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- `define sFetchInstruction 4'b0000
- `define sFetchParameterLo 4'b0001
- `define sFetchParameterHi 4'b0010
- `define sIndexWithX 4'b0011
- `define sIndexWithY 4'b0100
- `define sReadParameterMemory 4'b0101
- `define sDoInstruction 4'b0110
- `define sCalcRelativeBranch 4'b0111
- `define sPushByte 4'b1000
- `define sPullByte 4'b1001
- `define sCall1 4'b1010
- `define sCall2 4'b1011
- `define sReturn1 4'b1100
- `define sReturn2 4'b1101
- `define sPointerGet1 4'b1110
- `define sPointerGet2 4'b1111
- module chipmunk
- #(parameter addrSize = 12)
- (input clk,
- input reset,
- input [addrSize-1:0] startPC,
- inout [7:0] dataBus,
- output reg [addrSize-1:0] addrBus,
- output weMem,
- output done);
- // CPU registers
- reg [7:0] aReg; // accumulator
- reg [7:0] xReg; // X register, counter and index
- reg [7:0] yReg; // Y register, counter and index
- reg [5:0] spReg; // stack pointer
- reg [addrSize-1:0] pcReg; // program counter, current place in the program
- reg [addrSize-1:0] pcRegAlt; // for saving what the PC was when calling
- reg [addrSize-1:0] eaReg; // effective address, for reading/writing bytes of memory or as a storage space for branch destionations
- reg [7:0] dataReg; // data register, for holding
- reg cFlagReg, zFlagReg, nFlagReg;
- reg [5:0] opcode; // opcode storage
- reg [1:0] parameter_size; // parameter type
- reg [3:0] state; // current CPU state
- reg finished; // set to 1 when finished with the current task
- // control signals
- reg [7:0] dataBusOutput; // value we want to write to the data bus
- reg [3:0] nextState; // next state to use
- wire [7:0] addSubResult; // adds or subtracts, with or without carry
- wire addSubCarryOut;
- wire [7:0] shifterResult; // shifts the accumulator or dataReg one bit left/right
- wire shifterCarry;
- wire [7:0] bitOperationResult; // XOR and NOR
- wire OpLoadA = opcode[5:1] == 5'b00000;
- wire OpLoadX = opcode[5:1] == 5'b00001;
- wire OpLoadY = opcode[5:1] == 5'b00010;
- wire OpIncDecMem = opcode[5:3] == 4'b0111 && opcode[0];
- wire OpRolRorMem = (opcode == 6'b011001 || opcode == 6'b011011);
- wire OpIncDec = opcode[5:1] == 5'b10101;
- wire OpInxDex = opcode[5:1] == 5'b10110;
- wire OpInyDey = opcode[5:1] == 5'b10111;
- wire OpSta = opcode == 6'b100001;
- wire OpStx = opcode == 6'b100011;
- wire OpSty = opcode == 6'b100101;
- wire OpLdaY = opcode == 6'b101000;
- wire OpStaY = opcode == 6'b101001;
- wire OpIndexY = opcode[5:1] == 5'b10100; // lda memory,y and sta memory,y
- wire OpSetCarryFlag = opcode[5:1] == 5'b00011;
- wire OpUseAdder = opcode[5:3] == 3'b001;
- wire OpUseBitOp = opcode[5:3] == 3'b010;
- wire OpUseShifter = opcode[5:2] == 4'b0110;
- wire OpAdderUseCarry = opcode[3:2] == 2'b11;
- wire OpCpx = opcode[5:1] == 5'b01011;
- wire OpCpy = opcode == 6'b011100;
- wire OpDoCompare = opcode[5:2] == 4'b0101 || OpCpy;
- wire OpSubtractInstead = OpDoCompare || // compares
- (opcode[5:1] == 5'b00101) || // SUB
- (opcode[5:1] == 5'b00111) || // SBC
- (opcode[5:3] == 3'b101 && opcode[0]); // decrements
- wire aluUseX = OpCpx || OpInxDex;
- wire aluUseY = OpCpy || OpInyDey;
- wire OpReadMemory = opcode[0] && !opcode[5] && opcode != 6'b000111; // not SEC but everything else with this pattern
