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- Unit UnitMain;
- Interface
- Uses
- Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
- Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.Menus,
- Vcl.Samples.Spin, Vcl.Grids, Vcl.ExtCtrls;
- Type
- TPoint = Record
- CenterX, CenterY: Integer;
- Color: TColor;
- End;
- PQueue = ^TQueue;
- TQueue = Record
- Data: Integer;
- Next: PQueue;
- End;
- TBoolArr = Array of Boolean;
- TMatrix = Array of Array of Integer;
- TPointsArr = Array of TPoint;
- TFormMain = class(TForm)
- HeaderLabel: TLabel;
- MainMenu: TMainMenu;
- FileMenu: TMenuItem;
- OpenFileMenu: TMenuItem;
- SaveToFileBFSMenu: TMenuItem;
- InfoAboutDeveloper: TMenuItem;
- TaskInfo: TMenuItem;
- SaveToFile: TSaveDialog;
- OpenFromFile: TOpenDialog;
- AskLabel: TLabel;
- VerticeEdit: TSpinEdit;
- MatrixLabel: TLabel;
- sgMatrix: TStringGrid;
- StartPointEdit: TSpinEdit;
- StartButton: TButton;
- VisualButton: TButton;
- BFSLabel: TLabel;
- FromLabel: TLabel;
- OrderLabel: TLabel;
- Procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure VerticeEditChange(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure sgMatrixKeyPress(Sender: TObject; Var Key: Char);
- Procedure sgMatrixSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Const Value: String);
- Procedure StartButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure StartPointEditChange(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure VisualButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure OpenFileMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure SaveToFileBFSMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure InfoAboutDeveloperClick(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure TaskInfoClick(Sender: TObject);
- Procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; Var CanClose: Boolean);
- Private
- { Private declarations }
- Function CreateMatrix(): TMatrix;
- Function CheckFull(): Boolean;
- Public
- { Public declarations }
- End;
- Var
- FormMain: TFormMain;
- Head, Tail: PQueue;
- Implementation
- {$R *.dfm}
- Uses
- UnitVisualisation, UnitAbout, UnitExit, UnitInstruction_7_1, UnitError;
- Const
- StartX = 300;
- StartY = 300;
- AreaRadius = 200;
- NodeRadius = 40;
- Procedure AddToQueue(Value: Integer);
- Var
- PElem, Last: PQueue;
- Begin
- New(PElem);
- PElem^.Data := Value;
- PElem^.Next := Nil;
- If (Head = Nil) then
- Begin
- Head := PElem;
- End;
- If (Tail <> Nil) then
- Begin
- Last := Tail;
- Tail := PElem;
- Last^.Next := PElem;
- End;
- Tail := PElem;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveFromQueue();
- Var
- PElem: PQueue;
- Begin
- PElem := Head;
- If (PElem^.Next = Nil) then
- Begin
- Tail := Nil;
- Head := Nil;
- End
- Else
- Head := PElem^.Next;
- Dispose(PElem);
- End;
- Function BFSGraph(Matrix: TMatrix; N: Integer; StartPoint: Integer; Var Output: String): TPointsArr;
- Var
- BoolArr: TBoolArr;
- ResultArr: TPointsArr;
- Color: TColor;
- I: Integer;
- Begin
- Color := RGB(0,255,255);
- SetLength(BoolArr, N);
- SetLength(ResultArr, N);
- For I := 0 to High(BoolArr) do
- BoolArr[I] := False;
- AddToQueue(StartPoint - 1);
- BoolArr[StartPoint - 1] := True;
- While (Head <> Nil) do
- Begin
- Output := Output + IntToStr(Head^.Data + 1) + ' ';
- ResultArr[Head^.Data].Color := Color;
- Color := Color - RGB(0,17,17);
- For I := 0 to (N - 1) do
- Begin
- If (Not BoolArr[I]) and (Matrix[Head^.Data, I] = 1) then
