

May 9th, 2015
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  1. Release 14.4 - xst P.49d (lin64)
  2. Copyright (c) 1995-2012 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
  3. -->
  4. Parameter TMPDIR set to xst/projnav.tmp
  7. Total REAL time to Xst completion: 0.00 secs
  8. Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.07 secs
  10. -->
  11. Parameter xsthdpdir set to xst
  14. Total REAL time to Xst completion: 0.00 secs
  15. Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.07 secs
  17. -->
  18. Reading design: vedic_div32.prj
  21. 1) Synthesis Options Summary
  22. 2) HDL Compilation
  23. 3) Design Hierarchy Analysis
  24. 4) HDL Analysis
  25. 5) HDL Synthesis
  26. 5.1) HDL Synthesis Report
  27. 6) Advanced HDL Synthesis
  28. 6.1) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
  29. 7) Low Level Synthesis
  30. 8) Partition Report
  31. 9) Final Report
  32. 9.1) Device utilization summary
  33. 9.2) Partition Resource Summary
  34. 9.3) TIMING REPORT
  37. =========================================================================
  38. * Synthesis Options Summary *
  39. =========================================================================
  40. ---- Source Parameters
  41. Input File Name : "vedic_div32.prj"
  42. Input Format : mixed
  43. Ignore Synthesis Constraint File : NO
  45. ---- Target Parameters
  46. Output File Name : "vedic_div32"
  47. Output Format : NGC
  48. Target Device : xc5vlx50t-1-ff1136
  50. ---- Source Options
  51. Top Module Name : vedic_div32
  52. Automatic FSM Extraction : YES
  53. FSM Encoding Algorithm : Auto
  54. Safe Implementation : No
  55. FSM Style : LUT
  56. RAM Extraction : Yes
  57. RAM Style : Auto
  58. ROM Extraction : Yes
  59. Mux Style : Auto
  60. Decoder Extraction : YES
  61. Priority Encoder Extraction : Yes
  62. Shift Register Extraction : YES
  63. Logical Shifter Extraction : YES
  64. XOR Collapsing : YES
  65. ROM Style : Auto
  66. Mux Extraction : Yes
  67. Resource Sharing : YES
  68. Asynchronous To Synchronous : NO
  69. Use DSP Block : Auto
  70. Automatic Register Balancing : No
  72. ---- Target Options
  73. LUT Combining : Off
  74. Reduce Control Sets : Off
  75. Add IO Buffers : YES
  76. Global Maximum Fanout : 100000
  77. Add Generic Clock Buffer(BUFG) : 32
  78. Register Duplication : YES
  79. Slice Packing : YES
  80. Optimize Instantiated Primitives : NO
  81. Use Clock Enable : Auto
  82. Use Synchronous Set : Auto
  83. Use Synchronous Reset : Auto
  84. Pack IO Registers into IOBs : Auto
  85. Equivalent register Removal : YES
  87. ---- General Options
  88. Optimization Goal : Speed
  89. Optimization Effort : 1
  90. Power Reduction : NO
  91. Keep Hierarchy : No
  92. Netlist Hierarchy : As_Optimized
  93. RTL Output : Yes
  94. Global Optimization : AllClockNets
  95. Read Cores : YES
  96. Write Timing Constraints : NO
  97. Cross Clock Analysis : NO
  98. Hierarchy Separator : /
  99. Bus Delimiter : <>
  100. Case Specifier : Maintain
  101. Slice Utilization Ratio : 100
  102. BRAM Utilization Ratio : 100
  103. DSP48 Utilization Ratio : 100
  104. Verilog 2001 : YES
  105. Auto BRAM Packing : NO
  106. Slice Utilization Ratio Delta : 5
  108. =========================================================================
  111. =========================================================================
  112. * HDL Compilation *
  113. =========================================================================
  114. Compiling vhdl file "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" in Library work.
  115. Architecture rtl of Entity vedic_div32 is up to date.
  117. =========================================================================
  118. * Design Hierarchy Analysis *
  119. =========================================================================
  120. Analyzing hierarchy for entity <vedic_div32> in library <work> (architecture <rtl>).
  123. =========================================================================
  124. * HDL Analysis *
  125. =========================================================================
  126. Analyzing Entity <vedic_div32> in library <work> (Architecture <rtl>).
  127. WARNING:Xst:2096 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 81: Use of null array slice on signal <d_init_re_reg> is not supported.
  128. INFO:Xst:2679 - Register <d_init_quo_reg<31>> in unit <vedic_div32> has a constant value of 0 during circuit operation. The register is replaced by logic.
  129. INFO:Xst:2679 - Register <init_reg.re_reg<35>> in unit <vedic_div32> has a constant value of 0 during circuit operation. The register is replaced by logic.
  130. INFO:Xst:2679 - Register <init_reg.re_reg<34>> in unit <vedic_div32> has a constant value of 0 during circuit operation. The register is replaced by logic.
  131. INFO:Xst:2679 - Register <init_reg.re_reg<33>> in unit <vedic_div32> has a constant value of 0 during circuit operation. The register is replaced by logic.
  132. INFO:Xst:2679 - Register <init_reg.re_reg<32>> in unit <vedic_div32> has a constant value of 0 during circuit operation. The register is replaced by logic.
  133. INFO:Xst:2679 - Register <init_reg.re_reg<31>> in unit <vedic_div32> has a constant value of 0 during circuit operation. The register is replaced by logic.
  134. INFO:Xst:2679 - Register <init_reg.re_reg<0>> in unit <vedic_div32> has a constant value of 0 during circuit operation. The register is replaced by logic.
  135. Entity <vedic_div32> analyzed. Unit <vedic_div32> generated.
  138. =========================================================================
  139. * HDL Synthesis *
  140. =========================================================================
  142. Performing bidirectional port resolution...
  144. Synthesizing Unit <vedic_div32>.
  145. Related source file is "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd".
  146. WARNING:Xst:653 - Signal <init_reg.quo> is used but never assigned. This sourceless signal will be automatically connected to value 00000000000000000000000000000000.
  147. WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <d_state> is assigned but never used. This unconnected signal will be trimmed during the optimization process.
  148. WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <d_re> is assigned but never used. This unconnected signal will be trimmed during the optimization process.
  149. WARNING:Xst:1780 - Signal <d_init_re_reg<31>> is never used or assigned. This unconnected signal will be trimmed during the optimization process.
  150. WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <d_init_re_reg<30:0>> is assigned but never used. This unconnected signal will be trimmed during the optimization process.
  151. WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <d_init_quo_reg> is assigned but never used. This unconnected signal will be trimmed during the optimization process.
  152. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  153. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  154. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  155. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  156. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  157. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  158. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  159. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  160. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  161. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  162. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  163. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  164. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  165. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  166. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  167. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  168. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  169. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  170. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  171. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  172. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  173. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  174. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  175. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  176. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  177. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  178. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  179. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  180. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  181. INFO:Xst:1608 - Relative priorities of control signals on register <init_reg.re_reg> differ from those commonly found in the selected device family. This will result in additional logic around the register.