- wire OpBranch = opcode[5:3] == 3'b111; //last 8 opcodes are branches
- wire flagsMatch = (!opcode[2] && (!opcode[1] || (opcode[0] == nFlagReg))) // BRA/BSR, or BPL/BMI
- || (opcode[2] && ((!opcode[1] && (opcode[0] == zFlagReg)) // BEQ/BNE
- || (opcode[1] && (opcode[0] == cFlagReg)))); // BCS/BCC
- wire BranchTaken = OpBranch && flagsMatch;
- // -- set the finished bit to 1 when you try to RTS with a full stack
- always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin
- if (!reset)
- finished = 0;
- else if(opcode == 6'b100111 && spReg == 6'b111111) // RTS with a full stack = stop
- finished = 1;
- end
- // -- advance the current state to the next state
- always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin
- if (!reset)
- state <= `sFetchInstruction;
- else
- state <= nextState;
- end
- // -- read the opcode number and parameter size
- // -- also control the effective address register
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (state == `sFetchInstruction) begin
- opcode <= dataBus[7:2];
- parameter_size <= dataBus[1:0];
- eaReg <= 0; // address register is zero
- if(dataBus[7:1] == 5'b10101 || dataBus[7:1] == 5'b10110 || dataBus[7:1] == 5'b10111 || (dataBus[7:5] == 4'b0111 && dataBus[0]))
- // (in order: INC/DEC A, INX/DEX, INY/DEY, INC/DEC memory)
- dataReg <= 1; // data register is 1, for incrementing/decrementing
- else
- dataReg <= 0; // data register is zero
- end else if(state == `sFetchParameterLo) begin // load data register and low byte of address simultaneously
- dataReg <= dataBus;
- eaReg[7:0] <= dataBus;
- end else if(state == `sFetchParameterHi) // load high byte of address
- eaReg[addrSize-1:8] <= dataBus;
- else if (state == `sIndexWithX) // index with X
- eaReg <= eaReg + xReg;
- else if (state == `sIndexWithY) // index with Y
- eaReg <= eaReg + yReg;
- else if (state == `sCalcRelativeBranch) // relative branch, sign extend branch distance and add it to PC
- eaReg <= {{8{dataReg[7]}}, dataReg[7:0]} + pcReg;
- else if (state == `sPointerGet1) // get low byte of pointer
- eaReg[7:0] <= dataBus;
- else if (state == `sPointerGet2) // get high byte of pointer
- eaReg[addrSize-1:8] <= dataBus;
- end
- // -- stack pointer
- // can increment or decrement
- always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin
- if (!reset)
- spReg <= 6'b111111;
- else if (state == `sReturn1 ||
- (state == `sFetchInstruction &&
- ((dataBus[7:4] == 4'b1100 && dataBus[0]) // pla, plx, ply, plp
- || (dataBus[7:2] == 6'b100111)) // rts
- ))
- spReg <= spReg + 1'b1;
- else if (state == `sPushByte ||
- state == `sCall1 ||
- state == `sCall2)
- spReg <= spReg - 1'b1;
- end
- // -- Adder/subtractor
- wire [7:0] aluLeft = aluUseX ? xReg : (aluUseY ? yReg : aReg);
- assign { addSubCarryOut, addSubResult } =
- OpAdderUseCarry ? (OpSubtractInstead ? // carry
- aluLeft + {1'b0, ~dataReg[7:0]} + cFlagReg
- : aluLeft + dataReg + cFlagReg)
- : (OpSubtractInstead ? // no carry
- aluLeft + {1'b0, ~dataReg[7:0]} + 1'b1 // add two's complement
- : aluLeft + dataReg);
- // -- Bit operations
- assign bitOperationResult = opcode[1] ? (aReg ^ dataReg) : ~(aReg | dataReg);
- wire [7:0] shifterLeft = opcode[0] ? dataReg : aReg;
- assign shifterResult = opcode[2] ? // shift left or shift right?
