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- use std::sync::Arc;
- use dptree::{case, deps, di::*, from_fn_with_description, HandlerDescription};
- use teloxide::{
- dispatching::{dialogue::InMemStorage, HandlerExt, UpdateFilterExt, UpdateHandler},
- macros::BotCommands,
- prelude::*,
- };
- pub trait InsertContainer {
- fn insert_container(&mut self, cont: DependencyMap);
- }
- impl InsertContainer for DependencyMap {
- fn insert_container(&mut self, cont: DependencyMap) {
- DependencyMap::insert_container(self, cont);
- }
- }
- trait InjectContainer<'a, Input, Output, Descr> {
- fn inject_cont<Proj, Args>(self, proj: Proj) -> Handler<'a, Input, Output, Descr>
- where
- Input: Clone + InsertContainer,
- Asyncify<Proj>: Injectable<Input, DependencyMap, Args> + Send + Sync + 'a;
- }
- impl<'a, Input, Output, Descr> InjectContainer<'a, Input, Output, Descr>
- for Handler<'a, Input, Output, Descr>
- where
- Input: Send + 'a,
- Output: 'a,
- Descr: HandlerDescription,
- {
- #[must_use]
- #[track_caller]
- fn inject_cont<Proj, Args>(self, proj: Proj) -> Handler<'a, Input, Output, Descr>
- where
- Input: Clone + InsertContainer,
- Asyncify<Proj>: Injectable<Input, DependencyMap, Args> + Send + Sync + 'a,
- {
- self.chain(inject_cont_async_with_description(
- Descr::map(),
- Asyncify(proj),
- ))
- }
- }
- #[must_use]
- pub fn inject_cont_async_with_description<'a, Projection, Input, Output, Args, Descr>(
- description: Descr,
- proj: Projection,
- ) -> Handler<'a, Input, Output, Descr>
- where
- Input: Clone + InsertContainer,
- Projection: Injectable<Input, DependencyMap, Args> + Send + Sync + 'a,
- Input: Send + 'a,
- Output: 'a,
- Descr: HandlerDescription,
- {
- let proj = Arc::new(proj);
- from_fn_with_description(description, move |container: Input, cont| {
- let proj = Arc::clone(&proj);
- async move {
- let proj = proj.inject(&container);
- let res = proj().await;
- std::mem::drop(proj);
- let mut intermediate = container.clone();
- intermediate.insert_container(res);
- match cont(intermediate).await {
- ControlFlow::Continue(_) => ControlFlow::Continue(container),
- ControlFlow::Break(result) => ControlFlow::Break(result),
- }
- }
- })
- }
- type HandlerResult = Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>;
- type DiDialogue = Dialogue<DiState, InMemStorage<DiState>>;
- #[derive(Clone)]
- struct DiState {
- di: DependencyMap,
- }
- impl Default for DiState {
- fn default() -> Self {
- DiState {
- di: DependencyMap::new(),
- }
- }
- }
- // Just for QoL, not necessary
- impl From<DependencyMap> for DiState {
- fn from(value: DependencyMap) -> Self {
- DiState { di: value }
- }
- }
- #[derive(BotCommands, Default, Clone, Debug)]
- #[command(rename_rule = "snake_case")]
- enum Commands {
- #[default]
- IAmSure,
- }
- async fn handler(
- bot: Bot,
- message: Message,
- DiState { mut di }: DiState,
- didialogue: DiDialogue,
- ) -> HandlerResult {
- let val_before = di.insert(3_i32);
- let val: Arc<i32> = di.get();
- bot.send_message(
- format!("Before: {:?}, Now: {:?}", val_before, val),
- )
- .await?;
- didialogue.update(di).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- async fn i_am_sure(bot: Bot, message: Message, val: i32) -> HandlerResult {
- bot.send_message(, format!("{val}")).await?;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn handler_tree() -> UpdateHandler<Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
- dptree::entry()
- .enter_dialogue::<Update, InMemStorage<DiState>, DiState>()
- .inject_cont(|DiState { di }: DiState| di)
- .branch(
- Update::filter_message()
- .filter_command::<Commands>()
- .branch(case![Commands::IAmSure].endpoint(i_am_sure)),
- )
- .branch(Update::filter_message().endpoint(handler))
- }
- #[tokio::main]
- async fn main() {
- dotenv::dotenv().ok();
- let bot = Bot::from_env();
- Dispatcher::builder(bot, handler_tree())
- .dependencies(deps![InMemStorage::<DiState>::new()])
- .enable_ctrlc_handler()
- .build()
- .dispatch()
- .await;
- }
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