

Jul 1st, 2015
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  1. --jaja has struck again n00b
  2. local Acuntiox
  4. StartOffTime = tick()
  6. rot = 0
  8. Acuntiox = {
  9.         Commands = {};
  10.         Ranked = {};
  11.         Tablets = {};
  12.         Chats = {};
  13.         Trials = {};
  15.         Services = {
  16.               Players = game:GetService("Players");
  17.               Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace");
  18.               Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting");
  19.               RunService = game:GetService("RunService");
  20.               HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService");
  21.         };
  23.         Rotation = 0;
  24.         RotationIncrease = .1;
  26.         ServerSided = false;
  27.         PrivateServer = {};
  28.         Settings = {
  29.               PrivateServer = {};
  30.               Bans = {};
  31.               Cilent = false;
  32.               Waiting = {};
  33.         };
  35.         ServerCilent = false;
  36.         ServerLock = false;
  37.         Script_Owner = getfenv().owner or "Unknown";
  39.         Version = 3;
  41.         Ranks = {
  42.               {Rank = 10, Description = "Creator"};
  43.               {Rank = 9,  Description = "Lead Developer"};
  44.               {Rank = 8,  Description = "Developer"};
  45.               {Rank = 7,  Description = "Maxiunm Admin"};
  46.               {Rank = 6,  Description = "High Adminstrator"};
  47.               {Rank = 5,  Description = "Good Friend"};
  48.               {Rank = 4,  Description = "Scripter"};
  49.               {Rank = 3,  Description = "Uknown Player"};
  50.               {Rank = 2,  Description = "Player"};
  51.               {Rank = 1,  Description = "Guest"};
  52.               {Rank = 0,  Description = "Member"};
  53.               {Rank = -1, Description = "Banned"};
  54.               {Rank = -2, Description = "Lost"};
  55.               {Rank = -3, Description = "Lagged"};
  56.         };
  58.          Colors = {
  59.                 "Institutional white",
  60.                 "Bright red",
  61.                 "Bright blue",
  62.                 "Bright yellow",
  63.                 "Really black",
  64.                 "Bright orange",
  65.                 "Bright violet",
  66.                 "Dark stone grey",
  67.                 "Light stone grey",
  68.                 "Really red",
  69.                 "Lime green",
  70.                 "Really blue",
  71.                 "Teal",
  72.                 "Hot pink",
  73.                 "Gold"
  74.         };--Colors
  76.         Functions = {
  77.                CreateData = function(Name,Rank,Color,Description,Prefix)
  78.                         Name=Name or'';
  79.         Rank=Rank or Actuniox.Ranked;
  80.         Description=Description or Acuntiox.Ranked.Description;
  81.         Color=Color or 'New Yeller';
  82.         if(Acuntiox.Ranked[Name]==nil)then
  83.                 Acuntiox.Ranked[Name]={Name=Name,Rank=Rank,Color=Color,Color=Color,Description=Description,Prefix=Prefix};
  84.         end;
  85.     end;
  88.                CreateCommand = function(Name, Say, Rank, Description, Function)
  89.                     Acuntiox.Commands[Name]={Name=Name,Say=Say,Rank=Rank,Description=Description,Function=Function};
  90.                end;
  92.                GetRank = function(Player)
  93.                     pcall(function()Player=Player.Name;end);
  94.                     local data=Acuntiox.Ranked[Player];
  95.                     local rank=0;
  96.                     pcall(function()rank=data.Rank;end);
  97.                     return rank;
  98.                end;
  99.                GetColor = function(Player)
  100.                     pcall(function()Player=Player.Name;end);
  101.                     local data=Acuntiox.Ranked[Player];
  102.                     local clr="Lime green";
  103.                     pcall(function()clr=data.Color;end);