  182. Found finite state machine <FSM_0> for signal <state>.
  183. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  184. | States | 4 |
  185. | Transitions | 9 |
  186. | Inputs | 3 |
  187. | Outputs | 4 |
  188. | Clock | mclk1 (rising_edge) |
  189. | Reset | state$and0000 (positive) |
  190. | Reset type | synchronous |
  191. | Reset State | fin_state |
  192. | Power Up State | init_state |
  193. | Encoding | automatic |
  194. | Implementation | LUT |
  195. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_4>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  197. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_5>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  198. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_6>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  199. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_7>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  200. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_8>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  201. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_10>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  202. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_9>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  203. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_11>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  204. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_12>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  205. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_13>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  206. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_14>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  207. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_15>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  208. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_20>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  209. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_16>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  210. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_21>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  211. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_22>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  212. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_17>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  213. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_18>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  214. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_23>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  215. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_19>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  216. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_24>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  217. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_25>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  218. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_30>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  219. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_26>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  220. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_27>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  221. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_1>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  222. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_28>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  223. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_2>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  224. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_29>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  225. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 5-bit latch for signal <shift_val>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  226. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_3>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  227. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_4>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  228. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_5>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  229. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_6>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  230. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_7>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  231. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_8>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  232. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.re_reg_9>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  233. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_10>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  234. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_11>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  235. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_12>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  236. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_13>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  237. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_14>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  238. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 31-bit latch for signal <b_n>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  239. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_15>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  240. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_20>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  241. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_16>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  242. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_21>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  243. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_17>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  244. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_22>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  245. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_23>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  246. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_18>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  247. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_19>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  248. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_24>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  249. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_25>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  250. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_30>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  251. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_26>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  252. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_31>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  253. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_27>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  254. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_28>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  255. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_29>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  256. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_0>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  257. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_1>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  258. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_2>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  259. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal <init_reg.quo_reg_3>. Latches may be generated from incomplete case or if statements. We do not recommend the use of latches in FPGA/CPLD designs, as they may lead to timing problems.
  260. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 118: The result of a 33x32-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  261. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 33x3-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  262. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 33x4-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  263. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 33x4-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  264. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 33x4-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  265. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 34x5-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  266. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 34x5-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  267. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 34x5-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  268. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 34x4-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  269. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 117: The result of a 33x32-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  270. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 33x3-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  271. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 33x4-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  272. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 33x4-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  273. WARNING:Xst:643 - "/home/calros/enshu3-vedicdivider/vedic_div32.vhd" line 198: The result of a 33x4-bit multiplication is partially used. Only the 32 least significant bits are used. If you are doing this on purpose, you may safely ignore this warning. Otherwise, make sure you are not losing information, leading to unexpected circuit behavior.
  274. Found 34x4-bit multiplier for signal <$mult0000> created at line 198.
  275. Found 34x5-bit multiplier for signal <$mult0001> created at line 198.
  276. Found 34x5-bit multiplier for signal <$mult0002> created at line 198.
  277. Found 34x5-bit multiplier for signal <$mult0003> created at line 198.
  278. Found 5-bit register for signal <i>.
  279. Found 5-bit subtractor for signal <i$addsub0000> created at line 146.
  280. Found 32-bit register for signal <i_quo>.
  281. Found 32-bit register for signal <i_re>.
  282. Found 32-bit register for signal <k_reg.quo>.
  283. Found 36-bit register for signal <k_reg.re_reg>.
  284. Found 1-bit register for signal <k_reg.re_sign>.
  285. Found 32-bit register for signal <main_reg.quo>.
  286. Found 32-bit addsub for signal <main_reg.quo$mux0000>.
  287. Found 32-bit register for signal <main_reg.quo_reg>.
  288. Found 32-bit comparator greater for signal <main_reg.quo_reg$cmp_gt0000> created at line 123.
  289. Found 32-bit subtractor for signal <main_reg.quo_reg$mux0000>.
  290. Found 1-bit register for signal <main_reg.quo_sign>.
  291. Found 32-bit comparator greater for signal <main_reg.quo_sign$cmp_gt0000> created at line 123.
  292. Found 36-bit register for signal <main_reg.re_reg>.
  293. Found 36-bit comparator greater for signal <main_reg.re_reg$cmp_gt0000> created at line 133.
  294. Found 1-bit xor2 for signal <main_reg.re_reg$cmp_ne0000> created at line 132.
  295. Found 36-bit addsub for signal <main_reg.re_reg$mux0000>.
  296. Found 1-bit register for signal <main_reg.re_sign>.
  297. Found 32-bit addsub for signal <quo$share0000>.
  298. Found 33x32-bit multiplier for signal <quo_tmp$mult0001> created at line 117.
  299. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0000> created at line 198.
  300. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0001> created at line 198.
  301. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0002> created at line 198.
  302. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0003> created at line 198.
  303. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0004> created at line 198.
  304. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0005> created at line 198.
  305. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0006> created at line 198.
  306. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0007> created at line 198.
  307. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0008> created at line 198.
  308. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0009> created at line 198.
  309. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0010> created at line 198.
  310. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0011> created at line 198.
  311. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0012> created at line 198.
  312. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0013> created at line 198.
  313. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0014> created at line 198.
  314. Found 32-bit comparator greatequal for signal <re$cmp_ge0015> created at line 198.
  315. Found 33x4-bit multiplier for signal <re$mult0004> created at line 198.
  316. Found 33x4-bit multiplier for signal <re$mult0005> created at line 198.
  317. Found 33x4-bit multiplier for signal <re$mult0006> created at line 198.
  318. Found 33x3-bit multiplier for signal <re$mult0007> created at line 198.
  319. Found 33x3-bit multiplier for signal <re$mult0008> created at line 198.
  320. Found 33x4-bit multiplier for signal <re$mult0009> created at line 198.
  321. Found 33x4-bit multiplier for signal <re$mult0010> created at line 198.
  322. Found 33x4-bit multiplier for signal <re$mult0011> created at line 198.
  323. Found 32-bit addsub for signal <re$share0000>.
  324. Found 32-bit adder for signal <re$sub0000> created at line 198.
  325. Found 32-bit adder for signal <re$sub0001> created at line 198.
  326. Found 32-bit adder for signal <re$sub0002> created at line 198.
  327. Found 32-bit adder for signal <re$sub0003> created at line 198.
  328. Found 32-bit adder for signal <re$sub0004> created at line 198.
  329. Found 32-bit adder for signal <re$sub0005> created at line 198.
  330. Found 32-bit adder for signal <re$sub0006> created at line 198.
  331. Found 33x32-bit multiplier for signal <re_tmp$mult0001> created at line 118.
  332. Found 30-bit 31-to-1 multiplexer for signal <re_tmp$mux0000<30:1>> created at line 118.
  333. Found 30-bit 31-to-1 multiplexer for signal <re_tmp$mux0000<0>> created at line 118.
  334. Found 32-bit register for signal <tmp_quo_reg>.
  335. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_0$mux0000> created at line 105.
