
TextureTags Set 2

Jul 31st, 2016
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  1. {
  2. name: '<binoculars>',
  3. title: 'Binoculars Window Tag',
  4. signature: '<binoculars path="#PATH#" />',
  5. description: 'Changes the binoculars, located at the cove.',
  6. example: '<binoculars path="binoculars.swf" />'
  7. }
  8. {
  9. name: '<help>',
  10. title: 'Help Window Tag',
  11. signature: '<help path=""#PATH#" />',
  12. description: 'Changes the help window.',
  13. example: '<help path="help.swf" />'
  14. }
  15. {
  16. name: '<puffle>',
  17. title: 'Puffle Tag',
  18. signature: '<puffle type="#PUFFLE COLOR#" paper="#PATH#" spriteWalk="#PATH#" spriteIgloo = "#PATH#" />',
  19. description: 'Changes the puffles sprites.',
  20. example: '<puffle type="blue" paper="pOldBlue.swf" spriteWalk="wOldBlue.swf" spriteIgloo = "iOldBlue.swf" />'
  21. }
  22. {
  23. name: '<catalog>',
  24. title: 'Catalog Tag',
  25. signature: '<catalog name="#CATALOG NAME#" #LANG#="#PATH#" />',
  26. description: 'Changes any current catalogs. en (Required): English version of the file. pt (Optional): Portuguese version of the file. es (Optional): Spanish version of the file. fr (Optional): French version of the file.',
  27. example: '<catalog name="clothing" en="2006CP/extra/JuneStyle.swf" />'
  28. }
  29. {
  30. name: '<forceItem>',
  31. title: 'forceItem Tag',
  32. signature: '<forceItem room="#ROOM KEY#" id="#ITEM ID#" />',
  33. description: 'Forces an item on to all players in the room specified.',
  34. example: '<forceItem room="berg" id="458" /> '
  35. }
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