  104.                     return clr;
  105.                end;
  106.                GetReason = function(Player)
  107.                     pcall(function()Player=Player.Name;end);
  108.                     local data=Acuntiox.Ranked[Player];
  109.                     local Reason="N/A";
  110.                     pcall(function()Reason=data.Description;end);
  111.                     return Reason;
  112.                end;
  113.                GetPrefix = function(Player)
  114.                       pcall(function()Player=Player.Name;end);
  115.                     local data=Acuntiox.Ranked[Player];
  116.                     local pefix=";";
  117.                     pcall(function()Reason=data.Prefix;end);
  118.                     return prefix;
  119.                end;
  121.                Output = function(Player, Text, Time, Color, Function)
  122.                    if Color == nil then Color = "White" or Actuniox.Functions.GetColor(Player)end;
  123.                    if Time == nil then Time = 0 end;
  124.                    if Text == nil then Text = Text or tostring(Text) end;
  125.                    if Player == nil then Player = tostring(Player) or false end;
  126.                    local tablez = {};
  127.                     local Part = Acuntiox.Functions.Create("Part", {Parent = game.Workspace, Name = "REVEX Output~"..tick()*math.tan(os.time()), Locked = true, CFrame = PartCFrame, BrickColor =, FormFactor = "Custom", TopSurface = 0, BottomSurface = 0, Transparency = 0, Material = "Plastic",Anchored = true, CanCollide = false, Size =,0,0)})
  128.                     pcall(function() Part.CFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  129.                     local  Box = Acuntiox.Functions.Create("SelectionBox", {Parent = Part, Name = "Box", Color = Part.BrickColor, Adornee = Part,Transparency  = 0.7})
  130.                     local Gui = Acuntiox.Functions.Create("BillboardGui", {Parent = Part, Name = "Gui", StudsOffset =, 5, 0), Size =,0,10,0), Adornee = Part})
  131.                     local TextLabel = Acuntiox.Functions.Create("TextLabel", {Parent = Gui, Name = "Text", Text = Text, FontSize = "Size24", TextColor3 = Part.Color, Font = "SourceSansBold", BackgroundTransparency = 1, Size =,0,1,0), TextStrokeTransparency = 0, TextTransparency = 0})
  132.                     local ClickDetector = Acuntiox.Functions.Create("ClickDetector",{Parent = Part,MaxActivationDistance=1/0})
  133.                         ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
  134.                             if p.Name == Player.Name then
  135.                               if Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(p) > Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Player) then
  136.                                  Part:Destroy()
  137.                              else
  138.                                  for i,v in pairs(Acuntiox.Tablets) do
  139.                                     if v.Name == Part.Name then
  140.                                         table.remove(Acuntiox.Tablets, i)
  141.                                     end
  142.                                end;
  143.                                   if Function ~= nil then
  144.                                      local a,b=ypcall(function()
  145.                                          Function(Part, Box)
  146.                                     end) if not a then Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player,b,0,"Really red") end
  147.                                 end
  148.                         end
  149.                     end
  150.                 end)
  151.                 for Size = 2.5, 2.5, 2.5 do
  152.                      Part.Size =, Size, Size)
  153.                      --game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:wait()
  154.                 end
  155.                 Part.Parent = script
  156.             tablez.Owner = Player
  157.             tablez.Tab = Part
  158.            table.insert(Acuntiox.Tablets, tablez)
  159.          end;  