- (shifterLeft >> 1) | ((opcode[0] && cFlagReg) ? 8'b10000000 : 8'b00000000) // memory uses rotates
- :(shifterLeft << 1) | ((opcode[0] && cFlagReg) ? 8'b00000001 : 8'b00000000);
- assign shifterCarry = opcode[2] ? shifterLeft[0] : shifterLeft[7];
- // -- A (accumulator) register
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (state == `sDoInstruction) begin
- if (OpLoadA || OpLdaY) // LDA
- aReg <= dataReg;
- else if (OpUseAdder || OpIncDec) // ADD, SUB, ADC, SBC, INC, DEC
- aReg <= addSubResult;
- else if (OpUseBitOp) // NOR, XOR
- aReg <= bitOperationResult;
- else if (OpUseShifter && !opcode[0]) // ASL, LSR
- aReg <= shifterResult;
- else if (opcode == 6'b100100 || opcode == 6'b100110) // TXA, SWAP
- aReg <= xReg;
- end else if(state == `sPullByte && opcode[2:1] == 2'b01) // PLA
- aReg <= dataBus;
- end
- // -- X register
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (state == `sDoInstruction) begin
- if (OpLoadX) // LDX
- xReg <= dataReg;
- else if(OpInxDex) // INX, DEX
- xReg <= addSubResult;
- else if (opcode == 6'b100010 || opcode == 6'b100110) // TAX, SWAP
- xReg <= aReg;
- end else if(state == `sPullByte && opcode[2:1] == 2'b10) // PLX
- xReg <= dataBus;
- end
- // -- Y register
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (state == `sDoInstruction) begin
- if (OpLoadY) // LDY
- yReg <= dataReg;
- else if(OpInyDey) // INY, DEY
- yReg <= addSubResult;
- end else if(state == `sPullByte && opcode[2:1] == 2'b11) // PLY
- yReg <= dataBus;
- end
- // -- flags registers
- always @(posedge clk) begin
- if (state == `sDoInstruction) begin
- if (opcode[5:1] == 5'b00011) // CLC, SEC
- cFlagReg <= opcode[0];
- else if (OpUseAdder || OpIncDec || OpInxDex || OpInyDey || OpIncDecMem) begin // add/subtract and increments/decrements all use the adder
- nFlagReg <= addSubResult[7];
- zFlagReg <= (addSubResult == 8'b00000000) ? 1 : 0;
- if (OpUseAdder) // increment/decrement doesn't affect carry
- cFlagReg <= addSubCarryOut;
- end else if(OpUseBitOp) begin
- nFlagReg <= bitOperationResult[7];
- zFlagReg <= (bitOperationResult == 8'b00000000) ? 1 : 0;
- end else if(OpUseShifter) begin
- nFlagReg <= shifterResult[7];
- zFlagReg <= (shifterResult == 8'b00000000) ? 1 : 0;
- cFlagReg <= shifterCarry;
- end else if(OpLoadA || OpLoadX || OpLoadY) begin
- nFlagReg <= dataReg[7];
- zFlagReg <= (dataReg == 8'b00000000) ? 1 : 0;
- end
- end else if(state == `sPullByte && opcode[2:1] == 2'b00)
- {nFlagReg, zFlagReg, cFlagReg} <= dataBus[2:0];
- end
- // -- program counter
- // can increment or load
- always @(posedge clk or negedge reset) begin
- if (!reset)
- pcReg <= startPC;
- else if(state == `sFetchInstruction || state == `sFetchParameterLo || `sFetchParameterHi)
- pcReg <= pcReg + 1'b1;
- else if(state == `sDoInstruction && BranchTaken) begin
- pcRegAlt <= pcReg; // save a copy of the program counter so it can get pushed afterwards
- pcReg <= eaReg;
- end else if(state == `sReturn1) begin
- pcRegAlt[7:0] <= dataBus; // load half of the new program counter
- end else if(state == `sReturn2) begin
- pcReg <= {pcRegAlt[7:0], dataBus}; // load the other half of the program counter and combine it with the saved one
- end
- end
- // -- address output
- always @* begin
- case (state)
- `sReadParameterMemory: // read a byte from memory
- addrBus <= eaReg;
- `sPushByte, `sPullByte, `sCall1, `sCall2, `sReturn1, `sReturn2:
