
Originalists versus How Stupid They Are.

Feb 2nd, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Originalist and Contextualism, together, means a justice that maintains that
  2. law is merely syntax, and must be understand without knowledge of intent, or
  3. any knowledge, at all, really, and that, law is not knowledge. This is a
  4. form of secularism, like that typical of secular France.
  6. Furthermore, Contextualism means the context of now, this moment in time, so
  7. the 2nd Amendment, means the individual's right to obtain small arms without
  8. impedance, it is not, a state's right to create an army of plainclothes
  9. police officers, without the need to imagine a concession to be given to
  10. the contentious Senate, because of the fear of the filibuster. Also, an
  11. Originalist, will find, this argument, as an unconstitutional, or, an
  12. unlawful argument, and so cannot be presented, or even imagined, that the
  13. army of plainclothes police officers in New York, is an intelligent design
  14. created by the state, and so, the United States, to respond to the reality
  15. around them, when Americans were, not, faced with pirates, in New York, but
  16. they were faced with gangsters, and the war zones they created. So, if
  17. anyone can simply carry, concealed for mere convenience, that destroys the
  18. specialness of an army of plainclothes police officers, and dismantles, some
  19. of the power of the state of New York, to protect it's citizens, and so
  20. itself, and so, America.
  22. But to Originalists, there are no intelligent designs, if history is
  23. appreciated at all, or deemed relevant, New York's innovation, would be
  24. understood, only as a convergence of time and space, and, so, a form of
  25. evolution, and, since a judge has the right to solicit contempt, for any law,
  26. fact or fiction, present or future, we should never know how stupid they are,
  27. until it is too late.
  29. Originalists comprehend states, only as organs, in the body politic, and
  30. originally, they should all be the same. Originalism is a disease, and needs
  31. to be eradicated, not worshiped, or even admired when cast in amber, as
  32. something to be discussed! Lastly, how can America express Affirmative
  33. Action, there, among the army of officers, once the specialness of New York,
  34. is effectively, dismantled? That opportunity would be destroyed.
  36. Originalists versus How Stupid They Are.
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