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- --[[Packet fields (IP Header):
- string destination
- string source
- int checksum
- int length
- int id
- string protocol (tcp,udp,icmp,unkown)
- int ttl
- int type
- int ihl (ip header length)
- int version
- int flags
- int fragment
- table/string/nil data (if unknown this is a string)
- ]]
- --[[ICMP Data fields:
- int checksum
- int code
- int type (0=reply,3=unreachable,8=request,11=timeout)
- table original (contains the original stripped IP header)
- ]]
- --[[TCP Data fields:
- int ack
- int checksum
- int destination_port
- int seq
- int source_port
- int urgent
- int window
- table flags (array of bools keys: urg,ack,psh,rst,syn,fin)
- string data
- ]]
- --[[UDP Data fields:
- int checksum
- int conver_checksum
- int destination_port
- int source_port
- string data
- ]]
- --IP if its a table it'll attempt listening to the interfaces (adapters)
- --with their respective IP
- --IP = {};
- --IP[0] = "localhost";
- --IP[1] = GetHostName();
- --IP can also be a single address
- --IP="";
- --IP can also be nil, then it'll listen to the first non loopback interface
- --IP=nil;
- --If this is true then the program will wait for user input on failure
- PAUSE=true;
- --Time in miliseconds between the Tick function is proc-ed (Tick())
- TICK=500;
- --If this is set it'll modify the socket-buffer to a new size
- --this is usable if you got high traffic on your socket
- --increase if your CPU is too shit to handle the amount of data you're reciving
- --uses more ram!
- --Default: 8192
- BUFFER=8192;
- --Scroll to the bottom for the event function defs
- --void Recv(packet, interface); = runs when a packet is recived
- --bool Tick(); = runs every tick as defined by TICK, if this returns true the progam will die
- local Data = {};
- local CollectedDown = {};
- CollectedDown.byte=0;
- CollectedDown.kilo=0;
- CollectedDown.mega=0;
- CollectedDown.giga=0;
- CollectedDown.tera=0;
- CollectedDown.all=0;
- local CollectedUp = {};
- CollectedUp.byte=0;
- CollectedUp.kilo=0;
- CollectedUp.mega=0;
- CollectedUp.giga=0;
- CollectedUp.tera=0;
- CollectedUp.all=0;
- function AddToCollected(bytes,Collected)
- Collected.all = Collected.all + bytes;
- Collected.byte = Collected.byte + bytes;
- while Collected.byte > 1000 do
- Collected.kilo = Collected.kilo + 1;
- Collected.byte = Collected.byte - 1000;
- end
- while Collected.kilo > 1000 do
- Collected.mega = Collected.mega + 1;
- Collected.kilo = Collected.kilo - 1000;
- end
- while Collected.mega > 1000 do
- Collected.giga = Collected.giga + 1;
- Collected.mega = Collected.mega - 1000;
- end
- while Collected.giga > 1000 do
- Collected.tera = Collected.tera + 1;
- Collected.giga = Collected.giga - 1000;
- end
- end
- function Recv(packet,interface)
- local p = Data[interface];
- packet.Time = os.clock();
- table.insert(p,packet);
- end
- function ColorPrint(text,backgroud,foreground,pleft,pright)
- local b,f = GetTextColor();
- SetTextColor(backgroud,foreground);
- if pleft and pleft > 0 then
- for n=1,pleft do
- io.write(" ");
- end
- end
- io.write(text);
- if pright and pright > 0 then
- pright = pright - text:len();
- if pright > 0 then
- for n=1,pright do
- io.write(" ");
- end
- end
- end
- SetTextColor(b,f);
- end
- local function GetSpeedString(data)
- --10 seconds
- data = data / 10;
- local speed = data/1000;
- local notation = "B/sec";
- if speed > 1.0 then
- notation = "KB/sec";
- data = speed;
- speed = data/1000;
- if speed > 1.0 then
- notation = "MB/sec";
- data = speed;
- speed = data/1000;
- if speed > 1.0 then
- notation = "GB/sec";
- data = speed;
- end
- end
- end
- return tostring(data),notation;
- end
- local updatecnt = 2;
- local cnt=updatecnt;
- local function Ticker()
- if cnt >= updatecnt then
- cnt=0;
- else
- cnt = cnt + 1;
- return;
- end
- local t = os.clock();
- local cdata = {};
- local up,down;
- local udpup,udpdown;
- local tcpup,tcpdown;
- local othertcpup,othertcpdown;
- local speed,note;
- local tup,tdown = 0,0;
- for k,v in pairs(Data)do
- cdata[k]={};
- up=0;
- down=0;