- addrBus <= { {(addrSize-9){1'b0}}, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, spReg }; // stack goes in $01xx
- `sFetchInstruction, `sFetchParameterLo, `sFetchParameterHi: // read parameter parts
- addrBus <= pcReg;
- `sPointerGet1:
- addrBus <= {{{8}{1'b0}}, dataReg};
- `sPointerGet2:
- addrBus <= {{{8}{1'b0}}, dataReg+1};
- default:
- addrBus <= {{addrSize}{1'bx}};
- endcase
- end
- // -- data output
- always @* begin
- if (state == `sDoInstruction && (OpSta || OpStaY))
- dataBusOutput <= aReg;
- else if (state == `sDoInstruction && OpStx)
- dataBusOutput <= xReg;
- else if (state == `sDoInstruction && OpSty)
- dataBusOutput <= yReg;
- else if (state == `sDoInstruction && OpRolRorMem) // ROL/ROR
- dataBusOutput <= shifterResult;
- else if (state == `sDoInstruction && OpIncDecMem) // INC/DEC
- dataBusOutput <= addSubResult;
- else if (state == `sPushByte) // figure out what byte to push
- dataBusOutput <= (opcode[2:1] == 2'b00) ? {1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, 1'b0, nFlagReg, zFlagReg, cFlagReg} :
- (opcode[2:1] == 2'b01) ? aReg :
- (opcode[2:1] == 2'b10) ? xReg :
- yReg;
- else if (state == `sCall1)
- dataBusOutput <= pcRegAlt[7:0];
- else if (state == `sCall2)
- dataBusOutput <= { {(16-addrSize){1'b0}}, pcRegAlt[addrSize-1:8] };
- else
- dataBusOutput <= 8'bxxxxxxxx;
- end
- wire writeCycle = ((state == `sDoInstruction && (OpSta || OpStx || OpSty || OpStaY || OpIncDecMem || OpRolRorMem)) || state == `sPushByte || state == `sCall1 || state == `sCall2);
- assign weMem = !(writeCycle & !clk); // only assert we during 2nd half of the clock cycle
- assign dataBus = !weMem ? dataBusOutput : 8'bzzzzzzzz;
- assign done = finished;
- // -- control logic: state machine
- always @* begin
- case (state)
- `sFetchInstruction:
- nextState = (dataBus[7:5] == 3'b110 && dataBus[0]) ? `sPushByte :
- (dataBus[7:5] == 3'b110 && !dataBus[0]) ? `sPullByte :
- (parameter_size[0] || parameter_size[1]) ? `sFetchParameterLo :
- (OpReadMemory ? `sReadParameterMemory : `sDoInstruction);
- `sFetchParameterLo:
- nextState = parameter_size[1] ? `sFetchParameterHi : // keep getting parameter bytes if there's more
- (OpReadMemory ? `sReadParameterMemory : // read memory
- (OpBranch ? `sCalcRelativeBranch : // did we stop here on a branch? it's relative then
- (OpIndexY ? `sPointerGet1 : // start to get a pointer if a Y index opcode
- `sDoInstruction))); // or I guess we're done? go do the opcode
- `sFetchParameterHi:
- nextState = parameter_size[0] ? `sIndexWithX : // index with X
- (OpReadMemory ? `sReadParameterMemory : // read byte first
- (OpIndexY ? `sIndexWithY : // index with Y
- `sDoInstruction));
- `sIndexWithX:
- nextState = OpReadMemory ? `sReadParameterMemory : `sDoInstruction;
- `sReadParameterMemory, `sCalcRelativeBranch: // done doing any additional preparation, start the actual instruction effect
- nextState = `sDoInstruction;
- `sDoInstruction, `sPushByte, `sPullByte, `sCall2, `sReturn2:
- nextState = (BranchTaken && opcode[2:0] == 3'b001) ? `sCall1 : `sFetchInstruction; // start a pushing the old program counter if needed
- `sIndexWithY:
- nextState = OpLdaY ? `sReadParameterMemory : `sDoInstruction;
- `sReturn1:
- nextState = `sReturn2;
- `sCall1:
- nextState = `sCall2;
- `sPointerGet1: // read the low byte of the pointer
- nextState = `sPointerGet2;
- `sPointerGet2: // read the high byte of the pointer
- nextState = `sIndexWithY;
- endcase
- end
- endmodule
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