  160.            Create = function(ClassName, Properties) -- A function to create instances.
  161.                                 local Instance =
  162.                                 local Properties = Properties or {}
  163.                                 local ConnectionIndexes = {"MouseClick","MouseHoverEnter","MouseHoverLeave","MouseButton1Down","MouseButton2Down"}
  164.                                 local CheckConnection = function(Index)
  165.                                         local Index = tostring(Index)
  166.                                         for _, Connect in next,(ConnectionIndexes) do
  167.                                                 if Index:lower() == Connect:lower() then
  168.                                                         return true
  169.                                                 end
  170.                                         end
  171.                                         return false
  172.                                 end
  173.                                 for Index, Value in next,(Properties) do
  174.                                         if not CheckConnection(Index) then
  175.                                                 Instance[Index] = Value
  176.                                         else
  177.                                                 Instance[Index]:connect(Value)
  178.                                         end
  179.                                 end
  180.                                 return Instance
  181.         end;
  182.         UpdateTablets = function()
  183.               --pcall(function()
  184.          Acuntiox.Rotation=Acuntiox.Rotation+Acuntiox.RotationIncrease/100
  185.         for _,Player in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  186.             local Counter = 0
  187.             local PlayerTablets = {}
  188.             for i,v in pairs(Acuntiox.Tablets) do
  189.                 if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Owner==Player then
  190.                     table.insert(PlayerTablets,v)
  191.                 end
  192.         end
  195.             local Start =,0,0)
  196.             for I = 1, #PlayerTablets do
  197.                 radius = (#PlayerTablets*.6)+4
  198.                         local Pos = nil
  199.                         pcall(function() Pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  200.                         if Pos == nil then return end
  201.                            local m=(I/#PlayerTablets-(.5/#PlayerTablets)+(Acuntiox["Rotation"]/(#PlayerTablets/10)))*math.pi*2
  202.                            local rad=(#PlayerTablets*.6)+4
  203.                             local x = math.sin(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*I) * (#PlayerTablets+3)
  204.                         local y = math.sin(math.sin(time()+I*1))
  205.                         local z = math.cos(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*I) * (#PlayerTablets+3)
  206.                            local,y,z)+Pos.p
  207.                            local brot=PlayerTablets[I].Tab.CFrame.p
  208.                            local crot=arot*.1+brot *.9
  209.                            local d=math.rad((Acuntiox["Rotation"]*300)*math.pi)
  210.                            PlayerTablets[I],Pos.p)*CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
  211.                            * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.sin(time()/math.pi),math.sin(time()/math.pi),math.sin(time()/math.pi))
  212.                 end;
  213.            end;
  214.         end;
  215.        Chatted = function(Speaker, Message)
  216.              if Message:sub(1,3) == "/e" then
  217.                  Message=Message:sub(4);
  218.            end;
  219.            local key=Acuntiox.Functions.GetPrefix(Speaker) or '/'
  220.            local command=message;
  221.            for _,CMDS in pairs(Acuntiox.Commands) do
  222.                  if Message:sub(1,#CMDS['Say']+#key) == CMDS['Say']..key then
  223.                        if Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Speaker) >= CMDS['Rank'] then
  224.                             local Error,Func=ypcall(function()
  225.                                  CMDS['Function'](Speaker, Message);
  226.                             end)  if not Error then Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, Func, 0, "Really red"); end;
  227.                         else
  228.                             Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "You cannot execute that command for rank " .. CMDS['Rank'] .. "!", 0, "Really red");
  229.                       end;
  230.                  end;
  231.             end;
  232.        end;
  233.        Dismiss = function(Player)
  234.              for _,v in next, Acuntiox.Tablets do
  235.                  if v.Owner == Player then
  236.                      v.Tab:Destroy();
  237.                 end;
  238.            end;
  239.        end;
  240.        PlayerSettings = function(Speaker)
  242.        end;
  243.     };
  244. };
  246. Seconds = 0
  248. Minutes = 0
  250. Hours = 0
  252. coroutine.wrap(function()
  253.         while wait(1) do
  254.             Seconds = Seconds + 1
  255.                 if Seconds == 60 then
  256.                         Seconds = 0 ---<<<--- Also stolen by iKlitoris
  257.                         Minutes = Minutes + 1
  258.                 end
  259.                 if Minutes == 60 then
  260.                 Minutes = 0
  261.                         Hours = Hours + 1
  262.                 end
  263.         end
  264. end)()
  269. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('Control22',10,'White','Creator','/');
  270. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('supersonicfan111',6,'New Yeller','Best Friend','>');
  271. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('jillmiles1',3,'White','Good Friend',';');
  272. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('SavageMunkey',3,'Hot pink','Good Friend made some admins with him.',';')
  273. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('awesomedude739',3,'New Yeller','Good Friend made some admins with him.',';')
  274. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('bomblover',-1,'Really red','Fucking idiot who kicked me.','')
  275. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('Vexue',-1,'Really red','Stupid idiot.','')
  276. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('iLordVex',3,'Hot pink','asd','')
  277. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('CHAOSxFIGHTER',3,'Deep orange','Good Friend, Exploiter Buddy.','>')
  278. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('Diitto',-2,'Hot pink','Skid, idiot, and a dumb brat.','')
  279. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('Zeus980',-2,'Really red','Dumb fool','Trying to get me and supersonicfan111(s) ip.','')
  280. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('detaching',3,'Teal','Good Friend','/')
  281. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('Pkamara',3,'Deep orange','Good guy','!')
