
Fingers of death tooltip fix V2

Apr 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. DELETE FROM `db_spellitemenchantment_12340` WHERE `ID`=978208;
  2. INSERT INTO `db_spellitemenchantment_12340` (`ID`, `Charges`, `Effect_1`, `Effect_2`, `Effect_3`, `EffectPointsMin_1`, `EffectPointsMin_2`, `EffectPointsMin_3`, `EffectPointsMax_1`, `EffectPointsMax_2`, `EffectPointsMax_3`, `EffectArg_1`, `EffectArg_2`, `EffectArg_3`, `Name_Lang_enUS`, `Name_Lang_enGB`, `Name_Lang_koKR`, `Name_Lang_frFR`, `Name_Lang_deDE`, `Name_Lang_enCN`, `Name_Lang_zhCN`, `Name_Lang_enTW`, `Name_Lang_zhTW`, `Name_Lang_esES`, `Name_Lang_esMX`, `Name_Lang_ruRU`, `Name_Lang_ptPT`, `Name_Lang_ptBR`, `Name_Lang_itIT`, `Name_Lang_Unk`, `Name_Lang_Mask`, `ItemVisual`, `Flags`, `Src_ItemID`, `Condition_Id`, `RequiredSkillID`, `RequiredSkillRank`, `MinLevel`) VALUES (978208, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 978208, 0, 0, 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Equip: Fingers of Death - Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', '', 16712190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  3. DELETE FROM `spell` WHERE `ID`=978208;
  4. INSERT INTO `spell` (`ID`, `Category`, `Dispel`, `Mechanic`, `Attributes`, `AttributesEx`, `AttributesEx2`, `AttributesEx3`, `AttributesEx4`, `AttributesEx5`, `AttributesEx6`, `AttributesEx7`, `Stances`, `Unknown1`, `StancesNot`, `Unknown2`, `Targets`, `TargetCreatureType`, `RequiresSpellFocus`, `FacingCasterFlags`, `CasterAuraState`, `TargetAuraState`, `CasterAuraStateNot`, `TargetAuraStateNot`, `CasterAuraSpell`, `TargetAuraSpell`, `ExcludeCasterAuraSpell`, `ExcludeTargetAuraSpell`, `CastingTimeIndex`, `RecoveryTime`, `CategoryRecoveryTime`, `InterruptFlags`, `AuraInterruptFlags`, `ChannelInterruptFlags`, `ProcFlags`, `ProcChance`, `ProcCharges`, `MaximumLevel`, `BaseLevel`, `SpellLevel`, `DurationIndex`, `PowerType`, `ManaCost`, `ManaCostPerLevel`, `ManaPerSecond`, `ManaPerSecondPerLevel`, `RangeIndex`, `Speed`, `ModalNextSpell`, `StackAmount`, `Totem1`, `Totem2`, `Reagent1`, `Reagent2`, `Reagent3`, `Reagent4`, `Reagent5`, `Reagent6`, `Reagent7`, `Reagent8`, `ReagentCount1`, `ReagentCount2`, `ReagentCount3`, `ReagentCount4`, `ReagentCount5`, `ReagentCount6`, `ReagentCount7`, `ReagentCount8`, `EquippedItemClass`, `EquippedItemSubClassMask`, `EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask`, `Effect1`, `Effect2`, `Effect3`, `EffectDieSides1`, `EffectDieSides2`, `EffectDieSides3`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel1`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel2`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel3`, `EffectBasePoints1`, `EffectBasePoints2`, `EffectBasePoints3`, `EffectMechanic1`, `EffectMechanic2`, `EffectMechanic3`, `EffectImplicitTargetA1`, `EffectImplicitTargetA2`, `EffectImplicitTargetA3`, `EffectImplicitTargetB1`, `EffectImplicitTargetB2`, `EffectImplicitTargetB3`, `EffectRadiusIndex1`, `EffectRadiusIndex2`, `EffectRadiusIndex3`, `EffectApplyAuraName1`, `EffectApplyAuraName2`, `EffectApplyAuraName3`, `EffectAmplitude1`, `EffectAmplitude2`, `EffectAmplitude3`, `EffectMultipleValue1`, `EffectMultipleValue2`, `EffectMultipleValue3`, `EffectChainTarget1`, `EffectChainTarget2`, `EffectChainTarget3`, `EffectItemType1`, `EffectItemType2`, `EffectItemType3`, `EffectMiscValue1`, `EffectMiscValue2`, `EffectMiscValue3`, `EffectMiscValueB1`, `EffectMiscValueB2`, `EffectMiscValueB3`, `EffectTriggerSpell1`, `EffectTriggerSpell2`, `EffectTriggerSpell3`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint1`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint2`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC3`, `SpellVisual1`, `SpellVisual2`, `SpellIconID`, `ActiveIconID`, `SpellPriority`, `SpellName0`, `SpellName1`, `SpellName2`, `SpellName3`, `SpellName4`, `SpellName5`, `SpellName6`, `SpellName7`, `SpellName8`, `SpellNameFlag0`, `SpellNameFlag1`, `SpellNameFlag2`, `SpellNameFlag3`, `SpellNameFlag4`, `SpellNameFlag5`, `SpellNameFlag6`, `SpellNameFlag7`, `SpellRank0`, `SpellRank1`, `SpellRank2`, `SpellRank3`, `SpellRank4`, `SpellRank5`, `SpellRank6`, `SpellRank7`, `SpellRank8`, `SpellRankFlags0`, `SpellRankFlags1`, `SpellRankFlags2`, `SpellRankFlags3`, `SpellRankFlags4`, `SpellRankFlags5`, `SpellRankFlags6`, `SpellRankFlags7`, `SpellDescription0`, `SpellDescription1`, `SpellDescription2`, `SpellDescription3`, `SpellDescription4`, `SpellDescription5`, `SpellDescription6`, `SpellDescription7`, `SpellDescription8`, `SpellDescriptionFlags0`, `SpellDescriptionFlags1`, `SpellDescriptionFlags2`, `SpellDescriptionFlags3`, `SpellDescriptionFlags4`, `SpellDescriptionFlags5`, `SpellDescriptionFlags6`, `SpellDescriptionFlags7`, `SpellToolTip0`, `SpellToolTip1`, `SpellToolTip2`, `SpellToolTip3`, `SpellToolTip4`, `SpellToolTip5`, `SpellToolTip6`, `SpellToolTip7`, `SpellToolTip8`, `SpellToolTipFlags0`, `SpellToolTipFlags1`, `SpellToolTipFlags2`, `SpellToolTipFlags3`, `SpellToolTipFlags4`, `SpellToolTipFlags5`, `SpellToolTipFlags6`, `SpellToolTipFlags7`, `ManaCostPercentage`, `StartRecoveryCategory`, `StartRecoveryTime`, `MaximumTargetLevel`, `SpellFamilyName`, `SpellFamilyFlags`, `SpellFamilyFlags1`, `SpellFamilyFlags2`, `MaximumAffectedTargets`, `DamageClass`, `PreventionType`, `StanceBarOrder`, `EffectDamageMultiplier1`, `EffectDamageMultiplier2`, `EffectDamageMultiplier3`, `MinimumFactionId`, `MinimumReputation`, `RequiredAuraVision`, `TotemCategory1`, `TotemCategory2`, `AreaGroupID`, `SchoolMask`, `RuneCostID`, `SpellMissileID`, `PowerDisplayId`, `EffectBonusMultiplier1`, `EffectBonusMultiplier2`, `EffectBonusMultiplier3`, `SpellDescriptionVariableID`, `SpellDifficultyID`) VALUES (978208, 0, 0, 0, 464, 2048, 0, 67108864, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 101, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 978424, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25164, 25164, 0, 'Fingers of Death', 'Item - Mage T8 2P Bonus', 'Fired Up', 'Fired Up', 'Fired Up', 'Fired Up', 'Fired Up', 'Fired Up', 'Разогрев', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 'Rank 5', 'Rank 5', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Уровень 3', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 'Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 15 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 15 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 75%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', 'Your Arcane Blast, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, and