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- -----------------------------
- -- global turtle functions --
- -----------------------------
- if not turtle then
- return
- end
- local valid_fuel = {
- "minecraft:charcoal",
- "minecraft:coal",
- }
- local DO_NOT_MINE = {
- "forbidden_arcanus:stella_arcanum",
- "minecraft:diamond_ore",
- "mysticalworld:amethyst_ore",
- }
- NORTH = 0
- EAST = 1
- SOUTH = 2
- WEST = 3
- LEFT = 4
- RIGHT = 5
- turtle.x = 0
- turtle.y = 0
- turtle.z = 0
- = -1
- turtle.dx = 0
- local forward = turtle.forward
- local back = turtle.back
- local up = turtle.up
- local down = turtle.down
- local turnLeft = turtle.turnLeft
- local turnRight = turtle.turnRight
- function turtle.reverseDir( direction )
- if direction == "forward" then return "back"
- elseif direction == "down" then return "up"
- elseif direction == "back" then return "forward"
- elseif direction == "up" then return "down"
- end
- error( "turtle.reverseDir invalid direction!" )
- end
- function turtle.position()
- return x, y, z )
- end
- function turtle.facing()
- if dz == -1 and dx == 0 then return NORTH
- elseif dz == 0 and dx == -1 then return WEST
- elseif dz == 0 and dx == 1 then return EAST
- elseif dz == 1 and dx == 0 then return SOUTH
- end
- error( "turtle.facing invalid direction!" )
- end
- -- settings --
- function turtle.load_position()
- local position = settings.get( "position" )
- if position then
- turtle.x = position[ 1 ].x or 0
- turtle.y = position[ 1 ].y or 0
- turtle.z = position[ 1 ].z or 0
- = position[ 2 ] or -1
- turtle.dx = position[ 3 ] or 0
- end
- end
- function turtle.save_position()
- settings.set( "position", { { x = turtle.x, y = turtle.y, z = turtle.z },, turtle.dx } )
- end
- function turtle.set_position( x, y, z, dir )
- turtle.x = x
- turtle.y = y
- turtle.z = z
- if dir == NORTH then = -1 turtle.dx = 0
- elseif dir == WEST then = 0 turtle.dx = -1
- elseif dir == EAST then = 0 turtle.dx = 1
- elseif dir == SOUTH then = 1 turtle.dx = 0
- end
- turtle.save_position()
- end
- --- Movement ---
- -- Forward --
- function turtle.forward()
- turtle.try_refuel()
- if not forward() then return false end
- turtle.x = turtle.x + turtle.dx
- turtle.z = turtle.z +
- turtle.save_position()
- return true
- end
- function turtle.wait_forward() while not turtle.forward() do os.sleep( 0.5 ) end end
- function turtle.force_forward( block_to_break ) turtle.force_move( "forward", block_to_break ) end
- -- Down --
- function turtle.down()
- turtle.try_refuel()
- if not down() then return false end
- turtle.y = turtle.y - 1
- turtle.save_position()
- return true
- end
- function turtle.wait_down() while not turtle.down() do os.sleep( 0.5 ) end end
- function turtle.force_down( block_to_break ) turtle.force_move( "down", block_to_break ) end
- -- Back --
- function turtle.back()
- turtle.try_refuel()
- if not back() then return false end
- turtle.x = turtle.x - turtle.dx
- turtle.z = turtle.z -
- turtle.save_position()
- return true
- end
- function turtle.wait_back() while not turtle.back() do os.sleep( 0.5 ) end end
- function turtle.force_back( block_to_break ) turtle.force_move( "back", block_to_break ) end
- -- Up --
- function turtle.up()
- turtle.try_refuel()
- if not up() then return false end
- turtle.y = turtle.y + 1
- turtle.save_position()
- return true
- end
- function turtle.wait_up() while not turtle.up() do os.sleep( 0.5 ) end end
- function turtle.force_up( block_to_break ) turtle.force_move( "up", block_to_break ) end
- -- Move Direction --
- function turtle.moveDir( direction )
- if direction == "forward" then return turtle.forward()
- elseif direction == "down" then return turtle.down()
- elseif direction == "back" then return turtle.back()
- elseif direction == "up" then return turtle.up()
- end
- error( "turtle.moveDir direction unknown!" )
- end
- -- Reverse --
- function turtle.reverse( direction ) return turtle.moveDir( turtle.reverseDir( direction ) ) end
- function turtle.force_reverse( direction ) turtle.force_move( turtle.reverseDir( direction ) ) end
- function turtle.wait_move( direction )
- while not turtle.move( direction ) do
- os.sleep( 1 )
- end
- end
- -- Move --
- function turtle.move( direction, block_to_break )
