
WEBFISHING save backup

Oct 30th, 2024
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Batch 2.18 KB | Gaming | 0 0
  1. robocopy "%appdata%\Godot\app_userdata\webfishing_2_newver" "%userprofile%\Desktop\wf_bck" "" /r:3 /w:2
  3. @echo off
  4. break>"%userprofile%\Desktop\wf_bck\wf_bck.bat"
  5. (
  6.  echo robocopy "%%appdata%%\Godot\app_userdata\webfishing_2_newver" "." "" /r:3 /w:2
  7. ) > "%userprofile%\Desktop\wf_bck\wf_bck.bat"
  8. break>"%userprofile%\Desktop\wf_bck\rplc_sv.bat"
  9. (
  10.  echo robocopy "." "%%appdata%%\Godot\app_userdata\webfishing_2_newver" ""  /r:3 /w:2
  11. ) > "%userprofile%\Desktop\wf_bck\rplc_sv.bat"
  12. break>"%userprofile%\Desktop\wf_bck\readme.txt"
  13. (
  14.  echo ^+------------------------^+
  15.  echo ^| WEBFISHING save backup ^|
  16.  echo ^|       by Goatie        ^|
  17.  echo ^+------------------------^+
  18.  echo.
  19.  echo This is a simple, and perhaps messy, batch script to make a quick
  20.  echo backup of your WEBFISHING save file. I'm sure someone can clean it
  21.  echo up and make it even better.
  22.  echo.
  23.  echo I made this because lamedeveloper currently have disabled Steam
  24.  echo cloud saves for the game which prevents players from continuing
  25.  echo their save on another PC.
  26.  echo.
  27.  echo ^+------------------------^+
  28.  echo ^|      How it works      ^|
  29.  echo ^+------------------------^+
  30.  echo.
  31.  echo When you run the initial script it will create a new folder on your
  32.  echo desktop named wf_bck, copy your save file to it, create this
  33.  echo readme.txt file, create a clean slim version of wf_bck.bat without all
  34.  echo this nonsense and also create rplc_sv.bat which will take the save
  35.  echo file from this folder and replace the one currently used by the game.
  36.  echo.
  37.  echo ^+------------------------^+
  38.  echo ^|      Example use:      ^|
  39.  echo ^|   Home PC ^> laptop     ^|
  40.  echo ^+------------------------^+
  41.  echo.
  42.  echo 1. Run the initial wf_bck.bat file on your home PC and delete it when done
  43.  echo 2. Transfer the wf_bck folder from your desktop onto a USB key
  44.  echo 3. Plug the USB key into your laptop and run rplc_sv.bat and continue fishing
  45.  echo 4. When done fishing run wf_bck.bat to make a new backup of your save
  46.  echo 5. When you go to your home PC simply repeat step 3 and 4
  47. ) > "%userprofile%\Desktop\wf_bck\readme.txt"
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