  336. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_1$mux0000> created at line 105.
  337. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_2$mux0000> created at line 105.
  338. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_3$mux0000> created at line 105.
  339. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_4$mux0000> created at line 105.
  340. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_5$mux0000> created at line 105.
  341. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_6$mux0000> created at line 105.
  342. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_7$mux0000> created at line 105.
  343. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_8$mux0000> created at line 105.
  344. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <tmp_quo_reg_shifted_0$mux0000> created at line 107.
  345. Found 36-bit adder for signal <v_re$addsub0000> created at line 187.
  346. Found 36-bit shifter arithmetic right for signal <v_re$shift0000> created at line 191.
  347. Found 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer for signal <v_reg.quo_reg_30$mux0000> created at line 115.
  348. Summary:
  349. inferred 1 Finite State Machine(s).
  350. inferred 272 D-type flip-flop(s).
  351. inferred 14 Adder/Subtractor(s).
  352. inferred 14 Multiplier(s).
  353. inferred 19 Comparator(s).
  354. inferred 42 Multiplexer(s).
  355. inferred 1 Combinational logic shifter(s).
  356. Unit <vedic_div32> synthesized.
  358. INFO:Xst:1767 - HDL ADVISOR - Resource sharing has identified that some arithmetic operations in this design can share the same physical resources for reduced device utilization. For improved clock frequency you may try to disable resource sharing.
