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- --[[
- 2
- noRequire
- Made the logger open a single log file. No more spammy names.
- Logger, designed for Krist Shops. You may edit and reuse this to your heart's content.
- ]]
- logVersion = 2
- local custom = false
- local LOG_LOCATION = false
- local LOG_NAME = false
- local PLOG_LOCATION = false
- local PLOG_NAME = false
- local doInfoLogging = false
- local doWarnLogging = false
- canLogBeOpened = false
- canPurchaseLogBeOpened = false
- local fileHandle=false
- local pFileHandle = false
- if fs.exists("fatShopCustomization") then
- custom = dofile("fatShopCustomization")
- custom = custom.LOGGER
- LOG_NAME = custom.LOG_NAME
- canLogBeOpened = custom.doNormalLogging
- canPurchaseLogBeOpened = custom.doPurchaseLogging
- doInfoLogging = custom.doInfoLogging
- doWarnLogging = custom.doWarnLogging
- function openLog()
- local logName = LOG_LOCATION..LOG_NAME
- if not fs.exists(LOG_LOCATION) then
- fs.makeDir(LOG_LOCATION)
- end
- fileHandle =,"a")
- if fileHandle then
- info("File is opened for logging")
- else
- severe("Could not open a file for logging.")
- end
- end
- function openPurchaseLog()
- local logName = PLOG_LOCATION..PLOG_NAME
- if not fs.isDir(PLOG_LOCATION) then
- fs.makeDir(PLOG_LOCATION)
- end
- if fs.exists(logName) then
- pFileHandle =,"a")
- else
- pFileHandle =,"w")
- end
- if pFileHandle then
- info("File is opened for purchase logging")
- fileHandle.writeLine("-----[START LOG]-----")
- fileHandle.flush()
- else
- severe("Could not open a file for purchase logging.")
- end
- end
- function closeLog()
- if fileHandle then
- fileHandle.flush()
- fileHandle.close()
- info("Log has been closed")
- else
- warn("Cannot close a log if it is not opened.")
- end
- end
- function closePurchaseLog()
- if pFileHandle then
- pFileHandle.flush()
- pFileHandle.close()
- info("Purchase log has been closed.")
- else
- warn("Cannot close purchase log if it is not opened.")
- end
- end
- end
- function isUpdate()
- local handle = http.get("")
- handle.readLine()
- local v = tonumber(handle.readLine())
- handle.close()
- if v < logVersion then
- print("LOGGER:",logVersion,">",v)
- elseif v > logVersion then
- print("LOGGER:",logVersion,"<",v)
- else
- print("LOGGER:",logVersion,"=",v)
- end
- return v > logVersion
- end
- function update()
- print("An update to the logger is available.")
- local h1 = http.get("")
- h1.readLine()
- local v = tonumber(h1.readLine())
- local required = h1.readLine()
- local notes = h1.readLine()
- h1.close()
- local doUpdate = false
- if required == "REQUIRED" then
- doUpdate = true
- print("Update is a required update. Updating in 5 seconds.")
- print("-----------------")
- print(notes)
- print("-----------------")
- os.sleep(5)
- else
- print("Update is not a required update.")
- print("-----------------")
- print(notes)
- print("-----------------")
- print("Would you like to update now? (y/n)")
- local utm = os.startTimer(30)
- while true do
- local a = {os.pullEvent()}
- if a[1] == "char" then
- if a[2] == "y" then
- doUpdate = true
- break
- elseif a[2] == "n" then
- break
- end
- elseif a[1] == "timer" and a[2] == utm then
- break
- end
- end
- if not doUpdate then
- print("Timed out or skipping update.")
- return false
- end
- end
- if doUpdate then
- local handle = http.get("")
- fs.delete("logger.lua")
- local h2 ="logger.lua","w")
- h2.write(handle.readAll())
- handle.close()
- h2.close()
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function purchase(a)
- if term.isColor and term.isColor() then
- local oldC = term.getTextColor()
- term.write("[")
- term.setTextColor(
- term.write("PURCHASE")
- term.setTextColor(oldC)
- term.write("]: ")
- else
- term.write("[PURCHASE]: ")
- end
- print(a)
- if pFileHandle then
- pFileHandle.writeLine(a)
- pFileHandle.flush()
- end
- end
- function purchaseLog(item,amount,price,addplay,tf)
- local function err(nm,exp,tp)
- return "purchaseLog Bad argument #"..tostring(nm)..": expected "..exp..", got ""."
- end
- assert(type(item) == "string",err(1,"string",type(item)))
- assert(type(amount) == "number",err(2,"number",type(amount)))
- assert(type(price) == "number",err(3,"number",type(price)))
- assert(type(addplay) == "string",err(4,"string",type(addplay)))
- assert(type(tf) == "boolean" ,err(5,"boolean",type(tf)))
- if term.isColor and term.isColor() then
- local oldC = term.getTextColor()
- term.write("[")
- term.setTextColor(
- term.write("PURCHASE")
- term.setTextColor(oldC)
- term.write("]: ")
- else
- term.write("[PURCHASE]: ")
- end
- print(tf and "player "..addplay.." bought "..item.."["..tostring(amount).."] for "..tostring(price).."." or "address "..addplay.." bought "..item.."["..tostring(amount).."] for "..tostring(price)..".")
- if pFileHandle then
- pFileHandle.writeLine(tf and "--[PURCHASE]: player "..addplay.." bought "..item.."["..tostring(amount).."] for "..tostring(price).."." or "--[PURCHASE]: address "..addplay.." bought "..item.."["..tostring(amount).."] for "..tostring(price)..".")
- pFileHandle.flush()
- end
- end
- function info(notif)
- print(notif and "[INFO]: "..notif or "[INFO]: ?")
- if doInfoLogging and fileHandle then
- fileHandle.writeLine(notif and "[INFO]: "..notif or "[INFO]: ?")
- fileHandle.flush()
- end
- end
- function ree()
- end
- function warn(notif)
- if term.isColor and term.isColor() then
- local oldC = term.getTextColour()
- term.write("[")
- term.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
- term.write("WARN")
- term.setTextColor(oldC)
- else
- term.write("[WARN")
- end
- print(notif and "]: "..notif or "]: ?")
- if doWarnLogging and fileHandle then
- fileHandle.writeLine(notif and "[WARN]: "..notif or "[WARN]: ?")
- fileHandle.flush()
- end
- end
- function severe(notif)
- if term.isColor and term.isColor() then
- local oldBC = term.getTextColor()
- term.write("[")
- term.setTextColor(
- term.write("SEVERE")
- term.setTextColor(oldBC)
- else
- term.write("[SEVERE")
- end
- print(notif and "]: "..notif or "]: ?")
- if fileHandle then
- fileHandle.writeLine(notif and "[SEVERE]: "..notif or "[SEVERE]: ?")
- fileHandle.flush()
- end
- end
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