  282. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('LordRevorius',3,'Royal purple','Good guy',';')
  283. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData('aceahmedmoh',1,'Really black','Lol asd','')
  284. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData("SolarEnvironment", 3, "Cyan", "Good guy and scripter.")
  285. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateData("gavinsharp100", 3, "Really blue", "Good Guy.")
  291. for _,Player in pairs(game:service("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  292.     if Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Player) <= Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Player) then
  293.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player, "Welcome to Actuniox Admin!", 1, "White");
  294.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player, "Made by GravityLegendary", 1, "White");
  295.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player, "You are Rank : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Player), 0, "White");
  296.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player, "Acuntiox Tabs Connected.", 0, "White");
  297.        Player.Chatted:connect(function(m) Acuntiox.Functions.Chatted(Player, m) end);
  298.        end
  299. end
  301. Acuntiox.Functions.OpenCommands = function(Speaker, rank)
  302.             Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker);
  303.       table.foreach( Acuntiox.Commands,function(i,v)
  304.           if v['Rank'] <= rank then
  305.          Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, v.Name,  0,   'Really blue', function()
  306.              Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker);
  307.              Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, 'Name : ' ..v.Name,  Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker));
  308.              Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, 'Rank : ' ..v.Rank,  Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker));
  309.              Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, 'Description : ' ..v.Description,  Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker));
  310.              Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, 'Usage : ' ..v.Say,  Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker));
  311.         end)
  312.         end
  313.     end)
  314. end
  316. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('View Commands','cmds',0,'View All Commands',function(Speaker, Message)
  317.        Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  318.        --pcall(function()
  319.          Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "View all commands that are avaiable", 0, "Lime green", function() Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker) Acuntiox.Functions.OpenCommands(Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Speaker)) end)
  320.          for i = 0,10 do
  321.              Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Rank " .. i .. " Commands", 0, Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker), function() Acuntiox.Functions.OpenCommands(Speaker, i) end)
  322.         end
  323.     --end)
  324. end)
  326. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('Test','test',0,'Just a test',function(Speaker, Message)
  327.       Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, Message);
  328. end)
  330. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('Dismiss','dt',0,'Dismiss your tablet.',function(Speaker, Message)
  331.      Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  332. end)
  334. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('Dismiss all','dtall',4,'Dismiss everyones tablet.',function(Speaker, Message)
  335.       for _,Player in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  336.           Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Player)
  337.      end
  338. end)
  340. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('View Ranked people','ranked',1,'View all ranked people',function(Speaker, Message)
  341.       Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  342.       table.foreach(Acuntiox.Ranked,function(i,v)
  343.         Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, v.Name, 0, Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(v), function()
  344.             Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  345.                   Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Name : " ..v.Name, "White")
  346.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Rank : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(v), 0, "New Yeller")
  347.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Color : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(v), 0, "White")
  348.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Reason : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetReason(v), 0, "New Yeller")
  349.                --Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "AccountAge : " ..Player.AccountAge, 1, "Lime green")
  350.         end)
  351.     end)
  352. end)
  354. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('View Players','plrs',3,'View list of players',function(Speaker, Message)
  355.      Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  356.      table.foreach(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers(),function(_, Player)
  357.            Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, Player.Name, 0, "Really blue", function() Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  358.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Name : " ..Player.Name, "White")
  359.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Rank : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Player), 0, "New Yeller")
  360.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Color : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Player), 0, "White")
  361.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Reason : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetReason(Player), 0, "New Yeller")
  362.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "AccountAge : " ..Player.AccountAge, 1, "Lime green")
  363.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "UserId : " ..Player.userId, 0, "Really red")
  364.           end)
  365.      end)
  366. end)
  368. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('Net','net',3,'View all the network players.',function(Speaker, Message)
  369.           table.foreach(game:GetService("NetworkServer"):children(),function(_, Player)
  370.            Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, Player.Name, 0, "Really blue", function() Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  371.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Name : " ..Player.Name, "White")
  372.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Rank : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Player), 0, "New Yeller")
  373.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Color : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Player), 0, "White")
  374.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Reason : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetReason(Player), 0, "New Yeller")
  375.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "AccountAge : " ..Player.AccountAge, 1, "Lime green")
  376.                Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "UserId : " ..Player.userId, 0, "Really red")
  377.           end)
  378.      end)
  379. end)
  381. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('Execute','exe',2,'Execute a message.',function(Speaker, Message)
  382.       local Success, Error = loadstring(Message)
  383.                 getfenv(Success).print = function(...)
