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- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- ;sprites $0d80-$0ec0
- ;ssin $0fc0,$36,$3f,$0a,$0040,$37 (S)
- ;sinus1 $0d00,$00,$7f,$02,$0100,$00 (S1)
- ;sinus2 $0c00,$00,$ff,$02,$0100,$7e (S2)
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- *= $080d
- jmp start
- .text "(-=code by erol=-)"
- start lda #$0a
- ldx #$b0
- sta lines+1
- stx pause+1
- jsr exit
- lda #$01
- sta $0286
- jsr $e544
- dex
- stx $d020
- stx $d021
- s0 lda $2b40,x
- sta $0400,x
- lda $2ba8,x
- sta $0468,x
- lda $2ca8,x
- sta $d800,x
- lda $2d10,x
- sta $d868,x
- inx
- bne s0
- jsr sc2set
- jsr swset
- ldx #$27
- s1 lda #$00
- sta $02a7,x
- sta $d968,x
- dex
- bpl s1
- jsr col
- stx $d01b
- lda #$00
- ldx #$00
- ldy #$00
- jsr $1000
- sei
- ldx #<irq
- ldy #>irq
- stx $0314
- sty $0315
- ldx #$00;47 ;$c1
- ldy #$90;fe ;$fe
- stx $0318
- sty $0319
- ldx #$01
- stx $d01a
- lda #$7f
- sta $dc0d
- lda #$1b
- dex
- sta $d011
- stx $d012
- cli
- jsr sprds
- jmp w
- group .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20
- .byte $20,$20,$20,$13,$53,$15
- .byte $55,$03,$43,$03,$43,$05
- .byte $45,$13,$53,$13,$53,$20
- .byte $26,$66,$20,$14,$54,$08
- .byte $48,$05,$45,$20,$12,$52
- .byte $15,$55,$0c,$4c,$09,$0e
- .byte $4e,$07,$47,$20,$03,$43
- .byte $0f,$4f,$0d,$4d,$10,$50
- .byte $01,$41,$0e,$4e,$19,$59
- .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20
- .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20
- .byte $20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20
- .byte $20,$20
- *= $3800
- w lda $02
- beq w
- lda #$00
- sta $02
- jsr $1003
- bit $1003
- bit $1003
- bit $1003
- lda $dc01
- cmp #$ef
- bne dt4
- dec dt4+1
- dt4 lda #$00
- beq dt5
- inc cnt5
- lda cnt5
- cmp #$03
- bne dt5
- lda #$00
- sta cnt5
- z1 ldx #$01
- lda col1,x
- sta $d020
- jsr col
- inc z1+1
- lda z1+1
- cmp #$0b
- bne dt5
- lda #$00
- sta $d015
- dec dt5+1
- dt5 lda #$00
- beq dt3
- lda #$01
- ldx #$0b
- sta dt1+1
- stx cp2+1
- ldx #$27
- lda #$00
- sta w1+1
- d1 sta $07e8,x
- sta $dbe8,x
- dex
- bpl d1
- lda d1+1
- sec
- sbc #$28
- bcs d2
- dec d1+2
- dec d1+5
- d2 sta d1+1
- sta d1+4
- lda d1+1
- cmp #$d8
- bne dt3
- lda #$00
- sta dt4+1
- sta dt5+1
- jmp linker
- dt3 lda #$00
- bne dt2
- inc cnt5
- lda cnt5
- pause cmp #$b0
- bne w1
- ldx #$01
- stx dt3+1
- dex
- stx cnt5
- dt2 lda #$00
- bne w1
- inc cnt5
- lda cnt5
- cmp #$05
- bne w1
- ldx #$00
- stx cnt5
- dex
- stx $d015
- lda #$07
- sta qun+1
- dt1 ldx #$00
- lda col1,x
- sta $d020
- jsr col
- inc dt1+1
- lda dt1+1
- cp2 cmp #$0a
- bne w1
- ldx #$01
- stx dt2+1
- stx w1+1
- lda #$0f
- jsr col
- lda #$1c
- sta cha+1
- lda #$1c
- sta $0568+$21
- lda #$5c
- sta $0568+$22
- lda #$9c
- sta $0568+$23