- Begin
- AddToQueue(I);
- BoolArr[I] := True;
- End;
- End;
- RemoveFromQueue();
- End;
- Result := ResultArr;
- End;
- Procedure DrawGraph(Canvas: TCanvas; N: Integer; Matrix: TMatrix; Var PointsArr: TPointsArr);
- Var
- Alfa: Real;
- I, J: Integer;
- CenterX, CenterY: Integer;
- Str: String;
- Begin
- Alfa := 2*Pi/N;
- With Canvas do
- Begin
- Font.Color := clWhite;
- Font.Size := 12;
- Font.Style := [fsBold];
- For I := 0 to (N - 1) do
- Begin
- CenterX := Round(AreaRadius * Sin(Alfa * I)) + StartX;
- CenterY := Round(AreaRadius * Cos(Alfa * I)) + StartY;
- PointsArr[I].CenterX := CenterX;
- PointsArr[I].CenterY := CenterY;
- End;
- Pen.Color := clBlack;
- Pen.Width := 3;
- For I := 0 to (N - 2) do
- Begin
- For J := I to (N - 1) do
- Begin
- If (Matrix[I, J] = 1) then
- Begin
- MoveTo(PointsArr[I].CenterX, PointsArr[I].CenterY);
- LineTo(PointsArr[J].CenterX, PointsArr[J].CenterY);
- End;
- End;
- End;
- For I := 0 to (N - 1) do
- Begin
- Brush.Color := PointsArr[I].Color;
- Ellipse(PointsArr[I].CenterX - NodeRadius div 2,
- PointsArr[I].CenterY - NodeRadius div 2, PointsArr[I].CenterX + NodeRadius div 2,
- PointsArr[I].CenterY + NodeRadius div 2);
- Str := IntToStr(I + 1);
- TextOut(PointsArr[I].CenterX - (TextWidth(Str) div 2), PointsArr[I].CenterY - (TextHeight(Str) div 2), Str);
- End;
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.StartButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- Var
- Output: String;
- Matrix: TMatrix;
- ResultArr: TPointsArr;
- N: Integer;
- Begin
- Matrix := CreateMatrix();
- N := VerticeEdit.Value;
- ResultArr := BFSGraph(Matrix, N, StartPointEdit.Value, Output);
- BFSLabel.Caption := Output;
- VisualButton.Enabled := True;
- SaveToFileBFSMenu.Enabled := True;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.VisualButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
- Var
- ResultArr: TPointsArr;
- Matrix: TMatrix;
- N: Integer;
- Output: String;
- Visual: TFormVisualisation;
- Begin
- Matrix := CreateMatrix();
- N := VerticeEdit.Value;
- ResultArr := BFSGraph(Matrix, N, StartPointEdit.Value, Output);
- Try
- Visual := TFormVisualisation.Create(Self);
- DrawGraph(Visual.PaintArea.Canvas, VerticeEdit.Value, Matrix, ResultArr);
- Visual.ShowModal();
- Finally
- Visual.Free();
- End;
- End;
- Function IsFileCorrect(Path: String): Boolean;
- Var
- FileToCheck: TextFile;
- N: Integer;
- IsCorrect: Boolean;
- Null: String;
- Begin
- AssignFile(FileToCheck, Path);
- Reset(FileToCheck);
- IsCorrect := True;
- Try
- Readln(FileToCheck, N);
- Readln(FileToCheck, Null);
- Except
- IsCorrect := False;
- End;
- If (N < 1) or (N > 15) then
- Begin
- IsCorrect := False;
- End;
- If (Null = '') then
- IsCorrect := False;
- CloseFile(FileToCheck);
- IsFileCorrect := IsCorrect;
- End;
- Function CheckFileMatrix(Matrix: TMatrix; N: Integer): Boolean;
- Var
- I, J: Integer;
- IsCorrect: Boolean;
- Begin
- IsCorrect := True;
- I := 0;
- While ((IsCorrect) and (I < N)) do
- Begin
- J := 0;
- While ((IsCorrect) and (J < N)) do
- Begin
- If (I = J) and (Matrix[I][J] = 1) then
- IsCorrect := False
- Else If (I <> J) and (Matrix[I][J] <> 0) and (Matrix[I][J] <> 1) then
- IsCorrect := False;
- Inc(J);
- End;
- Inc(I);
- End;
- Result := IsCorrect;
- End;
- Function GetMatrixFromFile(Path: String; N: Integer; Var IsCorrect: Boolean): TMatrix;
- Var
- I, J: Integer;
- InputFile: TextFile;
- Matrix: TMatrix;
- Begin
