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- --CCClock by Teki
- local tArgs = { ... }
- local isMon = false
- local isNote = false
- math.randomseed(os.time())
- local peripherals
- local monitors = {}
- local sizeX = {}
- local sizeY = {}
- local scales = {}
- local noteBlocks = {}
- local pitchs = {}
- local rings = 0
- local lastRing = 0
- local curTime
- local hours
- local minutes
- local finalTime
- function formatTime()
- curTime = os.time()
- hours = math.floor(curTime)
- minutes = math.floor((curTime - hours)*60)
- return string.format("%02d:%02d", hours, minutes)
- end
- function findScale(side)
- local monitor = peripheral.wrap(side)
- local sizeX2,sizeY2 = monitor.getSize()
- if sizeX2 ~= sizeX[side] or scales[side] == 0 then
- for i=1, 5 do
- monitor.setTextScale(6-i)
- sizeX[side],sizeY[side] = monitor.getSize()
- if sizeX[side] >= 5 then
- scales[side] = 6-i
- break
- end
- end
- monitor.clear()
- end
- end
- local function resizeEvent()
- local event, side = os.pullEvent("monitor_resize")
- if event == "monitor_resize" then
- findScale(side)
- end
- end
- function ring()
- for i = 1, #noteBlocks do
- pitchs[i] = pitchs[i] - (math.random(-1, 1)*3)
- if pitchs[i] < 0 then pitchs[i] = pitchs[i] + 25 end
- if pitchs[i] > 24 then pitchs[i] = pitchs[i] - 25 end
- noteBlocks[i].setPitch(pitchs[i])
- noteBlocks[i].triggerNote()
- end
- rings = rings - 1
- end
- local function drawTime()
- finalTime = formatTime()
- for i = 1, #monitors do
- monitors[i].setCursorPos(1,1)
- monitors[i].write(finalTime)
- end
- end
- local function ringTime()
- if isNote then
- -- if lastRing ~= hours then
- -- lastRing = hours
- -- if hours == 0 then
- -- rings = 12
- -- rings = 1
- -- elseif hours > 12 then
- -- rings = hours - 12
- -- rings = 1
- -- else
- -- rings = hours
- -- rings = 1
- -- end
- -- end
- if hours == 18 and minutes >= 30 and minutes < 35 and rings == 0 then
- rings = 6
- end
- if rings > 0 then
- ring()
- end
- end
- end
- local function mainLoop()
- while true do
- parallel.waitForAll(drawTime, ringTime)
- sleep(1)
- end
- end
- peripherals = peripheral.getNames()
- for i=1, #peripherals do
- if peripheral.getType(peripherals[i]) == "monitor" then
- monitors[#monitors+1] = peripheral.wrap(peripherals[i])
- sizeX[peripherals[i]],sizeY[peripherals[i]] = monitors[#monitors].getSize()
- scales[peripherals[i]] = 0
- findScale(peripherals[i])
- isMon = true
- elseif peripheral.getType(peripherals[i]) == "note_block" then
- noteBlocks[#noteBlocks+1] = peripheral.wrap(peripherals[i])
- -- pitchs[#noteBlocks] = noteBlocks[#noteBlocks].getNote()
- pitchs[#noteBlocks] = 0
- isNote = true
- end
- end
- while true do
- if isMon then
- parallel.waitForAny(resizeEvent, mainLoop)
- else
- mainLoop()
- end
- sleep(0)
- end
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