- lda #$dc
- sta $0568+$24
- w1 lda #$00
- beq w11
- jsr sc2roll
- jsr xlsin
- jsr show
- w11 lda $0fc0
- sta sprds+1
- inc w11+1
- bne w2
- lda #$c0
- sta w11+1
- w2 jmp w
- irq inc $d019
- inc $02
- lda #$3b
- sta $d011
- lda #$18
- sta $d018
- lda #$d4
- sta $d016
- lda #$00
- sta $d01b
- jsr sprds
- ldy #$08
- jsr yco
- jsr xco1
- lda #$1c
- ldx #<irq1
- ldy #>irq1
- jmp irx
- irq1 inc $d019
- ldy #$1e
- jsr yco
- jsr xco2
- lda #$31
- ldx #<irq2
- ldy #>irq2
- jmp irx
- irq2 inc $d019
- ldy #$34
- jsr yco
- jsr xco1
- lda #$48
- ldx #<irq3
- ldy #>irq3
- jmp irx
- irq3 inc $d019
- ldy #$4a
- jsr yco
- jsr xco2
- lda #$ff
- sta $d01b
- lda #$5e
- ldx #<irq4
- ldy #>irq4
- jmp irx
- irq4 inc $d019
- ldy #$60
- jsr yco
- jsr xco1
- lda #$74
- ldx #<irq5
- ldy #>irq5
- jmp irx
- irq5 inc $d019
- ldy #$76
- jsr yco
- jsr xco2
- lda #$7a
- a1 cmp $d012
- bne a1
- qun ldy #$09
- a2 dey
- bne a2
- lda #$1b
- sta $d011
- cha lda #$15
- sta $d018
- lda #$c4
- sta $d016
- lda #$82
- i4 cmp $d012
- bne i4
- lda $53
- sta $d016
- lda #$8a
- ldx #<irq6
- ldy #>irq6
- jmp irx
- irq6 inc $d019
- ldy #$8c
- jsr yco
- jsr xco1
- lda #$a0
- ldx #<irq7
- ldy #>irq7
- jmp irx
- irq7 inc $d019
- ldy #$a2
- jsr yco
- jsr xco2
- lda #$c3
- sta $d016
- lda #$b7
- ldx #<irq8
- ldy #>irq8
- jmp irx
- irq8 inc $d019
- ldy #$b8
- jsr yco
- jsr xco1
- lda #$cd
- ldx #<irq9
- ldy #>irq9
- jmp irx
- irq9 inc $d019
- ldy #$ce
- jsr yco
- jsr xco2
- lda $a9
- sta $d016
- lda #$e2
- ldx #<irq10
- ldy #>irq10
- jmp irx
- irq10 inc $d019
- ldy #$e4
- jsr yco
- jsr xco1
- lda #$f9
- ldx #<irqf
- ldy #>irqf
- irx sta $d012
- stx $0314
- sty $0315
- jmp $ea81
- irqf inc $d019
- lda #$10
- sta $d011
- lda #$00
- sta $d01b
- ldy #$fa
- jsr yco
- jsr xco2
- ldy #$0f
- i1 cpy $d012
- bne i1
- jsr yco
- jsr xco1
- jsr j2
- lda #$00
- ldx #<irq
- ldy #>irq
- jmp irx
- sta $d012
- stx $0314
- sty $0315
- jmp $ea81
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- j2 lda c0c
- sec
- xsspeed sbc #$01
- bcs m1
- clc
- adc #$ff
- m1 sta c0c
- lda c0d
- sec
- sbc #$01
- bcs m2
- clc
- adc #$7f
- m2 sta c0d
- lda #$00
- sta c0b
- ldx c0c
- ldy c0d
- lda sinus2,x
- clc
- adc sinus1,y
- bcc m3
- inc c0b
- m3 sta c0a
- ldx #$00
- stx cm1
- stx cm2
- ldy #$00
- m0 lda data+$10,x
- clc
- adc c0b
- sta c09
- mx0 lda data+$08,x
- clc
- adc c0a
- sta c08
- bcc m4
- inc c09
- m4 lda c09
- cmp #$01
- bcc m7
- cmp #$02
- bne m5
- lda c08
- sec
- sbc #$57
- sta c08
- bcs m6
- dec c09
- m6 jsr m15
- beq m7
- m5 lda c08
- cmp #$58
- bcc m7
- dec c09
- lda c08
- sec
- sbc #$57
- sta c08
- m7 lda c09
- beq m8
- lda data,x
- clc
- adc cm1
- sta cm1
- m8 lda c08
- sta cx1,x
- mx2 lda data+$20,x
- clc
- adc c0b
- sta c09
- mx1 lda data+$18,x