- turtle.try_refuel()
- local moved = turtle.moveDir( direction )
- if not moved and block_to_break and ( turtle.is_block_tag( direction, block_to_break ) or turtle.is_block_name( direction, block_to_break ) ) then
- turtle.digDir( direction )
- return turtle.moveDir( direction )
- end
- return moved
- end
- function turtle.force_move( direction, block_to_break )
- if direction ~= "back" then
- for b = 1, #DO_NOT_MINE do
- if turtle.is_block_name( direction, DO_NOT_MINE[ b ] ) then
- error( "I am scared of this " .. DO_NOT_MINE[ b ] )
- end
- end
- end
- while( not turtle.moveDir( direction ) ) do
- local s, d = turtle.inspectDir( direction )
- if s and string.find(, "turtle" ) then
- os.sleep( 0.5 )
- elseif not block_to_break or turtle.is_block_tag( direction, block_to_break ) or turtle.is_block_name( direction, block_to_break ) then
- turtle.digDir( direction )
- end
- end
- end
- --- Turning ---
- function turtle.turnRight()
- turnRight()
- local old_dx = turtle.dx
- turtle.dx =
- = old_dx
- turtle.save_position()
- return true
- end
- function turtle.turnLeft()
- turnLeft()
- local old_dx = turtle.dx
- turtle.dx =
- = -old_dx
- turtle.save_position()
- return true
- end
- function turtle.turn180()
- if math.random ( 2 ) == 1 then
- turtle.turnLeft()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- else
- turtle.turnRight()
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- end
- function turtle.turnDir( direction )
- if direction == LEFT then return turtle.turnLeft()
- elseif direction == RIGHT then return turtle.turnRight()
- end
- error( "turtle.turnDir invalid direction!" )
- end
- function turtle.turn( direction )
- local facing = turtle.facing()
- if facing == direction then
- return
- end
- if direction > 3 then
- turtle.turnDir( direction )
- else
- if math.abs( facing - direction ) == 2 then
- turtle.turn180()
- else
- if ( facing - direction ) % 4 == 1 then
- turtle.turnLeft()
- else
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --- Dig ---
- function turtle.digBack()
- turtle.turn180()
- turtle.dig()
- turtle.turn180()
- end
- function turtle.dig_all( direction ) while turtle.digDir( direction ) do sleep( 0.05 ) end end
- function turtle.digDir( direction )
- if direction == "forward" then return turtle.dig()
- elseif direction == "up" then return turtle.digUp()
- elseif direction == "down" then return turtle.digDown()
- elseif direction == "back" then return turtle.digBack()
- end
- error( "turtle.digDir invalid direction" )
- end
- -- Detect --
- function turtle.detectBack()
- turtle.turn180()
- local success = turtle.detect()
- turtle.turn180()
- return success
- end
- function turtle.detectDir( direction )
- if direction == "forward" then return turtle.detect()
- elseif direction == "up" then return turtle.detectUp()
- elseif direction == "down" then return turtle.detectDown()
- elseif direction == "back" then return turtle.detectBack()
- end
- error( "turtle.detectDir invalid direction!" )
- end
- -- Inspect --
- function turtle.inspectBack()
- turtle.turn180()
- local success, data = turtle.inspect()
- turtle.turn180()
- return success, data
- end
- function turtle.inspectDir( direction )
- if direction == "up" then return turtle.inspectUp()
- elseif direction == "down" then return turtle.inspectDown()
- elseif direction == "forward" then return turtle.inspect()
- elseif direction == "back" then return turtle.inspectBack()
- end
- error( "inspectDir direction unknown!" )
- end
- -- Place --
- function turtle.placeDir( direction )
- if direction == "forward" then return
- elseif direction == "up" then return turtle.placeUp()
- elseif direction == "down" then return turtle.placeDown()
- end
- error( "turtle.placeDir invalid direction" )
- end
- function turtle.wait_place() while not do os.sleep( 1 ) end end
- -- Return succes and if false, the name of the block
- function turtle.move_inspect( direction )
- if turtle.moveDir( direction ) then
- return true, nil
- end
- local s, d = turtle.inspectDir( direction )
- return false,
- end
- function turtle.move_toward( destination )
- local distance = destination - turtle.position()
- if distance.x ~= 0 then
- if distance.x > 0 then turtle.turn( EAST ) else turtle.turn( WEST ) end
- return turtle.move_inspect( "forward" )
- end
- if distance.z ~= 0 then
- if distance.z > 0 then turtle.turn( SOUTH ) else turtle.turn( NORTH ) end
- return turtle.move_inspect( "forward" )
- end
- if distance.y ~= 0 then
- if distance.y > 0 then return turtle.move_inspect( "up" ) else return turtle.move_inspect( "down" ) end
- end
- return true
- end
- function turtle.dig_toward( destination )
- local distance = destination - turtle.position()
- if distance.x ~= 0 then
- if distance.x > 0 then turtle.turn( EAST ) else turtle.turn( WEST ) end
- return turtle.force_move( "forward" )
- end
- if distance.z ~= 0 then
- if distance.z > 0 then turtle.turn( SOUTH ) else turtle.turn( NORTH ) end
- return turtle.force_move( "forward" )
- end
- if distance.y ~= 0 then
- if distance.y > 0 then return turtle.force_move( "up" ) else return turtle.force_move( "down" ) end
- end
- return true
- end
- -- array of vector
- function turtle.follow_path( path, can_dig )
- for i = 1, #path do
- if ( can_dig ) then
- turtle.dig_toward( path[ i ] )
- else
- local s, n = turtle.move_toward( path[ i ] )
- if not s then
- map_add( path[ i ], n )
- save_map()
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function turtle.pathfind_to( destination, can_dig )
- print( "Going to: " .. tostring( destination ) )
- local path = turtle.A_Star( turtle.position(), destination )
- while not follow_path( path, can_dig ) do
- print( "recalculating a path.")
- path = turtle.A_Star( turtle.position(), destination )
- end
- print( "ARRIVED !")
- end
- -- Inspect --
- function turtle.is_block_name( direction, block_name )
- local s, d = turtle.inspectDir( direction )
- return s and == block_name
- end
- function turtle.is_block_tag( direction, tag )
- if direction == "back" then return false end
- if not turtle.detectDir( direction ) then return false end
- local success, data = turtle.inspectDir( direction )
- return success and data.tags[ tag ]
- end
- -- Inventory --
- function turtle.getInventory()
- local inv = {}
- for i = 1, 16 do
- inv[ i ] = turtle.getItemDetail( i )
- end
- return inv
- end
- function turtle.get_item_index( name )
- for i = 1, 16 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail( i )
- if item and string.find(, name ) then
- return i
- end
- end
- return -1
- end
- function turtle.has_items()
- for i = 1, 16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount( i ) > 0 then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function turtle.is_inventory_full()
- for i = 1, 16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount( i ) == 0 then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- function turtle.drop_in_enderchest( stuff_to_keep )
- local enderchest_index = turtle.get_item_index( "enderstorage:ender_chest" )
- if enderchest_index == -1 then return end
- local to_keep = {}
- for k, v in pairs( stuff_to_keep ) do
- to_keep[ k ] = v
- end
- turtle.dig_all( "up" )
- enderchest_index )
- while not turtle.placeUp() do
- os.sleep( 0.1 )
- end
- for i = 1, 16 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail( i )
- if item then
- print( )
- print( to_keep[ ] )
- if to_keep[ ] and to_keep[ ] > 0 then
- to_keep[ ] = to_keep[ ] - 1
- else
- i )
- turtle.dropUp()
- end
- end
- end
- 1 )
- turtle.digUp()
- end
- -- Fuel --
- function turtle.get_valid_fuel_index()
- for i = 1, 16 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail( i )
- for f = 1, #valid_fuel do
- if item and string.find(, valid_fuel[ f ] ) then
- return i
- end
- end
- end
- return -1
- end
- function turtle.is_valid_fuel( item_name )
- for f = 1, #valid_fuel do
- if item_name == valid_fuel[ f ] then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function turtle.try_refuel()
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 100 then
- local fuel_index = turtle.get_valid_fuel_index()
- if fuel_index == -1 then
- print( "Give me fuel please!" )
- print( "Valid fluel:" )
- for f = 1, #valid_fuel do
- print( valid_fuel[ f ] )
- end
- while fuel_index == -1 do
- os.sleep( 1 )
- fuel_index = turtle.get_valid_fuel_index()
- end
- end
- print( "Eating Some Fuel." )
- fuel_index )
- turtle.refuel( 2 )
- end
- end
- turtle.load_position()
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