
Smash4UBot Information/Commands

Nov 5th, 2016 (edited)
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  1. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  2. : Smash4UBot Information & Commands :
  3. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  5. Smash4UBot, created by Taaha, 2016 and updated by Westor, 2018. Maintained and updated by Taaha & Blankowich, 2021. This document was last updated April 18, 2021 at 2:55 PM Eastern Time.
  7. Welcome to the Smash4UBot information Pastebin! If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns, let us know in this Discord Server, created solely for this bot:
  9. [ Smash4UBot General Commands ]
  10. !info or !commands - provides you with a link to this Pastebin & Discord Server link to Smash4UBot
  11. !reportbugs - provides you with information on how to report bugs, complaints, and suggestions
  12. (SOON) !dashboard or !website - provides a link to the Smash4UBot website
  14. [ Smash4UBot List/KotH Commands ]
  15. !list - shows the current list of people in the queue
  16. !status - tells you whether the list is closed or open
  17. !join (or !challenge) - join the queue
  18. !join [in-game name] - join the queue with your in-game name
  19. !dropspot - drop your spot in the list
  20. !spot - check your spot in line and estimated time until it is your turn
  21. !skipline - if subbed, skip the line once if !skiplineon is enabled (Temporarily Disabled)
  23. [ Smash4UBot List/KotH Commands - Moderator Only ]
  24. !arenaid (or !id) - displays the Arena ID that is set by !arenaid [Arena ID/Password] (you can whisper the bot to set Arena ID)
  25. !listlimit [number] - sets the list cap to your preferred number (e.g. !listlimit 15). Default is 10.
  26. !listlimit [number] autoclose - sets the list cap to your preferred number and permanently closes the list when the limit has been reached.
  27. !userlimit [number] - sets a limit to prevent viewers joining the list multiple times. Use !userlimit clear to remove the limit
  28. !open - opens the list
  29. !close - closes the list
  30. !next - advances to the next user in line (KotH mode must be off)
  31. !skip - skips the current user in line and add him or her to the end of the list (KotH mode must be off)
  32. !win - use this when the King wins; advances to next challenger (KotH mode must be on)
  33. !lose - use this when the King loses; the current challenger becomes King and plays the next challenger (KotH mode must be on)
  34. !add [user] - adds a user to the list (e.g. !add Taaha)
  35. !add [user] [number] - adds user to a specific spot on the list (e.g. !add Taaha 1 will add Taaha to the beginning of the list)
  36. !remove [user] - removes a user from the list (e.g. !remove Taaha)
  37. !move [user] - moves a user to a different position on the list (e.g. !move Taaha 3 will move Taaha to position 3)
  39. [ Smash4UBot Settings - Moderator Only ]
  40. !viewid - makes the Arena ID (!arenaid) public if it is set
  41. !hideid - hides the Arena ID (!arenaid) if it is set
  42. !gamemode [setting] - use this to set game mode to "Regular", "KotH" (King of the Hill) or "CrewBattle" (Crew Battles)
  43. !listmode [setting] - use this to set lists to "Normal" (anyone can join), "Subscriber" (sub-only) and "Priority" (e.g. !mode subscriber)
  44. !skiplineon - allow subs to skip the line (once)
  45. !skiplineoff - disallow subs to skip the line
  47. [ Smash4UBot Settings Management - Moderator Only ]
  48. !clear - clears the list
  49. !clearall - clears both the list and the KotH queue
  50. !reset - clears all settings
  51. !resetall - clears ALL lists and settings
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