

Oct 1st, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Steve Jobs's 2005 Commencement Address at Stanford University
  5. Fill in the gaps with relevant words to complete the summary of Jobs's speech:
  7. At the 1.... ceremony of Stanford University in 2005, Steve Jobs, former 2...... Apple Computer, 3..... the commencement speech and told the assembly of 4..... three stories from his life to 5............ them to 6..... their dreams.
  9. In the first story, which he calls Connecting the dots', Jobs tells about his 7..... and next explains why he 8..... out of college. As his biological mother, who was very young and 9...... had dropped 10...... too, she wanted her child to 11..... and decided to have him 12.......... Steve's adoptive (=13.............) parents promised her that he would go to college, which he did at 17, at Reed College (in Oregon). But the studies there were extremely 14..... for his 15....... family and, besides, he was not interested 16........ the course, 17..... he dropped out. Instead, he decided to 18...... calligraphy classes, which fascinated him. At that time, he thought that this knowledge would never be useful in his life, but ten years later, as he was designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to him and he could put his 19....... knowledge 20...... practice. That is the reason why the Mac was the first computer with such beautiful typography.
  11. The second story is about "love and 21.....". Jobs explains that at 30, after creating his own business, Apple, he got 22......from it! Yet, he didn't give up. After some time, he pulled himself 23.... and set 24....... two new companies, Pixar and NexT. The latter was taken 25....... by Apple, enabling Jobs to return to Apple. He concludes this story with the messages "Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose 26...... . Don't settle." What he is trying to get 27...... is the idea that you should never sit back or feel 28...... when you 29....... difficulties. On the contrary, you had better 30...... the challenge!
  13. The third story 31..... the 32....... of death and starts with a quotation: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right". Having said that, Jobs strongly advises the graduates to 33...... life in order to 34..... all their projects. He 35..... the students that they are mortals, so the only thing they can be certain of is that they will end 36....... dead. And he adds that death might be 37........ He concludes his speech by 38....... the audience to "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish!". In plain words, that means that we constantly have to remain broad-minded, 39 ........... to learn and come up 40....... new ideas. And, even more important, we've got to find what we truly love!
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