- SetLength(Matrix, N, N);
- I := 0;
- AssignFile(InputFile, Path);
- Reset(InputFile);
- Readln(InputFile);
- While ((IsCorrect) and (I < N)) do
- Begin
- J := 0;
- While ((IsCorrect) and (J < N)) do
- Begin
- Try
- Read(InputFile, Matrix[I, J]);
- Except
- IsCorrect := False;
- End;
- Inc(J);
- End;
- Inc(I);
- End;
- If (IsCorrect) then
- IsCorrect := CheckFileMatrix(Matrix, N);
- CloseFile(InputFile);
- GetMatrixFromFile := Matrix;
- End;
- Procedure GetDataFromFile(Path: String; Var N: Integer; Var Matrix: TMatrix;
- Var IsCorrect: Boolean);
- Var
- InputFile: TextFile;
- Null: String;
- I: Integer;
- Begin
- IsCorrect := True;
- Try
- AssignFile(InputFile, Path);
- Reset(InputFile);
- Except
- UnitError.FormError.LabelError.Caption := 'Ошибка получения данных из файла!';
- UnitError.FormError.ShowModal;
- UnitError.FormError.LabelError.Caption := '';
- End;
- If (IsCorrect) then
- Begin
- Try
- Reset(InputFile);
- Readln(InputFile, N);
- Except
- IsCorrect := False;
- End;
- End;
- If (IsCorrect) then
- Matrix := GetMatrixFromFile(Path, N, IsCorrect);
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.OpenFileMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
- Var
- N: Integer;
- I, J: Integer;
- IsCorrect: Boolean;
- Matrix: TMatrix;
- Begin
- If OpenFromFile.Execute() Then
- If IsFileCorrect(OpenFromFile.FileName) Then
- Begin
- GetDataFromFile(OpenFromFile.FileName, N, Matrix, IsCorrect);
- If (IsCorrect) Then
- Begin
- BFSLabel.Caption := '';
- StartButton.Enabled := True;
- VerticeEdit.Value := N;
- sgMatrix.ColCount := VerticeEdit.Value + 1;
- sgMatrix.RowCount := VerticeEdit.Value + 1;
- For I := 2 to N do
- sgMatrix.Cells[0, I] := ' ' + IntToStr(I);
- For J := 2 to N do
- sgMatrix.Cells[J, 0] := ' ' + IntToStr(J);
- For I := 1 to N do
- Begin
- For J := 1 to N do
- Begin
- sgMatrix.Cells[J, I] := IntToStr(Matrix[J - 1, I - 1]);
- End;
- End;
- If (CheckFull()) then
- Begin
- StartButton.Enabled := True;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- StartButton.Enabled := False;
- End;
- SaveToFileBFSMenu.Enabled := False;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- UnitError.FormError.LabelError.Caption := 'Ошибка получения данных из файла!';
- UnitError.FormError.ShowModal;
- UnitError.FormError.LabelError.Caption := '';
- End;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- UnitError.FormError.LabelError.Caption := 'Ошибка получения данных из файла!';
- UnitError.FormError.ShowModal;
- UnitError.FormError.LabelError.Caption := '';
- End;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.SaveToFileBFSMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
- Var
- OutputFile: TextFile;
- I, J, N: Integer;
- S: String;
- Begin
- If ((SaveToFile.Execute()) and FileExists(SaveToFile.FileName)) then
- Begin
- AssignFile(OutputFile, SaveToFile.FileName);
- Try
- Rewrite(OutputFile);
- Except
- UnitError.FormError.LabelError.Caption := 'Ошибка доступа к файлу!';
- UnitError.FormError.ShowModal;
- UnitError.FormError.LabelError.Caption := '';
- End;
- N := VerticeEdit.Value;
- Writeln(OutputFile,'Количество вершин в графе: ', N);
- Writeln(OutputFile,'Матрица смежности: ');
- For I := 1 to N do
- Begin
- For J := 1 to N do
- Begin
- Write(OutputFile, sgMatrix.Cells[J, I],' ');
- End;
- Writeln(OutputFile);
- End;
- S := 'Обход графа в ширину: ' + BFSLabel.Caption;
- Writeln(OutputFile, S);
- CloseFile(OutputFile);
- End
- End;
