

Jan 29th, 2025
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  1. The druids were looking at Twoflower with the kind of expression
  2. normally reserved for mad sheep or the sudden appearance of a rain of frogs.
  3. Rincewind couldn’t quite hear what Twoflower was saying, but a few phrases
  4. like ‘ethnic folkways’ and ‘nuts and flowers’ floated across the hushed circle.
  5. Then fingers like a bunch of cheese straws clamped over the wizard’s
  6. mouth and an extremely sharp cutting edge pinked his Adam’s apple and a
  7. damp voice right by his ear said,
  8. ‘Not a shound, or you ish a dead man.
  9. Rincewind’s eyes swivelled in their sockets as if trying to find a way out.
  10. ‘If you don’t want me to say anything, how will you know I understand
  11. what you just said?’ he hissed.
  12. ‘Shut up and tell me what that other idiot ish doing!’‘No, but look, if I’ve got to shut up, how can I—
  13. ’ The knife at his throat
  14. became a hot streak of pain and Rincewind decided to give logic a miss.
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