- clc
- adc c0a
- sta c08
- bcc m9
- inc c09
- m9 lda c09
- cmp #$01
- bcc m12
- cmp #$02
- bne m10
- lda c08
- sec
- sbc #$57
- sta c08
- bcs m11
- dec c09
- m11 jsr m15
- beq m12
- m10 lda c08
- cmp #$58
- bcc m12
- dec c09
- lda c08
- sec
- sbc #$57
- sta c08
- m12 lda c09
- beq m13
- lda data,x
- clc
- adc cm2
- sta cm2
- m13 lda c08
- sta cx9,x
- inx
- cpx #$08
- beq m14
- jmp m0
- m15 dec c09
- lda c09
- m14 rts
- sprds lda #$36
- sta $07f8
- sta $07f9
- sta $07fa
- sta $07fb
- sta $07fc
- sta $07fd
- sta $07fe
- sta $07ff
- rts
- yco sty $d001
- sty $d003
- sty $d005
- sty $d007
- sty $d009
- sty $d00b
- sty $d00d
- sty $d00f
- rts
- xco1 lda cm1
- sta $d010
- lda cx1
- sta $d000
- lda cx2
- sta $d002
- lda cx3
- sta $d004
- lda cx4
- sta $d006
- lda cx5
- sta $d008
- lda cx6
- sta $d00a
- lda cx7
- sta $d00c
- lda cx8
- sta $d00e
- rts
- xco2 lda cm2
- sta $d010
- lda cx9
- sta $d000
- lda cx10
- sta $d002
- lda cx11
- sta $d004
- lda cx12
- sta $d006
- lda cx13
- sta $d008
- lda cx14
- sta $d00a
- lda cx15
- sta $d00c
- lda cx16
- sta $d00e
- rts
- col sta $d027
- sta $d028
- sta $d029
- sta $d02a
- sta $d02b
- sta $d02c
- sta $d02d
- sta $d02e
- rts
- sc27 sta $a9
- rts
- sc2roll lda $a9
- clc
- sc20 sbc #$02
- sta $a9
- cmp #$c0
- bcs sc27
- adc #$08
- sta $a9
- ldx #$00
- sc21 lda $0799,x
- sta $0798,x
- lda $07c1,x
- sta $07c0,x
- inx
- cpx #$27
- bne sc21
- dec $aa
- beq sc22
- lda $07be
- ora #$40
- sta $07bf
- ora #$80
- sta $07e7
- rts
- sc22 ldx #$02
- stx $aa
- ldy #$00
- lda ($a7),y
- bne sc23
- jmp sc2set2
- sc23 cmp sc2d2,y
- bne sc231
- ldx #$01
- stx $aa
- bne sc232
- sc231 iny
- cpy #18
- bne sc23
- sc232 ldy #$00
- sc232x cmp sc2d,y
- beq sc26
- iny
- cpy #$07
- bne sc232x
- sta $07bf
- ora #$80
- sta $07e7
- sc24 inc $a7
- bne sc25
- inc $a8
- sc25 rts
- sc26 sty sc20+1
- dec $aa
- jmp sc24
- sc2d .byte $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85
- .byte $86
- sc2d2 .byte $09,$1b,$1d,$1e,$20,$21
- .byte $22,$25,$27,$28,$29,$2c
- .byte $2e,$2f,$3a,$3b,$3c,$3e
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- ;x sinus logo move by erol/tempest
- ;sinus $50-$ff/$80 bytes:centre logo+$14
- ;jsr xlsin $53 = $d016
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- xlsin
- xl0 lda $0c00
- tax
- and #$07
- eor #$07
- sta $53
- txa
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- tax
- ldy #$00
- xl1 lda group,x
- sta $0590,y
- ora #$80
- sta $05b8,y
- inx
- iny
- cpy #$28
- bne xl1
- inc xl0+1
- lda xl0+1
- and #$7f
- sta xl0+1
- rts
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- ;2x2 show (jsr swset) erol/tempest
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
- show inc $b3
- lda $b3
- cmp #$05
- beq sw1
- rts
- sw1 ldy #$00