- udpup=0;
- udpdown=0;
- tcpup=0;
- tcpdown=0;
- othertcpup=0;
- othertcpdown=0;
- for kk,vv in pairs(v)do
- if t-vv.Time > 10.0 then
- v[kk]=nil;
- else
- if vv.destination==k then
- down = down + vv.length;
- AddToCollected(vv.length,CollectedDown);
- if vv.protocol=="tcp" then
- tcpdown = tcpdown + vv.length;
- elseif vv.protocol=="udp" then
- udpdown = udpdown + vv.length;
- else
- othertcpdown = othertcpdown + vv.length;
- end
- else
- up = up + vv.length;
- AddToCollected(vv.length,CollectedUp);
- if vv.protocol=="tcp" then
- tcpup = tcpup + vv.length;
- elseif vv.protocol=="udp" then
- udpup = udpup + vv.length;
- else
- othertcpup = othertcpup + vv.length;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- tup = tup + up;
- tdown = tdown + down;
- cdata[k].Up = up;
- cdata[k].Down = down;
- cdata[k].TcpUp = tcpup;
- cdata[k].TcpDown = tcpdown;
- cdata[k].UdpUp = udpup;
- cdata[k].UdpDown = udpdown;
- cdata[k].OtherUp = othertcpup;
- cdata[k].OtherDown = othertcpdown;
- end
- cls();
- for k,v in pairs(cdata)do
- ColorPrint(k,1,0xD,0,15);
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(v.Down);
- ColorPrint("DOWN",1,7,2,5);
- ColorPrint(tostring(speed),1,0x2,2,10);
- ColorPrint(note,1,0x2,1,8);
- ColorPrint("|",1,7,0,0);
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(v.Up);
- ColorPrint("UP",1,7,2,5);
- ColorPrint(tostring(speed),1,0xc,2,10);
- ColorPrint(note,1,0xc,1,16);
- ColorPrint("-TCP:",0,0xb,0,15);
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(v.TcpDown);
- ColorPrint("DOWN",0,7,2,5);
- ColorPrint(tostring(speed),0,0x2,2,10);
- ColorPrint(note,0,0x2,1,8);
- io.write("|");
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(v.TcpUp);
- ColorPrint("UP",0,7,2,5);
- ColorPrint(tostring(speed),0,0xc,2,10);
- ColorPrint(note,0,0xc,1,5);
- io.write("\n");
- ColorPrint("-UDP:",0,0xe,0,15);
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(v.UdpDown);
- ColorPrint("DOWN",0,7,2,5);
- ColorPrint(tostring(speed),0,0x2,2,10);
- ColorPrint(note,0,0x2,1,8);
- io.write("|");
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(v.UdpUp);
- ColorPrint("UP",0,7,2,5);
- ColorPrint(tostring(speed),0,0xc,2,10);
- ColorPrint(note,0,0xc,1,5);
- io.write("\n");
- ColorPrint("-OTHER:",0,0xf,0,15);
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(v.OtherDown);
- ColorPrint("DOWN",0,7,2,5);
- ColorPrint(tostring(speed),0,0x2,2,10);
- ColorPrint(note,0,0x2,1,8);
- io.write("|");
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(v.OtherUp);
- ColorPrint("UP",0,7,2,5);
- ColorPrint(tostring(speed),0,0xc,2,10);
- ColorPrint(note,0,0xc,1,5);
- io.write("\n\n");
- end
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(tdown);
- TITLE = "TOTAL DOWN/UP: "..tostring(speed).." "..note.." | ";
- speed,note = GetSpeedString(tup);
- TITLE = TITLE .. tostring(speed).." "..note;
- io.write("\n\n");
- --ColorPrint(text,backgroud,foreground,pleft,pright)
- local offset = 40;
- ColorPrint("DOWNLOADED BYTES: " .. tostring(CollectedDown.all),0,0x2,0,offset);
- ColorPrint("UPLOADED BYTES: " .. tostring(CollectedUp.all).."\n\n",0,0xc,0,0);
- ColorPrint("TB: "..tostring(CollectedDown.tera),0,0x2,0,offset);
- ColorPrint("TB: "..tostring(CollectedUp.tera).."\n",0,0xc,0,0);
- ColorPrint("GB: "..tostring(CollectedDown.giga),0,0x2,0,offset);
- ColorPrint("GB: "..tostring(CollectedUp.giga).."\n",0,0xc,0,0);
- ColorPrint("MB: "..tostring(CollectedDown.mega),0,0x2,0,offset);
- ColorPrint("MB: "..tostring(CollectedUp.mega).."\n",0,0xc,0,0);
- ColorPrint("KB: "..tostring(CollectedDown.kilo),0,0x2,0,offset);
- ColorPrint("KB: "..tostring(CollectedUp.kilo).."\n",0,0xc,0,0);
- ColorPrint(" B: "..tostring(CollectedDown.byte),0,0x2,0,offset);
- ColorPrint(" B: "..tostring(CollectedUp.byte).."\n",0,0xc,0,0);
- return false;
- end
- function Tick()
- print(tostring(IP));
- if type(IP)=="string" then
- Data[IP]={};
- print(IP);
- else
- for k,v in pairs(IP)do
- Data[v]={};
- print(k,v);
- end
- end
- Tick = Ticker;
- end
- print("Lua startup script run!\n");
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