Fireball spells have a chance to grant you $64868s1 spell power for $64868d.', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'Увеличивает шанс критического удара способностей школы "Огонь" на $s2% когда вы не получаете критический удар подобной способностью. Эффект складывается 5 раз. Наносимый урон от не-огненных способностей снимет этот эффект.', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 'Your Fingers of Frost now also grants 2 stacks of Fingers of Death for 10 seconds, which causes your next Ice Lance to also launch a Shadow Lance.\r\n\r\nShadow Lance hits grants a stack of Touch of Death 10 seconds, which increases the damage of your next Vampiric Touch by 100%, stacking 2 times.\r\n\r\nIn addition, your Frostbolt now applies Dark Winter to the target for 15 seconds, stacking 3 times, causing you to deal 3% increased periodic Shadow damage to the target.', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  5. DELETE FROM `spell` WHERE `ID`=978432;
  6. INSERT INTO `spell` (`ID`, `Category`, `Dispel`, `Mechanic`, `Attributes`, `AttributesEx`, `AttributesEx2`, `AttributesEx3`, `AttributesEx4`, `AttributesEx5`, `AttributesEx6`, `AttributesEx7`, `Stances`, `Unknown1`, `StancesNot`, `Unknown2`, `Targets`, `TargetCreatureType`, `RequiresSpellFocus`, `FacingCasterFlags`, `CasterAuraState`, `TargetAuraState`, `CasterAuraStateNot`, `TargetAuraStateNot`, `CasterAuraSpell`, `TargetAuraSpell`, `ExcludeCasterAuraSpell`, `ExcludeTargetAuraSpell`, `CastingTimeIndex`, `RecoveryTime`, `CategoryRecoveryTime`, `InterruptFlags`, `AuraInterruptFlags`, `ChannelInterruptFlags`, `ProcFlags`, `ProcChance`, `ProcCharges`, `MaximumLevel`, `BaseLevel`, `SpellLevel`, `DurationIndex`, `PowerType`, `ManaCost`, `ManaCostPerLevel`, `ManaPerSecond`, `ManaPerSecondPerLevel`, `RangeIndex`, `Speed`, `ModalNextSpell`, `StackAmount`, `Totem1`, `Totem2`, `Reagent1`, `Reagent2`, `Reagent3`, `Reagent4`, `Reagent5`, `Reagent6`, `Reagent7`, `Reagent8`, `ReagentCount1`, `ReagentCount2`, `ReagentCount3`, `ReagentCount4`, `ReagentCount5`, `ReagentCount6`, `ReagentCount7`, `ReagentCount8`, `EquippedItemClass`, `EquippedItemSubClassMask`, `EquippedItemInventoryTypeMask`, `Effect1`, `Effect2`, `Effect3`, `EffectDieSides1`, `EffectDieSides2`, `EffectDieSides3`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel1`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel2`, `EffectRealPointsPerLevel3`, `EffectBasePoints1`, `EffectBasePoints2`, `EffectBasePoints3`, `EffectMechanic1`, `EffectMechanic2`, `EffectMechanic3`, `EffectImplicitTargetA1`, `EffectImplicitTargetA2`, `EffectImplicitTargetA3`, `EffectImplicitTargetB1`, `EffectImplicitTargetB2`, `EffectImplicitTargetB3`, `EffectRadiusIndex1`, `EffectRadiusIndex2`, `EffectRadiusIndex3`, `EffectApplyAuraName1`, `EffectApplyAuraName2`, `EffectApplyAuraName3`, `EffectAmplitude1`, `EffectAmplitude2`, `EffectAmplitude3`, `EffectMultipleValue1`, `EffectMultipleValue2`, `EffectMultipleValue3`, `EffectChainTarget1`, `EffectChainTarget2`, `EffectChainTarget3`, `EffectItemType1`, `EffectItemType2`, `EffectItemType3`, `EffectMiscValue1`, `EffectMiscValue2`, `EffectMiscValue3`, `EffectMiscValueB1`, `EffectMiscValueB2`, `EffectMiscValueB3`, `EffectTriggerSpell1`, `EffectTriggerSpell2`, `EffectTriggerSpell3`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint1`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint2`, `EffectPointsPerComboPoint3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskA3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskB3`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC1`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC2`, `EffectSpellClassMaskC3`, `SpellVisual1`, `SpellVisual2`, `SpellIconID`, `ActiveIconID`, `SpellPriority`, `SpellName0`, `SpellName1`, `SpellName2`, `SpellName3`, `SpellName4`, `SpellName5`, `SpellName6`, `SpellName7`, `SpellName8`, `SpellNameFlag0`, `SpellNameFlag1`, `SpellNameFlag2`, `SpellNameFlag3`, `SpellNameFlag4`, `SpellNameFlag5`, `SpellNameFlag6`, `SpellNameFlag7`, `SpellRank0`, `SpellRank1`, `SpellRank2`, `SpellRank3`, `SpellRank4`, `SpellRank5`, `SpellRank6`, `SpellRank7`, `SpellRank8`, `SpellRankFlags0`, `SpellRankFlags1`, `SpellRankFlags2`, `SpellRankFlags3`, `SpellRankFlags4`, `SpellRankFlags5`, `SpellRankFlags6`, `SpellRankFlags7`, `SpellDescription0`, `SpellDescription1`, `SpellDescription2`, `SpellDescription3`, `SpellDescription4`, `SpellDescription5`, `SpellDescription6`, `SpellDescription7`, `SpellDescription8`, `SpellDescriptionFlags0`, `SpellDescriptionFlags1`, `SpellDescriptionFlags2`, `SpellDescriptionFlags3`, `SpellDescriptionFlags4`, `SpellDescriptionFlags5`, `SpellDescriptionFlags6`, `SpellDescriptionFlags7`, `SpellToolTip0`, `SpellToolTip1`, `SpellToolTip2`, `SpellToolTip3`, `SpellToolTip4`, `SpellToolTip5`, `SpellToolTip6`, `SpellToolTip7`, `SpellToolTip8`, `SpellToolTipFlags0`, `SpellToolTipFlags1`, `SpellToolTipFlags2`, `SpellToolTipFlags3`, `SpellToolTipFlags4`, `SpellToolTipFlags5`, `SpellToolTipFlags6`, `SpellToolTipFlags7`, `ManaCostPercentage`, `StartRecoveryCategory`, `StartRecoveryTime`, `MaximumTargetLevel`, `SpellFamilyName`, `SpellFamilyFlags`, `SpellFamilyFlags1`, `SpellFamilyFlags2`, `MaximumAffectedTargets`, `DamageClass`, `PreventionType`, `StanceBarOrder`, `EffectDamageMultiplier1`, `EffectDamageMultiplier2`, `EffectDamageMultiplier3`, `MinimumFactionId`, `MinimumReputation`, `RequiredAuraVision`, `TotemCategory1`, `TotemCategory2`, `AreaGroupID`, `SchoolMask`, `RuneCostID`, `SpellMissileID`, `PowerDisplayId`, `EffectBonusMultiplier1`, `EffectBonusMultiplier2`, `EffectBonusMultiplier3`, `SpellDescriptionVariableID`, `SpellDifficultyID`) VALUES (978432, 0, 0, 0, 327680, 0, 1073741824, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 69888, 100, 1, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 74, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4678, 4678, 50, 'Touch of Death', 'Flame Throwing icd', 'Flame Throwing', 'Flame Throwing', 'Flame Throwing', 'Flame Throwing', 'Flame Throwing', 'Flame Throwing', 'Flame Throwing', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 'Increases the damage of your Vampiric Touch by $s1%.', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 'Increases the damage of your Vampiric Touch by $s1%.', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 'Flame Throwing iCD', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16712190, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
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