- sty $b3
- ldx #$00
- sw2 lda swdt
- sta $da80,x
- sta $da81,x
- sta $daa8,x
- sta $daa9,x
- sw4 lda $2e10,y
- sta $0680,x
- clc
- adc #$40
- sta $0681,x
- adc #$40
- sta $06a8,x
- adc #$40
- sta $06a9,x
- iny
- inx
- sec
- sbc #$c0
- cmp #$09
- beq sw
- cmp #$1b
- beq sw
- cmp #$1d
- beq sw
- cmp #$1e
- beq sw
- cmp #$22
- beq sw
- cmp #$27
- beq sw
- cmp #$28
- beq sw
- cmp #$29
- beq sw
- cmp #$2f
- beq sw
- inx
- sw cpy #$14
- bne sw2
- inc sw2+1
- bne sw7
- inc sw2+2
- sw7 lda sw2+1
- cmp #<swdt+$20
- beq sw3
- swx rts
- sw3 lda #<swdt
- sta sw2+1
- lda #>swdt
- sta sw2+2
- ldx #$4f
- lda #$20
- sww sta $0658,x
- dex
- bpl sww
- lda sw4+1
- clc
- adc #$14
- sta sw4+1
- bcc sw5
- inc sw4+2
- sw5 inc $b2
- lda $b2
- lines cmp #$0a
- bne swx
- jmp swset
- *= $2f00
- sc2set lda #$c3
- sta $a9
- sc2set2 lda #$00
- ldx #$09
- ldy #$02
- sta $a7
- stx $a8
- sty $aa
- rts
- swset lda #$00
- ldx #$10
- ldy #$2e
- sta $b2
- sta $b3
- stx sw4+1
- sty sw4+2
- rts
- exit jsr $fd15
- jsr $fda3
- jsr $ff5b
- jmp $e3bf
- linker sei
- jsr exit
- inc $d018
- lda #$0f
- sta $0286
- jsr $e544
- dex
- stx $d020
- stx $d021
- ldx #$27
- lnk2 lda ltext,x
- sta $07c0,x
- lda lnk,x
- sta $02d8,x
- dex
- bpl lnk2
- jmp $02d8
- lnk sei
- inc $01
- lnk0 ldy #$00
- lnk1 lda $3e00,y
- sta $07e6
- sta $0801,y
- iny
- bne lnk1
- inc $02e5
- inc $02df
- bne lnk0
- dec $01
- sty $0800
- cli
- jsr $a659
- stjmp jmp $a7ae
- ltext .byte $49,$0e,$14,$12,$0f,$20
- .byte $03,$0f,$04,$05,$20,$02
- .byte $19,$20,$45,$12,$0f,$0c
- .byte $20,$0f,$06,$20,$54,$05
- .byte $0d,$10,$05,$13,$54,$20
- .byte $09,$0e,$20,$27,$39,$37
- .byte $20,$28,$20,$29
- swdt .byte 0,0,9,2,8,10
- .byte 15,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
- .byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
- .byte 1,1,1,15
- .byte 10,8,2,9,0,0
- dat .byte $65,$00,$7c,$00,$c7,$4d
- .byte $2f,$c7
- cx1 = $02b0
- cx2 = $02b1
- cx3 = $02b2
- cx4 = $02b3
- cx5 = $02b4
- cx6 = $02b5
- cx7 = $02b6
- cx8 = $02b7
- cx9 = $02b8
- cx10 = $02b9
- cx11 = $02ba
- cx12 = $02bb
- cx13 = $02bc
- cx14 = $02bd
- cx15 = $02be
- cx16 = $02bf
- cm1 = $02c0
- cm2 = $02c1
- c08 = $02a8
- c09 = $02a9
- c0a = $02aa
- c0b = $02ab
- c0c = $02ac
- c0d = $02ad
- c0e = $02ae
- c0f = $02af
- cnt5 = $02c2
- sinus2 = $0c00
- sinus1 = $0d00
- data .byte $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20
- .byte $40,$80,$13,$3e,$69,$94
- .byte $bf,$ea,$15,$40,$00,$00
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$01
- .byte $00,$2b,$56,$81,$ac,$d7
- .byte $01,$2d,$00,$00,$00,$00
- .byte $00,$00,$01,$01
- col1 .byte $00,$0b,$0c,$0f,$07,$01
- .byte $07,$0f,$0c,$0b,$00
- ;```````````````````````````````````````
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