  360. =========================================================================
  361. HDL Synthesis Report
  363. Macro Statistics
  364. # Multipliers : 14
  365. 33x3-bit multiplier : 2
  366. 33x32-bit multiplier : 2
  367. 33x4-bit multiplier : 6
  368. 34x4-bit multiplier : 1
  369. 34x5-bit multiplier : 3
  370. # Adders/Subtractors : 14
  371. 32-bit adder : 7
  372. 32-bit addsub : 3
  373. 32-bit subtractor : 1
  374. 36-bit adder : 1
  375. 36-bit addsub : 1
  376. 5-bit subtractor : 1
  377. # Registers : 43
  378. 1-bit register : 35
  379. 32-bit register : 5
  380. 36-bit register : 2
  381. 5-bit register : 1
  382. # Latches : 64
  383. 1-bit latch : 62
  384. 31-bit latch : 1
  385. 5-bit latch : 1
  386. # Comparators : 19
  387. 32-bit comparator greatequal : 16
  388. 32-bit comparator greater : 2
  389. 36-bit comparator greater : 1
  390. # Multiplexers : 42
  391. 1-bit 31-to-1 multiplexer : 1
  392. 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer : 41
  393. # Logic shifters : 1
  394. 36-bit shifter arithmetic right : 1
  395. # Xors : 1
  396. 1-bit xor2 : 1
  398. =========================================================================
  400. =========================================================================
  401. * Advanced HDL Synthesis *
  402. =========================================================================
  404. Analyzing FSM <FSM_0> for best encoding.
  405. Optimizing FSM <state/FSM> on signal <state[1:4]> with one-hot encoding.
  406. ------------------------
  407. State | Encoding
  408. ------------------------
  409. init_state | 0001
  410. main_state | 0100
  411. wait_state | 1000
  412. fin_state | 0010
  413. ------------------------
  415. Synthesizing (advanced) Unit <vedic_div32>.
  416. The following registers are absorbed into accumulator <main_reg.quo>: 1 register on signal <main_reg.quo>.
  417. Unit <vedic_div32> synthesized (advanced).
  419. =========================================================================
  420. Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
  422. Macro Statistics
  423. # FSMs : 1
  424. # Multipliers : 14
  425. 33x3-bit multiplier : 2
  426. 33x32-bit multiplier : 2
  427. 33x4-bit multiplier : 6
  428. 34x4-bit multiplier : 1
  429. 34x5-bit multiplier : 3
  430. # Adders/Subtractors : 13
  431. 32-bit adder : 7
  432. 32-bit addsub : 2
  433. 32-bit subtractor : 1
  434. 36-bit adder : 1
  435. 36-bit addsub : 1
  436. 5-bit subtractor : 1
  437. # Accumulators : 1
  438. 32-bit updown loadable accumulator : 1
  439. # Registers : 239
  440. Flip-Flops : 239
  441. # Latches : 64
  442. 1-bit latch : 62
  443. 31-bit latch : 1
  444. 5-bit latch : 1
  445. # Comparators : 19
  446. 32-bit comparator greatequal : 16
  447. 32-bit comparator greater : 2
  448. 36-bit comparator greater : 1
  449. # Multiplexers : 42
  450. 1-bit 31-to-1 multiplexer : 1
  451. 1-bit 32-to-1 multiplexer : 41
  452. # Logic shifters : 1
  453. 36-bit shifter arithmetic right : 1
  454. # Xors : 1
  455. 1-bit xor2 : 1
  457. =========================================================================
  459. =========================================================================
  460. * Low Level Synthesis *
  461. =========================================================================
  462. WARNING:Xst:2677 - Node <Mmult_quo_tmp_mult00013> of sequential type is unconnected in block <vedic_div32>.
  463. WARNING:Xst:2677 - Node <Mmult_re_tmp_mult00013> of sequential type is unconnected in block <vedic_div32>.
  465. Optimizing unit <vedic_div32> ...
  467. Mapping all equations...
  468. Building and optimizing final netlist ...
  469. Found area constraint ratio of 100 (+ 5) on block vedic_div32, actual ratio is 19.
  471. Final Macro Processing ...
  473. =========================================================================
  474. Final Register Report
  476. Macro Statistics
  477. # Registers : 274
  478. Flip-Flops : 274
  480. =========================================================================
  482. =========================================================================
  483. * Partition Report *
  484. =========================================================================
  486. Partition Implementation Status
  487. -------------------------------
  489. No Partitions were found in this design.
  491. -------------------------------
  493. =========================================================================
  494. * Final Report *
  495. =========================================================================
  496. Final Results
  497. RTL Top Level Output File Name : vedic_div32.ngr
  498. Top Level Output File Name : vedic_div32
  499. Output Format : NGC
  500. Optimization Goal : Speed
  501. Keep Hierarchy : No
  503. Design Statistics
  504. # IOs : 130
  506. Cell Usage :
  507. # BELS : 5901
  508. # GND : 1
  509. # INV : 218
  510. # LUT1 : 4
  511. # LUT2 : 633
  512. # LUT3 : 291
  513. # LUT4 : 782
  514. # LUT5 : 372
  515. # LUT6 : 1483
  516. # MUXCY : 1118
  517. # MUXF7 : 122
  518. # VCC : 1
  519. # XORCY : 876
  520. # FlipFlops/Latches : 372
  521. # FD : 183
  522. # FDE : 74
  523. # FDR : 2
  524. # FDS : 15
  525. # LDC : 1
  526. # LDCP : 97
  527. # Clock Buffers : 2
  528. # BUFG : 1
  529. # BUFGP : 1
  530. # IO Buffers : 129
  531. # IBUF : 65
  532. # OBUF : 64
  533. # DSPs : 6
  534. # DSP48E : 6
  535. =========================================================================
  537. Device utilization summary:
  538. ---------------------------
  540. Selected Device : 5vlx50tff1136-1
  543. Slice Logic Utilization:
  544. Number of Slice Registers: 372 out of 28800 1%
  545. Number of Slice LUTs: 3783 out of 28800 13%
  546. Number used as Logic: 3783 out of 28800 13%
  548. Slice Logic Distribution:
  549. Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used: 3861
  550. Number with an unused Flip Flop: 3489 out of 3861 90%
  551. Number with an unused LUT: 78 out of 3861 2%
  552. Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs: 294 out of 3861 7%
  553. Number of unique control sets: 107
  555. IO Utilization:
  556. Number of IOs: 130
  557. Number of bonded IOBs: 130 out of 480 27%
  559. Specific Feature Utilization:
  560. Number of BUFG/BUFGCTRLs: 2 out of 32 6%
  561. Number of DSP48Es: 6 out of 48 12%
  563. ---------------------------
  564. Partition Resource Summary:
  565. ---------------------------
  567. No Partitions were found in this design.
  569. ---------------------------
  572. =========================================================================
  579. Clock Information:
  580. ------------------
  581. -----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+
  582. Clock Signal | Clock buffer(FF name) | Load |
  583. -----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+
  584. mclk1 | BUFGP | 274 |
  585. divisor<0> | IBUF+BUFG | 98 |
  586. -----------------------------------+------------------------+-------+
  588. Asynchronous Control Signals Information:
  589. ----------------------------------------
  590. --------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+-------+
  591. Control Signal | Buffer(FF name) | Load |
  592. --------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+-------+
  593. b_n_0__and0000(b_n_0__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_0) | 1 |
  594. b_n_0__and0001(b_n_0__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_0) | 1 |
  595. b_n_10__and0000(b_n_10__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_10) | 1 |
  596. b_n_10__and0001(b_n_10__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_10) | 1 |
  597. b_n_11__and0000(b_n_11__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_11) | 1 |
  598. b_n_11__and0001(b_n_11__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_11) | 1 |
  599. b_n_12__and0000(b_n_12__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_12) | 1 |
  600. b_n_12__and0001(b_n_12__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_12) | 1 |
  601. b_n_13__and0000(b_n_13__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_13) | 1 |
  602. b_n_13__and0001(b_n_13__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_13) | 1 |
  603. b_n_14__and0000(b_n_14__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_14) | 1 |
  604. b_n_14__and0001(b_n_14__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_14) | 1 |
  605. b_n_15__and0000(b_n_15__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_15) | 1 |
  606. b_n_15__and0001(b_n_15__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_15) | 1 |
  607. b_n_16__and0000(b_n_16__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_16) | 1 |
  608. b_n_16__and0001(b_n_16__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_16) | 1 |
  609. b_n_17__and0000(b_n_17__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_17) | 1 |
  610. b_n_17__and0001(b_n_17__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_17) | 1 |
  611. b_n_18__and0000(b_n_18__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_18) | 1 |
  612. b_n_18__and0001(b_n_18__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_18) | 1 |
  613. b_n_19__and0000(b_n_19__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_19) | 1 |
  614. b_n_19__and0001(b_n_19__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_19) | 1 |
  615. b_n_1__and0000(b_n_1__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_1) | 1 |
  616. b_n_1__and0001(b_n_1__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_1) | 1 |
  617. b_n_20__and0000(b_n_20__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_20) | 1 |
  618. b_n_20__and0001(b_n_20__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_20) | 1 |
  619. b_n_21__and0000(b_n_21__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_21) | 1 |
  620. b_n_21__and0001(b_n_21__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_21) | 1 |
  621. b_n_22__and0000(b_n_22__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_22) | 1 |
  622. b_n_22__and0001(b_n_22__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_22) | 1 |
  623. b_n_23__and0000(b_n_23__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_23) | 1 |
  624. b_n_23__and0001(b_n_23__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_23) | 1 |
  625. b_n_24__and0000(b_n_24__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_24) | 1 |
  626. b_n_24__and0001(b_n_24__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_24) | 1 |
  627. b_n_25__and0000(b_n_25__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_25) | 1 |
  628. b_n_25__and0001(b_n_25__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_25) | 1 |
  629. b_n_26__and0000(b_n_26__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_26) | 1 |
  630. b_n_26__and0001(b_n_26__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_26) | 1 |
  631. b_n_27__and0000(b_n_27__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_27) | 1 |
  632. b_n_27__and0001(b_n_27__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_27) | 1 |
  633. b_n_28__and0000(b_n_28__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_28) | 1 |
  634. b_n_28__and0001(b_n_28__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_28) | 1 |
  635. b_n_29__and0000(b_n_29__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_29) | 1 |
  636. b_n_29__and0001(b_n_29__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_29) | 1 |
  637. b_n_2__and0000(b_n_2__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_2) | 1 |
  638. b_n_2__and0001(b_n_2__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_2) | 1 |
  639. b_n_30__and0000(b_n_30__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_30) | 1 |