- Function TFormMain.CreateMatrix(): TMatrix;
- Var
- Matrix: TMatrix;
- N, I, J: Integer;
- Begin
- N := VerticeEdit.Value;
- SetLength(Matrix, N, N);
- For I := 0 to (N - 1) do
- For J := 0 to (N - 1) do
- Begin
- Matrix[I, J] := StrToInt(sgMatrix.Cells[J + 1, I + 1]);
- End;
- Result := Matrix;
- End;
- Function TFormMain.CheckFull: Boolean;
- Var
- I, J: Integer;
- IsFull: Boolean;
- Begin
- IsFull := True;
- For I := 1 to VerticeEdit.Value do
- Begin
- For J := 1 to VerticeEdit.Value do
- Begin
- If (sgMatrix.Cells[J,I] = '') then
- IsFull := False;
- End;
- End;
- Result := IsFull;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.VerticeEditChange(Sender: TObject);
- Var
- I, J: Integer;
- Begin
- sgMatrix.ColCount := VerticeEdit.Value + 1;
- sgMatrix.RowCount := VerticeEdit.Value + 1;
- sgMatrix.Cells[VerticeEdit.Value,0] := ' ' + IntToStr(VerticeEdit.Value);
- sgMatrix.Cells[0,VerticeEdit.Value] := ' ' + IntToStr(VerticeEdit.Value);
- sgMatrix.Cells[VerticeEdit.Value, VerticeEdit.Value] := '0';
- For I := 1 to VerticeEdit.Value do
- Begin
- sgMatrix.Cells[VerticeEdit.Value + 1, I] := '';
- End;
- For J := 1 to VerticeEdit.Value do
- Begin
- sgMatrix.Cells[J, VerticeEdit.Value + 1] := '';
- End;
- sgMatrix.Cells[VerticeEdit.Value + 1, VerticeEdit.Value + 1] := '';
- SaveToFileBFSMenu.Enabled := False;
- StartPointEdit.MaxValue := VerticeEdit.Value;
- If (StartPointEdit.Value > VerticeEdit.Value) then
- StartPointEdit.Value := VerticeEdit.Value;
- If CheckFull then
- Begin
- StartButton.Enabled := True;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- StartButton.Enabled := False;
- End;
- VisualButton.Enabled := False;
- BFSLabel.Caption := '';
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.StartPointEditChange(Sender: TObject);
- Begin
- If (StartPointEdit.Value > VerticeEdit.Value) then
- StartPointEdit.Value := VerticeEdit.Value;
- BFSLabel.Caption := '';
- VisualButton.Enabled := False;
- SaveToFileBFSMenu.Enabled := False;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
- Begin
- sgMatrix.Cells[1,0] := ' 1';
- sgMatrix.Cells[0,1] := ' 1';
- sgMatrix.Cells[1,1] := '0';
- Head := Nil;
- Tail := Nil;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.sgMatrixKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
- Var
- C, R: Byte;
- Begin
- C := sgMatrix.Col;
- R := sgMatrix.Row;
- If Not (Key in ['0','1', #08]) then
- Key := #0;
- If (Length(sgMatrix.Cells[C, R]) = 1) and (Key <> #08) then
- Key := #0;
- If (C = R) then
- Key := #0;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.sgMatrixSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Const Value: String);
- Begin
- If (ACol <> ARow) then
- sgMatrix.Cells[ARow, ACol] := Value;
- If CheckFull then
- Begin
- StartButton.Enabled := True;
- End
- Else
- Begin
- StartButton.Enabled := False;
- End;
- BFSLabel.Caption := '';
- VisualButton.Enabled := False;
- SaveToFileBFSMenu.Enabled := False;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.InfoAboutDeveloperClick(Sender: TObject);
- Begin
- UnitAbout.FormAbout.ShowModal;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.TaskInfoClick(Sender: TObject);
- Begin
- UnitInstruction_7_1.FormInstruction.ShowModal;
- End;
- Procedure TFormMain.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean);
- Begin
- CanClose := UnitExit.FormExit.ShowModal = mrOk;
- End;
- End.
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