

May 20th, 2015
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  1. 14:25 Suzuki: A/D + Mouse 1 (Dash) good controls mate
  2. 14:25 Seynn: Yarr
  3. 14:38 Seynn: Oh right, I never asked. What for are you thinking of making a stronger pc?
  4. 14:38 Suzuki: My computer died
  5. 14:38 Suzuki: The motherboard died
  6. 14:38 Suzuki: so
  7. 14:38 Suzuki: yolo
  8. 14:38 Suzuki: Getting the stuff this week
  9. 14:39 Seynn: why not just buy mb
  10. 14:39 Seynn: xD
  11. 14:39 Suzuki: because I was going to upgrade my pc
  12. 14:39 Suzuki: so yolo
  13. 14:39 Seynn: how much
  14. 14:39 Seynn: did it all
  15. 14:39 Seynn: cost
  16. 14:39 Suzuki: like 13k with tax
  17. 14:39 Suzuki: 10k without
  18. 14:39 Seynn: in
  19. 14:39 Seynn: euros? xD
  20. 14:39 Suzuki: nono
  21. 14:40 Suzuki: sek
  22. 14:40 Suzuki: That'd be one hell of a setup
  23. 14:40 Seynn: yeah I mean
  24. 14:40 Seynn: how much would 10k sek be
  25. 14:40 Seynn: in euros
  26. 14:41 Suzuki: 1076
  27. 14:41 Suzuki: 1399.5 with tax
  28. 14:41 Seynn: lol
  29. 14:42 Suzuki: It's not like I play games tho
  30. 14:42 Suzuki: lol
  31. 14:42 Seynn: #notevenexpensive
  32. 14:43 Suzuki: Oh yeah
  33. 14:43 Suzuki: the i7-5930K is 3,50 GHz not, 3,70 GHz btw.
  34. 14:45 Seynn: Oc
  35. 14:45 Seynn: if you know what that means
  36. 14:45 Suzuki: original content
  37. 14:45 Seynn: no
  38. 14:45 Seynn: lol
  39. 14:46 Suzuki: you mean overclocked?
  40. 14:46 Suzuki: Yeah, about that
  41. 14:46 Suzuki: The windows displays it as stock and then overclocked
  42. 14:46 Suzuki: not both overclocked
  43. 14:46 Suzuki: And the AA is quite off on the cpu text
  44. 14:46 Suzuki: but good try, 10/10
  45. 14:48 Suzuki: The last one that says GHZ is also supposed to have a space inbetween
  46. 14:48 Suzuki:
  47. 14:48 Suzuki: like that
  48. 14:48 Suzuki: c:
  49. 14:49 Seynn: fuuuuuuuuck
  50. 14:49 Seynn: soooooo close
  51. 14:49 Suzuki: I would've still noticed the AA tho
  52. 14:49 Suzuki: first thing I noticed
  53. 14:49 Seynn: and lemme see what you're saying xD
  54. 14:50 Suzuki:
  55. 14:50 Suzuki: The text stood out too much
  56. 14:50 Seynn: yeah no, it is OC'd , and idk why but it did the same with my old i7 2600k
  57. 14:50 Seynn:
  58. 14:50 Seynn: fucked up such a good score on stupid stream
  59. 14:50 Suzuki: rip
  60. 14:51 Suzuki: I'll give you A for trying at least
  61. 14:51 Seynn: I really dunno what you're on about xD
  62. 14:51 Seynn: but your pic about your cpu
  63. 14:51 Seynn: is fucked
  64. 14:51 Seynn: LOL
  65. 14:51 Suzuki: that's your pic
  66. 14:51 Suzuki: :^)
  67. 14:52 Seynn:
  68. 14:52 Seynn: this one is fucked up
  69. 14:52 Suzuki: oh that one
  70. 14:52 Suzuki: that was sent by glg
  71. 14:52 Suzuki: he was laughing his ass off
  72. 14:52 Seynn: whoever it is, that's fucked lol
  73. 14:53 Suzuki: It's basically just to showcase that your cpu text is photoshoped
  74. 14:53 Seynn: Are you saying this is how it's supposed to be?
  75. 14:53 Suzuki: Yepp
  76. 14:53 Seynn: cus if so, then you really have no idea xD
  77. 14:53 Suzuki: Mate
  78. 14:54 Suzuki: you do realize that the AA on the cpu text you sent
  79. 14:54 Seynn: nopp mate, your pic is messed up, not mine
  80. 14:54 Suzuki: was way fucking off
  81. 14:54 Seynn: AA as in antialiasing?
  82. 14:54 Suzuki: yes
  83. 14:54 Seynn: lol I don't see how, but, look at your fucking pic again
  84. 14:54 Suzuki:
  85. 14:55 Seynn: That's the same, only part of N and t look odd lol
  86. 14:55 Suzuki: lolno
  87. 14:55 Suzuki: also
  88. 14:55 Suzuki:
  89. 14:56 Suzuki: fucking ric
  90. 14:56 Suzuki: irc*
  91. 14:56 Suzuki: [ memes]
  92. 14:56 Seynn: yeah no, well on my pc it's different lol
  93. 14:56 Suzuki: look at how the cpu name is all on them
  94. 14:56 Suzuki: yeah sure
  95. 14:57 Suzuki: It's because your image is fucking photoshoped
  96. 14:57 Seynn: I could even show with screenshare
  97. 14:57 Seynn: mine is just fucking different m8
  98. 14:57 Suzuki: You have a really special computer then
  99. 14:58 Seynn: my cpu text doesn't have any shit spacing
  100. 14:58 Suzuki: it also has different aa
  101. 14:58 Suzuki: and different specs than it should have
  102. 14:58 Suzuki: very fucking special
  103. 14:58 Seynn: I can't myself tell what you mean with it has a diff aa, from that pic you sent
  104. 14:58 Seynn: but the OC and Spacing is just how it is on my pc
  105. 14:58 Seynn: It was the same with my i7 2600k
  106. 14:58 Suzuki: The cpu text only has shaded dark colours around it, while the ram text has a more dither like aa
  107. 14:59 Seynn: when I Oc'd it to 3.55Ghz
  108. 14:59 Suzuki: the cpu text stands out like a sore thumb
  109. 14:59 Seynn: Not as sore as my index
  110. 15:01 Suzuki: :^)
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