  640. b_n_30__and0001(b_n_30__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_30) | 1 |
  641. b_n_3__and0000(b_n_3__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_3) | 1 |
  642. b_n_3__and0001(b_n_3__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_3) | 1 |
  643. b_n_4__and0000(b_n_4__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_4) | 1 |
  644. b_n_4__and0001(b_n_4__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_4) | 1 |
  645. b_n_5__and0000(b_n_5__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_5) | 1 |
  646. b_n_5__and0001(b_n_5__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_5) | 1 |
  647. b_n_6__and0000(b_n_6__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_6) | 1 |
  648. b_n_6__and0001(b_n_6__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_6) | 1 |
  649. b_n_7__and0000(b_n_7__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_7) | 1 |
  650. b_n_7__and0001(b_n_7__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_7) | 1 |
  651. b_n_8__and0000(b_n_8__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_8) | 1 |
  652. b_n_8__and0001(b_n_8__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_8) | 1 |
  653. b_n_9__and0000(b_n_9__and00001:O) | NONE(b_n_9) | 1 |
  654. b_n_9__and0001(b_n_9__and00011:O) | NONE(b_n_9) | 1 |
  655. b_n_or0000(b_n_or0000177:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_31)| 1 |
  656. init_reg.quo_reg_0__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_0__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_0) | 1 |
  657. init_reg.quo_reg_0__and0001(init_reg.quo_reg_0__and00011:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_0) | 1 |
  658. init_reg.quo_reg_10__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_10__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_10)| 1 |
  659. init_reg.quo_reg_10__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_10__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_10)| 1 |
  660. init_reg.quo_reg_11__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_11__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_11)| 1 |
  661. init_reg.quo_reg_11__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_11__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_11)| 1 |
  662. init_reg.quo_reg_12__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_12__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_12)| 1 |
  663. init_reg.quo_reg_12__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_12__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_12)| 1 |
  664. init_reg.quo_reg_13__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_13__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_13)| 1 |
  665. init_reg.quo_reg_13__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_13__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_13)| 1 |
  666. init_reg.quo_reg_14__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_14__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_14)| 1 |
  667. init_reg.quo_reg_14__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_14__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_14)| 1 |
  668. init_reg.quo_reg_15__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_15__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_15)| 1 |
  669. init_reg.quo_reg_15__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_15__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_15)| 1 |
  670. init_reg.quo_reg_16__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_16__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_16)| 1 |
  671. init_reg.quo_reg_16__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_16__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_16)| 1 |
  672. init_reg.quo_reg_17__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_17__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_17)| 1 |
  673. init_reg.quo_reg_17__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_17__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_17)| 1 |
  674. init_reg.quo_reg_18__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_18__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_18)| 1 |
  675. init_reg.quo_reg_18__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_18__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_18)| 1 |
  676. init_reg.quo_reg_19__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_19__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_19)| 1 |
  677. init_reg.quo_reg_19__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_19__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_19)| 1 |
  678. init_reg.quo_reg_1__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_1__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_1) | 1 |
  679. init_reg.quo_reg_1__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_1__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_1) | 1 |
  680. init_reg.quo_reg_20__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_20__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_20)| 1 |
  681. init_reg.quo_reg_20__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_20__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_20)| 1 |
  682. init_reg.quo_reg_21__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_21__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_21)| 1 |
  683. init_reg.quo_reg_21__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_21__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_21)| 1 |
  684. init_reg.quo_reg_22__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_22__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_22)| 1 |
  685. init_reg.quo_reg_22__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_22__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_22)| 1 |
  686. init_reg.quo_reg_23__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_23__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_23)| 1 |
  687. init_reg.quo_reg_23__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_23__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_23)| 1 |
  688. init_reg.quo_reg_24__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_24__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_24)| 1 |
  689. init_reg.quo_reg_24__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_24__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_24)| 1 |
  690. init_reg.quo_reg_25__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_25__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_25)| 1 |
  691. init_reg.quo_reg_25__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_25__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_25)| 1 |
  692. init_reg.quo_reg_26__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_26__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_26)| 1 |
  693. init_reg.quo_reg_26__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_26__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_26)| 1 |
  694. init_reg.quo_reg_27__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_27__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_27)| 1 |
  695. init_reg.quo_reg_27__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_27__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_27)| 1 |
  696. init_reg.quo_reg_28__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_28__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_28)| 1 |
  697. init_reg.quo_reg_28__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_28__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_28)| 1 |
  698. init_reg.quo_reg_29__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_29__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_29)| 1 |
  699. init_reg.quo_reg_29__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_29__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_29)| 1 |
  700. init_reg.quo_reg_2__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_2__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_2) | 1 |
  701. init_reg.quo_reg_2__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_2__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_2) | 1 |
  702. init_reg.quo_reg_30__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_30__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_30)| 1 |
  703. init_reg.quo_reg_30__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_30__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_30)| 1 |
  704. init_reg.quo_reg_3__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_3__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_3) | 1 |
  705. init_reg.quo_reg_3__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_3__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_3) | 1 |
  706. init_reg.quo_reg_4__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_4__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_4) | 1 |
  707. init_reg.quo_reg_4__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_4__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_4) | 1 |
  708. init_reg.quo_reg_5__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_5__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_5) | 1 |
  709. init_reg.quo_reg_5__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_5__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_5) | 1 |
  710. init_reg.quo_reg_6__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_6__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_6) | 1 |
  711. init_reg.quo_reg_6__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_6__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_6) | 1 |
  712. init_reg.quo_reg_7__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_7__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_7) | 1 |
  713. init_reg.quo_reg_7__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_7__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_7) | 1 |
  714. init_reg.quo_reg_8__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_8__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_8) | 1 |
  715. init_reg.quo_reg_8__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_8__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_8) | 1 |
  716. init_reg.quo_reg_9__and0000(init_reg.quo_reg_9__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_9) | 1 |
  717. init_reg.quo_reg_9__or0000(init_reg.quo_reg_9__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.quo_reg_9) | 1 |
  718. init_reg.re_reg_10__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_10__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_10) | 1 |
  719. init_reg.re_reg_10__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_10__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_10) | 1 |
  720. init_reg.re_reg_11__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_11__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_11) | 1 |
  721. init_reg.re_reg_11__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_11__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_11) | 1 |
  722. init_reg.re_reg_12__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_12__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_12) | 1 |
  723. init_reg.re_reg_12__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_12__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_12) | 1 |
  724. init_reg.re_reg_13__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_13__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_13) | 1 |
  725. init_reg.re_reg_13__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_13__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_13) | 1 |
