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- All code that can be run by touching powerups with various PI's on Japanese.
- (For what powerups trigger what code, see here: )
- C56D:
- make mario big
- C5F8:
- give mario fire
- C59E:
- make mario invincible
- C5A4:
- give mario cape
- C60A:
- give mario 1-up
- C57B:
- give points, play sound
- 8D0D:
- no significant effect
- A50D:
- crash the game
- A971:
- crash the game if sprite touched is not feather
- respawn the feather just touched
- mess with bounce sprites a little
- change the screen exit of screen 1E ($19d6) to zero
- mess with extended sprites a little
- set sprite #7 to not interact with objects ($15e3)
- skip processing any sprites with a lower sprite number this frame
- DA6E:
- teleport mario to the right
- set X speed of sprite in slot 7 to double+1. Note that many sprites reset their speed every frame or ignore this value entirely.
- ???maybe more effect under some circumstances???
- 9D85:
- crash the game
- C615:
- crash the game
- A9C5:
- set eaten sprite to stunned, or dying if killed when jumped on
- B422:
- no significant effect
- B820:
- no significant effect
- EC24:
- no significant effect
- 8A03:
- crash the game
- 9EB5:
- crash the game
- F98D:
- no significant effect
- A014:
- no significant effect
- B903:
- no significant effect
- 80A9:
- crash the game
- BC04:
- crash the game
- D8A9:
- no significant effect (very powerful on USA, though)
- EA2D:
- reset some bits of sprite 3 Y speed
- copy touched sprite's Xpos high byte to sprite 3's disable contact timer
- copy touched sprite's Ypos high byte to sprite 3's stun timer (must be set to 2 or higher to spawn anything)
- attempt to spawn a sprite in slot #6f, with the following effects -
- corrupt sprite #1's graphics a bit (set YXPPCCCT to all zeros)
- set sprite #3's third tweaker byte to 0 (allow killing with cape/fire)
- set sprite #3 to interact with objects if disabled
- set sprite #1 to not in water
- mess up bounce sprites a bit
- set high byte of minor extended sprite #0 to zero
- set sprite #3's fourth tweaker byte to 0 (use default interaction, don't give powerup, change into shell when stunned, non-permanent, killable by star)
- if sprite 3 is goal tape, make it keep going higher (but don't move the bottom of the tape activation region)
- set 160f (misc sprite table for sprite #1) to 01
- the game considers the sprite in slot #6f to have its sprite number stored in 10d, therefore -
- set sprite #3's second tweaker byte (sprite clipping) to a value in the range 0-F depending on uninitialized ram
- set 197e to a value determined by uninitialized ram, which may change whether the 70th (0x46th) sprite in the level can (re)spawn
- if touched rather than tongued, set X register (sprite currently being processed) to 08. this allows for some sprites to have their code run multiple or zero times in a single frame, and it also makes some code intended for powerups get run on sprite #8 (typically moving it to the right a bit). ?maybe other stuff possible?
- E8A9:
- crash the game
- 95C6:
- whichever block was last hit by below by a sprite (or in some cases Mario) ($1868), act like such a block was hit again. confusingly, it will spawn in layer 2, but based on Mario's position in layer 1. (if outside layer 2's valid range, it may actually appear in layer 1 at a far away position. however corrupting non-map16 data does not appear to be possible.)
- BD03:
- no significant effect
- A914:
- hurt mario
- 908D:
- no significant effect
- C678:
- no significant effect
- B553:
- crash the game
- DA0E:
- if holding up (and not carrying item or on yoshi) when touching powerup, enable climbing on air and warp mario right by the value in 18B6 (which is typically 20)
- A508:
- crash the game
- C90D:
- no significant effect
- AE03:
- crash the game
- A503:
- crash the game
- 9901:
- no significant effect
- A91D:
- no significant effect
- C6F4:
- crash the game
- AD0A:
- crash the game
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