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- #lang racket
- (provide (struct-out column-info)
- (struct-out table)
- (struct-out and-f)
- (struct-out or-f)
- (struct-out not-f)
- (struct-out eq-f)
- (struct-out eq2-f)
- (struct-out lt-f)
- table-insert
- table-project
- table-sort
- table-select
- table-rename
- table-cross-join
- table-natural-join)
- (define-struct column-info (name type) #:transparent)
- (define-struct table (schema rows) #:transparent)
- (define cities
- (table
- (list (column-info 'city 'string)
- (column-info 'country 'string)
- (column-info 'area 'number)
- (column-info 'capital 'boolean))
- (list (list "Wrocław" "Poland" 293 #f)
- (list "Warsaw" "Poland" 517 #t)
- (list "Poznań" "Poland" 262 #f)
- (list "Berlin" "Germany" 892 #t)
- (list "Munich" "Germany" 310 #f)
- (list "Paris" "France" 105 #t)
- (list "Rennes" "France" 50 #f))))
- (define countries
- (table
- (list (column-info 'country 'string)
- (column-info 'population 'number))
- (list (list "Poland" 38)
- (list "Germany" 83)
- (list "France" 67)
- (list "Spain" 47))))
- (define (empty-table columns) (table columns '()))
- ; Wstawianie
- (define (val-type-ok? val type)
- (cond ([and (eq? type 'number) (number? val)] true)
- ([and (eq? type 'string) (string? val)] true)
- ([and (eq? type 'symbol) (symbol? val)] true)
- ([and (eq? type 'boolean) (boolean? val)] true)
- (else false)))
- (define (type-ok? row schema)
- (cond ([and (empty? row) (empty? schema)] true)
- ([or (empty? row) (empty? schema)] false)
- ([val-type-ok? (car row) (column-info-type (car schema))] (type-ok? (cdr row) (cdr schema)))
- (else false)))
- (define (table-insert row tab)
- (if (type-ok? row (table-schema tab))
- (table (table-schema tab) (cons row (table-rows tab)))
- (error "invalid row types")))
- ; Projekcja
- (define (column-name-to-id name schema)
- (define (cmp-names column name) (equal? name (column-info-name column)))
- (index-of schema name cmp-names))
- (define (column-names-to-ids names schema)
- (map (lambda (n) (column-name-to-id n schema)) names))
- (define (table-project xs tab)
- (define ids (column-names-to-ids xs (table-schema tab)))
- (define schema (map (lambda (id) (list-ref (table-schema tab) id)) ids))
- (define rows (map (lambda (row)
- (map (lambda (id) (list-ref row id)) ids))
- (table-rows tab)))
- (table schema rows))
- ;; Sortowanie
- (define (compare val1 val2)
- (cond ([integer? val1] (< val1 val2))
- ([string? val1] (string<? val1 val2))
- ([symbol? val1] (symbol<? val1 val2))
- (else (and (not val1) val2))))
- (define (sort1 col tab)
- (define id (column-name-to-id col (table-schema tab)))
- (define rows (sort (table-rows tab) (lambda (x y) (compare (list-ref x id) (list-ref y id)))))
- (table (table-schema tab) rows))
- (define (table-sort cols tab)
- (if (empty? cols)
- tab
- (sort1 (car cols) (table-sort (cdr cols) tab))))
- ;; Selekcja
- (define-struct and-f (l r))
- (define-struct or-f (l r))
- (define-struct not-f (e))
- (define-struct eq-f (name val))
- (define-struct eq2-f (name name2))
- (define-struct lt-f (name val))
- ;
- (define (matches? formula schema row)
- (match formula
- ([and-f l r] (and (matches? l schema row) (matches? r schema row)))
- ([or-f l r] (or (matches? l schema row) (matches? r schema row)))
- ([not-f e] (not (matches? e schema row)))
- ([eq-f name val] (equal? (list-ref row (column-name-to-id name schema)) val))
- ([eq2-f name name2] (equal? (list-ref row (column-name-to-id name schema)) (list-ref row (column-name-to-id name2 schema))))
- ([lt-f name val] (compare (list-ref row (column-name-to-id name schema)) val))
- (else false)))
- (define (table-select formula tab)
- (define schema (table-schema tab))
- (define rows (filter (lambda (row) (matches? formula schema row)) (table-rows tab)))
- (table schema rows))
- ;; Zmiana nazwy
- (define (table-rename old-name new-name tab)
- (define (rename-column column)
- (if (eq? (column-info-name column) old-name)
- (column-info new-name (column-info-type column))
- column))
- (define schema (map rename-column (table-schema tab)))
- (table schema (table-rows tab)))
- ;; Złączenie kartezjańskie
- (define (table-cross-join tab1 tab2)
- (define schema (append (table-schema tab1) (table-schema tab2)))
- (define rows (append-map
- (lambda (row1) (map
- (lambda (row2) (append row1 row2))
- (table-rows tab2)))
- (table-rows tab1)))
- (table schema rows))
- ; Złączenie
- (define (table-natural-join tab1 tab2)
- (define columns1 (map column-info-name (table-schema tab1)))
- (define columns2 (map column-info-name (table-schema tab2)))
- (define column-intersection (set-intersect columns1 columns2))
- (define (add2 sym) (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string sym) "2")))
- (define column-intersection2 (map add2 column-intersection))
- (define (add2-tab xs tab)
- (if (empty? xs)
- tab
- (add2-tab (cdr xs) (table-rename (car xs) (add2 (car xs)) tab))))
- (define tab3 (table-cross-join tab1 (add2-tab column-intersection tab2)))
- (define columns3 (map column-info-name (table-schema tab3)))
- (define ids1 (column-names-to-ids column-intersection (table-schema tab3)))
- (define ids2 (column-names-to-ids column-intersection2 (table-schema tab3)))
- (define (row-ok? row) (andmap (lambda (id1 id2) (equal? (list-ref row id1) (list-ref row id2))) ids1 ids2))
- (define tab4 (table (table-schema tab3) (filter row-ok? (table-rows tab3))))
- (table-project (set-subtract columns3 column-intersection2) tab4))
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