

Jul 20th, 2023
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  1. {
  2.     "LastTimePlayed": "2023-07-19T22:25:43.6991276",
  3.     "Binned": false,
  4.     "ShowType": "SPACEOPERA",
  5.     "Score": 206,
  6.     "Title": "Predator's Instinct",
  7.     "Summary": "Captain Herbert Reynolds and Commander Bob discuss the latter's concerns regarding Ensign Kai O'Brien. Commander Bob admits that he feels distressed and senses a predatory instinct around Ensign Kai. Captain Reynolds reminds him that Ensign Kai is a valuable crew member who deserves respect. Although Commander Bob acknowledges his instincts, he promises to overcome them. The captain assures him of his understanding and offers support whenever needed.",
  8.     "Prompt": "Commander Bob is in the Captain's office again, speaking privately about an interpersonal issue. The Captain makes a mental note to obtain a ship's therapist soon. Commander Bob hesitates before speaking about the issue that is making him distressed. Commander Bob explains that they have been in space a long while now and Ensign Kai O'Brien reminds him of prey. \"He smells like food, Captain.\" No other characters appear in this episode.",
  9.     "Prompter": "a_hepcat",
  10.     "Scenes": [
  11.         {
  12.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  13.             "Gender": "Male",
  14.             "DialogLine": "Commander Bob, what seems to be bothering you?",
  15.             "VisualDescription": "Captain Herbert Reynolds stands tall with a distinguished appearance. He possesses graying dark hair, a well-groomed beard, and a charismatic smile. He is wearing a gold yellow starship uniform.",
  16.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/1347863173.jpg",
  17.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  18.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1612833212.mp3"
  19.         },
  20.         {
  21.             "SpeakerName": "Commander Bob",
  22.             "Gender": "Male",
  23.             "DialogLine": "It's about Ensign Kai O'Brien, Captain. I find myself feeling distressed around him.",
  24.             "VisualDescription": "Commander Bob, a bipedal lizard-like alien called a \"Cyzorian,\" stands at an average height for his species. He has scaly green skin, a long tail, and sharp claws. He is wearing a red leather uniform as a starship security officer.",
  25.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/194351884.jpg",
  26.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  27.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/869017793.mp3"
  28.         },
  29.         {
  30.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  31.             "Gender": "Male",
  32.             "DialogLine": "Distressed? In what way?",
  33.             "VisualDescription": "Captain Herbert Reynolds maintains a friendly and open expression, awaiting Commander Bob's response.",
  34.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/35866301.jpg",
  35.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  36.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-1414809370.mp3"
  37.         },
  38.         {
  39.             "SpeakerName": "Commander Bob",
  40.             "Gender": "Male",
  41.             "DialogLine": "Well, Captain, it's difficult to explain. But I can't help but feel that Ensign Kai smells like prey to me. It's triggering my instincts.",
  42.             "VisualDescription": "Commander Bob shifts uncomfortably, his scaly green skin glistening under the ship's lights.",
  43.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-1693790710.jpg",
  44.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  45.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/930439459.mp3"
  46.         },
  47.         {
  48.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  49.             "Gender": "Male",
  50.             "DialogLine": "Hmm, I understand your concern, Commander. But remember, Ensign Kai is not prey. He is a valued member of our crew and deserves our respect.",
  51.             "VisualDescription": "Captain Herbert Reynolds gestures in a reassuring manner, emphasizing his words.",
  52.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/731715665.jpg",
  53.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  54.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/1243270635.mp3"
  55.         },
  56.         {
  57.             "SpeakerName": "Commander Bob",
  58.             "Gender": "Male",
  59.             "DialogLine": "I know, Captain. It's just... my instincts sometimes get the best of me. I'll do my best to overcome these feelings.",
  60.             "VisualDescription": "Commander Bob's tail flicks nervously as he tries to express his intention to overcome his instincts.",
  61.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/-143065329.jpg",
  62.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  63.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/764920859.mp3"
  64.         },
  65.         {
  66.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  67.             "Gender": "Male",
  68.             "DialogLine": "That's all anyone can ask, Commander. We're all here to support each other. If you ever need to talk, my door is always open.",
  69.             "VisualDescription": "Captain Herbert Reynolds gives Commander Bob an encouraging smile.",
  70.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/724837359.jpg",
  71.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  72.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-412346314.mp3"
  73.         },
  74.         {
  75.             "SpeakerName": "Commander Bob",
  76.             "Gender": "Male",
  77.             "DialogLine": "Thank you, Captain. I appreciate your understanding and support.",
  78.             "VisualDescription": "Commander Bob nods gratefully, reassured by the Captain's words.",
  79.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/518135630.jpg",
  80.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  81.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/764917366.mp3"
  82.         },
  83.         {
  84.             "SpeakerName": "Captain Herbert Reynolds",
  85.             "Gender": "Male",
  86.             "DialogLine": "After all, when the ship lifts, all debts are paid. There can be no regrets.",
  87.             "VisualDescription": "Captain Herbert Reynolds says with a determined tone, reaffirming the ship's mission and the crew's unity.",
  88.             "ImagePath": "GeneratedImages/952339053.jpg",
  89.             "EmbeddingMatchedImage": false,
  90.             "TTSPath": "GeneratedTTS/-369855535.mp3"
  91.         }
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  97.             "Description": "The host of the show.",
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  107.             "Name": "Herbert Reynolds",
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  114.             "Description": "Norwegian Human captain of the starship USS Entrepreneur.",
  115.             "VoiceProfile": {
  116.                 "VoiceName": "nb-NO-Wavenet-D",
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  124.             "Name": "Bob",
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  126.             "Description": "Cyzorian Chief Officer of the starship USS Entrepreneur.",
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  129.                 "LanguageCode": "ar-XA",
  130.                 "VoiceGender": "Male",
  131.                 "SpeakingRate": 0.8899999856948853,
  132.                 "Pitch": 2
  133.             }
  134.         },
  135.         {
  136.             "Name": "Ensign Kai O'Brien",
  137.             "AltNames": null,
  138.             "Description": "Crew member of the spaceship",
  139.             "VoiceProfile": {
  140.                 "VoiceName": "en-US-Standard-J",
  141.                 "LanguageCode": "en-US",
  142.                 "VoiceGender": "Male",
  143.                 "SpeakingRate": 1,
  144.                 "Pitch": 0
  145.             }
  146.         }
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  148.     "GeneratedTime": "2023-07-19T22:09:50.6226646",
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