
Spyro's lines

Feb 19th, 2022
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  1. SPYRO 1:
  2. What about Gnasty Gnorc? I'm going after him!
  3. Where's Gnasty Gnorc? I'll torch him!
  4. Umm...
  5. Cool flash! Do that again!
  6. Afraid? Of what?
  7. Oh... that.
  8. Uhh... sure.
  9. No thanks. Seeya!
  10. You bet!
  11. Oh, your secret's safe with me.
  12. Bring him on! I think I smell a barbecue!
  13. Collect treasure, got it!
  14. Destiny? I just want to kick some...
  15. I was... born to glide!
  16. You've known...
  17. How's a dragon supposed to flame metal armor anyway?
  18. Hey, what's on the other side of that river?
  19. Hmm...
  20. I'm ready alright! Uh... ready for what?
  21. Supercharge? Excellent!
  22. Learn to fly, got it!
  23. Of course not!
  24. Don't worry! I'll take care of them.
  25. I hate those bugs! When I become big and strong, like you, I'll squash them all!
  26. Artisans' home world, waterfall. Sounds good!
  27. Umm... I'm outta here!
  28. I'm sure it was!
  29. Sure! But what I'd really like to do is get out of this swamp.
  30. Attack... frogs?
  31. Oh no...
  32. Uh, gotta go!
  33. Uh, haha. How 'bout charge them and flame them? We are dragons after all.
  34. I'm all over it!
  35. Huuhh...
  36. Yeah, well... you could have found an easier spot to get stuck!
  37. I'll be done when I've toasted that Gnasty Gnorc!
  38. Sounds alright to me!
  39. I'd rather flame the fools!
  40. That's me alright!
  41. Don't worry. The only one that's going to be trapped is him!
  42. Hold your horns! Here comes Spyro!
  43. Any advice before this battle?
  44. Huh?
  45. Hey! Didn't I already free you?
  46. Bring him on, I'm ready!
  47. Gnasty's ancient history now! So... what's in there?
  48. I'd be shaking in my Gnorc boots if I were him!
  49. You gotta believe! Haha...
  50. They better be on the lookout for me!
  51. You're toast, Gnorc! Hahaha!
  53. SPYRO 3:
  54. Yeah! Name's Spyro.
  55. Dragons used to live here?
  56. And they just left?
  57. Is that why some of the portals don't work...
  58. Hah?
  59. Oohoho! Look out, Hunter, it's the scary sorceress!
  60. Thanks, but I think we can look after ourselves.
  61. *angry noise*
  62. Haha! Come back when you finish witch school, okay?
  63. Umm, I think you'll have to find your commanding officer for that.
  64. Hey, what are those things?
  65. So why didn't you use them to escape?
  66. Well, the rumors of our extinction were slightly exaggerated.{N}We just wanted a little peace and quiet.
  67. Mmm.
  68. Uh... it was no big deal, dude.
  69. At least!
  70. Yeah... sure.
  71. Uh... no.
  72. You bet!
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