  726. init_reg.re_reg_14__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_14__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_14) | 1 |
  727. init_reg.re_reg_14__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_14__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_14) | 1 |
  728. init_reg.re_reg_15__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_15__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_15) | 1 |
  729. init_reg.re_reg_15__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_15__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_15) | 1 |
  730. init_reg.re_reg_16__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_16__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_16) | 1 |
  731. init_reg.re_reg_16__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_16__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_16) | 1 |
  732. init_reg.re_reg_17__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_17__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_17) | 1 |
  733. init_reg.re_reg_17__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_17__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_17) | 1 |
  734. init_reg.re_reg_18__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_18__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_18) | 1 |
  735. init_reg.re_reg_18__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_18__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_18) | 1 |
  736. init_reg.re_reg_19__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_19__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_19) | 1 |
  737. init_reg.re_reg_19__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_19__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_19) | 1 |
  738. init_reg.re_reg_1__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_1__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_1) | 1 |
  739. init_reg.re_reg_1__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_1__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_1) | 1 |
  740. init_reg.re_reg_20__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_20__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_20) | 1 |
  741. init_reg.re_reg_20__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_20__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_20) | 1 |
  742. init_reg.re_reg_21__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_21__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_21) | 1 |
  743. init_reg.re_reg_21__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_21__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_21) | 1 |
  744. init_reg.re_reg_22__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_22__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_22) | 1 |
  745. init_reg.re_reg_22__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_22__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_22) | 1 |
  746. init_reg.re_reg_23__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_23__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_23) | 1 |
  747. init_reg.re_reg_23__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_23__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_23) | 1 |
  748. init_reg.re_reg_24__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_24__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_24) | 1 |
  749. init_reg.re_reg_24__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_24__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_24) | 1 |
  750. init_reg.re_reg_25__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_25__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_25) | 1 |
  751. init_reg.re_reg_25__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_25__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_25) | 1 |
  752. init_reg.re_reg_26__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_26__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_26) | 1 |
  753. init_reg.re_reg_26__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_26__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_26) | 1 |
  754. init_reg.re_reg_27__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_27__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_27) | 1 |
  755. init_reg.re_reg_27__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_27__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_27) | 1 |
  756. init_reg.re_reg_28__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_28__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_28) | 1 |
  757. init_reg.re_reg_28__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_28__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_28) | 1 |
  758. init_reg.re_reg_29__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_29__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_29) | 1 |
  759. init_reg.re_reg_29__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_29__or0000_f7:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_29) | 1 |
  760. init_reg.re_reg_2__and0000(init_reg_re_reg_2_mux00311:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_2) | 1 |
  761. init_reg.re_reg_2__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_2__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_2) | 1 |
  762. init_reg.re_reg_30__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_30__and00001_f7:O)| NONE(init_reg.re_reg_30) | 1 |
  763. init_reg.re_reg_30__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_30__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_30) | 1 |
  764. init_reg.re_reg_3__and0000(init_reg_re_reg_3_mux00311:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_3) | 1 |
  765. init_reg.re_reg_3__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_3__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_3) | 1 |
  766. init_reg.re_reg_4__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_4__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_4) | 1 |
  767. init_reg.re_reg_4__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_4__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_4) | 1 |
  768. init_reg.re_reg_5__and0000(init_reg_re_reg_5_mux003181_f7:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_5) | 1 |
  769. init_reg.re_reg_5__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_5__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_5) | 1 |
  770. init_reg.re_reg_6__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_6__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_6) | 1 |
  771. init_reg.re_reg_6__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_6__or00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_6) | 1 |
  772. init_reg.re_reg_7__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_7__and000011:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_7) | 1 |
  773. init_reg.re_reg_7__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_7__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_7) | 1 |
  774. init_reg.re_reg_8__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_8__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_8) | 1 |
  775. init_reg.re_reg_8__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_8__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_8) | 1 |
  776. init_reg.re_reg_9__and0000(init_reg.re_reg_9__and00001:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_9) | 1 |
  777. init_reg.re_reg_9__or0000(init_reg.re_reg_9__or0000:O) | NONE(init_reg.re_reg_9) | 1 |
  778. shift_val_0__or0000(shift_val_0__or00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_0) | 1 |
  779. shift_val_0__or0001(shift_val_0__or00011:O) | NONE(shift_val_0) | 1 |
  780. shift_val_1__and0000(shift_val_1__and00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_1) | 1 |
  781. shift_val_1__or0000(shift_val_1__or00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_1) | 1 |
  782. shift_val_2__and0000(shift_val_2__and00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_2) | 1 |
  783. shift_val_2__or0000(shift_val_2__or00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_2) | 1 |
  784. shift_val_3__and0000(shift_val_3__and00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_3) | 1 |
  785. shift_val_3__or0000(shift_val_3__or00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_3) | 1 |
  786. shift_val_4__and0000(shift_val_4__and00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_4) | 1 |
  787. shift_val_4__or0000(shift_val_4__or00001:O) | NONE(shift_val_4) | 1 |
  788. --------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+-------+
  790. Timing Summary:
  791. ---------------
  792. Speed Grade: -1
  794. Minimum period: 15.730ns (Maximum Frequency: 63.573MHz)
  795. Minimum input arrival time before clock: 11.305ns
  796. Maximum output required time after clock: 12.251ns
  797. Maximum combinational path delay: 16.649ns
  799. Timing Detail:
  800. --------------
  801. All values displayed in nanoseconds (ns)
  803. =========================================================================
  804. Timing constraint: Default period analysis for Clock 'mclk1'
  805. Clock period: 15.730ns (frequency: 63.573MHz)
  806. Total number of paths / destination ports: 67916403975 / 365
  807. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  808. Delay: 15.730ns (Levels of Logic = 50)
  809. Source: state_FSM_FFd4 (FF)
  810. Destination: main_reg.quo_reg_31 (FF)
  811. Source Clock: mclk1 rising
  812. Destination Clock: mclk1 rising
  814. Data Path: state_FSM_FFd4 to main_reg.quo_reg_31
  815. Gate Net
  816. Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
  817. ---------------------------------------- ------------
  818. FDR:C->Q 309 0.471 0.659 state_FSM_FFd4 (state_FSM_FFd4)
  819. LUT3:I2->O 5 0.094 0.811 reg_quo_reg<15>1 (reg_quo_reg<15>)
  820. LUT6:I2->O 1 0.094 0.480 tmp_quo_reg_9_mux000061 (tmp_quo_reg_9_mux000061)
  821. LUT6:I5->O 1 0.094 0.480 tmp_quo_reg_9_mux0000125_SW0 (N165)
  822. LUT5:I4->O 1 0.094 0.480 tmp_quo_reg_9_mux0000125 (tmp_quo_reg_9_mux0000125)
  823. LUT5:I4->O 3 0.094 0.347 tmp_quo_reg_9_mux0000335 (tmp_quo_reg_9_mux0000)
  824. DSP48E:B9->PCOUT17 1 3.832 0.000 Mmult_quo_tmp_mult0001 (Mmult_quo_tmp_mult0001_PCOUT_to_Mmult_quo_tmp_mult00011_PCIN_17)
  825. DSP48E:PCIN17->PCOUT34 1 2.013 0.000 Mmult_quo_tmp_mult00011 (Mmult_quo_tmp_mult00011_PCOUT_to_Mmult_quo_tmp_mult00012_PCIN_34)
  826. DSP48E:PCIN34->P0 4 1.816 0.805 Mmult_quo_tmp_mult00012 (quo_tmp_mult0001<17>)
  827. LUT4:I0->O 0 0.094 0.000 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_lutdi8 (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_lutdi8)
  828. MUXCY:DI->O 1 0.362 0.000 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<8> (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<8>)
  829. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<9> (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<9>)
  830. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<10> (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<10>)
  831. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<11> (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<11>)
  832. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<12> (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<12>)
  833. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<13> (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<13>)
  834. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<14> (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<14>)
  835. MUXCY:CI->O 32 0.254 0.607 Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<15> (Mcompar_main_reg.quo_reg_cmp_gt0000_cy<15>)
