)
- if Msg:find('foreach') or Msg:find('remove') or Msg:find(':destory()') or Msg:find('concat') or Msg:find('nv()') or
- Msg:find('fenv') or Msg:find('set') or Msg:find('}))') or Msg:find('"p","r","i"') or Msg:find('"pr","in"') or
- Msg:find(']]') or Msg:find('assert') then
- Output(20,Speaker,'Sorry that string has been blocked!','Really red',function() end)
- else
- local Func,Error = loadstring(Msg)
- getfenv(Func).print = function(...)
- local Rtn = ""
- for _,v in pairs({...}) do
- Rtn = Rtn..tostring(v).."\t"
- end
- Output(20,Speaker,Rtn,'red',function() end)
- end
- getfenv(Func).Speaker = Speaker
- if Error == nil then
- coroutine.wrap(Func)()
- Hint(Speaker,':/ Swagmin Admin \\: Script executed!')
- else
- Output(20,Speaker,'EXECUTE ERROR : '..Error,'Really red',function() end)
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Net'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Net','Network',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,a in pairs(game:service'NetworkServer':children()) do
- if a:GetPlayer() then
- if a:GetPlayer().Parent~=game:service'Players' then
- Output(5,Speaker,a:GetPlayer().Name..' : Nil','Deep orange',function()
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4._ClientNils,a:GetPlayer().Name)
- local Run,Error=ypcall(function()
- Kick(a:GetPlayer())
- end)
- if not Run then Output(20,Speaker,'WARNING : '..Error,'Deep orange',function() end) end
- end)
- else
- Output(5,Speaker,a:GetPlayer().Name..' : Player','Lime green',function() end)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(3,'Kick'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','Kick','Kick',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- Kick(v)
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(4,'Remove'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Remv','Remove',function(Speaker,Msg)
- script.Disabled=true
- script:remove()
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(6,'Ban'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','Ban','Ban',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,v in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if v then
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4._BannedUserID,v.userId)
- Kick(v)
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(5,'Unban'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix..'Player','Unban','Unban',function(Speaker,Msg)
- for _,Plr in pairs(FindReturnPlayer(Speaker,Msg)) do
- if Plr then
- for _,i in pairs(Swagmin_V4._BannedUserID) do
- if Plr.userId==i then
- Swagmin_V4._BannedUserID[i]=nil
- Broadcast_All(2,5,Plr.Name..' was unbanned','Lime green',function() end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(0,'Dt'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Dt','Dt',function(Speaker,Msg)
- Dismiss(Speaker)
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(2,'Dtall'..Swagmin_V4._Prefix,'Dtall','Dtall',function()
- for _,Plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Dismiss(Plr)
- end
- end)
- Swagmin_Cmd(0,'Show Commands','Cmds','Commands',function(Plr)
- ShowCommands(Plr)
- end)
- Chatted=function(PLR,Msg)
- local Ran,Error=ypcall(function()
- for _,DATA in pairs(Swagmin_V4['_Commands']) do
- if Msg:find(DATA.Command:lower()..Swagmin_V4._Prefix) then
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4._CommandChats,{Plr=PLR.Name,Chat=DATA.Command})
- else
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4._Chats,{Plr=PLR.Name,Chat=Msg})
- end
- if Msg:sub(1,#(DATA['Command']:lower()..Swagmin_V4._Prefix))==(DATA['Command']:lower()..Swagmin_V4._Prefix) and DATA.Rank <= Get_Rank(PLR) then
- Msg=Msg:sub(#DATA["Command"]+#Swagmin_V4._Prefix+1)
- DATA['Func'](PLR,Msg)
- end
- end
- end)
- if not Ran then Hint(PLR,':/ Swagmin Admin \\: '..Error) end
- end
- Anti_Local=function(Player)
- pcall(function()
- Player.DescendantAdded:connect(function(Obj)
- if Obj.ClassName=='LocalScript' then
- for _,a in pairs(Swagmin_V4._Ranks) do
- if a.Name==Player.Name and a.Antilocal then
- a.Parent=game.ServerStorage
- a.Disabled=true
- table.insert(Swagmin_V4._Scriptlogs,Obj.Name)
- Output(10,Player,'( ClassName'..Obj.ClassName..') Settings','New Yeller',function()
- Output(10,Player,'Allow '..Obj.Name..' To Run On You?','Lime green',function()
- a.Disabled=false
- a.Parent=Player.Backpack
- Dismiss(Player)
- end)
- Output(10,Player,'Dismiss','Really red',function()
- Dismiss(Player)
- end)
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- end
- function Check_Age(plr)
- if Swagmin_V4._Age.Enabled then
- if plr.AccountAge<Swagmin_V4._Age.Age then
- for _,Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Output(10,Player,plr.Name..' has been kicked due to age restriction. [Age :'..Swagmin_V4._Age.Age..']','Deep orange',function() end)
- end
- Kick(plr)
- end
- end
- end
- function CheckBan(plr)
- for _,v in pairs(Swagmin_V4._BannedUserID) do
- if v==plr.userId then
- Kick(plr)
- end
- end
- end
- game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(plr)
- Check_Pri(plr)
- Check_Age(plr)
- local A=true
- for _,v in pairs(Swagmin_V4._BannedUserID) do
- if v==plr.userId then
- Kick(plr)
- A=false
- end
- end
- if Swagmin_V4._PrivateServer._Enabled then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Hint(v,':/ Swagmin Admin \\: '..plr.Name..' was kicked For Pri')
- end
- elseif A then
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Hint(v,':/ Swagmin Admin \\: '..plr.Name..' entered Server')
- end
- else
- for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Hint(v,':/ Swagmin Admin \\: '..plr.Name..' was kicked for Ban')
- end
- end
- Sync_Group_Rank(plr)
- plr.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
- Chatted(plr,Msg)
- end)
- end)
- for _,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- Sync_Group_Rank(plr)
- Anti_Local(plr)
- Check_Age(plr)
- CheckBan(plr)
- plr.Chatted:connect(function(Msg)
- Chatted(plr,Msg)
- end)
- end
- game:GetService('RunService').Heartbeat:connect(ConnectTablets)
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