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- ----------------------------------------------- */
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- ----------------------------------------------- */
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- ----------------------------------------------- */
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- ----------------------------------------------- */
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- ----------------------------------------------- */
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- <span style="color: white;">Solicitudes:</span></dt>
- <dd class="Estilo4" id="requestedCtr">27574</dd>
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- };
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- requestedCtrNode.innerHTML = requestedCtr;
- };
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- };
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- succeededCtrNode.innerHTML = succeededCtr;
- delete requestsHT[rID]; // we can't keep it forever or it would blow up the browser
- };
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- } else {
- isFiring = true;
- this.innerHTML = "Stop flooding";
- fireInterval = setInterval(makeHttpRequest, (1000 / parseInt(rpsNode.value) | 0));
- }
- };
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- document.getElementById("targetURL").value = "";
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