  836. LUT6:I5->O 0 0.094 0.000 main_reg_quo_reg_mux0001<0>1 (main_reg_quo_reg_mux0001<0>)
  837. MUXCY:DI->O 1 0.362 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<0> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<0>)
  838. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<1> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<1>)
  839. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<2> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<2>)
  840. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<3> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<3>)
  841. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<4> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<4>)
  842. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<5> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<5>)
  843. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<6> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<6>)
  844. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<7> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<7>)
  845. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<8> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<8>)
  846. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<9> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<9>)
  847. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<10> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<10>)
  848. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<11> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<11>)
  849. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<12> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<12>)
  850. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<13> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<13>)
  851. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<14> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<14>)
  852. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<15> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<15>)
  853. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<16> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<16>)
  854. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<17> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<17>)
  855. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<18> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<18>)
  856. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<19> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<19>)
  857. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<20> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<20>)
  858. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<21> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<21>)
  859. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<22> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<22>)
  860. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<23> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<23>)
  861. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<24> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<24>)
  862. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<25> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<25>)
  863. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<26> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<26>)
  864. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<27> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<27>)
  865. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<28> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<28>)
  866. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<29> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<29>)
  867. MUXCY:CI->O 0 0.026 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<30> (Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_cy<30>)
  868. XORCY:CI->O 1 0.357 0.000 Msub_main_reg.quo_reg_mux0000_xor<31> (main_reg_quo_reg_mux0000<31>)
  869. FD:D -0.018 main_reg.quo_reg_31
  870. ----------------------------------------
  871. Total 15.730ns (11.061ns logic, 4.669ns route)
  872. (70.3% logic, 29.7% route)
  874. =========================================================================
  875. Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'mclk1'
  876. Total number of paths / destination ports: 7 / 7
  877. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  878. Offset: 2.334ns (Levels of Logic = 2)
  879. Source: go (PAD)
  880. Destination: i_0 (FF)
  881. Destination Clock: mclk1 rising
  883. Data Path: go to i_0
  884. Gate Net
  885. Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
  886. ---------------------------------------- ------------
  887. IBUF:I->O 3 0.818 0.491 go_IBUF (go_IBUF)
  888. LUT3:I2->O 5 0.094 0.358 i_or00011 (i_or0001)
  889. FDS:S 0.573 i_0
  890. ----------------------------------------
  891. Total 2.334ns (1.485ns logic, 0.849ns route)
  892. (63.6% logic, 36.4% route)
  894. =========================================================================
  895. Timing constraint: Default OFFSET IN BEFORE for Clock 'divisor<0>'
  896. Total number of paths / destination ports: 10074 / 98
  897. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  898. Offset: 11.305ns (Levels of Logic = 17)
  899. Source: divisor<6> (PAD)
  900. Destination: b_n_29 (LATCH)
  901. Destination Clock: divisor<0> falling
  903. Data Path: divisor<6> to b_n_29
  904. Gate Net
  905. Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
  906. ---------------------------------------- ------------
  907. IBUF:I->O 126 0.818 1.214 divisor_6_IBUF (divisor_6_IBUF)
  908. LUT6:I0->O 1 0.094 0.000 b_n_mux0031<29>1411 (b_n_mux0031<29>1411)
  909. MUXF7:I1->O 2 0.254 0.794 b_n_mux0031<29>141_f7 (b_n_mux0031<29>141)
  910. LUT6:I2->O 1 0.094 0.000 b_n_mux0031<29>203_F (N6961)
  911. MUXF7:I0->O 1 0.251 0.480 b_n_mux0031<29>203 (b_n_mux0031<29>203)
  912. LUT6:I5->O 1 0.094 0.000 b_n_mux0031<29>2872 (b_n_mux0031<29>2872)
  913. MUXF7:I0->O 1 0.251 0.710 b_n_mux0031<29>287_f7 (b_n_mux0031<29>287)
  914. LUT6:I3->O 1 0.094 1.069 b_n_mux0031<29>351 (b_n_mux0031<29>351)
  915. LUT6:I0->O 1 0.094 0.576 b_n_mux0031<29>431_SW0 (N300)
  916. LUT6:I4->O 1 0.094 0.000 b_n_mux0031<29>490_SW01 (b_n_mux0031<29>490_SW0)
  917. MUXF7:I1->O 1 0.254 0.576 b_n_mux0031<29>490_SW0_f7 (N562)
  918. LUT6:I4->O 2 0.094 0.715 b_n_mux0031<29>490 (b_n_mux0031<29>490)
  919. LUT6:I3->O 1 0.094 0.000 b_n_mux0031<29>569_F (N6841)
  920. MUXF7:I0->O 1 0.251 0.480 b_n_mux0031<29>569 (b_n_mux0031<29>569)
  921. LUT5:I4->O 1 0.094 0.789 b_n_mux0031<29>644_SW0 (N544)
  922. LUT6:I2->O 1 0.094 0.789 b_n_mux0031<29>644 (b_n_mux0031<29>644)
  923. LUT6:I2->O 3 0.094 0.000 b_n_mux0031<29>670 (b_n_mux0031<29>)
  924. LDCP:D -0.071 b_n_29
  925. ----------------------------------------
  926. Total 11.305ns (3.113ns logic, 8.192ns route)
  927. (27.5% logic, 72.5% route)
  929. =========================================================================
  930. Timing constraint: Default OFFSET OUT AFTER for Clock 'mclk1'
  931. Total number of paths / destination ports: 2657236 / 64
  932. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  933. Offset: 12.251ns (Levels of Logic = 55)
  934. Source: i_re_1 (FF)
  935. Destination: re<30> (PAD)
  936. Source Clock: mclk1 rising
  938. Data Path: i_re_1 to re<30>
  939. Gate Net
  940. Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
  941. ---------------------------------------- ------------
  942. FD:C->Q 26 0.471 0.915 i_re_1 (i_re_1)
  943. LUT4:I0->O 0 0.094 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_lutdi (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_lutdi)
  944. MUXCY:DI->O 1 0.362 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<0> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<0>)
  945. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<1> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<1>)
  946. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<2> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<2>)
  947. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<3> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<3>)
  948. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<4> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<4>)
  949. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<5> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<5>)
  950. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<6> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<6>)
  951. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<7> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<7>)
  952. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<8> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<8>)
  953. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<9> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<9>)
  954. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<10> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<10>)
  955. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<11> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<11>)
  956. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<12> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<12>)
  957. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<13> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<13>)
  958. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<14> (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<14>)
  959. MUXCY:CI->O 38 0.254 1.101 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0013_cy<15> (re_cmp_ge0013)
  960. LUT5:I0->O 1 0.094 0.789 re_mux0000<1>211 (N592)
  961. LUT6:I2->O 1 0.094 0.480 re_mux0000<1>102_SW0 (N302)
  962. LUT6:I5->O 1 0.094 0.576 re_mux0000<1>102 (re_mux0000<1>102)
  963. LUT6:I4->O 1 0.094 0.576 re_mux0000<1>171_SW0 (N304)
  964. LUT5:I3->O 1 0.094 0.576 re_mux0000<1>171 (re_mux0000<1>)
  965. LUT3:I1->O 1 0.094 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_lut<1> (Maddsub_re_share0000_lut<1>)
  966. MUXCY:S->O 1 0.372 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<1> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<1>)
  967. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<2> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<2>)
  968. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<3> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<3>)
  969. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<4> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<4>)
  970. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<5> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<5>)
  971. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<6> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<6>)
  972. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<7> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<7>)
  973. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<8> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<8>)
  974. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<9> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<9>)
  975. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<10> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<10>)
  976. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<11> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<11>)
  977. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<12> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<12>)
  978. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<13> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<13>)
  979. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<14> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<14>)
