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- -- Startup Stuff
- local colony = peripheral.wrap("left")
- mon = peripheral.wrap("top")
- -- End Startup Stuff
- function SortJob(a, b)
- if (a == nil or a["job"] == nil) then return false end
- if (b == nil or b["job"] == nil) then return false end
- return a["job"] < b["job"]
- end
- function FirstName(name)
- returnStr = ""
- for i=1, #name do
- local char = string.sub(name, i, i)
- if (char == " " or i == 9) then
- return returnStr
- end
- returnStr = returnStr .. char
- end
- return returnStr
- end
- function GetHappiness(happiness)
- local mult = 10 -- # of places
- happiness = math.floor(happiness * mult + 0.5) / mult
- if (happiness == 10.0) then
- mon.setTextColor(
- else
- mon.setTextColor(
- end
- mon.write(happiness)
- end
- function GetJobStatus(status)
- local statusText = {
- ["Working"] = "Working",
- ["Farming"] = "Working",
- ["Delivering"] = "Working",
- ["Mining"] = "Working",
- ["Composting"] = "Working",
- ["Searching for trees"] = "Working"
- }
- if (statusText[status] == nil) then
- mon.setTextColor(
- mon.write(status)
- else
- mon.setTextColor(
- mon.write(statusText[status])
- end
- end
- function SetJobColor(job)
- local jobColors = {
- ["Knight"] = colors.magenta,
- ["Courier"] = colors.yellow,
- ["Archer"] =,
- ["Builder"] = colors.brown,
- ["Druid"] = colors.lime,
- ["Enchanter"] = colors.purple,
- ["Farmer"] = colors.cyan,
- ["Student"] =,
- ["Researcher"] = colors.lightBlue
- }
- if (jobColors[job] == nil) then
- mon.setTextColor(
- else
- mon.setTextColor(jobColors[job])
- end
- end
- function GetBedDistance(bed, work)
- local bedY = bed and bed["z"]
- local bedX = bed and bed["x"]
- if not (wobedYrkY and bedX) then
- return
- end
- local workY = work and work["z"]
- local workX = work and work["x"]
- if not (workY and workX) then
- return
- end
- local distanceY = math.abs(workY - bedY)
- local distanceX = math.abs(workX - bedX)
- local distance = math.sqrt(distanceX^2 + distanceY^2)
- local mult = 10 -- # of decimal places
- distance = math.floor(distance * mult + 0.5) / mult
- mon.setTextColor(
- if (distance > 99) then
- mon.setTextColor(
- end
- if (distance > 75 and distance < 100) then
- mon.setTextColor(
- end
- if (distance > 50 and distance < 76) then
- mon.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
- end
- mon.write(distance)
- end
- function ShowCitizens()
- local counter = 1
- local row = 1
- local column = 1
- local citizens = colony.getCitizens()
- local job = "unemployed"
- table.sort(citizens, SortJob)
- -- Erstelle eine Tabelle zur Zwischenspeicherung der neuen Anzeigen
- local newDisplays = {}
- for _, citizen in ipairs(citizens) do
- local status = citizen["status"]
- local job = citizen["job"]
- local bedDistance -- define bedDistance here
- if (row > 80) then
- row = 1
- column = 82
- end
- -- Erstelle die neuen Anzeigen für den Bürger
- local displayName = citizen["name"]
- local jobStatus = status
- local happiness = citizen["happiness"]
- --local bedDistance = {bed = citizen["home"]["location"], work = citizen["work"]["location"]}
- if citizen ~= nil and citizen["home"] ~= nil and citizen["home"]["location"] ~= nil and citizen["work"] ~= nil and citizen["work"]["location"] ~= nil then
- local bedDistance = {bed = citizen["home"]["location"], work = citizen["work"]["location"]}
- end
- -- Speichere die neuen Anzeigen in der Tabelle
- newDisplays[counter] = {
- displayName = displayName,
- job = job,
- jobStatus = jobStatus,
- happiness = happiness,
- bedDistance = bedDistance,
- row = row,
- column = column
- }
- row = row + 1
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- -- Lösche den Monitor, bevor die neuen Anzeigen angezeigt werden
- mon.clear()
- -- Schreibe die neuen Anzeigen auf den Monitor
- for _, display in ipairs(newDisplays) do
- mon.setCursorPos(display.column, display.row)
- mon.setTextColor(
- mon.setTextScale(0.5)
- mon.write(FirstName(display.displayName))
- mon.setCursorPos(display.column + 10, display.row)
- SetJobColor(display.job)
- mon.write(display.job)
- mon.setCursorPos(display.column + 25 , display.row)
- mon.write(GetJobStatus(display.jobStatus))
- mon.setCursorPos(display.column + 43, display.row)
- mon.write(GetHappiness(display.happiness))
- local bed = display.bedDistance["bed"]
- local work = display.bedDistance["work"]
- mon.setCursorPos(display.column + 55, display.row)
- GetBedDistance(display.bedDistance.bed, -- the error was here
- end
- end
- while true do
- ShowCitizens()
- sleep(0.5)
- end
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