  384.                         local Prints = {...}
  385.                         for SelectedPrint = 1, #Prints do
  386.                                 Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, 0, 'Really red', tostring(Prints[SelectedPrint]))
  387.                         end
  388.                 end
  389.                 if Success then
  390.                         Success()
  391.                         Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, 'The script has successfully completed.', 0, 'Really red')
  392.                 else
  393.                         Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, Error,  0, 'Really red')
  394.                 end
  395.                 getfenv(Success).print = nil
  396. end)
  398. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('Info','info',0,'Info about Acuntiox', function(Speaker, Message)
  399.        Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  400.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Name Of Admin : Acuntiox", 0, Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker))
  401.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "It took : " .. StartOffTime .. " to start Acuntiox ", 0, Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker))
  402.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "The Version is : " .. Acuntiox.Version .. " ! ", 0, Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker))
  403.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Made by GravityLegendary AKA, GravityPerfextion.", 0, Acuntiox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker))
  404. end)
  406. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('Run time','rtime',1,'Shows how many time Acuntiox has ran', function(Speaker, Message)
  407.       Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker,('Acuntiox has been running for %d:%d:%d'):format(Hours,Minutes,Seconds))
  408.       Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker,('Acuntiox has been running for %d hours, %d minutes, and %d seconds'):format(Hours,Minutes,Seconds))
  409. end)
  411. Acuntiox.Functions.CreateCommand('Open menu','cmenu',4,'View the menu',function(Speaker, Message)
  412.       Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  413.       Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Admin menu", 0, Acutniox.Functions.GetColor(Speaker), function()
  414.         Acuntiox.Functions.Dismiss(Speaker)
  415.         Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Speaker, "Not done yet.", 0, "Really red")
  416.     end)
  417. end)
  419. game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player)
  420.       Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player, "Welcome to Actuniox Admin!", 1, "White");
  421.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player, "Made by GravityLegendary", 1, "White");
  422.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player, "You are Rank : " ..Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Player), 0, "White");
  423.        Acuntiox.Functions.Output(Player, "Acuntiox Tabs Connected.", 0, "White");
  424.        Player.Chatted:connect(function(m) Acuntiox.Functions.Chatted(Player, m) end);
  425. end)
  427. coroutine.wrap(function()
  429. end)()
  431. --[[for _,SelectedName in pairs(game.Players:players()) do
  432.       coroutine.wrap(function()
  433.              if Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(SelectedName) == -0 then
  434.                   Acutniox.Functions.Kick(Player)
  435.              end
  436.          elseif Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(SelectedName) == -1 then
  437.              Acuntiox.Functions.Shutdown(Player)
  438.          if Acuntiox.Functions.GetRank(Player) == 2 then
  439.               Acutniox.Functions.Output(Player, "Welcome to Acutniox Tabs! " .. Player.Name.. "", 0, "New Yeller")
  440.              end
  441.       end)()
  442. end]]--
  446. game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(Acuntiox.Functions.UpdateTablets);
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