  980. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<15> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<15>)
  981. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<16> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<16>)
  982. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<17> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<17>)
  983. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<18> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<18>)
  984. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<19> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<19>)
  985. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<20> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<20>)
  986. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<21> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<21>)
  987. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<22> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<22>)
  988. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<23> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<23>)
  989. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<24> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<24>)
  990. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<25> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<25>)
  991. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<26> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<26>)
  992. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<27> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<27>)
  993. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<28> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<28>)
  994. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<29> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<29>)
  995. XORCY:CI->O 1 0.357 0.789 Maddsub_re_share0000_xor<30> (re_share0000<30>)
  996. LUT5:I1->O 1 0.094 0.336 re<30>1 (re_30_OBUF)
  997. OBUF:I->O 2.452 re_30_OBUF (re<30>)
  998. ----------------------------------------
  999. Total 12.251ns (6.112ns logic, 6.139ns route)
  1000. (49.9% logic, 50.1% route)
  1002. =========================================================================
  1003. Timing constraint: Default path analysis
  1004. Total number of paths / destination ports: 895560275 / 64
  1005. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1006. Delay: 16.649ns (Levels of Logic = 73)
  1007. Source: divisor<2> (PAD)
  1008. Destination: re<30> (PAD)
  1010. Data Path: divisor<2> to re<30>
  1011. Gate Net
  1012. Cell:in->out fanout Delay Delay Logical Name (Net Name)
  1013. ---------------------------------------- ------------
  1014. IBUF:I->O 128 0.818 0.721 divisor_2_IBUF (divisor_2_IBUF)
  1015. LUT2:I0->O 1 0.094 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_lut<2> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_lut<2>)
  1016. MUXCY:S->O 1 0.372 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<2> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<2>)
  1017. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<3> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<3>)
  1018. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<4> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<4>)
  1019. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<5> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<5>)
  1020. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<6> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<6>)
  1021. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<7> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<7>)
  1022. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<8> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<8>)
  1023. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<9> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<9>)
  1024. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<10> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<10>)
  1025. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<11> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<11>)
  1026. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<12> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<12>)
  1027. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<13> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<13>)
  1028. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<14> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<14>)
  1029. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<15> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<15>)
  1030. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<16> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<16>)
  1031. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<17> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<17>)
  1032. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<18> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<18>)
  1033. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<19> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<19>)
  1034. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<20> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<20>)
  1035. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<21> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<21>)
  1036. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<22> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<22>)
  1037. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<23> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<23>)
  1038. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<24> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<24>)
  1039. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<25> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<25>)
  1040. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<26> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<26>)
  1041. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<27> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<27>)
  1042. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<28> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_cy<28>)
  1043. XORCY:CI->O 1 0.357 0.576 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_xor<29> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd_29)
  1044. LUT2:I0->O 1 0.094 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd1_lut<29> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd1_lut<29>)
  1045. MUXCY:S->O 1 0.372 0.000 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd1_cy<29> (Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd1_cy<29>)
  1046. XORCY:CI->O 1 0.357 0.336 Mmult_re_mult0011_Madd1_xor<30> (re_mult0011<30>)
  1047. INV:I->O 1 0.238 0.000 Madd_re_not0004<30>1_INV_0 (Madd_re_not0004<30>)
  1048. MUXCY:S->O 0 0.372 0.000 Madd_re_sub0006_cy<30> (Madd_re_sub0006_cy<30>)
  1049. XORCY:CI->O 2 0.357 0.794 Madd_re_sub0006_xor<31> (re_sub0006<31>)
  1050. LUT4:I0->O 0 0.094 0.000 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0015_lutdi15 (Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0015_lutdi15)
  1051. MUXCY:DI->O 31 0.590 0.837 Mcompar_re_cmp_ge0015_cy<15> (re_cmp_ge0015)
  1052. LUT5:I2->O 1 0.094 0.973 re_mux0000<3>54_SW0 (N360)
  1053. LUT6:I1->O 1 0.094 0.710 re_mux0000<3>54 (re_mux0000<3>54)
  1054. LUT6:I3->O 1 0.094 0.789 re_mux0000<3>91_SW0 (N638)
  1055. LUT6:I2->O 1 0.094 0.576 re_mux0000<3>91 (re_mux0000<3>)
  1056. LUT3:I1->O 1 0.094 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_lut<3> (Maddsub_re_share0000_lut<3>)
  1057. MUXCY:S->O 1 0.372 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<3> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<3>)
  1058. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<4> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<4>)
  1059. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<5> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<5>)
  1060. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<6> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<6>)
  1061. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<7> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<7>)
  1062. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<8> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<8>)
  1063. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<9> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<9>)
  1064. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<10> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<10>)
  1065. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<11> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<11>)
  1066. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<12> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<12>)
  1067. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<13> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<13>)
  1068. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<14> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<14>)
  1069. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<15> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<15>)
  1070. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<16> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<16>)
  1071. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<17> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<17>)
  1072. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<18> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<18>)
  1073. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<19> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<19>)
  1074. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<20> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<20>)
  1075. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<21> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<21>)
  1076. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<22> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<22>)
  1077. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<23> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<23>)
  1078. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<24> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<24>)
  1079. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<25> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<25>)
  1080. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<26> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<26>)
  1081. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<27> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<27>)
  1082. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<28> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<28>)
  1083. MUXCY:CI->O 1 0.026 0.000 Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<29> (Maddsub_re_share0000_cy<29>)
  1084. XORCY:CI->O 1 0.357 0.789 Maddsub_re_share0000_xor<30> (re_share0000<30>)
  1085. LUT5:I1->O 1 0.094 0.336 re<30>1 (re_30_OBUF)
  1086. OBUF:I->O 2.452 re_30_OBUF (re<30>)
  1087. ----------------------------------------
  1088. Total 16.649ns (9.212ns logic, 7.437ns route)
  1089. (55.3% logic, 44.7% route)
  1091. =========================================================================
  1094. Total REAL time to Xst completion: 1509.00 secs
  1095. Total CPU time to Xst completion: 1508.06 secs
  1097. -->
  1100. Total memory usage is 813416 kilobytes
  1102. Number of errors : 0 ( 0 filtered)
  1103. Number of warnings : 87 ( 0 filtered)
  1104. Number of infos : 38 ( 0 filtered)
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